Dive: Just 37 percent approve of Obama

Personally, I compare Obama to Reagan

He will be a higher rated President
I know you're an idiot, impersonally of course. It would be like a jackass beating a thoroughbred in the Kentucky Derby.

Having said that, Obama, Bush and Carter would be an interesting race.
The legacy of Reagan is already fading as we see the impact of his policies on the middle class

Meanwhile, Obama will be considered a top ten President
Personally, I compare Obama to Reagan

He will be a higher rated President
I know you're an idiot, impersonally of course. It would be like a jackass beating a thoroughbred in the Kentucky Derby.

Having said that, Obama, Bush and Carter would be an interesting race.
We'll see, but at this point in Reagan's presidency, the unemployment rate was still a full pointer higher than it is now. And Reagan started with an unemployment rate lower than what Obama started with and Obama started with an economy in a massive recession.
Seriously, that's an argument? Reagan's accomplishments changed not only America, but the world as well. He was a leader of epic proportions and a chapter of world history. Obama is footnote, mostly for being black (more or less).

Find a decidedly different excuse for Obama rather than mediocrity (at best).
The indisputable fact that Obama supporters are comparing his approval/disapproval ratings to Bush II instead of Clinton are Reagan are an indisputable admission of failure.

The fat lady is singing.

How honest of you to admit that Bush jr was an abject failure.
That was, and is the point. You cannot compare Obama to anyone but Bush II and Carter since Nixon and argue success. Obama's a failure exactly because of that.

And yet when compare Obama to Clinton and your beloved St Reagan he actually does better!



Talking Points Memo Breaking News and Analysis TPM


Obama Has Tied Reagan In Public Opinion Polls John A. Tures

Too bad the hard FACTS make your partisan claims utterly worthless.
37% ?

looks like Obama won't be elected to a third term doesn't it?

The indisputable fact that Obama supporters are comparing his approval/disapproval ratings to Bush II instead of Clinton are Reagan are an indisputable admission of failure.

The fat lady is singing.

How honest of you to admit that Bush jr was an abject failure.
That was, and is the point. You cannot compare Obama to anyone but Bush II and Carter since Nixon and argue success. Obama's a failure exactly because of that.

And yet when compare Obama to Clinton and your beloved St Reagan he actually does better!



Talking Points Memo Breaking News and Analysis TPM


Obama Has Tied Reagan In Public Opinion Polls John A. Tures

Too bad the hard FACTS make your partisan claims utterly worthless.
Oh, ffs, stop with the dingbat stuff. Consider your sources before you come off as a dingbat yourself. Wtf is this, a site for idiots?
Personally, I compare Obama to Reagan

He will be a higher rated President
I know you're an idiot, impersonally of course. It would be like a jackass beating a thoroughbred in the Kentucky Derby.

Having said that, Obama, Bush and Carter would be an interesting race.
We'll see, but at this point in Reagan's presidency, the unemployment rate was still a full pointer higher than it is now. And Reagan started with an unemployment rate lower than what Obama started with and Obama started with an economy in a massive recession.
Seriously, that's an argument? Reagan's accomplishments changed not only America, but the world as well. He was a leader of epic proportions and a chapter of world history. Obama is footnote, mostly for being black (more or less).

Find a decidedly different excuse for Obama rather than mediocrity (at best).
"Obama's a footnote." :lmao:

You're too funny. Hell, ObamaCare alone is going to cement Obama's place in history as a policy setter like social security did for FDR.
37% ?

looks like Obama won't be elected to a third term doesn't it?

Republicans secured that third-term honor for their favorite president, FDR.
Historians, because they are communists rate the presidents a little differently than the public, still the American voter, at times, tends to be communistic also.
You have to wonder who those 37% are. They have to be the dumbest mutherfvckers in the US to approve of Obama given his world class record of incompetency and corruption.

Of course these are the same dumbasses that voted for him in 2008 and 2012 so they are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. .
"Obama's a footnote." :lmao:

You're too funny. Hell, ObamaCare alone is going to cement Obama's place in history as a policy setter like social security did for FDR.
Compared to Reagan, Obama is an historical footnote and everybody knows that. You and that other idiot have gone off the rails comparing them in the first place.

There is simply no comparison.
Further: Bush 43, RCP complete average, all pollsters, 17 January 2006:

Disapprove 58
Approve 40

Margin -18

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

You can scroll over the interactive graphic.

RCP is a hard right-leaning website.

Bush had a low approval rating the last few years because many on the Right disapproved of his Liberal polices of growing the size of government, increasing debt, increasing entitlements, refusing to seal the borders and interventionist wars.

You know, all the same things that the idiot Obama loves.

Bush even was spouting this AGW scam bullshit.

The Tea Party was started because they figured out that Bush and the mainstream Republicans were just as bad as the Democrats.
The indisputable fact that Obama supporters are comparing his approval/disapproval ratings to Bush II instead of Clinton are Reagan are an indisputable admission of failure.

The fat lady is singing.

How honest of you to admit that Bush jr was an abject failure.
That was, and is the point. You cannot compare Obama to anyone but Bush II and Carter since Nixon and argue success. Obama's a failure exactly because of that.

And yet when compare Obama to Clinton and your beloved St Reagan he actually does better!



Talking Points Memo Breaking News and Analysis TPM


Obama Has Tied Reagan In Public Opinion Polls John A. Tures

Too bad the hard FACTS make your partisan claims utterly worthless.
Oh, ffs, stop with the dingbat stuff. Consider your sources before you come off as a dingbat yourself. Wtf is this, a site for idiots?
How about Gallup? Are they a valid site in your esteemed estimation?

Today, Gallup has Obama with a JAR at 47%. Compared to Reagan, who on this date in 1987 had a 49% JAR, according to Gallup.
Further: Bush 43, RCP complete average, all pollsters, 17 January 2006:

Disapprove 58
Approve 40

Margin -18

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

You can scroll over the interactive graphic.

RCP is a hard right-leaning website.

Bush had a low approval rating the last few years because many on the Right disapproved of his Liberal polices of growing the size of government, increasing debt, increasing entitlements, refusing to seal the borders and interventionist wars.

You know, all the same things that the idiot Obama loves.

Bush even was spouting this AGW scam bullshit.

The Tea Party was started because they figured out that Bush and the mainstream Republicans were just as bad as the Democrats.
Where do you come up with this nonsense? The TEA party was all about protesting taxes increases when they first formed. That had nothing at all to do with Bush.

"Obama's a footnote." :lmao:

You're too funny. Hell, ObamaCare alone is going to cement Obama's place in history as a policy setter like social security did for FDR.
Compared to Reagan, Obama is an historical footnote and everybody knows that. You and that other idiot have gone off the rails comparing them in the first place.

There is simply no comparison.
Your hallucinations are noted.
The indisputable fact that Obama supporters are comparing his approval/disapproval ratings to Bush II instead of Clinton are Reagan are an indisputable admission of failure.

The fat lady is singing.

How honest of you to admit that Bush jr was an abject failure.
That was, and is the point. You cannot compare Obama to anyone but Bush II and Carter since Nixon and argue success. Obama's a failure exactly because of that.

And yet when compare Obama to Clinton and your beloved St Reagan he actually does better!



Talking Points Memo Breaking News and Analysis TPM


Obama Has Tied Reagan In Public Opinion Polls John A. Tures

Too bad the hard FACTS make your partisan claims utterly worthless.
Oh, ffs, stop with the dingbat stuff. Consider your sources before you come off as a dingbat yourself. Wtf is this, a site for idiots?

The numbers are not partisan. That you can't refute the numbers exposes the fallacy of your position.
"Obama's a footnote." :lmao:

You're too funny. Hell, ObamaCare alone is going to cement Obama's place in history as a policy setter like social security did for FDR.
Compared to Reagan, Obama is an historical footnote and everybody knows that. You and that other idiot have gone off the rails comparing them in the first place.

There is simply no comparison.

Historically St Reagan was a raving liberal.
Personally, I compare Obama to Reagan

He will be a higher rated President
I know you're an idiot, impersonally of course. It would be like a jackass beating a thoroughbred in the Kentucky Derby.

Having said that, Obama, Bush and Carter would be an interesting race.
We'll see, but at this point in Reagan's presidency, the unemployment rate was still a full pointer higher than it is now. And Reagan started with an unemployment rate lower than what Obama started with and Obama started with an economy in a massive recession.
Seriously, that's an argument? Reagan's accomplishments changed not only America, but the world as well. He was a leader of epic proportions and a chapter of world history. Obama is footnote, mostly for being black (more or less).

Find a decidedly different excuse for Obama rather than mediocrity (at best).
"Obama's a footnote." :lmao:

You're too funny. Hell, ObamaCare alone is going to cement Obama's place in history as a policy setter like social security did for FDR.

The indisputable fact that Obama supporters are comparing his approval/disapproval ratings to Bush II instead of Clinton are Reagan are an indisputable admission of failure.

The fat lady is singing.

How honest of you to admit that Bush jr was an abject failure.
That was, and is the point. You cannot compare Obama to anyone but Bush II and Carter since Nixon and argue success. Obama's a failure exactly because of that.

And yet when compare Obama to Clinton and your beloved St Reagan he actually does better!



Talking Points Memo Breaking News and Analysis TPM


Obama Has Tied Reagan In Public Opinion Polls John A. Tures

Too bad the hard FACTS make your partisan claims utterly worthless.
Oh, ffs, stop with the dingbat stuff. Consider your sources before you come off as a dingbat yourself. Wtf is this, a site for idiots?
How about Gallup? Are they a valid site in your esteemed estimation?

Today, Gallup has Obama with a JAR at 47%. Compared to Reagan, who on this date in 1987 had a 49% JAR, according to Gallup.
Is there something wrong with you? Do you understand what history is? Or perhaps you are limited by the scope of dogma. Unless you consider Obama significant because he is the first "black POTUS", which he is, he is a patently insignificant president otherwise. FDR led America through a world war and was a consequential president.

Stop talking nonsense ffs!
How honest of you to admit that Bush jr was an abject failure.
That was, and is the point. You cannot compare Obama to anyone but Bush II and Carter since Nixon and argue success. Obama's a failure exactly because of that.

And yet when compare Obama to Clinton and your beloved St Reagan he actually does better!



Talking Points Memo Breaking News and Analysis TPM


Obama Has Tied Reagan In Public Opinion Polls John A. Tures

Too bad the hard FACTS make your partisan claims utterly worthless.
Oh, ffs, stop with the dingbat stuff. Consider your sources before you come off as a dingbat yourself. Wtf is this, a site for idiots?
How about Gallup? Are they a valid site in your esteemed estimation?

Today, Gallup has Obama with a JAR at 47%. Compared to Reagan, who on this date in 1987 had a 49% JAR, according to Gallup.
Is there something wrong with you? Do you understand what history is? Or perhaps you are limited by the scope of dogma. Unless you consider Obama significant because he is the first "black POTUS", which he is, he is a patently insignificant president otherwise. FDR led America through a world war and was a consequential president.

Stop talking nonsense ffs!
Yes, I do. As in .... ObamaCare is legislation of historic proportions.

Your great great great grandchildren will be learning about why they're on ObamaCare. Just as kids today learn about where social security came from.
Further: Bush 43, RCP complete average, all pollsters, 17 January 2006:

Disapprove 58
Approve 40

Margin -18

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

You can scroll over the interactive graphic.

RCP is a hard right-leaning website.

Bush had a low approval rating the last few years because many on the Right disapproved of his Liberal polices of growing the size of government, increasing debt, increasing entitlements, refusing to seal the borders and interventionist wars.

You know, all the same things that the idiot Obama loves.

Bush even was spouting this AGW scam bullshit.

The Tea Party was started because they figured out that Bush and the mainstream Republicans were just as bad as the Democrats.
Where do you come up with this nonsense? The TEA party was all about protesting taxes increases when they first formed. That had nothing at all to do with Bush.


Sorry to disappoint you but although the Tea Party has been around for awhile the massive modern Tea Party movement was kicked off when the real conservatives in America realized that the Republicans were delivering the same big government as the Democrats. That came in the last couple of years of Bush' Presidency.

While taxes is a part of the platform so are many other things having to do with an out of control Federal government.

Real Conservatives dumped the Republican Party shortly after 2006 and that is the reason Bush had such a low approval rating. The confused Left Wing shitheads never liked Bush (although they should have) and the real Conservatives didn't like him acting like a big government Liberal. That produced low ratings.

The Left didn't have their heads so far up their asses and so full of hate they would have embraced Bush as one of their own after his record of growing government.
Further: Bush 43, RCP complete average, all pollsters, 17 January 2006:

Disapprove 58
Approve 40

Margin -18

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

You can scroll over the interactive graphic.

RCP is a hard right-leaning website.

Bush had a low approval rating the last few years because many on the Right disapproved of his Liberal polices of growing the size of government, increasing debt, increasing entitlements, refusing to seal the borders and interventionist wars.

You know, all the same things that the idiot Obama loves.

Bush even was spouting this AGW scam bullshit.

The Tea Party was started because they figured out that Bush and the mainstream Republicans were just as bad as the Democrats.
Where do you come up with this nonsense? The TEA party was all about protesting taxes increases when they first formed. That had nothing at all to do with Bush.


Sorry to disappoint you but although the Tea Party has been around for awhile the massive modern Tea Party movement was kicked off when the real conservatives in America realized that the Republicans were delivering the same big government as the Democrats. That came in the last couple of years of Bush' Presidency.

While taxes is a part of the platform so are many other things having to do with an out of control Federal government.

Real Conservatives dumped the Republican Party shortly after 2006 and that is the reason Bush had such a low approval rating. The confused Left Wing shitheads never liked Bush (although they should have) and the real Conservatives didn't like him acting like a big government Liberal.

The Left didn't have their heads so far up their asses and so full of hate they would have embraced Bush as one of their own after his record of growing government.
The TEA party was formed in 2009 as a reaction to Obama's proposed policies, which they feared would increase taxes. They had nothing to do with Bush.

At the time, that's ALL they were about. What do you think TEA stands for.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to rationalize your delusions.
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