Division between races is caused by idiocy.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
So...I am hearing some bimbo on the news in MrGs bedroom (he sleeps with the tv on), and all I am hearing is African American. Babies and children of African Americans are urged to allow the vax; African Americans this, African Americans that. First, I am suspicious on why ESPECIALLY black babies and children getting jabbed. They want to kill them off faster than the rest of the races or something? Second, WHY are they referred to as African Americans? Do we say Asian Americans non stop? How about Mexican Americans? Nope. Polish Americans? Nah. Middle Eastern Americans? Hell no. India Americans? German Americans? Swedish Americans? Italian Americans? French Americans? If we are born in america, we are...AMERICANS. Why the fucking division of whatever country/race needs to be in front? Isn't that a wall right there, excluding them all as a country/race instead of AMERICANS? Dayum.

No different that black american, white american, yellow american, brown american, or even mixed american. That is division. Period. So why can't people grasp that and stop putting a title in front of american???

Black is gullible and exploitable, like a kid waving a money phone at a busy train station
IMO the country was getting along fine before the "Transformer In Chief" was elected. It was soon after that he began his anti-Police, anti-White, anti-Success smear campaigns. Ever since then the rifts in this country are getting wider and anger increasing. He will go down in history as the most damaging American President in history.
So...I am hearing some bimbo on the news in MrGs bedroom (he sleeps with the tv on), and all I am hearing is African American. Babies and children of African Americans are urged to allow the vax; African Americans this, African Americans that. First, I am suspicious on why ESPECIALLY black babies and children getting jabbed. They want to kill them off faster than the rest of the races or something? Second, WHY are they referred to as African Americans? Do we say Asian Americans non stop? How about Mexican Americans? Nope. Polish Americans? Nah. Middle Eastern Americans? Hell no. India Americans? German Americans? Swedish Americans? Italian Americans? French Americans? If we are born in america, we are...AMERICANS. Why the fucking division of whatever country/race needs to be in front? Isn't that a wall right there, excluding them all as a country/race instead of AMERICANS? Dayum.

No different that black american, white american, yellow american, brown american, or even mixed american. That is division. Period. So why can't people grasp that and stop putting a title in front of american???

This white guy from South Africa immigrated to America. He was at a party one night, and there were some black Americans there. Someone said something about African American and the South African was puzzled. He said, "im the only african american here. You guys are just Americans."
Sadly, the blacks didnt agree.
I dont get it either. They are no more African, than I am German, Irish, Jewish or Asian (according to my ancestry).
Racial divisions in this country are the result of several centuries of deliberate cultural and political policy which created institutions designed to and justifying keeping black people subjugated long after slavery was being challenged around the world. When this country was founded slavery was not based upon claims of inferiority, but it became that way to morally justify it. You don’t shed several centuries of culture and division in a few decades.
Pretty much
Racism in America is a problem of supply and demand.
Three is a low supply of racism, but there is a high demand for it nevertheless. So people create racism whether there is none in order to to fill the demand for it.
So...I am hearing some bimbo on the news in MrGs bedroom (he sleeps with the tv on), and all I am hearing is African American. Babies and children of African Americans are urged to allow the vax; African Americans this, African Americans that. First, I am suspicious on why ESPECIALLY black babies and children getting jabbed. They want to kill them off faster than the rest of the races or something? Second, WHY are they referred to as African Americans? Do we say Asian Americans non stop? How about Mexican Americans? Nope. Polish Americans? Nah. Middle Eastern Americans? Hell no. India Americans? German Americans? Swedish Americans? Italian Americans? French Americans? If we are born in america, we are...AMERICANS. Why the fucking division of whatever country/race needs to be in front? Isn't that a wall right there, excluding them all as a country/race instead of AMERICANS? Dayum.

No different that black american, white american, yellow american, brown american, or even mixed american. That is division. Period. So why can't people grasp that and stop putting a title in front of american???

You have no intention of getting the vax so it should be of no concern who they advertise to..
Racial divisions in this country are the result of several centuries of deliberate cultural and political policy which created institutions designed to and justifying keeping black people subjugated long after slavery was being challenged around the world. When this country was founded slavery was not based upon claims of inferiority, but it became that way to morally justify it. You don’t shed several centuries of culture and division in a few decades.
Black people are looked down upon all over the world

In china for instance where africans are laughed at

Or any country where light skin is preferred

The only way to change that is by individual achievement the same way Asians did it when they arrived in America

But blacks believe they should be given respect without earning it

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