Dive: Just 37 percent approve of Obama

Obama is the worst president in our history, the polls confirm it. Accept reality, libs, you elected a liar and a fraud.
Huh? How do polls confirm that?
did you bother to read the OP ?
Sure did. It said Obama's JAR "dived" from 38% to 37% because he didn't go to Paris.

It said nothing about him being the worst president.

You made that connection, not the OP. Seems to me, you can't articulate your thoughts. :dunno:
The polls confirm nothing of the sort, Redfish.

Meathead tries to re-frame the Reagan comment and fails.
The polls confirm nothing of the sort, Redfish.

Meathead tries to re-frame the Reagan comment and fails.

polls are geared to reflect public opinion, their validity is questionable since all pollsters have an agenda and many are trying to influence public opinion rather than report on it. Much polling is a form of brainwashing, especially those polls that are paid for by one of the political parties.

But the fact remains, history will record obama as one of the worst, if not the worst, president in our history. He has divided the country, failed in foreign policy, failed in domestic policy, and rammed the worst piece of legislation through congress in the most corrupt way (obamacare).
The polls confirm nothing of the sort, Redfish.

Meathead tries to re-frame the Reagan comment and fails.

polls are geared to reflect public opinion, their validity is questionable since all pollsters have an agenda and many are trying to influence public opinion rather than report on it. Much polling is a form of brainwashing, especially those polls that are paid for by one of the political parties.

But the fact remains, history will record obama as one of the worst, if not the worst, president in our history. He has divided the country, failed in foreign policy, failed in domestic policy, and rammed the worst piece of legislation through congress in the most corrupt way (obamacare).
Spoken like a true Foxbot .....fail.....fail....fail
Worst president of all time

You guys played that same tune in 2012 and still the people preferred "the worst president of all time" to the best available Republican by a wide margin
The polls confirm nothing of the sort, Redfish.

Meathead tries to re-frame the Reagan comment and fails.

polls are geared to reflect public opinion, their validity is questionable since all pollsters have an agenda and many are trying to influence public opinion rather than report on it. Much polling is a form of brainwashing, especially those polls that are paid for by one of the political parties.

But the fact remains, history will record obama as one of the worst, if not the worst, president in our history. He has divided the country, failed in foreign policy, failed in domestic policy, and rammed the worst piece of legislation through congress in the most corrupt way (obamacare).
Spoken like a true Foxbot .....fail.....fail....fail
Worst president of all time

You guys played that same tune in 2012 and still the people preferred "the worst president of all time" to the best available Republican by a wide margin

yes, obama got a second term. Yes, Romney ran a bad campaign, Yes, the media lied about both of them.
History will record the obama years as some of our worst, racial unrest, international turmoil, the rise of radical islam, attacks on innocents all over the world, high unemployment, doubling the national debt, lying to the american people multiple times----------------Yes, jake, the worst president in history.
The polls confirm nothing of the sort, Redfish.

Meathead tries to re-frame the Reagan comment and fails.

polls are geared to reflect public opinion, their validity is questionable since all pollsters have an agenda and many are trying to influence public opinion rather than report on it. Much polling is a form of brainwashing, especially those polls that are paid for by one of the political parties.

But the fact remains, history will record obama as one of the worst, if not the worst, president in our history. He has divided the country, failed in foreign policy, failed in domestic policy, and rammed the worst piece of legislation through congress in the most corrupt way (obamacare).
Spoken like a true Foxbot .....fail.....fail....fail
Worst president of all time

You guys played that same tune in 2012 and still the people preferred "the worst president of all time" to the best available Republican by a wide margin

yes, obama got a second term. Yes, Romney ran a bad campaign, Yes, the media lied about both of them.
History will record the obama years as some of our worst, racial unrest, international turmoil, the rise of radical islam, attacks on innocents all over the world, high unemployment, doubling the national debt, lying to the american people multiple times----------------Yes, jake, the worst president in history.

Conservative revisionist history will be laughed off

Obama will be considered a top ten president
Keep in mind, he is not done yet
The best is yet to come
Obama got a second term because the Foxbots were caught out in too many lies.
Obama got a second term because the Foxbots were caught out in too many lies.
Obama got a second term because America was not ready to return to the Bush era

He lied his way to a 2nd term, just like his first term.

You forgot about the free stuff

I know I'll kick myself for asking, but what are you babbling about?
There is a whole list of petty rightwing excuses for why they lost.....want to go over them?
Obama got a second term because the Foxbots were caught out in too many lies.
Obama got a second term because America was not ready to return to the Bush era

He lied his way to a 2nd term, just like his first term.

You forgot about the free stuff

I know I'll kick myself for asking, but what are you babbling about?
There is a whole list of petty rightwing excuses for why they lost.....want to go over them?

lol perhaps you slept through the last 3 elections where Democrats got their asses handed to them. They would have to win like 40+ seats to regain a majority in the House, man what a bitch slap. The Dem's got their prissy asses kicked at the state and local level as well talk about rejection. Dem's had an historic victory in 2008 then pissed it all away in less than 2 years time. You keep telling us you are the intelligent party, so what happened?
Obama got a second term because the Foxbots were caught out in too many lies.
Obama got a second term because America was not ready to return to the Bush era

That is a stupid statement.

Bush grew the size of government, put us in debt more, created entitlements, refused to seal the border and grew the welfare state. All Libtard polices. He even spouted this AGW scam bullshit.

Obama did everything Bush did but much worse.
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Obama got a second term because America was not ready to return to the Bush era

He lied his way to a 2nd term, just like his first term.

You forgot about the free stuff

I know I'll kick myself for asking, but what are you babbling about?
There is a whole list of petty rightwing excuses for why they lost.....want to go over them?

lol perhaps you slept through the last 3 elections where Democrats got their asses handed to them. They would have to win like 40+ seats to regain a majority in the House, man what a bitch slap. The Dem's got their prissy asses kicked at the state and local level as well talk about rejection. Dem's had an historic victory in 2008 then pissed it all away in less than 2 years time. You keep telling us you are the intelligent party, so what happened?
No question Republicans have managed to gerrymander themselves the House
In an off year election, with the Dems defending 23 seats to their 10, they managed to retake Democratic seats in Red states

They will not be so lucky in 2016 when they have to defend 24 seats and the Dems defend 10....all in a presidential election cycle
The GOP did better in reaching out to women and minorities this time while keeping the far right in the closet.

The party will have to do more of that to keep the Senate in a national election. I don't see the House going Dem through the Pub could lose 30 to 35 seats as the millennials for the first time vote as a complete generation in a national election.
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The GOP did better in reaching out to women and minorities this time will keeping the far right in the closet.

The party will have to do more of that to keep the Senate in a national election. I don't see the House going Dem through the Pub could lose 30 to 35 seats as the millennials for the first time vote as a complete generation in a national election.
The best thing Republicans did in the last cycle is keeping their top candidates from saying stupid stuff
The GOP did better in reaching out to women and minorities this time will keeping the far right in the closet.

The party will have to do more of that to keep the Senate in a national election. I don't see the House going Dem through the Pub could lose 30 to 35 seats as the millennials for the first time vote as a complete generation in a national election.
The best thing Republicans did in the last cycle is keeping their top candidates from saying stupid stuff

What like "if you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them" lol The hapless GOP didn't win anything, the American people just got sick and tired of all the Democrats lies and incompetence.
The GOP did better in reaching out to women and minorities this time will keeping the far right in the closet.

The party will have to do more of that to keep the Senate in a national election. I don't see the House going Dem through the Pub could lose 30 to 35 seats as the millennials for the first time vote as a complete generation in a national election.
The best thing Republicans did in the last cycle is keeping their top candidates from saying stupid stuff

What like "if you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them" lol The hapless GOP didn't win anything, the American people just got sick and tired of all the Democrats lies and incompetence.

Polling did not support that conclusion

Republicans got an election cycle in their favor and took advantage of it. They won't be so lucky in 2016
25 million voted in 2014, 70 million will vote in 2016
In their 2010 presidential poll of historians by Siena ranking the president, the 238 historians also rated Obama's on his first two years if office. Of course, the first two years are sketchy but the historians did it anyway. Obama was rated 15th best president to the date of the rating. It will be interesting to see how Obama rates six years later and how effective the Republican goal of making Obama a one term president turned out. I say Obama will be rated by the historians as 16th or 17th best president.

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