DNC Chicago 2024, flashbacks to 1968

Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy were the two Democrat peace candidates in 1968.
There are no democrat peace candidates today, they’re more ghoulish and bigger war mongers that Lindsay Graham
There were no fake votes. No ballot box stuffing. No ballot harvesting. No widespread fraud.

He lost. Because he blew the response to the pandemic so voters showed him the door. That and he completely sucked as President.

The majority of American voters...will vote for Biden.
Civil Rights for the Uncivilized and Come One, Come All Immigration

Neither lying side will ever touch the Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby as the sole cause because both fraternity parties voted for its enabling legislation.
It wasn't only Chicago, DC was a hot mess in 1968 if you were around here, you had to paint soul brother on your vehicle to get back across the 14th st bridge when King was murdered. The whole city was damaged, and the feds were financing urban renewal, but you had to hire local people to work for the unions. We would pull wire in the houses at Upshur st and around T street, come back next day and it would all have been pulled out for scrap. Same with the plumbing, and it went on for months. Deja Poo, the feeling you have seen this shit before. There will be some level of violence because we accept it so easily now that we cal rationalize it to ourselves. Actually, we look forward to it as the "norm".
"Ukraine is finished, done, kaput. Why are we ....... forcing them to keep fighting to the last Ukrainian? We are an occupied nation lead by Satanists"

OK, thank you, Frank.
That succinctly lays out the QAnon Chupacabra position, being intelligently led by John F.Kennedy, Jr. and the Lindberg baby who wasn't killed after all. They will lead an army of Lizard People to nominate Don
'I-Never-Had-Sex-With-That-Woman' Trump, as President, and Rudy Giuliani as VP.

This election season is gonna be a Michelin starred Goat Ropin'. I'm lookin' forward to it. You too, Frank?

"Whites-Only Voting Made America Great" *

But.......sneaking up on the inside rail, comes the re-purposed Lester Maddox/George Wallace ticket of the Alt-Right 'Jews-Will-Not-Replace-Us' faction of QAnon'rs.


*notably, there are those on this venue who have advocated that even being white ain't enough. Some have said if you have an X-Chromosome you shouldn't vote in America!
OK, thank you, Frank.
That succinctly lays out the QAnon Chupacabra position, being intelligently led by John F.Kennedy, Jr. and the Lindberg baby who wasn't killed after all. They will lead an army of Lizard People to nominate Don
'I-Never-Had-Sex-With-That-Woman' Trump, as President, and Rudy Giuliani as VP.

This election season is gonna be a Michelin starred Goat Ropin'. I'm lookin' forward to it. You too, Frank?


Ukraine is done. We need to send every Congressperson and their families who voted to fund it to Kiev, followed close by the democrat Illegal Invader Army
OK, thank you, Frank.
That succinctly lays out the QAnon Chupacabra position, being intelligently led by John F.Kennedy, Jr. and the Lindberg baby who wasn't killed after all. They will lead an army of Lizard People to nominate Don
'I-Never-Had-Sex-With-That-Woman' Trump, as President, and Rudy Giuliani as VP.

This election season is gonna be a Michelin starred Goat Ropin'. I'm lookin' forward to it. You too, Frank?

Well except I was booted from that site because I called them out as being run by the teenage son of a CIA who passed out drunk and let his pimplefaced kid steal his passwords, I'd agree with you
I just figured out that by the time of the DNC Convention, they will have already replaced Biden by a virtual vote prior to the August 7 deadline for Ohio!

The commies and left wing racists here are already relying on long conversations with their imaginary friends, AI's, so why not an imaginary candidate? They can't tell the difference anyway.
Whites-Only Voting Made America Great

An inconvenient fact. Black people weren't freed by other black people, they had to be freed by white Christians, and the same goes for Reducing slavery in Africa. Black govts. there sniveled and complained about the League Of Nation making membership contingent on outlawing slavery in 1926 or so, and they had to do their slaver trading underground, like they do today.

Note that they had to keep repeating all this stuff for decades, and it wasn't because the white nations were practicing much of it, it was all Asian and African.

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