DNC Chicago 2024, flashbacks to 1968

In Wisconsin the only way to swap a candidate after the primaries is if the original candidate dies. Period. Nevada allows for swapping if the original is institutionalized or dies.
A few things. A democrat Senate Candidate died after the deadline, but before the Election. The Party decided that is was OK for his wife to take his place. The RNC acted like Frank Pentangeli at Michael Corleone Senate hearings

The democrats cheated in 2020 and evidenced by their unashamed effort to register Illegal Alien criminals, they are cheating again in broad daylight
Will the DNC Convention in Chicago this summer will be more raucous, violent and hate filled than the famous 1968 Chicago Convention?

There is no chance that the Biden Body Double will be the nominee. After Hillary got schlonged by Trump the DNC eliminated her superdelegates. It's too late to have anyone besides the Biden Body Double on the ballots, so this will be an open Convention to select the nominee.

There will be warring factions, all wanting their man/woman/pick a gender candidate to be the nominee. And this will truly be a war.

The Hamas and Islamic Jihadists want their "Death to America, Death to Israel" Candidate; the Reparationists will want their candidate, Xi has already handpicked Newsom, the AGW Cult will want Greta, and the MIC might want Lindsay Graham or some other war fetishist

I predict record popcorn sales, because this will be a show for the ages!

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That’s more likely to happen in Milwaukee, as the never-Trumpers take to the streets and expose the clownshow going on inside the convention hall. :popcorn:

A few things. A democrat Senate Candidate died after the deadline, but before the Election. The Party decided that is was OK for his wife to take his place. The RNC acted like Frank Pentangeli at Michael Corleone Senate hearings

The democrats cheated in 2020 and evidenced by their unashamed effort to register Illegal Alien criminals, they are cheating again in broad daylight
Yeah but dude died, that's the point. If Democrats want to kill Biden that's on them.

Agreed, but cheating on a write-in is a different monster. Although Wisconsin has taken some steps to reduce Democrat criminality this year.
Are you talking about actual laws or some hokey made up party shit rules?
Election laws that governs who can be on the ballot. The parties are private entities, whatever their rules are, they are still subject to the law. I think such laws are a great idea, nobody gets on the ballot that didn't campaign in the state unless there are extreme circumstances.

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