DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Are you claiming that the conservative consensus around here is an endorsement of Nancy Pelois's 'qualifications' and an endorsement of the laws she writes?

that's a good one.

Look...I dont know what the heck you are talking about. I dont care what the conservative consensus is around here.

I heard what she said and the context it was said. I believe it was blown way oput of proportion and spun.

But I know the point she was making....and I wanted to debate the point itself.

And I asked a valid question......

Why is Pelosi qualified to write law for those same people, but Anne Romeny is not qualified to offer her opinion regarding those same people

and that is twice you have read the question and twice you have diverted from it. You have the right not to answer it....that is fine..

But I must question what your reason is to not answer it.

To be frank....in 2 days NOT ONE PERSON on the left has answered it.

Ann Romney can advise all she wants. But tell me what makes her particularly qualified to give EXPERT advise on how hard it is for women in this job market to find and hold jobs?

You diverted from my question.

Rosen claims that Ann Romney is not qualified to give her opinion becuase she does not experience the same anxiety and concerns that your typical American experiences.

I understand that criticism. I may even agree with it....so I am fishing for more infomration to make an educated decision......

So I am asking anyone on the left who agrees with that criticism to explain why, if such is true, the why is Nancy Pelosi qualified to write laws for those people as she has the same "mark" against her that Anne Romeny does...

It is not a loaded question...I am comparing apples to apples...

Can rich people write laws, advise, or have an opinion as it pertains to those that deal with financial anxieties?

And if yes for Pelosi, then why not for Romney?

WHy is no one answering the question?

Is it that no one wants to deabte?
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Almost makes you feel sorry for her. Lol

Hilary Rosen is a media consultant and Dem strategist. She did not "misspeak". Unfortunately, that "strategy" misfired.
I have little doubt that the 'strategy' was to demonstrate further how this contrived 'war on women' is a GOP thing - they are out of touch with women so they wage war, or some lame thing like that.

The problem with lies is you have to keep track constantly of the web of deceit and any misstep along the way shines a very bright light on the lies.
Worthless bitch.:lol:

Just because she was born to incredible wealth and, as an adult never had to do anything more strenuous than point at what she wants her staff to do, does nt mean she is "worthless". Further, I thinks it's unfair to call her a bitch.

In essense, what was said is true. Ann Romney has always had choices that most mothers do not. Make of that what "you" will but the phony sympathy from the hypocritical right is downright disgusting because they are the same people who want to take everything they can away from working mothers and women in general.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Does she not have a valid point in that Romney holds his wife up as telling him about women caring about the economy while she herself has never been a part of looking/having a job in that economy?

Why isn't Romney speaking straight out for himself instead of holding up his wife as "advising him" on an issue she has no experience in except...except....she's female. She is commenting on Romney getting advise on an issue from a person how has no experience in that issue.

BTW, I like how Hilary Rosen makes the point that this "War on Women" is purely a Right wing construct.

Do you have to smash your thumb with a hammer to realize that doing so would hurt? By your argument, No one that hasn't personally dealt with a specific situation is qualified to offer advice about that situation. Given that premise, Obama has NEVER run a business so why should anyone consider his opinion on business or economic matters credible?
Worthless bitch.:lol:

Just because she was born to incredible wealth and, as an adult never had to do anything more strenuous than point at what she wants her staff to do, does nt mean she is "worthless". Further, I thinks it's unfair to call her a bitch.

In essense, what was said is true. Ann Romney has always had choices that most mothers do not. Make of that what "you" will but the phony sympathy from the hypocritical right is downright disgusting because they are the same people who want to take everything they can away from working mothers and women in general.

:rofl: oh my the rife hypocricy :rofl:

"phony sympathy from the hypocritical right" followed by "the same people who want to take everything awya from working mothers and women in general"

:lol: You should take that on the road and start a comedy careeer, talk about phony talking points :lol:
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Does she not have a valid point in that Romney holds his wife up as telling him about women caring about the economy while she herself has never been a part of looking/having a job in that economy?

Why isn't Romney speaking straight out for himself instead of holding up his wife as "advising him" on an issue she has no experience in except...except....she's female. She is commenting on Romney getting advise on an issue from a person how has no experience in that issue.

BTW, I like how Hilary Rosen makes the point that this "War on Women" is purely a Right wing construct.

Do you have to smash your thumb with a hammer to realize that doing so would hurt? By your argument, No one that hasn't personally dealt with a specific situation is qualified to offer advice about that situation. Given that premise, Obama has NEVER run a business so why should anyone consider his opinion on business or economic matters credible?

the problem is the right. They got so caught up in spinning what Rosen said, they lost site of the fact that what Rosen said, WITHOUT THE SPIN was even MORE damaging.

Because based on what she said, the President is not qualkified to offer advice regarding the bsuiness owners, Pelosi is nbot qualified to offer advice regarding struggling Americans, Kerry is not qualified to offer advice on struggling Americans....

Heck...nearly NO ONE in congress is qualified to write laws fior ANYONE but the rich...and community organizers.....
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Does she not have a valid point in that Romney holds his wife up as telling him about women caring about the economy while she herself has never been a part of looking/having a job in that economy?

Why isn't Romney speaking straight out for himself instead of holding up his wife as "advising him" on an issue she has no experience in except...except....she's female. She is commenting on Romney getting advise on an issue from a person how has no experience in that issue.

BTW, I like how Hilary Rosen makes the point that this "War on Women" is purely a Right wing construct.

Do you have to smash your thumb with a hammer to realize that doing so would hurt? By your argument, No one that hasn't personally dealt with a specific situation is qualified to offer advice about that situation. Given that premise, Obama has NEVER run a business so why should anyone consider his opinion on business or economic matters credible?

Damn I wish I had more rep to send ya.
Exactly. And heteros should shut up about gay rights and white don't know jack about minority issues...Oh wait. Except the folks in the ivory tower. They think WE are all idiots. True colors shown again.
Do you have to smash your thumb with a hammer to realize that doing so would hurt? By your argument, No one that hasn't personally dealt with a specific situation is qualified to offer advice about that situation. Given that premise, Obama has NEVER run a business so why should anyone consider his opinion on business or economic matters credible?

the problem is the right. They got so caught up in spinning what Rosen said, they lost site of the fact that what Rosen said, WITHOUT THE SPIN was even MORE damaging.

Because based on what she said, the President is not qualkified to offer advice regarding the bsuiness owners, Pelosi is nbot qualified to offer advice regarding struggling Americans, Kerry is not qualified to offer advice on struggling Americans....

Heck...nearly NO ONE in congress is qualified to write laws fior ANYONE but the rich...and community organizers.....

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Now we have Obama claiming his wife had to work, when he was in the Senate, he only made 169k a year and they struggled. Talk about out of touch! She had her job that paid 121k the first year and got bumped to over 300k the next! Seems to me our President is a 1%, just like his opponent Romney!

You ever wonder how much bailout money was spent on those Romney run companies? In fact with all the money being given to like Solyndra and other now bankrupt companies, maybe Obama should have given it to Romney, at least the people would get a an ROI!

You do realize that romney paid more in taxes last year than obama has made his entire politcal career don't you?

Furthermore obama does admit that he makes a decent amount of money and says that he should be taxed at a higher rate. based on that alone your argument is beyond absurd.

You do realize he said his wife had to work because they were struggling, at 169k, would you be struggling? What percentage of Americans would love to make 169k a year?

And?? how does that show that obama and his wife are "just like" romney and his wife??

Oh so you mean it doesn't and you have nothing valid to offer. thank you nothing.
Does she not have a valid point in that Romney holds his wife up as telling him about women caring about the economy while she herself has never been a part of looking/having a job in that economy?

Why isn't Romney speaking straight out for himself instead of holding up his wife as "advising him" on an issue she has no experience in except...except....she's female. She is commenting on Romney getting advise on an issue from a person how has no experience in that issue.

BTW, I like how Hilary Rosen makes the point that this "War on Women" is purely a Right wing construct.

Do you have to smash your thumb with a hammer to realize that doing so would hurt? By your argument, No one that hasn't personally dealt with a specific situation is qualified to offer advice about that situation. Given that premise, Obama has NEVER run a business so why should anyone consider his opinion on business or economic matters credible?

the problem is the right. They got so caught up in spinning what Rosen said, they lost site of the fact that what Rosen said, WITHOUT THE SPIN was even MORE damaging.

Because based on what she said, the President is not qualkified to offer advice regarding the bsuiness owners, Pelosi is nbot qualified to offer advice regarding struggling Americans, Kerry is not qualified to offer advice on struggling Americans....

Heck...nearly NO ONE in congress is qualified to write laws fior ANYONE but the rich...and community organizers.....

Well we could always remind them with emails ;)

Which I am doing now......Romeny and the RNC will recieve their USMB talking points now :lol:
Exactly. And heteros should shut up about gay rights and white don't know jack about minority issues...Oh wait. Except the folks in the ivory tower. They think WE are all idiots. True colors shown again.

and Obama should not be Commander in Chief for he has never been in the military.

Rosen put her foot in her mouth WITHOUT the spin and the right is making asses of themselves by discussing the spun version of her premise.
Exactly. And heteros should shut up about gay rights and white don't know jack about minority issues...Oh wait. Except the folks in the ivory tower. They think WE are all idiots. True colors shown again.

Ive been trying to say this from the very beginning... the right missed the major point all together.

What experience does Obama and his minions have?

None.... and it is showing!
Exactly. And heteros should shut up about gay rights and white don't know jack about minority issues...Oh wait. Except the folks in the ivory tower. They think WE are all idiots. True colors shown again.

and Obama should not be Commander in Chief for he has never been in the military.

Rosen put her foot in her mouth WITHOUT the spin and the right is making asses of themselves by discussing the spun version of her premise.

Oh man we can make this go on and on.

Tim Geitner shouldn't be there because he doesn't understand how to do his own taxes.
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Do you have to smash your thumb with a hammer to realize that doing so would hurt? By your argument, No one that hasn't personally dealt with a specific situation is qualified to offer advice about that situation. Given that premise, Obama has NEVER run a business so why should anyone consider his opinion on business or economic matters credible?

the problem is the right. They got so caught up in spinning what Rosen said, they lost site of the fact that what Rosen said, WITHOUT THE SPIN was even MORE damaging.

Because based on what she said, the President is not qualkified to offer advice regarding the bsuiness owners, Pelosi is nbot qualified to offer advice regarding struggling Americans, Kerry is not qualified to offer advice on struggling Americans....

Heck...nearly NO ONE in congress is qualified to write laws fior ANYONE but the rich...and community organizers.....

Well we could always remind them with emails ;)

Which I am doing now......Romeny and the RNC will recieve their USMB talking points now :lol:

toss in this..

According to Rosens premise, Obama should be stripped of his title as Commander in Chief. He should be impeached, tossed out of office and replaced with.....heck.....Kerry?
I can't help but being a bit sarcastic here, but I think some in the democratic party would consider "work" what they were doing at the GSA......:lol:

I think all families should live the way they want to live, it is not other people's business, like it was not Hilary Rosen's business how Ann Romney raised her family...:)Ann's job is as, or even more important that some other jobs out there...:)
the problem is the right. They got so caught up in spinning what Rosen said, they lost site of the fact that what Rosen said, WITHOUT THE SPIN was even MORE damaging.

Because based on what she said, the President is not qualkified to offer advice regarding the bsuiness owners, Pelosi is nbot qualified to offer advice regarding struggling Americans, Kerry is not qualified to offer advice on struggling Americans....

Heck...nearly NO ONE in congress is qualified to write laws fior ANYONE but the rich...and community organizers.....

Well we could always remind them with emails ;)

Which I am doing now......Romeny and the RNC will recieve their USMB talking points now :lol:

toss in this..

According to Rosens premise, Obama should be stripped of his title as Commander in Chief. He should be impeached, tossed out of office and replaced with.....heck.....Kerry?

According to the new "Rosen Standard" (trademark pending, lol) Kerry is not qualified either.

Scott Brown is one of the few senators who is qualified under the "Rosen Standard"

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