Diversity to blame for Baltimore Key Bridge Tragedy

Why does it matter?

Because Key wrote the national anthem. Not everything needs changed or eliminated because some butt-hurt blue-haired tattooed pierced comme decides they don't like it now. How about KKK-Byrd Bridge?
Because Key wrote the national anthem. Not everything needs changed or eliminated because some butt-hurt blue-haired tattooed pierced comme decides they don't like it now. How about KKK-Byrd Bridge?
I don't know what about it?
Opposing DEI is not racism
To Libs, anyone who doesn’t want to give unfair advantage to one race and discriminate against another is….racist.

Reminds me how when the Lib Governor of Virginia, in a last-ditch effort to win, tried to buy black votes by proposing a two-tier pay scale For teachers: a higher one for blacks, and a lower one for whites. He then said that anyone opposing it is racist.

P.S. He lost. VA now has a very good Reoublican Governor.

It is opposition to as political ideology it is not the foundation of any thing else

It is not racist in any way shape or form

Your claim is a filthy lie
Your ignorance is a verifiable truth.

At its core racism opposes equality.
DEI seeks equality

Therefore, to oppose DEI is to support a foundational aspect of racism.

I'm and really not sorry this upsets you.
Perhaps you should review your world view if these truths upset you.
Your ignorance is a verifiable truth.

At its core racism opposes equality.
DEI seeks equality

Therefore, to oppose DEI is to support a foundational aspect of racism.

I'm and really not sorry this upsets you.
Perhaps you should review your world view if these truths upset you.

Equality does not exist never has and never will. That is just realism. Racism creates inequality by prejudging based on superficial differences. That is a massive differnece.

DEI does not seek equality it seeks authoritarian control and strictly symbolic outcomes over others

Therefore DEI is simplty a failed political concept asnd nothing more

Im =sorry to own you like this and ruin your delusion but it needed to be done

Perhaps you should learn english.

DEI is not some guardian idea againsgt racism

Opposition to DEI is intelligent and not the least bit racist
Especially when such decisions are made because the skin is white.
Except that’s not what is happening with DIE. Whites are the LAST hired, when they can’t find anyone minimally competent among blacks, gays, or Latinos.

Time to abolish the racist DIE program.

Equality does not exist never has and never will. That is just realism. Racism creates inequality by prejudging based on superficial differences. That is a massive differnece.

DEI does not seek equality it seeks authoritarian control and strictly symbolic outcomes over others

Therefore DEI is simplty a failed political concept asnd nothing more

Im =sorry to own you like this and ruin your delusion but it needed to be done

Perhaps you should learn english.

DEI is not some guardian idea againsgt racism

Opposition to DEI is intelligent and not the least bit racist
Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree.
I'm right and you're a racist.

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