Do absentee ballot voters have to show picture ID?

but the way the sell it is clearly racist. And if it requires ID, then there has to be some serious cause shown to force that. And not just a few cases here and there, real serious harm done by not showing ID.
Im sure we can find some drunk liberal judge to rule on this.
No its not racist. You dont have a right to drink beer. You do have a right to vote.
really, why did those bakers get in trouble. You dont have a right to eat cake.

You have the right to buy one from a cake business.

Take note, another RW racist who wants to bring back Jim Crow.
No you dont. You have the privilege to buy one if someone is selling cake to everyone.
Do I have a privilege to force them to make something special just for me, or do I have the privilege of eating what they serve to everyone else.
"something special"? Oh, they didn't normally sell wedding cakes?
Your signature is on file and it has to match. You'd need to network all the polling stations into the main database to do that remotely. So why worry about a photo ID for beer but not one for voting for the direction of the country? Illegal voting is the ONLY reason to oppose voter ID.

the courts have universally found that there was no reason for the ID regulations passed in red states except to suppress the votes of democratic voters.

otherwise, snookie, why would a particular state allow a gun license to be acceptable ID but not a college ID?

we'll wait....and before you pretend otherwise, the court found that there was no legitimate basis for that regulation.\

you're welcome.
Well snookums, activists sitting on the bench don't make it right or not. You can't even explain how an ID card would suppress a voter.
An ID card wont suppress a voter.
It will however suppress illegal votes to a great degree.

Provide every voter with a free ID first

Then you can require one to vote
actually that has already been suggested and the democrats rejected it.
So there must be some other reason.
Even if they had to pay for their ID, the ID is used for so much more than just voting, and I know in maryland you can get the state ID (not the drivers license) for 10 bucks. !0 bucks is less than that bowl of crack they will be buying later,
When you have a business, you are not permitted to discriminate.
then how can I turn someone down for any reason if they want to purchase from my business?
If an ID for voting is considered turning someone down, then the same can be said for buying that bottle MD20/20

You can't.
so I can sell to the 14 year old that wants to buy my product?
I mean, age is mentioned as a factor when it comes to discrimination.
What do the business laws in your state say? You get a license, you follow those laws, right? But, tell you what.....go ahead and sell beer to 14 year olds and then tell the authorities it's your RIGHT for religious reasons.
didnt say religious, you brought that up with the alcohol, I said it was wrong to ask for ID to prove they are legally allowed to make the purchase. Its a violation of their rights.
Sorry, my analogy stands...can you IGNORE your state's business laws for religious reasons even tho you got a business license with the understanding you'd follow the laws? Yes or no? the way the republicans tried to tell the dems in congress that the total economic failure wias coming...

A total lie.
Barney's speech promising there is no housing bubble. This was only months before the collapse that if you listen, he says would not come.
youtube barney frank lies about subprime loans - - Yahoo Video Search Results

Do you know how the House of Representatives works? Barney Frank was in a minority position in the House & could no more demand sh*t than fly to the moon. He could not have stopped anything without Republican help. Every time you dipsticks bring up Frank ass an excuse, I laugh my ass off.
Your signature is on file and it has to match. You'd need to network all the polling stations into the main database to do that remotely. So why worry about a photo ID for beer but not one for voting for the direction of the country? Illegal voting is the ONLY reason to oppose voter ID.

the courts have universally found that there was no reason for the ID regulations passed in red states except to suppress the votes of democratic voters.

otherwise, snookie, why would a particular state allow a gun license to be acceptable ID but not a college ID?

we'll wait....and before you pretend otherwise, the court found that there was no legitimate basis for that regulation.\

you're welcome.
Well snookums, activists sitting on the bench don't make it right or not. You can't even explain how an ID card would suppress a voter.
An ID card wont suppress a voter.
It will however suppress illegal votes to a great degree.

Provide every voter with a free ID first

Then you can require one to vote
actually that has already been suggested and the democrats rejected it.
So there must be some other reason.
Even if they had to pay for their ID, the ID is used for so much more than just voting, and I know in maryland you can get the state ID (not the drivers license) for 10 bucks. !0 bucks is less than that bowl of crack they will be buying later,

1) Where can you get one

2) One thing you can always get without a photo ID, a photo ID. Think about it.
No its not racist. You dont have a right to drink beer. You do have a right to vote.
really, why did those bakers get in trouble. You dont have a right to eat cake.

You have the right to buy one from a cake business.

Take note, another RW racist who wants to bring back Jim Crow.
No you dont. You have the privilege to buy one if someone is selling cake to everyone.
Do I have a privilege to force them to make something special just for me, or do I have the privilege of eating what they serve to everyone else.
"something special"? Oh, they didn't normally sell wedding cakes?
Not with same sex couples on top. Maybe they dont carry those little cake toppers and would have had to special order.
I bet if the gay couple came in and asked for a cake and pointed to one in the cake book and didnt ask for anything to be changed or added to implicate their gayness, that couple would have walked out with a cake.
Now, forcing these people to set the cake up and take part in the wedding is a violation of their rights, but Im sure the happy gay couple could have picked up and brought their cake to the reception.
How does that work?
Yes and no. You establish who you are before hand via your drivers license in my state.

Yeah, you register to vote. But the suppression wing of the RW claims that showing a particular ID when you actually vote is absolutely essential.

Absentee voters don't do that - including btw, much of our military - they pretty much just sign the form.
That's one of the many reasons why I vote by mail, no ID required; my statement that I'm registered and eligible is perfectly acceptable.

I voted against Trump this weekend.
the courts have universally found that there was no reason for the ID regulations passed in red states except to suppress the votes of democratic voters.

otherwise, snookie, why would a particular state allow a gun license to be acceptable ID but not a college ID?

we'll wait....and before you pretend otherwise, the court found that there was no legitimate basis for that regulation.\

you're welcome.
Well snookums, activists sitting on the bench don't make it right or not. You can't even explain how an ID card would suppress a voter.
An ID card wont suppress a voter.
It will however suppress illegal votes to a great degree.

Provide every voter with a free ID first

Then you can require one to vote
actually that has already been suggested and the democrats rejected it.
So there must be some other reason.
Even if they had to pay for their ID, the ID is used for so much more than just voting, and I know in maryland you can get the state ID (not the drivers license) for 10 bucks. !0 bucks is less than that bowl of crack they will be buying later,

1) Where can you get one

2) One thing you can always get without a photo ID, a photo ID. Think about it.
where did you get yours?
and yes, you can get a photo ID without a Photo ID.
There is not any reason to claim it is not reasonable to have voter ID
How does that work?
Yes and no. You establish who you are before hand via your drivers license in my state.

Yeah, you register to vote. But the suppression wing of the RW claims that showing a particular ID when you actually vote is absolutely essential.

Absentee voters don't do that - including btw, much of our military - they pretty much just sign the form.

Never you mind ! Absentees tend to be republican , so it's ok!
thats because the military tends to be republican. It has to do with loyalty to the country. Something that the democrats dont generally have.
Not all of us are Republicans, you know.
The claim that the GSEs needed to reduce their portfolios to reduce "systemic risk" was a smokescreen. Because at the same time the Bush Administration was trying to reduce the GSE portfolios, he was dangerously loosening regulations for Wall Street to make it easier for them to lever up and grab more share of the secondary market.
really, why did those bakers get in trouble. You dont have a right to eat cake.

You have the right to buy one from a cake business.

Take note, another RW racist who wants to bring back Jim Crow.
No you dont. You have the privilege to buy one if someone is selling cake to everyone.
Do I have a privilege to force them to make something special just for me, or do I have the privilege of eating what they serve to everyone else.

Yes you have the privilege to force them to provide the same service they would to anyone else.
in the case of the bakers, they would not have made a gay cake for anyone else either, so they were being asked to provide something they dont normally provide.
It was a wedding cake....not a "gay cake"...their business provided wedding cakes.
How does that work?
Yes and no. You establish who you are before hand via your drivers license in my state.

Yeah, you register to vote. But the suppression wing of the RW claims that showing a particular ID when you actually vote is absolutely essential.

Absentee voters don't do that - including btw, much of our military - they pretty much just sign the form.

Never you mind ! Absentees tend to be republican , so it's ok!
thats because the military tends to be republican. It has to do with loyalty to the country. Something that the democrats dont generally have.
Drumpf is a "Blue Falcon"....
They got in trouble because they broke the law.
You realize that you are not helping your cause.
I can discriminate because someone does not have the right to drink beer, but I cant discriminate because someone has a right to eat cake?
you would think the beer issue would be greater.
The bakers were being asked to do something that their business does not do, they were being asked to change their business plan.
The beer store guy is not being asked to change anything.
My cause?

Thats what the law says. If you want to buy beer you need an ID. If you want to buy cake you dont.
but the law is then racist, this will disproportionately affect the minorities
Its not racist. It never has affected me and I am Black.
evidently you are one of the special ones, the rest of your race does not share the intellectual capacity to possess an ID.
"the rest of your race"...fascinating, yet not surprising comment from a Drumpfster.
Cop out? 2 wars and a recession are a real big deal. Not all this right wing conspiracy BS. We are deeply in debt thanks to the bush tax breaks and the wars. No way Obama could have fought 2 wars, a recession and the debt. If Obama was a republican you'd be praising him.
So spending 2 trillion on the war means more than 10 trillion to you? obama didn't need to fight anything, were're spending to much and retards on the left lie and spin because their pea brains have been groomed by the state.

You forgot about the tax breaks?

Why isn't congress doing something? They certainly could if republicans really cared. And why trump? He is going to give more tax breaks. Even an idiot can see that will ad to the debt.
Idiots support the status quo. It isn't working. Trump's plan is based on increased business activity. You know, the shit that fuels the economy.

Yes he wants to do the same thing bush did which added to the debt and recession. You didn't learn?
Bush did not add to the debt as much as the kenyan has. the recession had to do with the housing collapse, that came right after the .Com bubble burst, which by the way the republicans tried to tell the dems in congress that the total economic failure wias coming, and the dems (think Barny Frank at the time) sat there and claimed everything was solid, no chance of a major collapse.,
"the kenyan" You're a Drumpfster.
Drinking hasnt been a national security issue since prohibition. How old are you?
but the way the sell it is clearly racist. And if it requires ID, then there has to be some serious cause shown to force that. And not just a few cases here and there, real serious harm done by not showing ID.
Im sure we can find some drunk liberal judge to rule on this.
No its not racist. You dont have a right to drink beer. You do have a right to vote.
really, why did those bakers get in trouble. You dont have a right to eat cake. believe in Special Rights for people because they pretend their homophobia is religion-based....therefore they don't have to follow the business laws they promised to follow by getting a business license.
Yes I do.
Just like a muslim taxi driver might not allow you in his cab with a ham sandwhich and a bottle of liquor.
That happens all the time in New York, but I dont recall any muslim being taken to court over it.
They were fired and their license taken away. Not paying much attention, are you?
Yes you guys make king douchebag your candidate and now that you are losing whine it's a cheat. Pathetic.
we did not make hillary our candidate., that mess will be all on you. All we get out of this is the right to say I told you so for years to come.
And we knew it was fixed before the races even started, Was surprised to see them go so low as to screw Bernie Sanders like they did,

Yes just like Obama was going to be a complete disaster. Fact is the country is much better off than when Obama became president. Our only problem now is all these babies claiming everything is aweful.
The country is not better off. Look how many more people are getting assistance, look at how many more illegals we have, look at how many people are being forced out of their health insurance that they have had for 20 or 30 years, look at the racial divide that he has forced.
look at the debt.
the democrats fucked this country over. The only good thing about hillary winning is that when the collapse does come in the next 2 years, the democrats wont be able to blame a republican. (but they will try)
I'm sorry to hear that you aren't doing for me and the area around us, business is booming...housing prices are up. My only complaint is that it is too crowded.
Im sorry you have to live in a croweded shithole, In my area I have the smallest yard at 10 acres, My property value is up but you cant use that to buy things now can you?, I dont even see my neighbors, sometimes when I sit out back on the deck drinking my coffee, I wonder what it would be like to hear humans instead of frogs, birds and the cows.
If you work harder and get off of the government dole, you too could realize a less crowded livng arrangement, but I warn you, many find that the dont like the solitude once they have it.
Hardly a shithole....(that was your projection, apparently)'s crowded here because everyone seems to want to live here. Can we say the same for you and where you live since you are crying about how bad things are?
really, why did those bakers get in trouble. You dont have a right to eat cake.

You have the right to buy one from a cake business.

Take note, another RW racist who wants to bring back Jim Crow.
No you dont. You have the privilege to buy one if someone is selling cake to everyone.
Do I have a privilege to force them to make something special just for me, or do I have the privilege of eating what they serve to everyone else.
"something special"? Oh, they didn't normally sell wedding cakes?
Not with same sex couples on top. Maybe they dont carry those little cake toppers and would have had to special order.
I bet if the gay couple came in and asked for a cake and pointed to one in the cake book and didnt ask for anything to be changed or added to implicate their gayness, that couple would have walked out with a cake.
Now, forcing these people to set the cake up and take part in the wedding is a violation of their rights, but Im sure the happy gay couple could have picked up and brought their cake to the reception.
Who knew baking a cake made you best man?
really, why did those bakers get in trouble. You dont have a right to eat cake.

You have the right to buy one from a cake business.

Take note, another RW racist who wants to bring back Jim Crow.
No you dont. You have the privilege to buy one if someone is selling cake to everyone.
Do I have a privilege to force them to make something special just for me, or do I have the privilege of eating what they serve to everyone else.
"something special"? Oh, they didn't normally sell wedding cakes?
Not with same sex couples on top. Maybe they dont carry those little cake toppers and would have had to special order.
I bet if the gay couple came in and asked for a cake and pointed to one in the cake book and didnt ask for anything to be changed or added to implicate their gayness, that couple would have walked out with a cake.
Now, forcing these people to set the cake up and take part in the wedding is a violation of their rights, but Im sure the happy gay couple could have picked up and brought their cake to the reception.
When did that couple demand a gay couple on top? They just wanted a wedding cake and the husband got all hostile at had NOTHING to do with your imaginary "special orders". You really don't know anything about this case besides what RW radio told you, do you?

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