DNC congresswoman threatens street violence if Biden works with Republicans on debt ceiling

This thread is proof the psychotic right wants violence any way they can get it! They twist a Congresswoman's words into the symbolic throwing down the gauntlet, which is not what she said. Her message was clear, liberals will go ballistic if Biden negotiates the debt ceiling with these horseshit Republicans!

You fuckers elected people who are nuts! So now sleep in the bed you made!
They deleted most of the quote to change the meaning. No surprise.

The entire quote:

"I think there would be a huge backlash from our entire House Democratic caucus, certainly the progressives, but also in the streets,” she said. “It's important that we don't take steps back from the very strong agenda that the president himself shepherded and led over the last years.”
This thread is proof the psychotic right wants violence any way they can get it! They twist a Congresswoman's words into the symbolic throwing down the gauntlet, which is not what she said. Her message was clear, liberals will go ballistic if Biden negotiates the debt ceiling with these horseshit Republicans!

You fuckers elected people who are nuts! So now sleep in the bed you made!
Gee you and your friends twisted “go peacefully and protest” into a call for violent insurrection, her language is far more inflammatory.
This thread is proof the psychotic right wants violence any way they can get it! They twist a Congresswoman's words into the symbolic throwing down the gauntlet, which is not what she said. Her message was clear, liberals will go ballistic if Biden negotiates the debt ceiling with these horseshit Republicans!

You fuckers elected people who are nuts! So now sleep in the bed you made!
You stupid confused Moon Bat.

It is the filthy ass Democrat bitch that is the one calling for violence.
We Americans should be calling for riots, looting and destruction if the Republicans compromise with the goddamn Democrats to put us further in debt while bloated government spending is out of control.
On Tuesday, CNN released the results of their poll asking Americans their thoughts about raising the debt ceiling. A majority of respondents, at 60 percent, want to see the debt ceiling raised only if it cuts spending. Less than a quarter, at 24 percent, want it raised no matter what. Democrats have been fighting for this kind of clean debt ceiling raising. Fifteen percent don't want to raise the debt ceiling, which would allow the United States to default on its debt.

As is highlighted as a takeaway in a CNN write-up, a strong majority of Republicans at 79 percent and a majority of Independents at 58 percent believe the limit should only be raised alongside spending cuts. Democrats are statistically evenly split in that 46 want it raised no matter what, while 45 percent favor doing so with spending cuts.
I have a great idea Moon Bats.

Instead of borrowing more money how about we stop giving anything to the filthy ass Illegals and we stop building EV charging stations?
They deleted most of the quote to change the meaning. No surprise.

The entire quote:

"I think there would be a huge backlash from our entire House Democratic caucus, certainly the progressives, but also in the streets,” she said. “It's important that we don't take steps back from the very strong agenda that the president himself shepherded and led over the last years.”
changes nothing.

the ignorant bitch (her not you) is calling for violence in the streets.
Then show me the quote where she says this.
You stupid confused Moon Bat. What in the hell do you think it means when the Democrat filth threatens "a huge backlash...in the streets" given the fact they are the ones that supported six months of Negro/ANTIFA rioting, murdering, looting and destruction?

Democrats are the scum of America and will always resort to violence to further their goal of turning America into a Socialist shithole, like all Marxist revolutionaries.
You stupid confused Moon Bat. What in the hell do you think it means when the Democrat filth threatens "a huge backlash...in the streets" given the fact they are the ones that supported six months of Negro/ANTIFA rioting, murdering, looting and destruction?

Democrats are the scum of America and will always resort to violence to further their goal of turning America into a Socialist shithole, like all Marxist revolutionaries.
Fuck you, asshole! The only violence in this country is from the right! We saw that on Jan 6th. In Charlettsville. In Uvalde. The reason you think that is what she is saying, is because that's what you would do!
Fuck you, asshole! The only violence in this country is from the right! We saw that on Jan 6th. In Charlettsville. In Uvalde. The reason you think that is what she is saying, is because that's what you would do!

Nice try.


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