Do absentee ballot voters have to show picture ID?

Last week I stopped at my county Board of Elections and cast my vote. I had to show ID because that's the law here inOhio. Even at my regular polling place, I have to show ID. On Election Day proper, I have to travel for business. I'm glad to cast my vote early so now I don't have to pay attention to all those yard signs.
But it does not to be a Photo ID.
How does that work?

It can only be mailed to the official address you have on record. Usually, that means the address on your official ID or driver's license. Sadly, a Dem postal worker was caught destroying some absentee ballots for Trump.

Only when you go in person, when no ID is required, can you get away with voting without any verification.

Oh, and we know now that there is cheating by bussing people to different states and voting illegally. Of course, those relying on the liberal media won't hear anything negative since they imposed a blackout on the leaked emails. One lib 'reporter' is telling people it's illegal for anyone but the press to have the emails and they are trying to deter people from going to the website for fear it's a crime to do so.
Damn do you ever buy into the rightwing conspiracy theories
No postal worker was caught destroying absentee ballots for Trump (How do you know what is inside an envelope)
No busloads of people are going state to state

See what I mean about the RWnuts blithely carrying on with wholly debunked story?
You weren't granted the right to bear arms?
its a right that cant be taken. Not sure (other than I think you might be 15 at the oldest) you cant understand these things

If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
working on the basis or theory that no one right is greater than another, How can we claim that something as simple as showing ID to vote is a violation of a right, and at the same time claim that it is not a violation of a right for someone to go through what they have to go through to purchase or own a handgun.
Nobody is asking for anyone to pay a tax, get a medical evaluation or submit pages of forms, even take a test to vote, simply, show an ID that will match up to the voter roles.
Now tell me, how is it a violation and how is it disenfranchising anyone to have to show ID. These things have never been proven

Wisconsin passed a law to require an ID and then proceeded to make it extremely difficult to get one.
what did they do to make it difficult, and even so, the problem was not with the ID for voting, the problem was with what they supposedly according to you did to make it hard to get. But did they make it equally hard to get for everyone?

They made it hard for people without driver's licenses, people who are disproportionately Democrat.

When are you going to tell me how you prove you're a US citizen? You complained about non-citizens voting.
FInd that right in the constitution, its something that is left to the states. Not the federal government. Besides, the Government cant grant you rights, they are only not allowed to take them from you.

You weren't granted the right to bear arms?
its a right that cant be taken. Not sure (other than I think you might be 15 at the oldest) you cant understand these things

If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
working on the basis or theory that no one right is greater than another, How can we claim that something as simple as showing ID to vote is a violation of a right, and at the same time claim that it is not a violation of a right for someone to go through what they have to go through to purchase or own a handgun.
Nobody is asking for anyone to pay a tax, get a medical evaluation or submit pages of forms, even take a test to vote, simply, show an ID that will match up to the voter roles.
Now tell me, how is it a violation and how is it disenfranchising anyone to have to show ID. These things have never been proven

Voters can be asked for ID. You are demanding a particular set of acceptable photo IDs. IDs that people may not have if they do not drive.

You are telling 10-12% of eligible voters that they can not vote unless they obtain this photo ID. This is erecting a hurdle these people must climb where the others do not. Not everyone can/will get one & therefore it is voter suppression.

I have provided a link that proves this & if you weren't so ignorant, you would know it.

You are asking people (that do not drive) to go to a location possibly 10-20 miles away to get this ID. You act as though you can get it at Walmart.

Quit CHEATING to try to win elections.
Sorry, I call bullshit on your comments..
I believe a state ID was also mentioned. One does not need to drive to obtain this.
You can not prove that 12% of the population does not have an ID, they can even get their welfare benefits without some form of ID. Social services office can produce a photo ID for them, along with all the other documentation that they may need.
There is no reason that everyone cant have some form of ID. So what is it? only thing it can be is that the democrats are afraid of losing too many illegal votes.
its a right that cant be taken. Not sure (other than I think you might be 15 at the oldest) you cant understand these things

If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
working on the basis or theory that no one right is greater than another, How can we claim that something as simple as showing ID to vote is a violation of a right, and at the same time claim that it is not a violation of a right for someone to go through what they have to go through to purchase or own a handgun.
Nobody is asking for anyone to pay a tax, get a medical evaluation or submit pages of forms, even take a test to vote, simply, show an ID that will match up to the voter roles.
Now tell me, how is it a violation and how is it disenfranchising anyone to have to show ID. These things have never been proven

Wisconsin passed a law to require an ID and then proceeded to make it extremely difficult to get one.
what did they do to make it difficult, and even so, the problem was not with the ID for voting, the problem was with what they supposedly according to you did to make it hard to get. But did they make it equally hard to get for everyone?

They made it hard for people without driver's licenses, people who are disproportionately Democrat.

When are you going to tell me how you prove you're a US citizen? You complained about non-citizens voting.
Maybe you should fight for voter ID and see if you can knock me off the voter rolls.
its a right that cant be taken. Not sure (other than I think you might be 15 at the oldest) you cant understand these things

If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
working on the basis or theory that no one right is greater than another, How can we claim that something as simple as showing ID to vote is a violation of a right, and at the same time claim that it is not a violation of a right for someone to go through what they have to go through to purchase or own a handgun.
Nobody is asking for anyone to pay a tax, get a medical evaluation or submit pages of forms, even take a test to vote, simply, show an ID that will match up to the voter roles.
Now tell me, how is it a violation and how is it disenfranchising anyone to have to show ID. These things have never been proven

Wisconsin passed a law to require an ID and then proceeded to make it extremely difficult to get one.
what did they do to make it difficult, and even so, the problem was not with the ID for voting, the problem was with what they supposedly according to you did to make it hard to get. But did they make it equally hard to get for everyone?

They made it hard for people without driver's licenses, people who are disproportionately Democrat.

When are you going to tell me how you prove you're a US citizen? You complained about non-citizens voting.
but wait, I thought democrats had the were all college grads with good jobs, thats what everyone is telling us.
the reality is that evidently, democrats are to stupid to figure out how to get an ID, and you want these low level people to decide an election?
are you retarded?
its a right that cant be taken. Not sure (other than I think you might be 15 at the oldest) you cant understand these things

If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
working on the basis or theory that no one right is greater than another, How can we claim that something as simple as showing ID to vote is a violation of a right, and at the same time claim that it is not a violation of a right for someone to go through what they have to go through to purchase or own a handgun.
Nobody is asking for anyone to pay a tax, get a medical evaluation or submit pages of forms, even take a test to vote, simply, show an ID that will match up to the voter roles.
Now tell me, how is it a violation and how is it disenfranchising anyone to have to show ID. These things have never been proven

Wisconsin passed a law to require an ID and then proceeded to make it extremely difficult to get one.
what did they do to make it difficult, and even so, the problem was not with the ID for voting, the problem was with what they supposedly according to you did to make it hard to get. But did they make it equally hard to get for everyone?

They made it hard for people without driver's licenses, people who are disproportionately Democrat.

When are you going to tell me how you prove you're a US citizen? You complained about non-citizens voting.

"They made it hard for people without driver's licenses, people who are disproportionately Democrat.".
And now you'll explain why there are so many Democrats who are incapable of getting a driver's license.
Could it be because they are fucking losers?
This should be good for a laugh!
I dont recall political affiliation being a question that was asked when I got my drivers license, its been a few years though, so I suppose that could have changed.
Does answering democrat disqualify you from a license or ID? if so that is wrong, people should not be denied an ID just because they prove to be a bit less intellectual
If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
working on the basis or theory that no one right is greater than another, How can we claim that something as simple as showing ID to vote is a violation of a right, and at the same time claim that it is not a violation of a right for someone to go through what they have to go through to purchase or own a handgun.
Nobody is asking for anyone to pay a tax, get a medical evaluation or submit pages of forms, even take a test to vote, simply, show an ID that will match up to the voter roles.
Now tell me, how is it a violation and how is it disenfranchising anyone to have to show ID. These things have never been proven

Wisconsin passed a law to require an ID and then proceeded to make it extremely difficult to get one.
what did they do to make it difficult, and even so, the problem was not with the ID for voting, the problem was with what they supposedly according to you did to make it hard to get. But did they make it equally hard to get for everyone?

They made it hard for people without driver's licenses, people who are disproportionately Democrat.

When are you going to tell me how you prove you're a US citizen? You complained about non-citizens voting.
Maybe you should fight for voter ID and see if you can knock me off the voter rolls.

So you have no idea how to prove your citizenship? that's hilarious.
working on the basis or theory that no one right is greater than another, How can we claim that something as simple as showing ID to vote is a violation of a right, and at the same time claim that it is not a violation of a right for someone to go through what they have to go through to purchase or own a handgun.
Nobody is asking for anyone to pay a tax, get a medical evaluation or submit pages of forms, even take a test to vote, simply, show an ID that will match up to the voter roles.
Now tell me, how is it a violation and how is it disenfranchising anyone to have to show ID. These things have never been proven

Wisconsin passed a law to require an ID and then proceeded to make it extremely difficult to get one.
what did they do to make it difficult, and even so, the problem was not with the ID for voting, the problem was with what they supposedly according to you did to make it hard to get. But did they make it equally hard to get for everyone?

They made it hard for people without driver's licenses, people who are disproportionately Democrat.

When are you going to tell me how you prove you're a US citizen? You complained about non-citizens voting.
Maybe you should fight for voter ID and see if you can knock me off the voter rolls.

So you have no idea how to prove your citizenship? that's hilarious.
Ive already proven mine
now how about you, you seem pretty scared at the thought of having to do this.
Dont worry about me, Im a republican, that means Im smart enough to get over these life shattering hurdles like, spending 15 minutes to get an ID. I even have all my documentation.
Oh and before you start on, they cant get a copy of their birth certificate, BS, social services can get a legal copy of it within a day should one need it. As a matter of fact, once a year there is a gathering of social service entities in Maryland where we can bring groups of people, they can walk out of that gathering the same day with a copy of their documents.
So tell me again, why are democrats too damn stupid to figure this stuff out. Wont be long before we have to by law, hold the hand of a democrat and walk them around town just like they were a 2 year old.
and you take pride in being a member of this idiot party?
again, how does this affect democrats more than any other party and why. Can you no answer that or are you too embarrassed.
Last week I stopped at my county Board of Elections and cast my vote. I had to show ID because that's the law here inOhio. Even at my regular polling place, I have to show ID. On Election Day proper, I have to travel for business. I'm glad to cast my vote early so now I don't have to pay attention to all those yard signs.
But it does not to be a Photo ID.
I had to provide my driver's license number.
So separation clause means nothing to you?
These people are not being allowed to worship and conduct themselves as their religion dictates. That protection is in the constitution.
Marriage is a privilege, not a right.
Looks like you think a privilege holds more weight than a right? Is this what you are telling me?

They are not a church. Baking a cake is not worship. Their free exercise of religion is not being infringed upon.

Marriage is a fundamental right according to the SCOTUS. They've said so on numerous occasions.

FInd that right in the constitution, its something that is left to the states. Not the federal government. Besides, the Government cant grant you rights, they are only not allowed to take them from you.

You weren't granted the right to bear arms?
its a right that cant be taken. Not sure (other than I think you might be 15 at the oldest) you cant understand these things

If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
why are hysterical democrats so worried that a picture ID for voting is going to disenfranchise their voters.
And at the same time have no problem with all of the regulations put on exerting ones right to a simple hand gun. According to the left, all those hoops to jump through to be allowed a gun is not a deterrent to the constitutional rights.
They are not a church. Baking a cake is not worship. Their free exercise of religion is not being infringed upon.

Marriage is a fundamental right according to the SCOTUS. They've said so on numerous occasions.

FInd that right in the constitution, its something that is left to the states. Not the federal government. Besides, the Government cant grant you rights, they are only not allowed to take them from you.

You weren't granted the right to bear arms?
its a right that cant be taken. Not sure (other than I think you might be 15 at the oldest) you cant understand these things

If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
why are hysterical democrats so worried that a picture ID for voting is going to disenfranchise their voters.
And at the same time have no problem with all of the regulations put on exerting ones right to a simple hand gun. According to the left, all those hoops to jump through to be allowed a gun is not a deterrent to the constitutional rights.

Last week I stopped at my county Board of Elections and cast my vote. I had to show ID because that's the law here inOhio. Even at my regular polling place, I have to show ID. On Election Day proper, I have to travel for business. I'm glad to cast my vote early so now I don't have to pay attention to all those yard signs.
But it does not to be a Photo ID.
I had to provide my driver's license number.
In Ohio there are other forms of ID that are acceptable. Such as:
  • A current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, or government check that includes your name and current address
  • Any government document that shows your name and address
They are not a church. Baking a cake is not worship. Their free exercise of religion is not being infringed upon.

Marriage is a fundamental right according to the SCOTUS. They've said so on numerous occasions.

FInd that right in the constitution, its something that is left to the states. Not the federal government. Besides, the Government cant grant you rights, they are only not allowed to take them from you.

You weren't granted the right to bear arms?
its a right that cant be taken. Not sure (other than I think you might be 15 at the oldest) you cant understand these things

If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
why are hysterical democrats so worried that a picture ID for voting is going to disenfranchise their voters.
And at the same time have no problem with all of the regulations put on exerting ones right to a simple hand gun. According to the left, all those hoops to jump through to be allowed a gun is not a deterrent to the constitutional rights.
Why? Because it does.

You assume the right to bear arms means any form of arms at any given time & place. If all guns were banned except muzzleloaders & youihad a muzzleloader, you are still armed.
FInd that right in the constitution, its something that is left to the states. Not the federal government. Besides, the Government cant grant you rights, they are only not allowed to take them from you.

You weren't granted the right to bear arms?
its a right that cant be taken. Not sure (other than I think you might be 15 at the oldest) you cant understand these things

If it's a right that CAN"T BE TAKEN, why are hysterical gun nuts constantly claiming that Hillary Clinton is going to do just that?
why are hysterical democrats so worried that a picture ID for voting is going to disenfranchise their voters.
And at the same time have no problem with all of the regulations put on exerting ones right to a simple hand gun. According to the left, all those hoops to jump through to be allowed a gun is not a deterrent to the constitutional rights.
Why? Because it does.

You assume the right to bear arms means any form of arms at any given time & place. If all guns were banned except muzzleloaders & youihad a muzzleloader, you are still armed.
not an accurate interpretation, you have to look at why it was written in order to understand. Let me give you a hint, it was not written to make sure farmer Bob could deer hunt.
Wisconsin passed a law to require an ID and then proceeded to make it extremely difficult to get one.
what did they do to make it difficult, and even so, the problem was not with the ID for voting, the problem was with what they supposedly according to you did to make it hard to get. But did they make it equally hard to get for everyone?

They made it hard for people without driver's licenses, people who are disproportionately Democrat.

When are you going to tell me how you prove you're a US citizen? You complained about non-citizens voting.
Maybe you should fight for voter ID and see if you can knock me off the voter rolls.

So you have no idea how to prove your citizenship? that's hilarious.
Ive already proven mine
now how about you, you seem pretty scared at the thought of having to do this.
Dont worry about me, Im a republican, that means Im smart enough to get over these life shattering hurdles like, spending 15 minutes to get an ID. I even have all my documentation.
Oh and before you start on, they cant get a copy of their birth certificate, BS, social services can get a legal copy of it within a day should one need it. As a matter of fact, once a year there is a gathering of social service entities in Maryland where we can bring groups of people, they can walk out of that gathering the same day with a copy of their documents.
So tell me again, why are democrats too damn stupid to figure this stuff out. Wont be long before we have to by law, hold the hand of a democrat and walk them around town just like they were a 2 year old.
and you take pride in being a member of this idiot party?
again, how does this affect democrats more than any other party and why. Can you no answer that or are you too embarrassed.

If you live 20 miles from the issuing facility & you do not drive, it takes longer than that especially if you need to locate the needed IDs.

And really, it is more than can. What is the typical voter turn out? How much regulation & requirement & inconvenience do you need to add for some people to give up & not vote. This is voter suppression.

The idea you don't know why it affects more Democrats is a sign of your ignorance.

Those without a photo ID are disproportionately poor & poor people are disproportionately minority and minorities mostly vote Demopcrat.

How many times do you dipsticks need to be told something before you get it?
what did they do to make it difficult, and even so, the problem was not with the ID for voting, the problem was with what they supposedly according to you did to make it hard to get. But did they make it equally hard to get for everyone?

They made it hard for people without driver's licenses, people who are disproportionately Democrat.

When are you going to tell me how you prove you're a US citizen? You complained about non-citizens voting.
Maybe you should fight for voter ID and see if you can knock me off the voter rolls.

So you have no idea how to prove your citizenship? that's hilarious.
Ive already proven mine
now how about you, you seem pretty scared at the thought of having to do this.
Dont worry about me, Im a republican, that means Im smart enough to get over these life shattering hurdles like, spending 15 minutes to get an ID. I even have all my documentation.
Oh and before you start on, they cant get a copy of their birth certificate, BS, social services can get a legal copy of it within a day should one need it. As a matter of fact, once a year there is a gathering of social service entities in Maryland where we can bring groups of people, they can walk out of that gathering the same day with a copy of their documents.
So tell me again, why are democrats too damn stupid to figure this stuff out. Wont be long before we have to by law, hold the hand of a democrat and walk them around town just like they were a 2 year old.
and you take pride in being a member of this idiot party?
again, how does this affect democrats more than any other party and why. Can you no answer that or are you too embarrassed.

If you live 20 miles from the issuing facility & you do not drive, it takes longer than that especially if you need to locate the needed IDs.

And really, it is more than can. What is the typical voter turn out? How much regulation & requirement & inconvenience do you need to add for some people to give up & not vote. This is voter suppression.

The idea you don't know why it affects more Democrats is a sign of your ignorance.

Those without a photo ID are disproportionately poor & poor people are disproportionately minority and minorities mostly vote Demopcrat.

How many times do you dipsticks need to be told something before you get it?
And the disproportionately poor are disproportionately on some form of assistance that required certain documents in order to receive, and those offices might be more than 20 miles (which is not actually true for the demographic we speak of) away from their home, but for free money, they can manage to get whats needed.
you fail.
Last week I stopped at my county Board of Elections and cast my vote. I had to show ID because that's the law here inOhio. Even at my regular polling place, I have to show ID. On Election Day proper, I have to travel for business. I'm glad to cast my vote early so now I don't have to pay attention to all those yard signs.
But it does not to be a Photo ID.
I had to provide my driver's license number.
In Ohio there are other forms of ID that are acceptable. Such as:
  • A current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, or government check that includes your name and current address
  • Any government document that shows your name and address

California is the same way. There are over 30 forms of ID that can be accepted at the polls. It's not the ID showing that is the problem, it's the narrow and restrictive nature of the ID in some states.

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