DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Thats rich coming from a liberal

What is sad about you and your spin is that the "liberals" are the one's trying to debate the topic while the rightwingers are the ones avoiding facts that they can't counter and spewing out nothing but unsubstantiated nonsense as they dishonestly try to attribute the words of one woman to both obama and the DNC as a whole.

What comes around goes around. We had one single male ego maniac commentator make a foul (statement) toward a woman--and the DNC took that and ran with it in their war on women campaign.

What--did you think the GOP would do with this statement--sit back and take it--:badgrin::badgrin:

Let's just hope the "war on women" is over--and we can now move on to the REAL issues that effect both women and men.

Uh so despite the fact that pretty much everyone including the president has condemned the words uttered by hilary and no one on the right could do the same to rush including romney you think there is a comparison?? Really?? The fact that they couldn't stand up to limbaugh says it all.

Furthermore, in case you missed it or are pretending it hasn't happened the war on women consists of far more than limbaugh accusing a young woman of a crime while calling her a slut and a PROSTITUTE.
Just take a look at all of the antiabortion/transvaginal ultrasound/anticontraception laws being proposed or passed by republican ran states across the country.

So go ahead and hide your head in the sand and pretend they don't exist and you will see how women retaliate come november. :)
Notice how they ran.

When the going gets tough, the whimps run like hell.
The retaliation isn't waiting until November.

Fox News Poll: Romney Edges Obama as Approval of President Drops | Fox News

obama is starting his slide now.

obama cannot win on his record. His reelection strategy is to create a coalition of the disaffected. He just has to create a big enough collective group of disaffected. This means dividing people as many times as necessary to create enough disaffected people. It is not a good strategy. It is failing.

Why did obama wait so long to repudicate Rosen's remarks? He was waiting to see how the political winds were blowing. Had there not been an immediate and vociferous backlash, obama would have had something very different to say.

Rosen's remarks is not the same as Limbaugh's because Rosen works for the DNC as a DNC strategist. Limbaugh is only a radio commentator. Which is, to remind democrats, the same argument that they used for Bill Maher! This was absolutely part of the DNC's strategy of creating division. Women were not sufficiently disaffected. Divide them between working women and stay at home women. If that doesn't work, there will be another division.
What is sad about you and your spin is that the "liberals" are the one's trying to debate the topic while the rightwingers are the ones avoiding facts that they can't counter and spewing out nothing but unsubstantiated nonsense as they dishonestly try to attribute the words of one woman to both obama and the DNC as a whole.

What comes around goes around. We had one single male ego maniac commentator make a foul (statement) toward a woman--and the DNC took that and ran with it in their war on women campaign.

What--did you think the GOP would do with this statement--sit back and take it--:badgrin::badgrin:

Let's just hope the "war on women" is over--and we can now move on to the REAL issues that effect both women and men.

Uh so despite the fact that pretty much everyone including the president has condemned the words uttered by hilary and no one on the right could do the same to rush including romney you think there is a comparison?? Really?? The fact that they couldn't stand up to limbaugh says it all.

Furthermore, in case you missed it or are pretending it hasn't happened the war on women consists of far more than limbaugh accusing a young woman of a crime while calling her a slut and a PROSTITUTE.
Just take a look at all of the antiabortion/transvaginal ultrasound/anticontraception laws being proposed or passed by republican ran states across the country.

So go ahead and hide your head in the sand and pretend they don't exist and you will see how women retaliate come november. :)

Newsflash: not all women give a rats ass about abortion. If the left had said that the GOP is waging a "War on Abortion" or even more honestly, common sense restrictions affecting a small percentage of women, this then it might make sense.

The economy affects ALL women.

In one of Rosens tweets she referred to the "phony war" on women. That's a confession that has spun this whole controversy. As si modo said, sometimes it gets hard to keep track of all those lies.
What comes around goes around. We had one single male ego maniac commentator make a foul (statement) toward a woman--and the DNC took that and ran with it in their war on women campaign.

What--did you think the GOP would do with this statement--sit back and take it--:badgrin::badgrin:

Let's just hope the "war on women" is over--and we can now move on to the REAL issues that effect both women and men.

Uh so despite the fact that pretty much everyone including the president has condemned the words uttered by hilary and no one on the right could do the same to rush including romney you think there is a comparison?? Really?? The fact that they couldn't stand up to limbaugh says it all.

Furthermore, in case you missed it or are pretending it hasn't happened the war on women consists of far more than limbaugh accusing a young woman of a crime while calling her a slut and a PROSTITUTE.
Just take a look at all of the antiabortion/transvaginal ultrasound/anticontraception laws being proposed or passed by republican ran states across the country.

So go ahead and hide your head in the sand and pretend they don't exist and you will see how women retaliate come november. :)

Newsflash: not all women give a rats ass about abortion. If the left had said that the GOP is waging a "War on Abortion" or even more honestly, common sense restrictions affecting a small percentage of women, this then it might make sense.

The economy affects ALL women.

In one of Rosens tweets she referred to the "phony war" on women. That's a confession that has spun this whole controversy. As si modo said, sometimes it gets hard to keep track of all those lies.

when you cant run on your record and you feel you cant out debate your opponent, you are forced to run onj spin.

When you run on spin, you are more apt to step on your toes.

If the RNC is smart, they will stop with the spin about Rosen. They need to make it about Obama, his record and his resorting to spin.

I know...a big IF,,,,(the RNC being smart).
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube
What kind of "work" has she done?

Those kids were raised by very high paid nannies.
She doesnt have to raise a finger to wash any dishes, sweep any floors.

The larger point is that she doesn't have the worries that the average woman who HAS to work AND juggle a job/career and a KID and/or husband.

The faux outrage of the Reicht is so hilarious.



LOLing!!! :lol:
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube
What kind of "work" has she done?

Those kids were raised by very high paid nannies.
She doesnt have to raise a finger to wash any dishes, sweep any floors.

The larger point is that she doesn't have the worries that the average woman who HAS to work AND juggle a job/career and a KID and/or husband.

The faux outrage of the Reicht is so hilarious.



LOLing!!! :lol:
The poutrage is strong w/this one...
Si modo said:
Hi, you have received -1019 reputation points from Si modo.
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Si modo

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:lol: :lol: :lol:
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube
What kind of "work" has she done?

Those kids were raised by very high paid nannies.
She doesnt have to raise a finger to wash any dishes, sweep any floors.

The larger point is that she doesn't have the worries that the average woman who HAS to work AND juggle a job/career and a KID and/or husband.

The faux outrage of the Reicht is so hilarious.



LOLing!!! :lol:
The poutrage is strong w/this one...
Si modo said:
Hi, you have received -1019 reputation points from Si modo.
Reputation was given for this post.


Si modo

Note: This is an automated message.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
And, I'll hit you for whining about a neg.

As I always do.

You certainly deliver on the whines, sexist. :thup:
Bill Maher made comments about public figures, Limpballs attacked a private citizen.

Wrong. Flukes is a self-described professional Pro-Abortion Activist.

Stop being willfully ignorant.

But she doesn't hold a public office or any position of authority. She actually is a private citizen who told someoen what she thought on a subject.

She was an activist, she wanted to give her testimony, she has been working to get her position out there and seeking publicity wherever she could find it. She is a public figure, she wanted and has made herself one. She is like Maher, Limbaugh, Steinem, Sharpton and others or do you compare he more to Joe the Plumber in 2008?
What kind of "work" has she done?

Those kids were raised by very high paid nannies.
She doesnt have to raise a finger to wash any dishes, sweep any floors.

The larger point is that she doesn't have the worries that the average woman who HAS to work AND juggle a job/career and a KID and/or husband.

The faux outrage of the Reicht is so hilarious.



LOLing!!! :lol:
The poutrage is strong w/this one...
Si modo said:
Hi, you have received -1019 reputation points from Si modo.
Reputation was given for this post.


Si modo

Note: This is an automated message.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
And, I'll hit you for whining about a neg.

As I always do.

You certainly deliver on the whines, sexist. :thup:

And under http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/218155-the-hillary-rosen-standard.html#post5119016 you are qualified to neg rep :lol:

I certainly want to thank the American Left for defending Rosen's comments. This is truly going to be a turning point, because it's going to simplify and clarify things going forward. As has been pointed out already on this thread, from now on only people with direct experience in any given issue will be allowed to comment on that issue.

So, I'm sure we can all agree to the following:

Straight people can no longer comment on LGBT issues;
Only people of a specific ethnicity can speak to issues that affect that ethnicity;
Only people who have had an abortion can comment on abortion;
Only people who have been homeless can comment on homelessness;
Only people who have owned a business can tell business owners what to do;
Only people who have been in battle can comment about war;
Only people who have held elective office can comment about politicians;
Only people who have participated in pro sports can comment about pro sports (ouch);
Only rich people can comment about rich people;
Only people with a "W" in their name can comment about people with a "W" in their name;

This is great. Imagine all the bullshit we'll be spared!



I certainly want to thank the American Left for defending Rosen's comments. This is truly going to be a turning point, because it's going to simplify and clarify things going forward. As has been pointed out already on this thread, from now on only people with direct experience in any given issue will be allowed to comment on that issue.

So, I'm sure we can all agree to the following:

Straight people can no longer comment on LGBT issues;
Only people of a specific ethnicity can speak to issues that affect that ethnicity;
Only people who have had an abortion can comment on abortion;
Only people who have been homeless can comment on homelessness;
Only people who have owned a business can tell business owners what to do;
Only people who have been in battle can comment about war;
Only people who have held elective office can comment about politicians;
Only people who have participated in pro sports can comment about pro sports (ouch);
Only rich people can comment about rich people;
Only people with a "W" in their name can comment about people with a "W" in their name;

This is great. Imagine all the bullshit we'll be spared!



Yup the Dems created a new standard, http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/218155-the-hillary-rosen-standard.html#post5119016
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube
What kind of "work" has she done?

Those kids were raised by very high paid nannies.
She doesnt have to raise a finger to wash any dishes, sweep any floors.

The larger point is that she doesn't have the worries that the average woman who HAS to work AND juggle a job/career and a KID and/or husband.

The faux outrage of the Reicht is so hilarious.


LOLing!!! :lol:

well then...according to your thinking...

1) Barak Obama can not be a good Commander in Chief for he has never been part of the military.

2) Nancy Pelosi is not qualified to write laws that affect the less fortunate for she is...well....as rich as Anne Romney

3) MIchelle Obama is not quialified to offer her opinion on Obesity for she has never been obese.

4) A commentator who has never practiced politics is not qualified to comment on politics

5) Stephen King was not qualified to write Christine for he had never had a car that had its own mind

6) The only qualified psychiatirst is one that was once deemed as insane.

Do you see my point?

Marc...you are WAY to good to get caught up in this situation. Yes, the right spun what Rosen said....but even without the spin, it was criticism that had no merit.
Last edited:
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube
What kind of "work" has she done?

Those kids were raised by very high paid nannies.
She doesnt have to raise a finger to wash any dishes, sweep any floors.

The larger point is that she doesn't have the worries that the average woman who HAS to work AND juggle a job/career and a KID and/or husband.

The faux outrage of the Reicht is so hilarious.



LOLing!!! :lol:

Hilary Rosen has never raised kids, so how can she judge? You have never had MS, you have never been a stay at home mother, you have never had breast cancer, you have no idea if she did or didn't have nannies, you have no clue as to her health issues and you a mighty liberal, just like Rosen, can judge her. Remarkable, how libs like to stand and judge people.
She was specifically saying that Anne Romney has not experienced the fianncail concerns and anxiety of your typical american mom in America and therefore she is in no position to be advising her husband.

There...that is the truth without the spin.

Rosens mistake however?

Why is Pelosi qualified to write law for those same people, but Anne Romeny is not qualified to offer her opinion regarding those same people?

That is where she erred. It was an attack on Anne that had no basis.

I can accept that as a resonable argument, I'm not sure I agree whole-haeartedly with your opinon, however, it is much more honest than the faux spin that "They waging a war on stay at home moms!"

Thank you.

Rosen should have skipped the whole "...never worked a day..." line and would have still gotten her message across.

Fair enough.....but lets take out that error...which moind you...really was not an error...it was spun into something more...

But take it out...

Her argument was that Ann, with her comfortable life and lack of financial anxiety, is in no position to advise her husband...


So tell me...

Why is Nancy Pelosi qualified to write law for those same people, but Anne Romeny is not qualified to offer her opinion regarding those same people?

The former Speaker of the House is qualified to propose laws simply because she is in Congress. But that fact does not dis-qualify Anne from offering her opinions to her husband on anything. It is up to him if he wants to discuss that advice or her opinions publically. He did.

As a husband I listen to my wife's too.
I can accept that as a resonable argument, I'm not sure I agree whole-haeartedly with your opinon, however, it is much more honest than the faux spin that "They waging a war on stay at home moms!"

Thank you.

Rosen should have skipped the whole "...never worked a day..." line and would have still gotten her message across.

Fair enough.....but lets take out that error...which moind you...really was not an error...it was spun into something more...

But take it out...

Her argument was that Ann, with her comfortable life and lack of financial anxiety, is in no position to advise her husband...


So tell me...

Why is Nancy Pelosi qualified to write law for those same people, but Anne Romeny is not qualified to offer her opinion regarding those same people?

The former Speaker of the House is qualified to propose laws simply because she is in Congress. But that fact does not dis-qualify Anne from offering her opinions to her husband on anything. It is up to him if he wants to discuss that advice or her opinions publically. He did.

As a husband I listen to my wife's too.

So then you disagree with Rosens premise that one must experience something to be qualified to offer an opinion on it?

Bear in mind...the accurate criticism of Rosen (without the spin) was that Anne Romney was not qualified to offer sound opinions on struggling Americans becuase she, herslef, is not a struggling American.

FYI.....in regard to Pelosi...or any congressperson...being elected to congress does not make you qualified for the position......it simply gives you the right to act out the position. To be qualified, you need to know what you are doing.

Not every surgeon is qualified to perform surgery correctly...thus why there are good surgeons and bad surgeons.

Which reminds me of an old joke...Carlin I think..

"somewhere in the world, there is someone who is preparing to undergo surgey perfomed by the worst surgeon in the world."

Oh..and an fyi...I dont agree with Pelosi's ideology at all....but I see her as quite qualified to write laws.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube
What kind of "work" has she done?

Those kids were raised by very high paid nannies.
She doesnt have to raise a finger to wash any dishes, sweep any floors.

The larger point is that she doesn't have the worries that the average woman who HAS to work AND juggle a job/career and a KID and/or husband.

The faux outrage of the Reicht is so hilarious.



LOLing!!! :lol:

Hilary Rosen has never raised kids, so how can she judge? You have never had MS, you have never been a stay at home mother, you have never had breast cancer, you have no idea if she did or didn't have nannies, you have no clue as to her health issues and you a mighty liberal, just like Rosen, can judge her. Remarkable, how libs like to stand and judge people.

Here is a transcript. Where does Rosen mention raising kids, MS, Cancer or nannies?

"With respect to economic issues, I think actually that Mitt Romney is right, that ultimately women care more about the economic well-being of their families and the like. But he doesn't connect on that issue either. What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying, 'Well, you know my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues and when I listen to my wife that's what I'm hearing.'

Guess what? His wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school and why do we worry about their future.

So I think that, yes, it's about these positions and yes, I think there will be a war of words about the positions. But there's something much more fundamental about Mitt Romney. He just seems so old-fashioned when it comes to women and I think that comes across and I think that that's going to hurt him over the long term. He just doesn't really see us as equal."

I think you and all the pseudo-conned have once again been taken for a ride by the howler monkies at Faux News.
What kind of "work" has she done?

Those kids were raised by very high paid nannies.
She doesnt have to raise a finger to wash any dishes, sweep any floors.

The larger point is that she doesn't have the worries that the average woman who HAS to work AND juggle a job/career and a KID and/or husband.

The faux outrage of the Reicht is so hilarious.



LOLing!!! :lol:

Hilary Rosen has never raised kids, so how can she judge? You have never had MS, you have never been a stay at home mother, you have never had breast cancer, you have no idea if she did or didn't have nannies, you have no clue as to her health issues and you a mighty liberal, just like Rosen, can judge her. Remarkable, how libs like to stand and judge people.

Here is a transcript. Where does Rosen mention raising kids, MS, Cancer or nannies?

"With respect to economic issues, I think actually that Mitt Romney is right, that ultimately women care more about the economic well-being of their families and the like. But he doesn't connect on that issue either. What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying, 'Well, you know my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues and when I listen to my wife that's what I'm hearing.'

Guess what? His wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school and why do we worry about their future.

So I think that, yes, it's about these positions and yes, I think there will be a war of words about the positions. But there's something much more fundamental about Mitt Romney. He just seems so old-fashioned when it comes to women and I think that comes across and I think that that's going to hurt him over the long term. He just doesn't really see us as equal."

I think you and all the pseudo-conned have once again been taken for a ride by the howler monkies at Faux News.

Correct, she has overlooked all these factors and is therefore unqualified judge Ann Romney. Romney may not have dealt with economic issues, of course I do not know, but to think Ann Romney doesn't worry about her children's future? How shortsighted and since Rosen has no children, how is she able to comment on what women feel about their own children? See, Rosen is playing a little game and it backfired, I believe Rosen has a right to her opinion, I just think she is a narrow minded bigot.

BTW, I don't watch FOX.
How is this an "attack" rather than a statement of fact? You're all so funny. He says he gets his clues from his wife, and whatshername pointed out that his wife is as in touch with the concerns of ordinary women (in reference to women with a budget to balance and a schedule to juggle) as HE is.

GAWD, whatta stretch. :wtf:


The stretch is you having something to contribute.

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