DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…

Another problem with having such a Monster blood sucking Federal government . they are sucking the life from those of us who has to PAY for them. They've now become a burden on us all.


DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…
Written by The Analytical Economist on January 9, 2016

It’s a good thing Trump wants to rebuild our manufacturing base, because it truly has taken a hit. We’ve turned from a nation of builders to burger flippers.

To put in perspective just how bad things have gotten – there were more Americans employed in manufacturing in the months leading up to Pearl Harbor than there are today, despite the fact that the population then was a fraction of what it is today.

In that time, there was 1 person employed in manufacturing for every 10.6 people in the overall population compared to 1 person employed in government for every 26.1 people in the overall population.

Oh how things have changed. As CNS News reported:


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

Those employed by government in the United States in August of this year outnumbered those employed in the manufacturing sector by almost 1.8 to 1, according to data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There were 21,995,000 employed by federal, state and local government in the United States in August, according to BLS. By contrast, there were only 12,329,000 employed in the manufacturing sector.


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

ALL of it here:
DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
The size of the government workforce has remained stable for 50 years....Trump and his capitalist buddies have sent manufacturing jobs overseas

So blame the government workers....can you expect more from Alllen West?

While this is true for the Federal employees it is far from factual for the various non Federal entities. The number of State, County and City level employees has risen dramatically.
Another problem with having such a Monster blood sucking Federal government . they are sucking the life from those of us who has to PAY for them. They've now become a burden on us all.


DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…
Written by The Analytical Economist on January 9, 2016

It’s a good thing Trump wants to rebuild our manufacturing base, because it truly has taken a hit. We’ve turned from a nation of builders to burger flippers.

To put in perspective just how bad things have gotten – there were more Americans employed in manufacturing in the months leading up to Pearl Harbor than there are today, despite the fact that the population then was a fraction of what it is today.

In that time, there was 1 person employed in manufacturing for every 10.6 people in the overall population compared to 1 person employed in government for every 26.1 people in the overall population.

Oh how things have changed. As CNS News reported:


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

Those employed by government in the United States in August of this year outnumbered those employed in the manufacturing sector by almost 1.8 to 1, according to data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There were 21,995,000 employed by federal, state and local government in the United States in August, according to BLS. By contrast, there were only 12,329,000 employed in the manufacturing sector.


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

ALL of it here:
DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
The size of the government workforce has remained stable for 50 years....Trump and his capitalist buddies have sent manufacturing jobs overseas

So blame the government workers....can you expect more from Alllen West?
What jobs did trump send over seas, libturd liar!

I cannot believed you are asking this question at the same time calling people liar.
The products he sells at trump hotels and casinos. Where do you think those products came from? California? The link might help you.
About 85% of my consumables are made overseas. I can assure you 100% that Trump is full of shit. I do not believed any of his crap that scaring people.
His been telling these for years and yet he has not set up any single manufacturing operations here in US. He knows he can't because his products will be so expensive that no one will buy.

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs
So, you have no job he shipped out. Didn't think so

My products are made over seas. I shipped jobs overseas.
Trump products are made overseas. Trump shipped jobs overseas. I cannot make it simpler than that.

whoa, another comment with the article. these are from two different sites. one was from Allen West and then this site I'm quoting with this comment

Repeat after me: public employees don't pay taxes.

Say this as many times as you need to until is sinks in. NO public employee pays ANYthing for taxes, retirement, unemployment insurance, medical benefits, ANY of it.

This is a fundament of economics as simple as you get more of what you subsidize and less of what you tax. and almost no one gets it and certainly no one is talking about it. Not out in the open. It’s contrary to how our consensus public education victimhood would have us think about wealth creation, redistribution, generational theft.

How can someone who is PAID by taxing the wage-earners, the ones who CREATE value in the economy, pay taxes? It may say they do on their pay stub, sure, and they are asked to put in a little more for benefits, but in reality, every time a public employee from President Obeyme down to the least-paid garbage collector (cough-cough don't they make something like $200,000 a year in New York City?) gets a raise, it is paid for by someone who MAKES that money. The money they are paid is redistributed from wage-earners.

Think of it this way: a public employee saying the too pay taxes is like a man standing in a bathtub with a tea cup scooping up and pouring out water saying “see, I’m filling the tub.”

Think it over. Change the conversation. Pass it along. Open someone else's eyes.

The discussion should be, are we truly getting value for our money spent and how do we take control of government “by, of and for the people” back from politicians corrupted by taxpayers dollars laundered through teachers/public employee unions, planned parenthood, Solyndra, GE, and all the rest?

How do we delegitimize the naming of roads, public buildings, parks, stadiums after “public officials” who have made a lifetime’s wealth out of bilking the true wage-earners out of the fruits of their labor and, like Mooch hell Obeyme, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, done their level best to make them feel guilty for wanting to keep more of it while they live large at wage earners’ children’s children’s children’s expense.

If you don’t get this, don’t argue, you’ll only display the depths of your ignorance for all to see.

DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…
public employees don't pay taxes
can i get all mine back that i paid over the last 33 years then?...just askin...
Your deductions in part went to pay your wages. Get it?.....
no i dont my check was from the PO not the tax payer....get it?....now if i did not pay taxes,can i get mine back?....
UGH....come on Harry, don't play Captain Obvious.
BTW, you cannot have it both ways.
You claim your PO wages are not funded by taxes. Ok, then leave it alone. Why get involved?
The issue here is federal employment which is painfully bloated and out of control.
you said and i quote...."Your deductions in part went to pay your wages."......which is implying the tax payer pays postal employees which is bull....i got paid by a company that made its own money and i paid taxes like everyone else....AND i was replying to what steph said...public employees don't pay taxes....i sure as hell did...
whoa, another comment with the article. these are from two different sites. one was from Allen West and then this site I'm quoting with this comment

Repeat after me: public employees don't pay taxes.

Say this as many times as you need to until is sinks in. NO public employee pays ANYthing for taxes, retirement, unemployment insurance, medical benefits, ANY of it.

This is a fundament of economics as simple as you get more of what you subsidize and less of what you tax. and almost no one gets it and certainly no one is talking about it. Not out in the open. It’s contrary to how our consensus public education victimhood would have us think about wealth creation, redistribution, generational theft.

How can someone who is PAID by taxing the wage-earners, the ones who CREATE value in the economy, pay taxes? It may say they do on their pay stub, sure, and they are asked to put in a little more for benefits, but in reality, every time a public employee from President Obeyme down to the least-paid garbage collector (cough-cough don't they make something like $200,000 a year in New York City?) gets a raise, it is paid for by someone who MAKES that money. The money they are paid is redistributed from wage-earners.

Think of it this way: a public employee saying the too pay taxes is like a man standing in a bathtub with a tea cup scooping up and pouring out water saying “see, I’m filling the tub.”

Think it over. Change the conversation. Pass it along. Open someone else's eyes.

The discussion should be, are we truly getting value for our money spent and how do we take control of government “by, of and for the people” back from politicians corrupted by taxpayers dollars laundered through teachers/public employee unions, planned parenthood, Solyndra, GE, and all the rest?

How do we delegitimize the naming of roads, public buildings, parks, stadiums after “public officials” who have made a lifetime’s wealth out of bilking the true wage-earners out of the fruits of their labor and, like Mooch hell Obeyme, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, done their level best to make them feel guilty for wanting to keep more of it while they live large at wage earners’ children’s children’s children’s expense.

If you don’t get this, don’t argue, you’ll only display the depths of your ignorance for all to see.

DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…
a for-profit site bashes a non-profit? Quelle surprise Staph. You are one of the most gullible rw broads I have EVER met you rw brown acid- taking dummy
Would the work done by these contractors cost us more, if we hadn't farmed it out?

You're off to a good start, but there are a vast number of unanswered questions ahead of you...
The point flew right over your head while you were looking down your nose, Poindexter. The point is the size of government and giving a picture of those just payed as employees is incomplete, and in your case dishonest.
There are good government workers, I've worked for many. But there are a LOT of worthless deadbeats too stupid to be employable in the private sector. When government started allowing unions in they worked against our best interest and we have no recourse. We can't simply use another government.

This is what happens when Democrats are put in power, they put the unions in, the unions take dues from the employees and funnel it right back into the Democrats party. It should be illegal, any private company that did that would be indicted.
so the Teamsters never gave to the Democrats?
After they took the dues. Are you high? Still?

Those are private sector jobs.[/QUOTE]

They are private sector jobs doing what government employees can't or won't do and are paid with taxpayers money.
Would the work done by these contractors cost us more, if we hadn't farmed it out?

You're off to a good start, but there are a vast number of unanswered questions ahead of you...
The point flew right over your head while you were looking down your nose, Poindexter. The point is the size of government and giving a picture of those just payed as employees is incomplete, and in your case dishonest.

Always possible.


Bite me, doughboy.

Intelligent discussion of this subject is impossible without integrating the scope and nature of the various missions and macro-level projects and responsibilities undertaken.

Wake me up, when you learn to integrate context into your black-and-white thinking...

Oh, and, be prepared to serve-up equivalent FTEs for these various and diverse contracting gigs; that's part of the context, too.

We can worry about 1960s technology vs. today's, and its impact upon manpower needs within government, once you've mastered the basics.

And then we can move on to discuss cost savings to the taxpayer by outsourcing rather than utilizing direct hires (healthcare, pensions, etc.).
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The size of the government workforce has remained stable for 50 years....

do you lie all the time or just on USMB??


You lie like it's your job. Is it your job?

Many formerly federal functions have been dumped onto the states thus the real growth is in state and local gov't since 1960:

10 million in 1965
19 million in 2006
22 million in 2015


My point was that the number of federal employees has remained constant while the population has doubled. A President Trump would only have control over the federal workforce and could do nothing about state and local employees.

What impact would doubling the population have on local government employees? More people in a community means you need to hire more teachers, policemen, firemen, garbage collectors. Makes sense the number would rise....why would conservatives be outraged?
Another problem with having such a Monster blood sucking Federal government . they are sucking the life from those of us who has to PAY for them. They've now become a burden on us all.


DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…
Written by The Analytical Economist on January 9, 2016

It’s a good thing Trump wants to rebuild our manufacturing base, because it truly has taken a hit. We’ve turned from a nation of builders to burger flippers.

To put in perspective just how bad things have gotten – there were more Americans employed in manufacturing in the months leading up to Pearl Harbor than there are today, despite the fact that the population then was a fraction of what it is today.

In that time, there was 1 person employed in manufacturing for every 10.6 people in the overall population compared to 1 person employed in government for every 26.1 people in the overall population.

Oh how things have changed. As CNS News reported:


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

Those employed by government in the United States in August of this year outnumbered those employed in the manufacturing sector by almost 1.8 to 1, according to data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There were 21,995,000 employed by federal, state and local government in the United States in August, according to BLS. By contrast, there were only 12,329,000 employed in the manufacturing sector.


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

ALL of it here:
DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

No, he was wrong.

Unless of course you want a low wage country, in which case he's right.

If you want to compete on the high earnings side of things, then you need an educated workforce. You need to target the sectors you want your workers to work in so they are doing those high end jobs.

If all you aspire to are low paid manufacturing jobs, then good luck in the second world.
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Would the work done by these contractors cost us more, if we hadn't farmed it out?

You're off to a good start, but there are a vast number of unanswered questions ahead of you...
The point flew right over your head while you were looking down your nose, Poindexter. The point is the size of government and giving a picture of those just payed as employees is incomplete, and in your case dishonest.

Always possible.


Bite me, doughboy.

Intelligent discussion of this subject is impossible without integrating the scope and nature of the various missions and macro-level projects and responsibilities undertaken.

Wake me up, when you learn to integrate context into your black-and-white thinking...

Oh, and, be prepared to serve-up equivalent FTEs for these various and diverse contracting gigs; that's part of the context, too.

We can worry about 1960s technology vs. today's, and its impact upon manpower needs within government, once you've mastered the basics.

And then we can move on to discuss cost savings to the taxpayer by outsourcing rather than utilizing direct hires (healthcare, pensions, etc.).
Bite yourself. The point was it's dishonest to only consider the size of government by looking at employment numbers. No one here is prepared to look at everything the governments are involved with even it is was available. I'd rather see evidence that it's something they should be doing in the first place.
There are good government workers, I've worked for many. But there are a LOT of worthless deadbeats too stupid to be employable in the private sector. When government started allowing unions in they worked against our best interest and we have no recourse. We can't simply use another government.

This is what happens when Democrats are put in power, they put the unions in, the unions take dues from the employees and funnel it right back into the Democrats party. It should be illegal, any private company that did that would be indicted.
so the Teamsters never gave to the Democrats?
After they took the dues. Are you high? Still?
so i was right?....and what does being high have to do with the question i asked?..
Would the work done by these contractors cost us more, if we hadn't farmed it out?

You're off to a good start, but there are a vast number of unanswered questions ahead of you...
The point flew right over your head while you were looking down your nose, Poindexter. The point is the size of government and giving a picture of those just payed as employees is incomplete, and in your case dishonest.

Always possible.


Bite me, doughboy.

Intelligent discussion of this subject is impossible without integrating the scope and nature of the various missions and macro-level projects and responsibilities undertaken.

Wake me up, when you learn to integrate context into your black-and-white thinking...

Oh, and, be prepared to serve-up equivalent FTEs for these various and diverse contracting gigs; that's part of the context, too.

We can worry about 1960s technology vs. today's, and its impact upon manpower needs within government, once you've mastered the basics.

And then we can move on to discuss cost savings to the taxpayer by outsourcing rather than utilizing direct hires (healthcare, pensions, etc.).
Bite yourself. The point was it's dishonest to only consider the size of government by looking at employment numbers. No one here is prepared to look at everything the governments are involved with even it is was available. I'd rather see evidence that it's something they should be doing in the first place.

What is the "right size" of government?
There are good government workers, I've worked for many. But there are a LOT of worthless deadbeats too stupid to be employable in the private sector. When government started allowing unions in they worked against our best interest and we have no recourse. We can't simply use another government.

This is what happens when Democrats are put in power, they put the unions in, the unions take dues from the employees and funnel it right back into the Democrats party. It should be illegal, any private company that did that would be indicted.
so the Teamsters never gave to the Democrats?
After they took the dues. Are you high? Still?
so i was right?....and what does being high have to do with the question i asked?..
You must be high. I said unions and the Teamsters are a union. WTF are you babbling about?
(1) The decline in manufacturing jobs is mainly due to increases in productivity, which in turn is due to technological improvements. Our manufacturing work product is both higher in quality and lower in cost than ever. Consider: at the turn of the 20th century (year 1901), 25% of the population was feeding everyone else; at the turn of the 21st century, more food was being produced by less than 2% of the population.

(2) Government workers are generally, sad to say, less dedicated and less productive than their private sector counterparts. They work fewer hours, travel less, take more vacation and sick leave, retire earlier, and spend much more time day-to-day on mindless, pointless crap. Having worked 8 years in the public sector and more than 30 in the private sector (interfacing regularly with regulators), all of my experience bears this out. It starts with the application process, doesn't it? If you are ambitious and want to succeed in life, the last place you want to work is in some government office. If you want to rule the world without working too hard, Gub'mint is the place for you.

But the inherent problems with public sector employees will never be corrected. Government employees are the people who aspired to work for government. What more can you say? But the real problem with government workers is,

(3) They are doing things that Government ought not to be doing. How many Federal government workers are doing things that are not authorized by the Constitution? The Department of Education? Are you kidding me? Health and Human Services? Totally unconstitutional. SBA? SS? EPA? Fageddaboudit. How many government and school administrators have the word, "diversity" in their titles? Total nonsense; total waste of taxpayer dollars. How many government workers are enforcing the Endangered Species Act? Stupidity on steroids.

(4) What does Donald Trump have to do with any of this?
Another problem with having such a Monster blood sucking Federal government . they are sucking the life from those of us who has to PAY for them. They've now become a burden on us all.


DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along…
Written by The Analytical Economist on January 9, 2016

It’s a good thing Trump wants to rebuild our manufacturing base, because it truly has taken a hit. We’ve turned from a nation of builders to burger flippers.

To put in perspective just how bad things have gotten – there were more Americans employed in manufacturing in the months leading up to Pearl Harbor than there are today, despite the fact that the population then was a fraction of what it is today.

In that time, there was 1 person employed in manufacturing for every 10.6 people in the overall population compared to 1 person employed in government for every 26.1 people in the overall population.

Oh how things have changed. As CNS News reported:


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

Those employed by government in the United States in August of this year outnumbered those employed in the manufacturing sector by almost 1.8 to 1, according to data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There were 21,995,000 employed by federal, state and local government in the United States in August, according to BLS. By contrast, there were only 12,329,000 employed in the manufacturing sector.


The 2015 Federal budget spends an unprecedented $3.7 trillion which leaves us with a deficit of over half a trillion dollars.

ALL of it here:
DISTURBING fact about government workers shows Trump was right on this point all along... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
The size of the government workforce has remained stable for 50 years....Trump and his capitalist buddies have sent manufacturing jobs overseas

So blame the government workers....can you expect more from Alllen West?
What jobs did trump send over seas, libturd liar!

I cannot believed you are asking this question at the same time calling people liar.
The products he sells at trump hotels and casinos. Where do you think those products came from? California? The link might help you.
About 85% of my consumables are made overseas. I can assure you 100% that Trump is full of shit. I do not believed any of his crap that scaring people.
His been telling these for years and yet he has not set up any single manufacturing operations here in US. He knows he can't because his products will be so expensive that no one will buy.

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs
So, you have no job he shipped out. Didn't think so

My products are made over seas. I shipped jobs overseas.
Trump products are made overseas. Trump shipped jobs overseas. I cannot make it simpler than that.

dude, it's what you claimed that is in error. he did not send jobs over seas, he used overseas products, but you said he sent jobs over seas, which is a lie. Pure and simple. So that makes you a liar.
The size of the government workforce has remained stable for 50 years....Trump and his capitalist buddies have sent manufacturing jobs overseas

So blame the government workers....can you expect more from Alllen West?
What jobs did trump send over seas, libturd liar!

I cannot believed you are asking this question at the same time calling people liar.
The products he sells at trump hotels and casinos. Where do you think those products came from? California? The link might help you.
About 85% of my consumables are made overseas. I can assure you 100% that Trump is full of shit. I do not believed any of his crap that scaring people.
His been telling these for years and yet he has not set up any single manufacturing operations here in US. He knows he can't because his products will be so expensive that no one will buy.

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs
So, you have no job he shipped out. Didn't think so

My products are made over seas. I shipped jobs overseas.
Trump products are made overseas. Trump shipped jobs overseas. I cannot make it simpler than that.

dude, it's what you claimed that is in error. he did not send jobs over seas, he used overseas products, but you said he sent jobs over seas, which is a lie. Pure and simple. So that makes you a liar.

Damn....Trumpsters sure are thick

If Trump were the patriot he claims, anything with the name TRUMP on it would be marked "Made in the USA"
What jobs did trump send over seas, libturd liar!

I cannot believed you are asking this question at the same time calling people liar.
The products he sells at trump hotels and casinos. Where do you think those products came from? California? The link might help you.
About 85% of my consumables are made overseas. I can assure you 100% that Trump is full of shit. I do not believed any of his crap that scaring people.
His been telling these for years and yet he has not set up any single manufacturing operations here in US. He knows he can't because his products will be so expensive that no one will buy.

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs
So, you have no job he shipped out. Didn't think so

My products are made over seas. I shipped jobs overseas.
Trump products are made overseas. Trump shipped jobs overseas. I cannot make it simpler than that.

dude, it's what you claimed that is in error. he did not send jobs over seas, he used overseas products, but you said he sent jobs over seas, which is a lie. Pure and simple. So that makes you a liar.

Damn....Trumpsters sure are thick

If Trump were the patriot he claims, anything with the name TRUMP on it would be marked "Made in the USA"
well name a company Trump let go over seas? It's all I asked. can you name one? I never said he didn't use overseas products. So please, if you want to insult me, be accurate. Liar.

They are private sector jobs doing what government employees can't or won't do and are paid with taxpayers money.[/QUOTE]

I stayed on topic for the thread. The OP specifically stated that the jobs in question created NO WEALTH for the country. Automatically, that would preclude private sector jobs from being part of the equation at all.

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