Do aliens worship G-d/gods?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Interesting episode of "Through The Wormhole" last night with subject of this. Was headed to bed though so didn't see it. Have written about it though, and interestingly the topic is addressed in Judaism. Consensus being Torah will exist in alien religions if they worship G-d. I disagree for obvious reasons though, namely much of Torah is highly specific to one part of Earth to say nothing of individuals featured in it. Thus no reason those stories would exist in an alien's religious text. Nor would the events or commandments. Might see a few cross-over things like don't murder, steal, and such but that'd be the end of it.

More broadly, the question is is religion unique to humans, or would other lifeforms evolving to our level and beyond have it too? Is it necessary?
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As a species, we're pretty dense and stupid so I doubt there's anything similar in the Universe
Aliens are both angels and demons. Some come in "fiery chariots" like the ones that picked up Enoch and Elijah. Others come and do experiments on cattle and people. There are accounts of them having nuclear wars in ancient history, reported by Hindu's in India.
[ame=]Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa Ancient Atomic Wars?? Ancient Alien - YouTube[/ame]
As a species, we're pretty dense and stupid so I doubt there's anything similar in the Universe

With as much life that has to be out there, surely there are. They are probably the civilizations which destroy themselves in the end.
Interesting episode of "Through The Wormhole" last night with subject of this. Was headed to bed though so didn't see it. Have written about it though, and interestingly the topic is addressed in Judaism. Consensus being Torah will exist in alien religions if they worship G-d. I disagree for obvious reasons though, namely much of Torah is highly specific to one part of Earth to say nothing of individuals featured in it. Thus no reason those stories would exist in an alien's religious text. Nor would the events or commandments. Might see a few cross-over things like don't murder, steal, and such but that'd be the end of it.

More broadly, the question is is religion unique to humans, or would other lifeforms evolving to our level and beyond have it too? Is it necessary?

Undoubtedly other cultures would have religion. Religion is a very important part of the development of civilization. Ancient rulers were able to rule their subjects and build grand empires and expand the world because of religion. Without religion, it would have been much more difficult for civilization to exist, if at all.

By the way, has anybody ever considered the possibility that humans are the most advanced species in the universe? That one day we will be the ones who land on planets and enslave the local populace, not the other way 'round?
As a species, we're pretty dense and stupid so I doubt there's anything similar in the Universe

With as much life that has to be out there, surely there are. They are probably the civilizations which destroy themselves in the end.

That's one of the variables in the Drake Equation, how long do civilizations last before they destroy themselves.

We're getting there ourselves, and not because of nuclear weapons. A full release of all existing nuclear weapons would be devastating, but some would survive and rebuild. But some of the things we're messing around with under the banner of genetics are quite alarming when you consider weapons applications.
As a species, we're pretty dense and stupid so I doubt there's anything similar in the Universe

With as much life that has to be out there, surely there are. They are probably the civilizations which destroy themselves in the end.

That's one of the variables in the Drake Equation, how long do civilizations last before they destroy themselves.

We're getting there ourselves, and not because of nuclear weapons. A full release of all existing nuclear weapons would be devastating, but some would survive and rebuild. But some of the things we're messing around with under the banner of genetics are quite alarming when you consider weapons applications.

things we're messing around with under the banner of genetics

could be both good or bad

it may be the next step in evolution of the species
With as much life that has to be out there, surely there are. They are probably the civilizations which destroy themselves in the end.

That's one of the variables in the Drake Equation, how long do civilizations last before they destroy themselves.

We're getting there ourselves, and not because of nuclear weapons. A full release of all existing nuclear weapons would be devastating, but some would survive and rebuild. But some of the things we're messing around with under the banner of genetics are quite alarming when you consider weapons applications.

things we're messing around with under the banner of genetics

could be both good or bad

it may be the next step in evolution of the species

I say we let evolution take its natural course and not try to make Gods of ourselves.
That's one of the variables in the Drake Equation, how long do civilizations last before they destroy themselves.

We're getting there ourselves, and not because of nuclear weapons. A full release of all existing nuclear weapons would be devastating, but some would survive and rebuild. But some of the things we're messing around with under the banner of genetics are quite alarming when you consider weapons applications.

things we're messing around with under the banner of genetics

could be both good or bad

it may be the next step in evolution of the species

I say we let evolution take its natural course and not try to make Gods of ourselves.

Agreed. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. :)
As I've posted elsewhere...

Why would aliens come here in the first place? The most abundant elements on Earth are the most abundant anywhere (Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Aluminum, Nitrogen), so there's nothing special physically. I doubt they'd come to stay considering how lethal the place is. Even assuming they can cope with the temperature and air pressures, they couldn't live here without serious engineering. I'm from here, my family has been here for 4 billion years, and yet 70% of the planet is lethal to me if I'm exposed to it for more than a few moments and that's before we look at places that are too hot, too cold, too dry, too rocky, etc. Just about everything alive can kill us, from bacteria to viruses to fungi to animals. Even the planet itself goes out of its way to kill us. Earthquakes, tornados, volcanos, mudslides, blizzards, etc. Physically any alien would be better off building on a lifeless and geologically dead body like the moon.

But even if all that doesn't put off the aliens, what about the dominant species? There's this hairless ape with an appetite for violence that has made entertainment out of killing each other off. They claim they don't want to kill each other, but do it at the drop of a hat and over reasons like which mythological being is the right mythological being or ownership of shiny rocks. Given how much these apes delight in killing each other, is there any doubt they won't do the same to an alien traveler?

Any alien species with the technological ability to go through interstellar space should have the technology to do whatever they need without coming to Earth. Need iron? They can mine an asteroid belt. Have DNA problems? We're already engaging in genetic engineering and even if they had some genetic flaws, there is no reason to think our DNA is anywhere close to compatible with their without tons of engineering, so why come here in the first place? Food sources? Think of how many plants and animals are poisonous to eat. It seems unlikely aliens can digest a pork chop or piece of bread. Onions can kill my dog; why would it be reasonable for an alien to be exempt from those problems?

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