DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Fair enough.....but lets take out that error...which moind you...really was not an error...it was spun into something more...

But take it out...

Her argument was that Ann, with her comfortable life and lack of financial anxiety, is in no position to advise her husband...


So tell me...

Why is Nancy Pelosi qualified to write law for those same people, but Anne Romeny is not qualified to offer her opinion regarding those same people?

The former Speaker of the House is qualified to propose laws simply because she is in Congress. But that fact does not dis-qualify Anne from offering her opinions to her husband on anything. It is up to him if he wants to discuss that advice or her opinions publically. He did.

As a husband I listen to my wife's too.

So then you disagree with Rosens premise that one must experience something to be qualified to offer an opinion on it?

Bear in mind...the accurate criticism of Rosen (without the spin) was that Anne Romney was not qualified to offer sound opinions on struggling Americans becuase she, herslef, is not a struggling American.

FYI.....in regard to Pelosi...or any congressperson...being elected to congress does not make you qualified for the position......it simply gives you the right to act out the position. To be qualified, you need to know what you are doing.

Not every surgeon is qualified to perform surgery correctly...thus why there are good surgeons and bad surgeons.

Which reminds me of an old joke...Carlin I think..

"somewhere in the world, there is someone who is preparing to undergo surgey perfomed by the worst surgeon in the world."

Oh..and an fyi...I dont agree with Pelosi's ideology at all....but I see her as quite qualified to write laws.

I disagree that that was her premise(but I do disagree if that were the premise, as anyone can offer their opinion on anything). I think it was : "I think actually that Mitt Romney is right, that ultimately women care more about the economic well-being of their families and the like. But he doesn't connect on that issue either."

Her example of why he doesn't connect is when she brought up what Mitt said about what he heard from Anne.

I think it would be more accruate to say that she was bringing up the fact he is out of touch and one of the reasons is he is surrounded by people who don't understand the economic realities of a struggling family.
Exactly. And heteros should shut up about gay rights and white don't know jack about minority issues...Oh wait. Except the folks in the ivory tower. They think WE are all idiots. True colors shown again.

and Obama should not be Commander in Chief for he has never been in the military.

Rosen put her foot in her mouth WITHOUT the spin and the right is making asses of themselves by discussing the spun version of her premise.

Oh man we can make this go on and on.

Tim Geitner shouldn't be there because he doesn't understand how to do his own taxes.

Did Rosen say that Ann Romney should not be allowed to express her opinions on this issue?

Did I miss that? Because that is all that would make that comparable to taking Geithner's job away from him.
Women who choose to stay home are very different from women who don't have that choice.

Hell, many families don't even choose to have more than 1 or 2 kids because they don't believe they can afford it, or manage it with both spouses working.
and Obama should not be Commander in Chief for he has never been in the military.

Rosen put her foot in her mouth WITHOUT the spin and the right is making asses of themselves by discussing the spun version of her premise.

Oh man we can make this go on and on.

Tim Geitner shouldn't be there because he doesn't understand how to do his own taxes.

Did Rosen say that Ann Romney should not be allowed to express her opinions on this issue?

Did I miss that? Because that is all that would make that comparable to taking Geithner's job away from him.

Have you ever been a Pilgrim? No? Well you aren't qualified to comment on a Pilgrim's comments according to the Rosen standard now are you? :lol:
Hilary Rosen has never raised kids, so how can she judge? You have never had MS, you have never been a stay at home mother, you have never had breast cancer, you have no idea if she did or didn't have nannies, you have no clue as to her health issues and you a mighty liberal, just like Rosen, can judge her. Remarkable, how libs like to stand and judge people.

Here is a transcript. Where does Rosen mention raising kids, MS, Cancer or nannies?

"With respect to economic issues, I think actually that Mitt Romney is right, that ultimately women care more about the economic well-being of their families and the like. But he doesn't connect on that issue either. What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying, 'Well, you know my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues and when I listen to my wife that's what I'm hearing.'

Guess what? His wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school and why do we worry about their future.

So I think that, yes, it's about these positions and yes, I think there will be a war of words about the positions. But there's something much more fundamental about Mitt Romney. He just seems so old-fashioned when it comes to women and I think that comes across and I think that that's going to hurt him over the long term. He just doesn't really see us as equal."

I think you and all the pseudo-conned have once again been taken for a ride by the howler monkies at Faux News.

Correct, she has overlooked all these factors and is therefore unqualified judge Ann Romney. Romney may not have dealt with economic issues, of course I do not know, but to think Ann Romney doesn't worry about her children's future? How shortsighted and since Rosen has no children, how is she able to comment on what women feel about their own children? See, Rosen is playing a little game and it backfired, I believe Rosen has a right to her opinion, I just think she is a narrow minded bigot.

BTW, I don't watch FOX.

She never once said that Mrs. Romeny doesn't care about her children. She did say, or implied that Anne has never had to worry aobut how they were going to afford to feed them or send them to school.

btw, You don't have to listen to Faux News to be influenced by their howlers. Hell even the pussies in the WH have been......

Thats rich coming from a liberal

What is sad about you and your spin is that the "liberals" are the one's trying to debate the topic while the rightwingers are the ones avoiding facts that they can't counter and spewing out nothing but unsubstantiated nonsense as they dishonestly try to attribute the words of one woman to both obama and the DNC as a whole.

What comes around goes around. We had one single male ego maniac commentator make a foul (statement) toward a woman--and the DNC took that and ran with it in their war on women campaign.

What--did you think the GOP would do with this statement--sit back and take it--:badgrin::badgrin:

Let's just hope the "war on women" is over--and we can now move on to the REAL issues that effect both women and men.

As I recall, however, the statement was more about Rush Limbaugh than "what the right thinks". I don't recall anybody trying to paint all conservatives with that broad a brush outside of the leftwing nuts like RDean and Truthmatters.

All is fair I suppose.

it does reinforce the "yeah but" reactionary stance the right has taken. Especially on this board.
Let's see: Limbaugh, who never worked for the RNC, IS a spokesperson for the RNC, but Rosen, who IS working for the DNC, doesn't speak for them?


Heat should help that pulled muscle of yours. Warm up before stretching next time.

You're claiming that Limbaugh is a spokesperson for the RNC? What does that have to do with this?
I have never claimed Limbaugh was spokesperson for the RNC. In fact, I have argued with several here that he is not and never has been. You were included in that group.


So, why would the DNC employ Rosen as an advisor if her views weren't in line with the DNC?

Is the DNC that incompetent and irresponsible to hire such persons?

Rush is the spokesperson for your party. Even HW Bush admitted so when he lost to Clinton. He said Rush would carry on the mantle....

THE RNC sends Rush and Fox and Drudge their talking points for the day. The Daily Show has busted the Lamestream media for all using the exact same talking points down to the termanology verbatum. "manufactured" war on women. or "social engineering" or "class warfare". They are all on the same page.

As far as I know the DNC does not do this and Rosen is not a leader in the liberal movement. Maybe Randi Rhodes or Thom Hartmann or Keith Olbermann, but not this Rosen person I've never heard of until you "manufactured" this story. :lol:
Women who choose to stay home are very different from women who don't have that choice.

Hell, many families don't even choose to have more than 1 or 2 kids because they don't believe they can afford it, or manage it with both spouses working.

What is many?

Considering half of all US births are to a single parent.
You're claiming that Limbaugh is a spokesperson for the RNC? What does that have to do with this?
I have never claimed Limbaugh was spokesperson for the RNC. In fact, I have argued with several here that he is not and never has been. You were included in that group.


So, why would the DNC employ Rosen as an advisor if her views weren't in line with the DNC?

Is the DNC that incompetent and irresponsible to hire such persons?

Rush is the spokesperson for your party. ....
Thanks for that. ;)

So, Rosen, as an actually employee of the DNC, is a spokesperson for the DNC.

The DNC's "War on Mothers".

You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
To democrats this is true.

Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. She has no woman in her family that has ever worked. She knows no woman that has ever worked. She has never spoken to a woman that had ever worked a day in her life.

This is why democrats are lying. They can't sustain their fictions.
Here is a transcript. Where does Rosen mention raising kids, MS, Cancer or nannies?

"With respect to economic issues, I think actually that Mitt Romney is right, that ultimately women care more about the economic well-being of their families and the like. But he doesn't connect on that issue either. What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying, 'Well, you know my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues and when I listen to my wife that's what I'm hearing.'

Guess what? His wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school and why do we worry about their future.

So I think that, yes, it's about these positions and yes, I think there will be a war of words about the positions. But there's something much more fundamental about Mitt Romney. He just seems so old-fashioned when it comes to women and I think that comes across and I think that that's going to hurt him over the long term. He just doesn't really see us as equal."

I think you and all the pseudo-conned have once again been taken for a ride by the howler monkies at Faux News.

Correct, she has overlooked all these factors and is therefore unqualified judge Ann Romney. Romney may not have dealt with economic issues, of course I do not know, but to think Ann Romney doesn't worry about her children's future? How shortsighted and since Rosen has no children, how is she able to comment on what women feel about their own children? See, Rosen is playing a little game and it backfired, I believe Rosen has a right to her opinion, I just think she is a narrow minded bigot.

BTW, I don't watch FOX.

She never once said that Mrs. Romeny doesn't care about her children. She did say, or implied that Anne has never had to worry aobut how they were going to afford to feed them or send them to school.

btw, You don't have to listen to Faux News to be influenced by their howlers. Hell even the pussies in the WH have been......

Republicans are very good at controlling the conversation. Always have been. Didn't help when Clinton went along with them on deregulating the media though. Now 7 mega corporations own all the media so they now completely control the message. For example, if oil companies or blue cross are their sponsors, how are they going to expose their corruption? And the station owners control what topics are covered. Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow don't have freedom to talk about anything they want. They have to get approval. That's why Donahue got fired and Olbermann. And why Randi Rhodes and Thom Hartmann aren't on MSNBC. They go too far.
I have never claimed Limbaugh was spokesperson for the RNC. In fact, I have argued with several here that he is not and never has been. You were included in that group.


So, why would the DNC employ Rosen as an advisor if her views weren't in line with the DNC?

Is the DNC that incompetent and irresponsible to hire such persons?

Rush is the spokesperson for your party. ....
Thanks for that. ;)

So, Rosen, as an actually employee of the DNC, is a spokesperson for the DNC.

The DNC's "War on Mothers".

You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Reading this exhange while viewing your new avatar adds a new layer of humor ;)
To democrats this is true.

Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. She has no woman in her family that has ever worked. She knows no woman that has ever worked. She has never spoken to a woman that had ever worked a day in her life.

This is why democrats are lying. They can't sustain their fictions.

First one is true, second one not true, 3rd not true, and the last one is especially false. She gives directions to the butlers, maids and landscapers all the time.
If women who stay home to raise their families cannot relate to women that work, the surely the women who have never worked and have made welfare a lifestyle choice can't relate to either women who work or women who stay home supported by a working husband.
I have never claimed Limbaugh was spokesperson for the RNC. In fact, I have argued with several here that he is not and never has been. You were included in that group.


So, why would the DNC employ Rosen as an advisor if her views weren't in line with the DNC?

Is the DNC that incompetent and irresponsible to hire such persons?

Rush is the spokesperson for your party. ....
Thanks for that. ;)

So, Rosen, as an actually employee of the DNC, is a spokesperson for the DNC.

The DNC's "War on Mothers".

Who's husbands make over $1 million dollars a year. :clap2:

Who's husbands make over $1 million dollars a year? Sure.

No altering quotes, first time is a warning. - Newby
To democrats this is true.

Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. She has no woman in her family that has ever worked. She knows no woman that has ever worked. She has never spoken to a woman that had ever worked a day in her life.

This is why democrats are lying. They can't sustain their fictions.

First one is true, second one not true, 3rd not true, and the last one is especially false. She gives directions to the butlers, maids and landscapers all the time.

What is true is that Hilary Rosen hates and despises Ann Romney became Ann Romney is a straight heterosexual. This is what it is all about. A deep and abiding hatred of heterosexual women.
Rush is the spokesperson for your party. ....
Thanks for that. ;)

So, Rosen, as an actually employee of the DNC, is a spokesperson for the DNC.

The DNC's "War on Mothers".

Who's husbands make over $1 million dollars a year. :clap2:

You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Who's husbands make over $1 million dollars a year? Sure.
To the bolded, I NEVER wrote that.

Why are you saying I did?

You should correct that.
To democrats this is true.

Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. She has no woman in her family that has ever worked. She knows no woman that has ever worked. She has never spoken to a woman that had ever worked a day in her life.

This is why democrats are lying. They can't sustain their fictions.

First one is true, second one not true, 3rd not true, and the last one is especially false. She gives directions to the butlers, maids and landscapers all the time.

What is true is that Hilary Rosen hates and despises Ann Romney became Ann Romney is a straight heterosexual. This is what it is all about. A deep and abiding hatred of heterosexual women.

Kidding, right? :lol:

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