Disrespect for the office of the Presidency

Prior to coming here I was a member of a military message board that would give you a nice long vacation from the board if you made ANY disparaging comments about the CINC...when that CINC was Bush. Oddly, when it looked like Barack Obama was going to win the Presidency, their "No CINC Bashing" rule went out the window. Funny that...

obvioulsy a military messageboard with some smarts....

- wait, not "smarts", what is the word... hypocrisy.

when a game changer comes along and you still play by the old rules you are setting yourself up for failure......

like i said....they were smart...
Anyone remember the routine insults the Left heaped on Bush? The Office of the President is fair game for ridicule now and forever more. That is now part of the job description.

My cousin, way more liberal than I am, met Bush and shook his hand. I have no problem with people calling out Presidents on their policies. But when you emphasize middle names (Hussein), and claim that the President ordered the killing of Americans (Benghazi); then that's completely disrespectful.

The president did order the assassination of AMerican citizens. The Benghazi incident aside. He disrespects the oath, the constitution and the american people.

He's just a man, and a lying, scoundrel of one at that.
Prior to coming here I was a member of a military message board that would give you a nice long vacation from the board if you made ANY disparaging comments about the CINC...when that CINC was Bush. Oddly, when it looked like Barack Obama was going to win the Presidency, their "No CINC Bashing" rule went out the window. Funny that...

obvioulsy a military messageboard with some smarts....

Yeah, blatant hypocrisy is so "smart".
obvioulsy a military messageboard with some smarts....

- wait, not "smarts", what is the word... hypocrisy.

when a game changer comes along and you still play by the old rules you are setting yourself up for failure......

like i said....they were smart...


no you didn't, you just picked on one PERSON..:evil:

I didn't mention ANY person. :confused:

No, that's how those who sit in it earn. How does the office "earn"?

I think that's what I just did. :eusa_whistle:

without a president there is no office of the presidency

the office is only as good as the person sitting in it

Of course there is. The office was created before anyone sat in it. At that moment it earned respect.

You're suggesting that the office's respect comes and goes depending on who's in it?
Based on what? The polls at the time?

The President who respects the Constitution, abides by the powers granted to him established by our Founders, seeks to serve the will of the people over his own self ruling ambitions, and doesn't seek to empower himself beyond what his position allows, deserves the utmost respect. Those who desire to step beyond those boundaries seeking greater power is unworthy of it.
no you didn't, you just picked on one PERSON..:evil:

I didn't mention ANY person. :confused:

without a president there is no office of the presidency

the office is only as good as the person sitting in it

Of course there is. The office was created before anyone sat in it. At that moment it earned respect.

You're suggesting that the office's respect comes and goes depending on who's in it?
Based on what? The polls at the time?

The President who respects the Constitution, abides by the powers granted to him established by our Founders, seeks to serve the will of the people over his own self ruling ambitions, and doesn't seek to empower himself beyond what his position allows, deserves the utmost respect. Those who desire to step beyond those boundaries seeking greater power is unworthy of it.

I bet you really hated George Bush. Didn't you? Especially that last sentence.
no you didn't, you just picked on one PERSON..:evil:

I didn't mention ANY person. :confused:

without a president there is no office of the presidency

the office is only as good as the person sitting in it

Of course there is. The office was created before anyone sat in it. At that moment it earned respect.

You're suggesting that the office's respect comes and goes depending on who's in it?
Based on what? The polls at the time?

The President who respects the Constitution, abides by the powers granted to him established by our Founders, seeks to serve the will of the people over his own self ruling ambitions, and doesn't seek to empower himself beyond what his position allows, deserves the utmost respect. Those who desire to step beyond those boundaries seeking greater power is unworthy of it.

Once AGAIN for the slow readers...

You're talking about the individual person holding the office at the time. He's talking about the office itself.
Which is, amazingly, the topic of this thread.
Who knew.
The scumbag infesting the White House at the moment has forever tarnished the image and the aura of the presidency.

It will never have the respect it once had because of this America-Hating criminal scumbag of a pretender.

Anybody started a thread yet on the Whitey Bulger Trial?

Why not?

'Whitey' Bulger Defense Cites 'Unholy Alliance' of FBI, Killers and Liars - ABC News

Take a look at that Trial, take a look at the corruption, the murders, the bribes but even more importantly....

Look at the political party in power... dimocrap scum.

Why is it that almost every single time there's a corruption trial, dimocraps are knee deep in it.

And even when honest Americans and Republicans can't get it to trial, is there any doubt that every dimocrap-run institution in this Country isn't corrupt?


Chicago, the Unions and the Mob.

New Yawk and the Mob, the Unions.

Jersey is at least trying.

And Whitey Bulger's Brother? A long-time, big time dimocrap politician in the People's Republic of Massachusetts.

If you're not a scumabg, what are you doing in the dimocrap party?

Waiting for a handout?

Guess so.

the dimocrap party is not a political party, it is a criminal organization.

Always has been, still is, always will be. It's how they roll.
Pogo, I have never seen a president who disrespected the "office of president of the United States", the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Laws of this Land, the will of the People, more than Barack Hussein Obama has.

It has been a living nightmare and the worst of it hasn't even happened yet. Nevertheless, we should be praying for him because if he continues to ignore counsel on the situation with Taiwan we will be in a war with China which will culminate in Russia striking our 4 corners - nuclear - holocaust.

The Russians and Chinese are not doing war games at sea for their health. They are planning for the invasion of America. Meanwhile back at the ranch Obama is all tied up with important matters such as Kim Kardashian and Kanye West and how much they spend on vacations! OH! THE IRONY!
I noticed the right wingers on here crying that George "The Decider" Bush was given a real hard time and ridiculed by those on the left.

What I would like to see is the equivalent treatment of George Bush from left wing politicians. In other works, a list showing Congress critters and Governors from the Dem side trash talking George Bush like has been done to Obama by right wing politicians.

That would be interesting to read.

How about then Senator Obama calling him "Unpatriotic"? Do I need to go any further?
I didn't mention ANY person. :confused:

Of course there is. The office was created before anyone sat in it. At that moment it earned respect.

You're suggesting that the office's respect comes and goes depending on who's in it?
Based on what? The polls at the time?

The President who respects the Constitution, abides by the powers granted to him established by our Founders, seeks to serve the will of the people over his own self ruling ambitions, and doesn't seek to empower himself beyond what his position allows, deserves the utmost respect. Those who desire to step beyond those boundaries seeking greater power is unworthy of it.

Once AGAIN for the slow readers...

You're talking about the individual person holding the office at the time. He's talking about the office itself.
Which is, amazingly, the topic of this thread.
Who knew.

You asked, "the office's respect comes and goes depending on who's in it?
Based on what? The polls at the time?

I know you are a bit slow, but do try and keep up. It's especially sad when you can't even follow your own questions in your responses.
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Anyone remember the routine insults the Left heaped on Bush? The Office of the President is fair game for ridicule now and forever more. That is now part of the job description.

unfortunately this is true.

bush is a monkey, bush didn't win the election, bush went awol.....

blah blah

all fair though and not disrespecting the office of the president

liberals are annoying hypocrites
I didn't mention ANY person. :confused:

Of course there is. The office was created before anyone sat in it. At that moment it earned respect.

You're suggesting that the office's respect comes and goes depending on who's in it?
Based on what? The polls at the time?

The President who respects the Constitution, abides by the powers granted to him established by our Founders, seeks to serve the will of the people over his own self ruling ambitions, and doesn't seek to empower himself beyond what his position allows, deserves the utmost respect. Those who desire to step beyond those boundaries seeking greater power is unworthy of it.

I bet you really hated George Bush. Didn't you? Especially that last sentence.

Can you actually cite examples of just how many times did President George W Bush try to go around Congress, through executive order, to get his policies in place?
I have disrespect for a President who thinks he is the "Office of the Presidency".
I didn't mention ANY person. :confused:

Of course there is. The office was created before anyone sat in it. At that moment it earned respect.

You're suggesting that the office's respect comes and goes depending on who's in it?
Based on what? The polls at the time?

The President who respects the Constitution, abides by the powers granted to him established by our Founders, seeks to serve the will of the people over his own self ruling ambitions, and doesn't seek to empower himself beyond what his position allows, deserves the utmost respect. Those who desire to step beyond those boundaries seeking greater power is unworthy of it.

Once AGAIN for the slow readers...

You're talking about the individual person holding the office at the time. He's talking about the office itself.
Which is, amazingly, the topic of this thread.
Who knew.

For those of you (like Pogo) who have never read the United States Constitution, nor heard the oath of office being taken during the newly elected President's inauguration, those taking the position of the executive branch must "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of their Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." That oath coincides with my previous reply of respecting the Constitution and abiding by its powers granted to him.... not exceeding those boundaries. The one who respects that office and its authority granted to him "BY THE PEOPLE", will gain the utmost respect for his position.

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