Disrespect for the office of the Presidency

Whaaaa? :confused:

Taft? :dunno:
clueless are you?

It is called the 'White House".


The peoples house.

Care to take a wild guess at which part of government is called 'The Peoples House"?

I am.
Where the fuck do you see "Unitarians"?
Do you even know the definition of a "Unitarian President" is?

The left accused Bush of it. Had whole dissertations on why a Unitarian President is bad for the United States of America...I never joined the debate because I agreed. A Unitarian President is a bad thing. It cheapens the office, and gives rise to authoritarian rule. Kind of reminds Me of the current occupant.

So, Unitarian President is bad if its a Republican, and we can dishonor and disrespect the office of President all we want.

As long as its a Republican.

Your defense of Obama by the use of, "Respect for the Office" rings shallow and tainted. I do not recall you asking for the respect for the office when Bush was President, and I suspect you didn't when Reagan was President.

So you'll forgive Me of course, for not taking your position to seriously.

Holy shit......MY BAD...

I meant Utilitarian Presidency..

Wrong word.....

Too damned tired....LOL
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clueless are you?

It is called the 'White House".


The peoples house.

Care to take a wild guess at which part of government is called 'The Peoples House"?

I am.
Where the fuck do you see "Unitarians"?
Do you even know the definition of a "Unitarian President" is?

The left accused Bush of it. Had whole dissertations on why a Unitarian President is bad for the United States of America...I never joined the debate because I agreed. A Unitarian President is a bad thing. It cheapens the office, and gives rise to authoritarian rule. Kind of reminds Me of the current occupant.

So, Unitarian President is bad if its a Republican, and we can dishonor and disrespect the office of President all we want.

As long as its a Republican.

Your defense of Obama by the use of, "Respect for the Office" rings shallow and tainted. I do not recall you asking for the respect for the office when Bush was President, and I suspect you didn't when Reagan was President.

So you'll forgive Me of course, for not taking your position to seriously.

Holy shit......MY BAD...

I meant Utilitarian Presidency..

Wrong word.....

Too damned tired....LOL


I positively guarantee you I've never made any kind of judgement on either Unitarian nor utilitarian Presidents. Seems to me the latter would be kinda handy. I further guarantee you have no clue on what I asked for about Bush, so you'd have nothing to "recall".

Weird post.
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Anyone remember the routine insults the Left heaped on Bush? The Office of the President is fair game for ridicule now and forever more. That is now part of the job description.

The OP was probably one of those calling for war crimes trials for George Bush and yelling Nazi at dick Cheney.

The pussy democrats are all the same.

I'll respect this "president" when he has EARNED my respect. Right now he's a clown.
Building off of another thread...

1. The birther fiasco (2009-2011). No evidence. No proof. No documentation. But the story traveled on for years. Yes, Hawaii is part of the United States of America.

2. “You lie” (Sept. 2009). That any individual — no less a member of Congress watching a U.S. President during a joint session on live national television — is so lacking in self control that this moment was made possible is incredible — even in an age of incivility. Remember this happened only nine months into Obama’s presidency and is another “we can’t remember that ever happening ever before” moment. Close your eyes and pretend Rep. Maxine Waters was Wilson doing this to President Bush and image the reaction.

3. Signs of the Tea Party (July 2010) and Naked Racism (April 2011). Anyone remember California GOP official Marilyn Davenport’s racist e-mail? Did she ever resign for that? I remember all the criticism of the NAACP – particularly from Black Republicans — for their “Tea Party resolution” of 2010. Where was that indignation regarding what can be viewed in this video? Click here.
4. Donald “unchecked ego” Trump inflames birther fiasco, media assists (April 2011). The mouth of Donald Trump is a powerful thing when joined with a 24-hour cable news cycle desperate for viewers. That news organizations invited Trump on the air unchallenged with zero proof of what he was saying speaks volumes on the state of journalism. That Trump was completely comfortable demanding that a U.S. President “show him his papers” displays a superiority complex that exists among those who can’t accept someone they view as “lesser” in a position of power over them.

4. Deadbeat dad and probable one-termer thinks his presence before the President actually matters and needs to tell everyone (Sept 2011). The disrespect isn’t that probable one term Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) wouldn’t attend the President’s Sept. 8 speech. The disrespect is that Rep. Walsh actually believed that everyone knowing he wasn’t attending was important. That he needed to announce he would not attend on national television, as if anyone cared, was yet another delusional superiority episode. That proudly showing public disrespect towards the President is a winning strategy in some political circles reveals a lot.

5. Newt Gingrich’s “Kenyan anti-colonial behavior” comment (Sept 2010). Even Washington Post columnist and conservative thinker George Will slammed this attempt to define the President as “foreign.” Never mind the facts: President Obama wasn’t reared by his father in Kenya with whom he spent only a month of his 50 years on this earth. The strategy to define the President as a “foreign” or “alien” being was started by Sarah Palin in 2008.

6. One of the underlying premises of disrespect towards the President is that he can be ordered around and dictated to like he’s Tipi the laundry boy. The presumption that a U.S. President can be ordered around is a new phenomenon that appears to have gotten underway around January 2009. From big mouth Congressmen to millionaires with nothing to do, you name it — they all inherently believe they can order President Obama around. At least Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an actual leader of something. Regardless, read this and ask yourself if you think this would have happened to Presidents Bush, Reagan or Clinton.

7. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer puts her finger in the President’s face (January 2012). The photo speaks for itself. Of course there are strong political disagreements between President Obama and Gov. Brewer. But is it just possible there was a better time and place for this conversation? Brewer said she felt “a little threatened” by President Obama. Please.

8. GOP House, prompted by Tea Party — refuses to raise debt ceiling (Aug 2011). Sounds like this was just hardball politics right? Let’s review the facts: The debt ceiling had been raised 69 times since 1962 without incident. Seven times during Bush II and 18 times during Reagan. Suddenly, with President Obama, a shiny new precedent is set with regard to raising the debt ceiling. Another never before seen incident is born.

9. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Publicly Announces His Top Political Priority (Dec 2010). McConnell wants the President out of office? No news there, but, wait, there’s more to it. “Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term,” Sen. McConnell told the Heritage Foundation. Of course the Senate Republican Leader doesn’t want the President to be re-elected. But what’s with the public announcement? In July 2010 McConnell acknowledged his single most important political goal: President Obama being a one-term President. Again: In public and on national television.

10. Speaker Boehner refuses speech date request (September 2011). No it is not the end of the world. Of course, the White House intentionally wanted to step on a GOP debate that same night. But, this is yet another first in American history. Once again, no one can find another instance where a President of the United States requested a date to address Congress and was refused.

All indignant insults against the most prestigious office in the world. I guess some people weren't raised right.

Archie Hackney, WW2 veteran, refused to stay seated upon meeting the President. Thank you for your service Mr. Hackney.


Meet Archie Hackney | The Fifth Column

If you want to discuss hate and disrespect..

There is no way a crowd of Republicans or Conservatives could ever sink lower than these Liberals and Democrats.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L41755emaRc]Bush Booed, Crowd Singing "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" to President Bush During Inauguration - YouTube[/ame]
What a GREAT country we have become.

About 91% of us think the people we elected to represent us in Congress are assholes doing nothing but drawing a fat paycheck.

At least one half of us hate the President and now I understand will not even RESPECT the office of POTUS UNLESS they "like" the guy sitting in the Oval Office.

We have the richest people getting richer than even they thought possible and the numbers of people living in poverty growing by leaps and bounds.

We have a certain number of people thinking civil war might have to happen and the rest of us packing a gun just to take a kid to school.

Building off of another thread...

1. The birther fiasco (2009-2011). No evidence. No proof. No documentation. But the story traveled on for years. Yes, Hawaii is part of the United States of America.

2. “You lie” (Sept. 2009). That any individual — no less a member of Congress watching a U.S. President during a joint session on live national television — is so lacking in self control that this moment was made possible is incredible — even in an age of incivility. Remember this happened only nine months into Obama’s presidency and is another “we can’t remember that ever happening ever before” moment. Close your eyes and pretend Rep. Maxine Waters was Wilson doing this to President Bush and image the reaction.

3. Signs of the Tea Party (July 2010) and Naked Racism (April 2011). Anyone remember California GOP official Marilyn Davenport’s racist e-mail? Did she ever resign for that? I remember all the criticism of the NAACP – particularly from Black Republicans — for their “Tea Party resolution” of 2010. Where was that indignation regarding what can be viewed in this video? Click here.
4. Donald “unchecked ego” Trump inflames birther fiasco, media assists (April 2011). The mouth of Donald Trump is a powerful thing when joined with a 24-hour cable news cycle desperate for viewers. That news organizations invited Trump on the air unchallenged with zero proof of what he was saying speaks volumes on the state of journalism. That Trump was completely comfortable demanding that a U.S. President “show him his papers” displays a superiority complex that exists among those who can’t accept someone they view as “lesser” in a position of power over them.

4. Deadbeat dad and probable one-termer thinks his presence before the President actually matters and needs to tell everyone (Sept 2011). The disrespect isn’t that probable one term Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) wouldn’t attend the President’s Sept. 8 speech. The disrespect is that Rep. Walsh actually believed that everyone knowing he wasn’t attending was important. That he needed to announce he would not attend on national television, as if anyone cared, was yet another delusional superiority episode. That proudly showing public disrespect towards the President is a winning strategy in some political circles reveals a lot.

5. Newt Gingrich’s “Kenyan anti-colonial behavior” comment (Sept 2010). Even Washington Post columnist and conservative thinker George Will slammed this attempt to define the President as “foreign.” Never mind the facts: President Obama wasn’t reared by his father in Kenya with whom he spent only a month of his 50 years on this earth. The strategy to define the President as a “foreign” or “alien” being was started by Sarah Palin in 2008.

6. One of the underlying premises of disrespect towards the President is that he can be ordered around and dictated to like he’s Tipi the laundry boy. The presumption that a U.S. President can be ordered around is a new phenomenon that appears to have gotten underway around January 2009. From big mouth Congressmen to millionaires with nothing to do, you name it — they all inherently believe they can order President Obama around. At least Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an actual leader of something. Regardless, read this and ask yourself if you think this would have happened to Presidents Bush, Reagan or Clinton.

7. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer puts her finger in the President’s face (January 2012). The photo speaks for itself. Of course there are strong political disagreements between President Obama and Gov. Brewer. But is it just possible there was a better time and place for this conversation? Brewer said she felt “a little threatened” by President Obama. Please.

8. GOP House, prompted by Tea Party — refuses to raise debt ceiling (Aug 2011). Sounds like this was just hardball politics right? Let’s review the facts: The debt ceiling had been raised 69 times since 1962 without incident. Seven times during Bush II and 18 times during Reagan. Suddenly, with President Obama, a shiny new precedent is set with regard to raising the debt ceiling. Another never before seen incident is born.

9. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Publicly Announces His Top Political Priority (Dec 2010). McConnell wants the President out of office? No news there, but, wait, there’s more to it. “Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term,” Sen. McConnell told the Heritage Foundation. Of course the Senate Republican Leader doesn’t want the President to be re-elected. But what’s with the public announcement? In July 2010 McConnell acknowledged his single most important political goal: President Obama being a one-term President. Again: In public and on national television.

10. Speaker Boehner refuses speech date request (September 2011). No it is not the end of the world. Of course, the White House intentionally wanted to step on a GOP debate that same night. But, this is yet another first in American history. Once again, no one can find another instance where a President of the United States requested a date to address Congress and was refused.

All indignant insults against the most prestigious office in the world. I guess some people weren't raised right.

Archie Hackney, WW2 veteran, refused to stay seated upon meeting the President. Thank you for your service Mr. Hackney.


Meet Archie Hackney | The Fifth Column


I noticed the right wingers on here crying that George "The Decider" Bush was given a real hard time and ridiculed by those on the left.

What I would like to see is the equivalent treatment of George Bush from left wing politicians. In other works, a list showing Congress critters and Governors from the Dem side trash talking George Bush like has been done to Obama by right wing politicians.

That would be interesting to read.
If you want to discuss hate and disrespect..

There is no way a crowd of Republicans or Conservatives could ever sink lower than these Liberals and Democrats.

Bush Booed, Crowd Singing "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" to President Bush During Inauguration - YouTube

low low low class

Come on staph. Show us the Dem politicians trash talking Bush. Or a Dem governor trash talking Bush. How about a couple of radio announcers trash talking Bush.

Not trash talking his policies. But trash talking Bush the person. Like you trash talk Obama.

And a crowd of regular Americans booing a President is not what I am talking about. That happens with every president.
You right wing whack jobs on here may have a hard time finding Dem politicians trash talking Bush.
I mean after all, you right wingers are ALWAYS saying how so many Dems voted for the stupid shit Bush wanted done. So how could they have been voting for what he wanted to happen and TRASH talking him at the same time?
Prior to coming here I was a member of a military message board that would give you a nice long vacation from the board if you made ANY disparaging comments about the CINC...when that CINC was Bush. Oddly, when it looked like Barack Obama was going to win the Presidency, their "No CINC Bashing" rule went out the window. Funny that...
Prior to coming here I was a member of a military message board that would give you a nice long vacation from the board if you made ANY disparaging comments about the CINC...when that CINC was Bush. Oddly, when it looked like Barack Obama was going to win the Presidency, their "No CINC Bashing" rule went out the window. Funny that...

oh brother
Prior to coming here I was a member of a military message board that would give you a nice long vacation from the board if you made ANY disparaging comments about the CINC...when that CINC was Bush. Oddly, when it looked like Barack Obama was going to win the Presidency, their "No CINC Bashing" rule went out the window. Funny that...

obvioulsy a military messageboard with some smarts....
Prior to coming here I was a member of a military message board that would give you a nice long vacation from the board if you made ANY disparaging comments about the CINC...when that CINC was Bush. Oddly, when it looked like Barack Obama was going to win the Presidency, their "No CINC Bashing" rule went out the window. Funny that...

obvioulsy a military messageboard with some smarts....

- wait, not "smarts", what is the word... hypocrisy.
Anyone remember the routine insults the Left heaped on Bush? The Office of the President is fair game for ridicule now and forever more. That is now part of the job description.

My cousin, way more liberal than I am, met Bush and shook his hand. I have no problem with people calling out Presidents on their policies. But when you emphasize middle names (Hussein), and claim that the President ordered the killing of Americans (Benghazi); then that's completely disrespectful.

Who's claiming the Stuttering Clusterfukk ordered the killing of four Americans?

You people just can't function without lying, can you?

You really can't.

I am 65 years old and became politically 'aware' 40 years ago. I'm not talking about the awareness that childish idiots learn on the College Campus that is nothing more than a love-in of the like-minded.

I'm talking about the awareness that comes from being directly affected by Presidential and Congressional decisions and taking an interest.

I did not like LBJ and was relieved when he decided not to run for re-election.

But I didn't hate him. Know why? Becuase he didn't hate me. He may have been wrong about many things, he may have fucked a lot of things up (he did, hoo boy, he did) but he did it with the Country's best intentions at heart. No matter how misguided, he was still a patriot at heart.

Same with Nixon. Wrong in so many ways, Patriotic in so many others.

Jimmy the peanut. A buffoon. An imbecile. A bona fide weak-kneed, limp-wristed old hippie that took his marching orders directly from Tip O'Neil and did everything he was told like the good soldier he was.

But he still loved the Country.

So did Reagan. Need I even say so?

So did Bush 41.

Bill the rapist Clinton? He didn't "love" the Country so much as he was not all that interested. Didn't really care as long as he got to sit in the Ovule Orifice with Cigars to play with.

He didn't love the Country, but he didn't hate it, either. The consummate opportunist.

But Barack Hussein Obama?

This piece of fucking shit HATES America. He HATES our 'whiteness' he hates our European culture, he hates our power, he hates Business (unless they're giving him money) he hates The People (Bitter Clingers) he hates Entrepreneurs (you didn't build that), he HATES AMERICA, he hates our Military .....

Do you douchebag scum on the left think it was an accident that he spent 20 years in a Church Pew with a Pastor that Baptized his children and married himself and the Skunk Ape and routinely said shit like this....


And published shit like this.....


And had his ugly fucking skunk ape of a wife who said shit like this....

“For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country,”

obama is a scumbag.

his skunk ape wife is a scumbag.

the entire dimocrap party is scum

I hate obama because he Hates me.

EVERY American should feel the same way.

But too many, like most of our Board dimocraps are nothing more than bought and paid for whores of the dimocrap left.

Oh good fuking God. The hate filled drivel above is difficult to read.

Jimmy Carter, a nuclear submarine commander is a "limp wrist-ed" what ever your bull shit said. And here I thought you respected the military.

I was going to waste way to much of my time with a response but decided a succinct "fuck you" to the edge would be good enough.
Anyone remember the routine insults the Left heaped on Bush? The Office of the President is fair game for ridicule now and forever more. That is now part of the job description.

My cousin, way more liberal than I am, met Bush and shook his hand. I have no problem with people calling out Presidents on their policies. But when you emphasize middle names (Hussein), and claim that the President ordered the killing of Americans (Benghazi); then that's completely disrespectful.

Who's claiming the Stuttering Clusterfukk ordered the killing of four Americans?

You people just can't function without lying, can you?

You really can't.

I am 65 years old and became politically 'aware' 40 years ago. I'm not talking about the awareness that childish idiots learn on the College Campus that is nothing more than a love-in of the like-minded.

I'm talking about the awareness that comes from being directly affected by Presidential and Congressional decisions and taking an interest.

I did not like LBJ and was relieved when he decided not to run for re-election.

But I didn't hate him. Know why? Becuase he didn't hate me. He may have been wrong about many things, he may have fucked a lot of things up (he did, hoo boy, he did) but he did it with the Country's best intentions at heart. No matter how misguided, he was still a patriot at heart.

Same with Nixon. Wrong in so many ways, Patriotic in so many others.

Jimmy the peanut. A buffoon. An imbecile. A bona fide weak-kneed, limp-wristed old hippie that took his marching orders directly from Tip O'Neil and did everything he was told like the good soldier he was.

But he still loved the Country.

So did Reagan. Need I even say so?

So did Bush 41.

Bill the rapist Clinton? He didn't "love" the Country so much as he was not all that interested. Didn't really care as long as he got to sit in the Ovule Orifice with Cigars to play with.

He didn't love the Country, but he didn't hate it, either. The consummate opportunist.

But Barack Hussein Obama?

This piece of fucking shit HATES America. He HATES our 'whiteness' he hates our European culture, he hates our power, he hates Business (unless they're giving him money) he hates The People (Bitter Clingers) he hates Entrepreneurs (you didn't build that), he HATES AMERICA, he hates our Military .....

Do you douchebag scum on the left think it was an accident that he spent 20 years in a Church Pew with a Pastor that Baptized his children and married himself and the Skunk Ape and routinely said shit like this....


And published shit like this.....


And had his ugly fucking skunk ape of a wife who said shit like this....

“For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country,”

obama is a scumbag.

his skunk ape wife is a scumbag.

the entire dimocrap party is scum

I hate obama because he Hates me.

EVERY American should feel the same way.

But too many, like most of our Board dimocraps are nothing more than bought and paid for whores of the dimocrap left.

Translation: "I grew into a bitter old man"

"oh, and I'm not racist. I just have a thing for apes and skunks."
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