Do Americans do history at school?

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
Serious question, do Americans do history at school? Is it on your curriculum? Knowledge from Americans on world history is just so poor on forums, or do forums just attract the user that has little to no history knowledge?

If you do do history at school, what did you cover?
Serious question, do Americans do history at school? Is it on your curriculum? Knowledge from Americans on world history is just so poor on forums, or do forums just attract the user that has little to no history knowledge?

If you do do history at school, what did you cover?
American schools teach whitewashed history to promote patriotism
Serious question, do Americans do history at school? Is it on your curriculum? Knowledge from Americans on world history is just so poor on forums, or do forums just attract the user that has little to no history knowledge?

If you do do history at school, what did you cover?
I am a historian of sorts being fascinated by history going back to before Plato and Aristotle and a whole bunch of stuff that has happened since then. I had excellent history teachers in high school giving me a breadth and scope of history that few people, even new PhDs, are getting these days. My college history teachers weren't as good but at least they used excellent textbooks that really taught the facts, causes, effects, consequences of both world and American history. I can say unequivocally that I had the best in education in history and numerous other subjects while attending small town public schools and a small country college.

But that was a long time ago. Admittedly there is a lot more history now to learn than when I was in college, but I have been appalled and saddened that so few students are being immersed in the founding documents and the basic history and concepts of not only U.S. history but they know almost nothing about the best and worst of world history. I don't think it is being taught comprehensibly at all for the most part now.

And there is far too much rewriting and dishonest editing of the history so that it can be used for indoctrination and social engineering.
Serious question, do Americans do history at school? Is it on your curriculum? Knowledge from Americans on world history is just so poor on forums, or do forums just attract the user that has little to no history knowledge?

If you do do history at school, what did you cover?
They covered that the Founding Fathers were all white supremacist slave owners, and the sole source of slavery in the history of mankind.

Then we sat around singing "Gas the Jews" shouting Antifada as we waved Hamas flags.

That was the extent of history education in US public schools.

How about you?
History like ( We goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor because we were denying them Oil & Natural Resources in the Pacific Regions )
Serious question, do Americans do history at school? Is it on your curriculum? Knowledge from Americans on world history is just so poor on forums, or do forums just attract the user that has little to no history knowledge?

If you do do history at school, what did you cover?
/-----/ "do do history"
Not sure what your native language is, but if you mean do we STUDY history in school, then yes, back in the 1960s when I went. Basically, it was memorizing dates, generals, and wars. I found it boring.
It wasn't until I discovered Stephen E Ambrose, the historian, that I devoured everything he wrote.
On a sad note, a friend's best buddy in High School, who graduated with decent grades, went to a Lincoln Museum in Illinois. The kid had no idea who Abe Lincoln was, or anything about the Civil War. He began soaking up information like a sponge. He was angry it wasn't taught in school anymore.
Thank the Teacher's Union.
Serious question, do Americans do history at school? Is it on your curriculum? Knowledge from Americans on world history is just so poor on forums, or do forums just attract the user that has little to no history knowledge?

If you do do history at school, what did you cover?

We teach it.

The kids that don't know it either were talking or on their phones.

Show me some of your "Truth" on a historical topic.
Christopher Columbus is credited with discovering America because of the Doctrine of Discovery. Obviously he could not discover a place where there were already people living there. The Doctrine of Discovery gave him the power to kill anyone on any land if they were not Christian.

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