DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…

Another problem with having such a Monster blood sucking Federal government . they are sucking the life from those of us who has to PAY for them. They've now become a burden on us all.


DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…
Written by The Analytical Economist on January 9, 2016

It’s a good thing Trump wants to rebuild our manufacturing base, because it truly has taken a hit. We’ve turned from a nation of builders to burger flippers.

To put in perspective just how bad things have gotten – there were more Americans employed in manufacturing in the months leading up to Pearl Harbor than there are today, despite the fact that the population then was a fraction of what it is today.

In that time, there was 1 person employed in manufacturing for every 10.6 people in the overall population compared to 1 person employed in government for every 26.1 people in the overall population.

Oh how things have changed. As CNS News reported:


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

Those employed by government in the United States in August of this year outnumbered those employed in the manufacturing sector by almost 1.8 to 1, according to data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There were 21,995,000 employed by federal, state and local government in the United States in August, according to BLS. By contrast, there were only 12,329,000 employed in the manufacturing sector.


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

ALL of it here:
DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
The size of the government workforce has remained stable for 50 years....Trump and his capitalist buddies have sent manufacturing jobs overseas

So blame the government workers....can you expect more from Alllen West?
What jobs did trump send over seas, libturd liar!

I cannot believed you are asking this question at the same time calling people liar.
The products he sells at trump hotels and casinos. Where do you think those products came from? California? The link might help you.
About 85% of my consumables are made overseas. I can assure you 100% that Trump is full of shit. I do not believed any of his crap that scaring people.
His been telling these for years and yet he has not set up any single manufacturing operations here in US. He knows he can't because his products will be so expensive that no one will buy.

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs
thanks dear and I never realized I was so powerful. it's weird because my guy belongs in the UAW for 28 years now working at Ford. they're just silly with hate.
You're not. You simply regurgitate the exact same thing. I don't hate you. I find there is a dishonesty in your oversimplification.

I find a typical loony left stupidity in your rationalizations.

We cleaned our environment at the expense of our manufacturing base and those JOBS.

It was a conscience choice resulting in the loss of union jobs, membership and power.

The point is there was no evil conspiracy involved. It was our choice.

Get over it.

Those are private sector jobs.[/QUOTE]
Paid for with fed tax revenue.
Yanno, that's a crock of lo-info happy horse crap so common among loony lefties.

Starting in the 1960s we pushed heavy manufacturing and those jobs out of the country on environmental grounds. By the 1980s technology (computers, robotics) continued the job displacement trend.

Take heart, though.

Thanks to the rapid expansion of fast food joints and bloated government more Americans are working than ever. On the other hand bloated gov't entitlement programs mean the taxes collected don't come close to covering the bill.

Something has to give. Please consider that the next time you promote more spending of OPC (other people's cash).
IMF agrees: Decline of union power has increased income inequality

The key ingredient in unequal income is unequal effort.

The loss of "union power" does not support your bogus claim that Steph "destroyed the private sector jobs."

That loss is a direct result of diminished union membership and there's a myriad of reasons for that, including the unions themselves:

"In 2011 Giant Eagle grocery stores gave several employees in Edinboro, Pa., raises. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23 promptly sued, arguing their contract prevented the company from awarding individual pay increases. The courts agreed and ordered Giant Eagle to rescind the raises. Local 23 wanted everyone to make the same amount, no matter how good they were at their job."

Why Union Membership is Declining

Was there a contract involved? What did the contract say?

You really are every bit as stupid as your posts make you seem.

The article specifically notes the raises were contrary to the union contract. The point - not that it would make any sense to one such as you - is that the union was so petty that it took the company to court to enforce LOWER PAY for the employees involved.

Damn you are stupid.

The union didn't take them to court, brainless. It was the other way around. Read it. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?

Wow ... just WOW.

I even posted the quote to make it easy for you. Evidently English isn't your language of choice:

" In 2011 Giant Eagle grocery stores gave several employees in Edinboro, Pa., raises. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23 promptly sued, arguing their contract prevented the company from awarding individual pay increases. The courts agreed and ordered Giant Eagle to rescind the raises. Local 23 wanted everyone to make the same amount, no matter how good they were at their job."

You loony lefties are terminally stupid and there's still no cure for that that.
they don't get by on magic money trees growing somewhere.

That is another issue (FED manufacture money). I don't quite understand ramifications, but BHO years have been living on fake money.

Our dollar is is stronger than when Obama took office
The strongest currency in the world
And all it took to get there was what is developing into a currency war in the rest of the world. Ever here of the best horse in the glue factory?
this was a comment with the article:
Gov workers are destroying this country.

They get paid double what their private sector counterparts are paid (benefits), retire earlier (55), get every city, county, state and federal holiday off, never work more than 40 hours a week, complain endlessly, as a group vote for those who raise taxes and then (endlessly) increase their salaries (annual 2% cola plus 2-5% performance), are mostly unionized, and produce absolutely NO wealth for the country.

Any hope for revitalizing this country’s economy begins with massive defunding of gov workers salaries, pensions and benefits.

Otherwise it’s same ole same ole, higher taxes to accommodate the unionized gov workers constant demand for salary increases.

DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…

So, you destroyed the private sector jobs. You engaged in union busting. You drove down wages. You want to punish government workers rather than do anything to bring back the jobs because...........if you're miserable you want everyone else to suck it as much as you?

Yanno, that's a crock of lo-info happy horse crap so common among loony lefties.

Starting in the 1960s we pushed heavy manufacturing and those jobs out of the country on environmental grounds. By the 1980s technology (computers, robotics) continued the job displacement trend.

Take heart, though.

Thanks to the rapid expansion of fast food joints and bloated government more Americans are working than ever. On the other hand bloated gov't entitlement programs mean the taxes collected don't come close to covering the bill.

Something has to give. Please consider that the next time you promote more spending of OPC (other people's cash).
IMF agrees: Decline of union power has increased income inequality

The key ingredient in unequal income is unequal effort.

The loss of "union power" does not support your bogus claim that Steph "destroyed the private sector jobs."

That loss is a direct result of diminished union membership and there's a myriad of reasons for that, including the unions themselves:

"In 2011 Giant Eagle grocery stores gave several employees in Edinboro, Pa., raises. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23 promptly sued, arguing their contract prevented the company from awarding individual pay increases. The courts agreed and ordered Giant Eagle to rescind the raises. Local 23 wanted everyone to make the same amount, no matter how good they were at their job."

Why Union Membership is Declining
And this is just one of the many reasons why the private sector wants nothing to do with unions.
What many on the pro big labor side fail to understand that labor unions are businesses. And as such, look to maximize profit. In the case of unions though, is that the profit goes to salaries for delegates and union brass. The remainder goes to expenses for various and sundry operating costs. The lion's share of ancillary expenditures is for political purposes. This is especially true regarding unions that represent public sector employees.
The politics of unions and union bosses is under much scrutiny. In fact the SCOTUS is getting ready to hear a case filed by teachers in California who are suing to prevent their union from collecting dues for the purpose of political contributions to those candidates with which the plaintiffs disagree on certain candidates who receive support of the union, political viewpoints and policies.
The plaintiff's are seeking to have a 9th Circuit ruling citing "Abood v Detroit Board of education" overturned. The 9th Circuit cited this case as a basis for their ruling in opposition to the group of teachers about to have their case heard in the SCOTUS...
Why one California teacher took her union to the Supreme Court
Just so we are clear. Say found an article that made him feel good. Unfortunately, that isn't how it works.

The key ingredient in unequal income is unequal effort.

The loss of "union power" does not support your bogus claim that Steph "destroyed the private sector jobs."

That loss is a direct result of diminished union membership and there's a myriad of reasons for that, including the unions themselves:

"In 2011 Giant Eagle grocery stores gave several employees in Edinboro, Pa., raises. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23 promptly sued, arguing their contract prevented the company from awarding individual pay increases. The courts agreed and ordered Giant Eagle to rescind the raises. Local 23 wanted everyone to make the same amount, no matter how good they were at their job."

Why Union Membership is Declining

Was there a contract involved? What did the contract say?

You really are every bit as stupid as your posts make you seem.

The article specifically notes the raises were contrary to the union contract. The point - not that it would make any sense to one such as you - is that the union was so petty that it took the company to court to enforce LOWER PAY for the employees involved.

Damn you are stupid.

The union didn't take them to court, brainless. It was the other way around. Read it. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?

Wow ... just WOW.

I even posted the quote to make it easy for you. Evidently English isn't your language of choice:

" In 2011 Giant Eagle grocery stores gave several employees in Edinboro, Pa., raises. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23 promptly sued, arguing their contract prevented the company from awarding individual pay increases. The courts agreed and ordered Giant Eagle to rescind the raises. Local 23 wanted everyone to make the same amount, no matter how good they were at their job."

You loony lefties are terminally stupid and there's still no cure for that that.

I brought you the court document. Local 23 went to the arbitrator. The arbitrator agreed with the union. Giant Eagle sued. Try again.
this was a comment with the article:
Gov workers are destroying this country.

They get paid double what their private sector counterparts are paid (benefits), retire earlier (55), get every city, county, state and federal holiday off, never work more than 40 hours a week, complain endlessly, as a group vote for those who raise taxes and then (endlessly) increase their salaries (annual 2% cola plus 2-5% performance), are mostly unionized, and produce absolutely NO wealth for the country.

Any hope for revitalizing this country’s economy begins with massive defunding of gov workers salaries, pensions and benefits.

Otherwise it’s same ole same ole, higher taxes to accommodate the unionized gov workers constant demand for salary increases.

DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…

So, you destroyed the private sector jobs. You engaged in union busting. You drove down wages. You want to punish government workers rather than do anything to bring back the jobs because...........if you're miserable you want everyone else to suck it as much as you?

Yanno, that's a crock of lo-info happy horse crap so common among loony lefties.

Starting in the 1960s we pushed heavy manufacturing and those jobs out of the country on environmental grounds. By the 1980s technology (computers, robotics) continued the job displacement trend.

Take heart, though.

Thanks to the rapid expansion of fast food joints and bloated government more Americans are working than ever. On the other hand bloated gov't entitlement programs mean the taxes collected don't come close to covering the bill.

Something has to give. Please consider that the next time you promote more spending of OPC (other people's cash).
IMF agrees: Decline of union power has increased income inequality

The key ingredient in unequal income is unequal effort.

The loss of "union power" does not support your bogus claim that Steph "destroyed the private sector jobs."

That loss is a direct result of diminished union membership and there's a myriad of reasons for that, including the unions themselves:

"In 2011 Giant Eagle grocery stores gave several employees in Edinboro, Pa., raises. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23 promptly sued, arguing their contract prevented the company from awarding individual pay increases. The courts agreed and ordered Giant Eagle to rescind the raises. Local 23 wanted everyone to make the same amount, no matter how good they were at their job."

Why Union Membership is Declining
And this is just one of the many reasons why the private sector wants nothing to do with unions.
What many on the pro big labor side fail to understand that labor unions are businesses. And as such, look to maximize profit. In the case of unions though, is that the profit goes to salaries for delegates and union brass. The remainder goes to expenses for various and sundry operating costs. The lion's share of ancillary expenditures is for political purposes. This is especially true regarding unions that represent public sector employees.
The politics of unions and union bosses is under much scrutiny. In fact the SCOTUS is getting ready to hear a case filed by teachers in California who are suing to prevent their union from collecting dues for the purpose of political contributions to those candidates with which the plaintiffs disagree on certain candidates who receive support of the union, political viewpoints and policies.
The plaintiff's are seeking to have a 9th Circuit ruling citing "Abood v Detroit Board of education" overturned. The 9th Circuit cited this case as a basis for their ruling in opposition to the group of teachers about to have their case heard in the SCOTUS...
Why one California teacher took her union to the Supreme Court

I get the American rationale for rejecting unions and unionism but I believe it is the monumental stupidity of those like Disir who have turned us away.

Disir read that paragraph and thought it meant the union was sued by Giant Eagle (and called me a "moron") when clearly it was the union that sued Giant for the lower wages.

" In 2011 Giant Eagle grocery stores gave several employees in Edinboro, Pa., raises. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23 promptly sued, arguing their contract prevented the company from awarding individual pay increases. The courts agreed and ordered Giant Eagle to rescind the raises. Local 23 wanted everyone to make the same amount, no matter how good they were at their job."

We can't fix stupid (Disir) but we can reject it and those who promote it.
So, you destroyed the private sector jobs. You engaged in union busting. You drove down wages. You want to punish government workers rather than do anything to bring back the jobs because...........if you're miserable you want everyone else to suck it as much as you?

Yanno, that's a crock of lo-info happy horse crap so common among loony lefties.

Starting in the 1960s we pushed heavy manufacturing and those jobs out of the country on environmental grounds. By the 1980s technology (computers, robotics) continued the job displacement trend.

Take heart, though.

Thanks to the rapid expansion of fast food joints and bloated government more Americans are working than ever. On the other hand bloated gov't entitlement programs mean the taxes collected don't come close to covering the bill.

Something has to give. Please consider that the next time you promote more spending of OPC (other people's cash).
IMF agrees: Decline of union power has increased income inequality

The key ingredient in unequal income is unequal effort.

The loss of "union power" does not support your bogus claim that Steph "destroyed the private sector jobs."

That loss is a direct result of diminished union membership and there's a myriad of reasons for that, including the unions themselves:

"In 2011 Giant Eagle grocery stores gave several employees in Edinboro, Pa., raises. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23 promptly sued, arguing their contract prevented the company from awarding individual pay increases. The courts agreed and ordered Giant Eagle to rescind the raises. Local 23 wanted everyone to make the same amount, no matter how good they were at their job."

Why Union Membership is Declining
And this is just one of the many reasons why the private sector wants nothing to do with unions.
What many on the pro big labor side fail to understand that labor unions are businesses. And as such, look to maximize profit. In the case of unions though, is that the profit goes to salaries for delegates and union brass. The remainder goes to expenses for various and sundry operating costs. The lion's share of ancillary expenditures is for political purposes. This is especially true regarding unions that represent public sector employees.
The politics of unions and union bosses is under much scrutiny. In fact the SCOTUS is getting ready to hear a case filed by teachers in California who are suing to prevent their union from collecting dues for the purpose of political contributions to those candidates with which the plaintiffs disagree on certain candidates who receive support of the union, political viewpoints and policies.
The plaintiff's are seeking to have a 9th Circuit ruling citing "Abood v Detroit Board of education" overturned. The 9th Circuit cited this case as a basis for their ruling in opposition to the group of teachers about to have their case heard in the SCOTUS...
Why one California teacher took her union to the Supreme Court

I get the American rationale for rejecting unions and unionism but I believe it is the monumental stupidity of those like Disir who have turned us away.

Disir read that paragraph and thought it meant the union was sued by Giant Eagle (and called me a "moron") when clearly it was the union that sued Giant for the lower wages.

We can't fix stupid (Disir) but we can reject it and those who promote it.

Hmmm............not familiar with plaintiff, defendant or FACTS?
n. the party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint with the clerk of the court against the defendant(s) demanding damages, performance and/or court determination of rights.

n. 1) the party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution. In some types of cases (such as divorce) a defendant may be called a respondent.

Yanno, that's a crock of lo-info happy horse crap so common among loony lefties.

Starting in the 1960s we pushed heavy manufacturing and those jobs out of the country on environmental grounds. By the 1980s technology (computers, robotics) continued the job displacement trend.

Take heart, though.

Thanks to the rapid expansion of fast food joints and bloated government more Americans are working than ever. On the other hand bloated gov't entitlement programs mean the taxes collected don't come close to covering the bill.

Something has to give. Please consider that the next time you promote more spending of OPC (other people's cash).
IMF agrees: Decline of union power has increased income inequality

The key ingredient in unequal income is unequal effort.

The loss of "union power" does not support your bogus claim that Steph "destroyed the private sector jobs."

That loss is a direct result of diminished union membership and there's a myriad of reasons for that, including the unions themselves:

"In 2011 Giant Eagle grocery stores gave several employees in Edinboro, Pa., raises. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23 promptly sued, arguing their contract prevented the company from awarding individual pay increases. The courts agreed and ordered Giant Eagle to rescind the raises. Local 23 wanted everyone to make the same amount, no matter how good they were at their job."

Why Union Membership is Declining
And this is just one of the many reasons why the private sector wants nothing to do with unions.
What many on the pro big labor side fail to understand that labor unions are businesses. And as such, look to maximize profit. In the case of unions though, is that the profit goes to salaries for delegates and union brass. The remainder goes to expenses for various and sundry operating costs. The lion's share of ancillary expenditures is for political purposes. This is especially true regarding unions that represent public sector employees.
The politics of unions and union bosses is under much scrutiny. In fact the SCOTUS is getting ready to hear a case filed by teachers in California who are suing to prevent their union from collecting dues for the purpose of political contributions to those candidates with which the plaintiffs disagree on certain candidates who receive support of the union, political viewpoints and policies.
The plaintiff's are seeking to have a 9th Circuit ruling citing "Abood v Detroit Board of education" overturned. The 9th Circuit cited this case as a basis for their ruling in opposition to the group of teachers about to have their case heard in the SCOTUS...
Why one California teacher took her union to the Supreme Court

I get the American rationale for rejecting unions and unionism but I believe it is the monumental stupidity of those like Disir who have turned us away.

Disir read that paragraph and thought it meant the union was sued by Giant Eagle (and called me a "moron") when clearly it was the union that sued Giant for the lower wages.

We can't fix stupid (Disir) but we can reject it and those who promote it.

Hmmm............not familiar with plaintiff, defendant or FACTS?

Hmmm ... only one of us has provided direct quotes and it isn't you.

The company attempted to reward its most productive workers with commensurate pay and the union balked.

How difficult is that to understand and why are you so intent on defending the union?

The American worker has voted with his/her feet, leaving unions and unionism behind and for very good reason.
You never read a court order or opinion before? I brought you the court document. Next you will be telling me something like........life is like a box of chocolates.

There are no disputed genuine issues of material fact in this case. This Opinion is based
upon review of the parties’ Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Arbitrator’s Award
. Doc. Nos. 22-1, 22-2.
Giant Eagle is supermarket chain which has stores in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia,
and Maryland. Doc. No. 27 , ¶ 1. Local 23 is the collective bargaining representative for certain units of Giant Eagle employees in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Id. at ¶ 2. Giant Eagle and Local 23 entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement for employees of the Edinboro, Pennsylvania store (“the Agreement”) which was in effect, per its terms, from August 3, 2008, through August 7, 2011. Doc. Nos. 22-2, Doc. No. 27, ¶ 8
In early 2011, Giant Eagle gave wage increases and higher starting wages to
twenty-five (25) employees of the Edinboro store. Doc. No. 27, ¶ 10.
Local 23 was not notified of these wage increases prior to their implementation.
Doc. Nos. 22, ¶ 17and 27, ¶ 13
On March 8,2011,Cheryl Lawson, on behalf of the full-time clerks at the Edinboro Giant Eagle, filed a grievance over these wage increases.
Doc. No. 27, ¶ 11.
The grievance was that the “company failed to notify Union in regards to granting higher rates of pay for less senior members.”
Doc.No. 12-2.
An Arbitration hearing was held on March 30, 2012.
Doc. Nos. 22-1, 3 and 27, ¶ 15.
The Arbitrator issued an Opinion and Award upholding Local 23’s grievance.
Doc. No. 22 -1.
Case 2:12-cv-00987-AJS Document 33 Filed 11/26/12 Page 2 of 10
3 The Arbitrator directed Giant Eagle to stop issuing raises “without first obtaining concurrence from the Union,” and to rescind those increases already given. Id. at 21. The Arbitrator found that it was not appropriate for Giant Eagle to give other employees an increase to remedy this grievance. Id.
The Court has jurisdiction to resolve this dispute pursuant to Sect
ion 301 of the Labor Relations Management Act, 29 U.S.C. § 185, the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § §10 and 28
U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1337. Doc. No. 27,
¶ 5.
Another problem with having such a Monster blood sucking Federal government . they are sucking the life from those of us who has to PAY for them. They've now become a burden on us all.


DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…
Written by The Analytical Economist on January 9, 2016

It’s a good thing Trump wants to rebuild our manufacturing base, because it truly has taken a hit. We’ve turned from a nation of builders to burger flippers.

To put in perspective just how bad things have gotten – there were more Americans employed in manufacturing in the months leading up to Pearl Harbor than there are today, despite the fact that the population then was a fraction of what it is today.

In that time, there was 1 person employed in manufacturing for every 10.6 people in the overall population compared to 1 person employed in government for every 26.1 people in the overall population.

Oh how things have changed. As CNS News reported:


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

Those employed by government in the United States in August of this year outnumbered those employed in the manufacturing sector by almost 1.8 to 1, according to data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There were 21,995,000 employed by federal, state and local government in the United States in August, according to BLS. By contrast, there were only 12,329,000 employed in the manufacturing sector.


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

ALL of it here:
DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
The size of the government workforce has remained stable for 50 years....Trump and his capitalist buddies have sent manufacturing jobs overseas

So blame the government workers....can you expect more from Alllen West?
What jobs did trump send over seas, libturd liar!

I cannot believed you are asking this question at the same time calling people liar.
The products he sells at trump hotels and casinos. Where do you think those products came from? California? The link might help you.
About 85% of my consumables are made overseas. I can assure you 100% that Trump is full of shit. I do not believed any of his crap that scaring people.
His been telling these for years and yet he has not set up any single manufacturing operations here in US. He knows he can't because his products will be so expensive that no one will buy.

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs
So, you have no job he shipped out. Didn't think so
In early 2011, Giant Eagle gave wage increases and higher starting wages to
twenty-five (25) employees of the Edinboro store. Doc. No. 27, ¶ 10.
Local 23 was not notified of these wage increases prior to their implementation.
Doc. Nos. 22, ¶ 17and 27, ¶ 13
On March 8,2011,Cheryl Lawson, on behalf of the full-time clerks at the Edinboro Giant Eagle, filed a grievance over these wage increases.
Doc. No. 27, ¶ 11.
The grievance was that the “company failed to notify Union in regards to granting higher rates of pay for less senior members.”
Arbitrator directed Giant Eagle to stop issuing raises “without first obtaining concurrence from the Union,” and to rescind those increases already given..

So now you agree with the article.

Giant rewarded some of its deserving workers with pay increases and the union balked.

Is there any wonder why we reject unions and unionism?
In early 2011, Giant Eagle gave wage increases and higher starting wages to
twenty-five (25) employees of the Edinboro store. Doc. No. 27, ¶ 10.
Local 23 was not notified of these wage increases prior to their implementation.
Doc. Nos. 22, ¶ 17and 27, ¶ 13
On March 8,2011,Cheryl Lawson, on behalf of the full-time clerks at the Edinboro Giant Eagle, filed a grievance over these wage increases.
Doc. No. 27, ¶ 11.
The grievance was that the “company failed to notify Union in regards to granting higher rates of pay for less senior members.”
Arbitrator directed Giant Eagle to stop issuing raises “without first obtaining concurrence from the Union,” and to rescind those increases already given..

So now you agree with the article.

Giant rewarded some of its deserving workers with pay increases and the union balked.

Is there any wonder why we reject unions and unionism?
No. I don't agree with your article. He screwed it up from the get go and, like you seemed hell bent on doing, distorted the facts. The union is the defendant here. The plaintiff was Giant Eagle.
In early 2011, Giant Eagle gave wage increases and higher starting wages to
twenty-five (25) employees of the Edinboro store. Doc. No. 27, ¶ 10.
Local 23 was not notified of these wage increases prior to their implementation.
Doc. Nos. 22, ¶ 17and 27, ¶ 13
On March 8,2011,Cheryl Lawson, on behalf of the full-time clerks at the Edinboro Giant Eagle, filed a grievance over these wage increases.
Doc. No. 27, ¶ 11.
The grievance was that the “company failed to notify Union in regards to granting higher rates of pay for less senior members.”
Arbitrator directed Giant Eagle to stop issuing raises “without first obtaining concurrence from the Union,” and to rescind those increases already given..

So now you agree with the article.

Giant rewarded some of its deserving workers with pay increases and the union balked.

Is there any wonder why we reject unions and unionism?
No. I don't agree with your article. He screwed it up from the get go and, like you seemed hell bent on doing, distorted the facts. The union is the defendant here. The plaintiff was Giant Eagle.

The fact is Giant rewarded some of its deserving workers with pay increases and the union balked, forcing the company to rescind the pay hikes.

Is that to difficult for you to comprehend or is the fact that Americans firmly reject unions and unionism that bakes your noodle?
In early 2011, Giant Eagle gave wage increases and higher starting wages to
twenty-five (25) employees of the Edinboro store. Doc. No. 27, ¶ 10.
Local 23 was not notified of these wage increases prior to their implementation.
Doc. Nos. 22, ¶ 17and 27, ¶ 13
On March 8,2011,Cheryl Lawson, on behalf of the full-time clerks at the Edinboro Giant Eagle, filed a grievance over these wage increases.
Doc. No. 27, ¶ 11.
The grievance was that the “company failed to notify Union in regards to granting higher rates of pay for less senior members.”
Arbitrator directed Giant Eagle to stop issuing raises “without first obtaining concurrence from the Union,” and to rescind those increases already given..

So now you agree with the article.

Giant rewarded some of its deserving workers with pay increases and the union balked.

Is there any wonder why we reject unions and unionism?
No. I don't agree with your article. He screwed it up from the get go and, like you seemed hell bent on doing, distorted the facts. The union is the defendant here. The plaintiff was Giant Eagle.

The fact is Giant rewarded some of its deserving workers with pay increases and the union balked, forcing the company to rescind the pay hikes.

Is that to difficult for you to comprehend or is the fact that Americans firmly reject unions and unionism that bakes your noodle?

The fact is that you distorted it because Americans like unions. There are even pro-union Republicans.

Sorry 'bout your luck.
In early 2011, Giant Eagle gave wage increases and higher starting wages to
twenty-five (25) employees of the Edinboro store. Doc. No. 27, ¶ 10.
Local 23 was not notified of these wage increases prior to their implementation.
Doc. Nos. 22, ¶ 17and 27, ¶ 13
On March 8,2011,Cheryl Lawson, on behalf of the full-time clerks at the Edinboro Giant Eagle, filed a grievance over these wage increases.
Doc. No. 27, ¶ 11.
The grievance was that the “company failed to notify Union in regards to granting higher rates of pay for less senior members.”
Arbitrator directed Giant Eagle to stop issuing raises “without first obtaining concurrence from the Union,” and to rescind those increases already given..

So now you agree with the article.

Giant rewarded some of its deserving workers with pay increases and the union balked.

Is there any wonder why we reject unions and unionism?
No. I don't agree with your article. He screwed it up from the get go and, like you seemed hell bent on doing, distorted the facts. The union is the defendant here. The plaintiff was Giant Eagle.

The fact is Giant rewarded some of its deserving workers with pay increases and the union balked, forcing the company to rescind the pay hikes.

Is that to difficult for you to comprehend or is the fact that Americans firmly reject unions and unionism that bakes your noodle?

The fact is that you distorted it because Americans like unions. There are even pro-union Republicans.

Sorry 'bout your luck.

Unions have been in steady DECLINE since their heyday in the 1960s and, after all, isn't that what all your whining in the matter has been about?

Sorry 'bout YOUR luck.

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