Disparte Treatment? Obama has highly classified documents still stored in a Wearhouse..

none were stored in an archive facility. But you all are dishonest pricks who hate one man. I don't give two shits, I just will call your lies out.
national archives maintained control of the documents, and the classified documents always stayed in the washington DC facilities.

in contrast, Trump took the documents before the national archives could take possession of them. And classified documents to boot.
national archives maintained control of the documents, and the classified documents always stayed in the washington DC facilities.

in contrast, Trump took the documents before the national archives could take possession of them. And classified documents to boot.
Nope, obammy foundation
six years for obammy.


The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) assumed exclusive legal and physical custody of Obama Presidential records when President Barack Obama left office in 2017, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act (PRA).

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.
The location is an old Plunkett’s store which was shuttered in 2009, and, contrary to the claims by PJ Media, it is secured and not open to the public. The Tribune reported that Obama’s documents would remain there until the opening of the Obama Presidential Center, and only then would some documents be available for public viewing.

The article also noted that documents of previous presidents were also kept in temporary storage facilities. George H.W. Bush’s papers were kept in a “strip mall space previously occupied by a bowling alley and a Chinese restaurant,” for example, while Bill Clinton’s were in a former Oldsmobile dealership near his future library in Arkansas.

Obama’s Presidential Center’s construction appears to still be in progress. Since the Obama Foundation is privately run, it will need to request to borrow artifacts or records from NARA to display at the center. NARA has said that they did receive funding from the Obama Foundation to help digitize the records, but NARA remains responsible for handling them.

We should note that an ex-president, when building a presidential library, is required to provide a privately funded endowment for that library to NARA, and it must cover 60% of the cost of building the library. If the Obama Presidential Center were to include a library, the foundation would have to raise millions to endow it. However, in 2017, NARA and the foundation announced that the Obama library would be digitized, a decision that saved the foundation a lot of money. Under the digitizing plan, NARA would maintain control of all physical copies of documents once they’ve gone online, and “store and preserve the original materials in an existing NARA facility that meets NARA’s standards for archival storage.” Classified documents would go to a facility in the Washington, D.C., area.
You can show The Following the facts until you're blue in the face and they'll still tell their zombie lies.

That's how they roll
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The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) assumed exclusive legal and physical custody of Obama Presidential records when President Barack Obama left office in 2017, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act (PRA).

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.



Nothing in that article says Obama has control or access to those records. Thanks for proving me right!
Means the archives don’t have them.


Yeah, that's what it means if you're crazy.


Again, for you crazy folks, the article you linked doesn't say the archives don't have possession of them.

Again, for you crazy folks. The NARA says they do have them...

[Press Statements in Response to Media Queries About Presidential Records

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) assumed exclusive legal and physical custody of Obama Presidential records when President Barack Obama left office in 2017, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act (PRA). NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA. Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the PRA, former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration.

And the article you linked is fake news. It claims there are classified documents in that Chicago warehouse. The NARA says that's not true. The NARA says classified documents were moved to a NARA facility in the Washington DC area.
Ballot harvesting is how you did it. You won't be able to do it in November. Biden says the pandemic is over, so no more drop boxes.
Ballot harvesting of who j? The citizen got their ballot that was requested by them, filled out their ballot and voted for who they chose, was then dropped in a ballot box or mail box, by a friend or neighbor or family member? The citizen didn't break the law and lose their vote.... the person picking up the ballot in the sealed envelope (harvesting it), might have broken the law, depending on the state, (because in some states it is perfectly legal to harvest and drop off ballots)but the citizen's vote still counts....

The worry about mass harvesting of neighborhoods, is that the voter could be tricked in to leaving their envelope opened so their vote could be changed, or a harvester collected ballots, as example, from a black neighborhood that they guessed would be a majority of votes for democrats, and NOT dropping them off in a ballot drop box or mail box..... Which republican operatives have been caught doing and charged with a felony for it.

The possible crime and criminal, are or is, the person who collected the citizen's vote and manipulated the citizen's vote by changing it, or by not dropping it off to be counted.

Some states have set up systems where the voter can check to see if their ballot has been received, and have measures the citizen can take if it was not received by them.... by coming in to vote on election day, or stopping by the town election office, via provisional ballot, counted if the system shows their original mail in ballot and was not received....and that they did not vote in person anywhere....

Some states have new measures on how their absentee/mail in ballots are given out... A mandatory request by the registered voter, with signature match for the request, some require a witness signature of the citizen requesting the ballot, some require an affidavit or notary seal... swearing that you the citizen registered voter is requesting one, all with where the ballot is to be mailed, and in some states like mine, I can request a ballot via the internet by answering some pertinent questions, then the state forwards the request to my town office, they verify my form request, and mail me a ballot to my home address....

My state believes every citizen has a constitutional right to vote, its in our own constitution, and every citizen, even FELONS have the right to vote here in Maine, (but very few end up voting).... they make it as easy as they can, for a citizen of this state to vote...you can even register to vote up to election day!!! But Maine can be different because we only have 1.3 million people in this big area state, with lots of small towns where everyone knows your name! (and what you're doing!) :eek:

NONE of the 5 or so swing states are anywhere near to.... the ease in voting for their citizens as Maine.... They all have much stricter provisions.

But overall, it's near IMPOSSIBLE for those swing states, under their checks and balances in their election process, that mass cheating/fraud can take place... Especially via mass absentee ballot harvesting fraud....

-Absentee Ballots were only mailed to a legal, registered voter, who requested one.

-Once your absentee ballot is received, the election precinct office checks to see if you did officially request a ballot and had NOT early voted, then the voter is put on the voter roll as already voted, so they can not vote in person at their voting district. In some of the States, if there is anything wrong with your absentee ballot envelope, your election office can notify you that your signature is off or you forgot something else that your State required on the envelope, ..... and you are given a chance to rectify it.

Massive voter fraud, via getting and changing voter's votes is truly, nearly impossible to occur. Small voter fraud via a person requesting an absentee ballot for their recently dead mother, is possible, several Republicans in the 2020 election committed this voter fraud and were caught via the last sweep of dead voters off the rolls, or via the signature not matching, but it did not, and never would, amount to enough fraud to change the election results in a statewide or national election.

In these swing states a voter signature match is required to request the ballot and where it is to be mailed.

Even if fraudsters, conspired to request a ballot for say a list of voters they have that never or infrequently vote, taking the chance that they won't show up to vote....where are these fraudsters that request a ballot in this other person's name, have it mailed, so they could fraudulently get the absentee ballot, to vote?

Will everyone on their infrequent voter list that they fraudulently request a ballot for get mailed to one spot or do they have 10 or 20 or 50,000 different addresses of fraudsters working with them to get these infrequent voters or even DEAD voter's absentee ballots that they requested on the list? If they all went to 20 or 100 homes, that would be caught.

And as mentioned, if the concern is some fraudster found tens of thousands of dead voters on the voter roll, and ordered absentee ballots for each one, and somehow... miraculously knew each one of these dead voter's signature to forge all of them, where in the world would the absentee ballot be mailed to... for the fraudsters to get them?

And if you believed you have dead registered voters still on the voter rolls that voted, then examine who voted that was dead at the time....this info is available, and provable, with actual evidence.

I truly have... in all's honesty ...researched this and reviewed this possibility of voter fraud with absentee ballots and harvesting and ballot stuffing, and the checks and balances along with others not mentioned, really, really, really....make any kind of massive voter fraud, extremely unlikely.
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Ballot harvesting of who j? The citizen got their ballot that was requested by them, filled out their ballot and voted for who they chose, was then dropped in a ballot box or mail box, by a friend or neighbor or family member? The citizen didn't break the law and lose their vote.... the person picking up the ballot in the sealed envelope (harvesting it), might have broken the law, depending on the state, (because in some states it is perfectly legal to harvest and drop off ballots)but the citizen's vote still counts....

The worry about mass harvesting of neighborhoods, is that the voter could be tricked in to leaving their envelope opened so their vote could be changed, or a harvester collected ballots, as example, from a black neighborhood that they guessed would be a majority of votes for democrats, and NOT dropping them off in a ballot drop box or mail box..... Which republican operatives have been caught doing and charged with a felony for it.

The possible crime and criminal, are or is, the person who collected the citizen's vote and manipulated the citizen's vote by changing it, or by not dropping it off to be counted.

Some states have set up systems where the voter can check to see if their ballot has been received, and have measures the citizen can take if it was not received by them.... by coming in to vote on election day, or stopping by the town election office, via provisional ballot, counted if the system shows their original mail in ballot and was not received....and that they did not vote in person anywhere....

Some states have new measures on how their absentee/mail in ballots are given out... A mandatory request by the registered voter, with signature match for the request, some require a witness signature of the citizen requesting the ballot, some require an affidavit or notary seal... swearing that you the citizen registered voter is requesting one, all with where the ballot is to be mailed, and in some states like mine, I can request a ballot via the internet by answering some pertinent questions, then the state forwards the request to my town office, they verify my form request, and mail me a ballot to my home address....

My state believes every citizen has a constitutional right to vote, its in our own constitution, and every citizen, even FELONS have the right to vote here in Maine, (but very few end up voting).... they make it as easy as they can, for a citizen of this state to vote...you can even register to vote up to election day!!! But Maine can be different because we only have 1.3 million people in this big area state, with lots of small towns where everyone knows your name! (and what you're doing!) :eek:

NONE of the 5 or so swing states are anywhere near to.... the ease in voting for their citizens as Maine.... They all have much stricter provisions.

But overall, it's near IMPOSSIBLE for those swing states, under their checks and balances in their election process, that mass cheating/fraud can take place... Especially via mass absentee ballot harvesting fraud....

-Absentee Ballots were only mailed to a legal, registered voter, who requested one.

-Once your absentee ballot is received, the election precinct office checks to see if you did officially request a ballot and had NOT early voted, then the voter is put on the voter roll as already voted, so they can not vote in person at their voting district. In some of the States, if there is anything wrong with your absentee ballot envelope, your election office can notify you that your signature is off or you forgot something else that your State required on the envelope, ..... and you are given a chance to rectify it.

Massive voter fraud, via getting and changing voter's votes is truly, nearly impossible to occur. Small voter fraud via a person requesting an absentee ballot for their recently dead mother, is possible, several Republicans in the 2020 election committed this voter fraud and were caught via the last sweep of dead voters off the rolls, or via the signature not matching, but it did not, and never would, amount to enough fraud to change the election results in a statewide or national election.

In these swing states a voter signature match is required to request the ballot and where it is to be mailed.

Even if fraudsters, conspired to request a ballot for say a list of voters they have that never or infrequently vote, taking the chance that they won't show up to vote....where are these fraudsters that request a ballot in this other person's name, have it mailed, so they could fraudulently get the absentee ballot, to vote?

Will everyone on their infrequent voter list that they fraudulently request a ballot for get mailed to one spot or do they have 10 or 20 or 50,000 different addresses of fraudsters working with them to get these infrequent voters or even DEAD voter's absentee ballots that they requested on the list? If they all went to 20 or 100 homes, that would be caught.

And as mentioned, if the concern is some fraudster found tens of thousands of dead voters on the voter roll, and ordered absentee ballots for each one, and somehow... miraculously knew each one of these dead voter's signature to forge all of them, where in the world would the absentee ballot be mailed to... for the fraudsters to get them?

And if you believed you have dead registered voters still on the voter rolls that voted, then examine who voted that was dead at the time....this info is available, and provable, with actual evidence.

I truly have... in all's honesty ...researched this and reviewed this possibility of voter fraud with absentee ballots and harvesting and ballot stuffing, and the checks and balances along with others not mentioned, really, really, really....make any kind of massive voter fraud, extremely unlikely.
There is video footage of people dumping stacks of ballots in those boxes. Which is against the law. But when have liberals followed the law?
There is video footage of people dumping stacks of ballots in those boxes. Which is against the law. But when have liberals followed the law?
A. That is legal in numerous states

B. The ACT of doing so is illegal in some states but the BALLOTS are still legal

Yeah, that's what it means if you're crazy.


Again, for you crazy folks, the article you linked doesn't say the archives don't have possession of them.

Again, for you crazy folks. The NARA says they do have them...

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) assumed exclusive legal and physical custody of Obama Presidential records when President Barack Obama left office in 2017, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act (PRA). NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA. Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the PRA, former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration.

And the article you linked is fake news. It claims there are classified documents in that Chicago warehouse. The NARA says that's not true. The NARA says classified documents were moved to a NARA facility in the Washington DC area.
I do not get conned as you do. Warehouse says it all.

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