Dive: Just 37 percent approve of Obama

Reagans economic legacy is fading. His Iran Contra scandal still hangs over his presidency
For the veterans who served under him, the scandal will always be tarnish on the presidential brass that even the finest far right reactionary media brasso can never remove.
Seriously? Do you have proof positive that American heroes were tarnished by Reagan? I mean the man who pretty much helped bring down the USSR without a shot being fired?
Hey look! Even Encyclopedia Britannica thinks Flush is crazy...

Tea Party movement

The catalyst for what would become known as the Tea Party movement came on February 19, 2009, when Rick Santelli, a commentator on the business-news network CNBC, referenced the Boston Tea Party (1773) in his response to Pres. Barack Obama’s mortgage relief plan. Speaking from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Santelli heatedly stated that the bailout would “subsidize the losers’ mortgages” and proposed a Chicago Tea Party to protest government intervention in the housing market. The five-minute clip became an Internet sensation, and the “Tea Party” rallying cry struck a chord with those who had already seen billions of dollars flow toward sagging financial firms. Unlike previous populist movements, which were characterized by a distrust of business in general and bankers in particular, the Tea Party movement focused its ire at the federal government and extolled the virtues of free market principles.

Within weeks, Tea Party chapters began to appear around the United States, usingsocial media sites such as Facebook to coordinate protest events. They were spurred on by conservative pundits, particularly by Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck.​
Obama is the worst president in our history, the polls confirm it. Accept reality, libs, you elected a liar and a fraud.
Reuters, the most accurate poll that is unbiased has Obama at 38% disapproval. And 54 approval. The science is closed on this matter. Obama sucks!
Reagans economic legacy is fading. His Iran Contra scandal still hangs over his presidency
For the veterans who served under him, the scandal will always be tarnish on the presidential brass that even the finest far right reactionary media brasso can never remove.
Seriously? Do you have proof positive that American heroes were tarnished by Reagan? I mean the man who pretty much helped bring down the USSR without a shot being fired?
Umm, no, that man would actually be Mikhail Gorbachev
Reuters, the most accurate poll that is unbiased has Obama at 38% disapproval. And 54 approval. The science is closed on this matter. Obama sucks!
But wait, you said 37%? Are you also calling the OP an idiot and a liar?
since polls matter ... matter this.

Polls Indicate Hillary Clinton is leading and Republicans are leaderless or are we Bearing Drift

Marist, Fox News, ABC/Post surveyed Republican supporters and party leaders with a suggested list of sixteen GOP candidates. Mitt Romney was leading with percentages ranging from 19% to 21%. Jeb Bush received varying results ranging from 10% to 14%, while “unsure/other” received 6% to 13%.In stark contrast, pollsters Marist and Fox News asked Democrats who they favored for President and the results are not surprising. Hillary Clinton received 62%. Joe Biden pulled 10% to 11%, and Elizabeth Warren received 9% to 12%.

Clinton 62%

closest Republican RINO ... 21%

damn, bet that left mark.


Its very early to make a 2016 prediction, but if the country elects HRC, then it deserves what happens to it. She is an old, angry, failed, do-nothing, raving bitch. But we get what the majority votes for, thats why the incompetent obozo got two terms.

the dem/lib agenda needs ignorant voters and a biased media in order to succeed, they had both in 08 and 12, but maybe not in 16. the american people seem to be waking up and are tired to being lied to by dems and libs.

Its very early to make a 2016 prediction, but if the country elects HRC, then it deserves what happens to it. She is an old, angry, failed, do-nothing, raving bitch. But we get what the majority votes for, thats why the incompetent obozo got two terms.

the dem/lib agenda needs ignorant voters and a biased media in order to succeed, they had both in 08 and 12, but maybe not in 16. the american people seem to be waking up and are tired to being lied to by dems and libs.

so now its too early to make a prediction


sure it is, and you're a mud minnow.
Meathead, you are not the 11th grade English teacher. :lol:

You simply are a meathead who can't stand being outed on your stupidity. And, son, that is so easy to do.

You act like a low-rent Dante.
Most 11th graders don't write "as worse as", and besides, comparing Obama to Bush II instead of Clinton or Reagan is like comparing your grammar to an inner-city 11th grader. Either is a tacit admission of abject failure. We're not even going to get into you mental pathologies.

You do not even understand the logic of what you you just wrote.


I think you are writing to Meathead, whom I have on ignore. I also suspect that he is not on topic, but that's ok, Righties get a pass for not being on topic.

So, back to the OP:

Dive: Just 37 percent approve of Obama

Only, it's not a dive from that particular pollster and the President's average as of today is around 44.6.

Meathead is indeed off topic and as silly as ever.

When you feed trolls, they grow...
Reuters, the most accurate poll that is unbiased has Obama at 38% disapproval. And 54 approval. The science is closed on this matter. Obama sucks!

Reuters is FAR from the most accurate pollster out there, and I can mathematically prove it.

The best pollster of 2012 by far was PPP (D). Quinnipiac was also pretty good. YouGov had a excellent start out the gate.

Reuters,on the other hand, was way off in Virginia, Florida, Colorado, and if memory serves correctly, Iowa.
Obama is the worst president in our history, the polls confirm it. Accept reality, libs, you elected a liar and a fraud.
Huh? How do polls confirm that?

Redfish polled himself and it was unanimous!


only a queer like you would attempt to "pole" himself :itsok:

Once again, a rightie who turns something completely non-sexual into something sexual, likely homosexual. Go figure.
Does the bear deliver his daily constitutional in the woods?

Dive Just 37 percent approve of Obama in week marked by Paris MIA WashingtonExaminer.com

President Obama’s public approval rating has dropped to just 37 percent, with 55 percent disapproving of his job performance, according to the first Reuters/Ipsos political tracking poll of the year.

The poll clashes with Gallup, which last had Obama at a 46 percent approval rate. During the period, the president was hit for not sending an important member of his team to the protests in Paris over recent al Qaeda terrorist killings.

RELATED: Americans unsure if Obama or Republicans should guide country

Worse, with the GOP in charge of Congress, more say that the Republicans “have better plans on the economy, taxes and foreign policy than do Democrats,” said the newly released poll.

WOW, you went to a Conservative Newspaper and got a Conservative Point of View, not exactly the truth though.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama Gallup Historical Data Trends

Seems that once again you would rather be lied to than accept the truth. No big surprise there.

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