Do Americans Know Enough About Russia/Ukraine to Support US Involvement ?

The funniest thing about this is that the US actually said last week how Russia was going to do the attack, and RT even reported it.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was at the UN delivering remarks on the latest coming out of the tension between Russia and NATO in Ukraine. He alleged that Russia is going to conduct a ‘false-flag incident’ as a pretext for invasion. Moscow still maintains that it’s not going to invade Ukraine despite all of the reports to the contrary.

The Kremlin masterminded a fake military drawback from the border with Ukraine as part of a broader plan to disguise Russia’s true intentions to invade, The Washington Post has claimed, citing anonymous US intelligence sources.

In a report published on Thursday, the American outlet also said that the same plot also includes ongoing military exercises, alongside a future false-flag attack in Donbass or inside Russia. The plan is meant to both conceal and justify an invasion of Ukraine, the sources claimed.

According to four anonymous US officials, Russia’s announced troop withdrawal from Ukraine’s border was a “deliberate ruse to mislead the United States and other world powers.”

The intelligence community assessment echoes the words of US President Joe Biden. Earlier on Thursday, speaking to reporters at the White House, Biden said that the threat of invasion remains “very high,” claiming that Moscow is probably going to attack Ukraine “in the next several days.”

A similar sentiment was also expressed by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who, on the same day, told the UN Security Council that the Kremlin’s pretext for intervention might come from a false flag operation, such as staging a chemical attack on civilians in Donbass or a terrorist bombing inside Russia.

Blinken’s accusations were refuted by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin, who joked that “the announced date” of invasion, promoted by Western media, “is behind us.” Vershinin, who chaired the meeting, also called on Washington to pressure Kiev to start implementing the Minsk peace agreements.

I find it hilarious that you can still read on RT the things the Intelligence Community had pieced together about what Russia would do, their own denial that was true, then the fact that is exactly what happened.

Kinda funny when you can use RT itself to show how full of crap they are. And constant Russian statements that they are not going to invade.
Putin has been lying all the time. He lied when he said he wouldn’t invade. He lied when he said that ethic peoples were in danger. He has done nothing but lie. So what empty promise does he offer next? Would you believe him?
Putin has already said that to US and NATО. And he received mocking taunts in response.
The borders of NATO should be returned to the borders of 1997.
The states on the border with Russia should become neutral states.

To live next to a military bloc that has moved close to the borders of Russia in 30 years after the collapse of the USSR and is not going to stop, a bloc, that has started a bunch of wars in 30 years and plunged entire regions of the world into war, destruction and mass death of the population, to live next to such a bloc, who openly declared Russia his enemy and pretend that everything is in order, would be irresponsible.
Especially when NATO is increasing its military presence and supplying weapons to the fascist regime, which, in its impunity for reprisals against the civilian population of its country (Donbass), even dared to talk about mastering nuclear weapons!
This is not a fake test tube of Powell at the UN, this is an open statement by the head of Ukraine.

By the way, that is why Russian troops occupied the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant today. But you would probably be happy to know that a crazy fascist state with an atomic bomb appeared in the middle of Europe?
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The evidence I have is not one of you people have condemned the invasion.
I'll condemn the invasion for you, when I see folks like you condemn what Victoria Nuland and Obama did in 2014.

But I knew when Biden hired her back on? That we were in for this shit. . . it was only a matter of time.

"After the war"
The picture lacks the image of the players.
I'll condemn the invasion for you, when I see folks like you condemn what Victoria Nuland and Obama did in 2014.

But I knew when Biden hired her back on? That we were in for this shit. . . it was only a matter of time.

Here we Go again. Shift the blame because I've wedged you and you didn't see it coming. You're pathetic you communist prick.
Here we Go again. Shift the blame because I've wedged you and you didn't see it coming. You're pathetic you communist prick.

Damn, you can't seem to make up your mind about me.

One day I'm a MAGA hat wearing idiotic far-right Nazi, and the next I'm a pathetic communist. :gay:

. . shit, if you didn't have insults in lieu of intelligent conversation? You wouldn't have anything at all. . .


Seems you don't know your head from your asshole buddy. ;)
In the mid-1960s, then US President Lyndon Johnson sent massive numbers of US troops to Vietnam. At the time, most Americans, without having much information, blindly supported this action. A few years later, after Americans became more informed (and thousands of dead troops were returning in wooden crates), millions of Americans became fiercely opposed to that military endeavor, and Johnson himself refused to run for re-election in 1968.

I don't know too much about the Russia/Ukraine scenario, but I do know that Ukraine has been part of Russia for hundreds of years. Ukraine is rich in natural resources, while the Ukranian people (with 99.8% literacy) are among the poorest in the world.

Would the Ukranians, now tolerating a corrupt government, be worse off, the same, or better off if that corrupt government disappeared, and Russia (or just about anybody else) were to talk over in Ukraine ? Is Russia going to be fighting the Ukranian PEOPLE, or just a Ukrainan GOVERNMENT, that represents not much more than a wealthy plutocracy of a small number of Ukrainians ?

In any case, Russia is currently going into Ukraine (a non-NATO country), so what business is it of Joe Biden or the US government to be involved in this, with sanctions, troops, or in whatever way ? Do we really understand this whole thing ?
They're for thr most part retarded

I rest my case
They certainly won't mention this ongoing invasion

Putin has already said that to US and NATО. And he received mocking taunts in response.
The borders of NATO should be returned to the borders of 1997.
The states on the border with Russia should become neutral states.

To live next to a military bloc that has moved close to the borders of Russia in 30 years after the collapse of the USSR and is not going to stop, a bloc, that has started a bunch of wars in 30 years and plunged entire regions of the world into war, destruction and mass death of the population, to live next to such a bloc, who openly declared Russia his enemy and pretend that everything is in order, would be irresponsible.
Especially when NATO is increasing its military presence and supplying weapons to the fascist regime, which, in its impunity for reprisals against the civilian population of its country (Donbass), even dared to talk about mastering nuclear weapons!
This is not a fake test tube of Powell at the UN, this is an open statement by the head of Ukraine.

By the way, that is why Russian troops occupied the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant today. But you would probably be happy to know that a crazy fascist state with an atomic bomb appeared in the middle of Europe?

Preposterous. Before I heap more scorn on you and your arguments. Let that first word sink in.

Nobody is going to invade Russia. It’s too big. Ukraine was never a threat to Russia. And would never be. It would be as if the city of Tijuana was denouncing us. Big fucking deal.

Let’s try something new. Let’s try being honest for a moment. Nobody got into the KGB unless they were true believers in Marxism Leninism. The people were tested often to insure they maintained the faith.

Putin wasn’t senior enough at the time of the collapse to have enough knowledge to see why the Soviet system failed. That means he was left with a belief. The same sort of scary scapegoat belief that led to War II. We were perfect and winning. They lost it for us.

One need only look to how rivals are dealt with. Assassinated or shipped off after a show trial to prison gulags.

My Father gave me life advice on many subjects. One comes to mind now. When you have to explain why you did something. You know you did the wrong thing.

Putin did not have to invade. He didn’t have any security threats. There were no threats to Russian sovereignty. There was no threat to Russian speaking peoples. There was no threat to anything. And as far as NATO goes, if Putin had relaxed and minded his own business it would have become a country club.

Now we are on the verge of War 3. Even if it is Cold War 2.0 it’s going to be bad. Expect lots of computer attacks by both countries. Disruptions in everything will become the norm at a minimum.

History shows that it is much easier for the Totalitarian Regimes to maintain power with an enemy to use to justify their actions. Putin wanted an enemy. And now he has one. Because the rest of the nations besides Belorussia are NATO members. And we have already said we will defend them.

In 1988 I joined the Army expecting to fight a war with against the Soviets. I hoped that the collapse would end that threat once and for all. It is to our sorrow that it isn’t. And we tried to extend the hand of friendship.

Putin will keep pushing. He has to. He can’t stop now. Only the evacuation of and restoration of Ukraine would be acceptable to get the sanctions lifted. He won’t do that. He can’t. It would be a huge loss of face. He has to keep pushing. And the next target, no matter where, will bring in NATO.

Nuclear War is definitely possible. And perhaps the survivors will start a society where mankind will live in peace. I doubt it. We never have before in history.
Preposterous. Before I heap more scorn on you and your arguments. Let that first word sink in.

Nobody is going to invade Russia. It’s too big. Ukraine was never a threat to Russia. And would never be. It would be as if the city of Tijuana was denouncing us. Big fucking deal.

Let’s try something new. Let’s try being honest for a moment. Nobody got into the KGB unless they were true believers in Marxism Leninism. The people were tested often to insure they maintained the faith.

Putin wasn’t senior enough at the time of the collapse to have enough knowledge to see why the Soviet system failed. That means he was left with a belief. The same sort of scary scapegoat belief that led to War II. We were perfect and winning. They lost it for us.

One need only look to how rivals are dealt with. Assassinated or shipped off after a show trial to prison gulags.

My Father gave me life advice on many subjects. One comes to mind now. When you have to explain why you did something. You know you did the wrong thing.

Putin did not have to invade. He didn’t have any security threats. There were no threats to Russian sovereignty. There was no threat to Russian speaking peoples. There was no threat to anything. And as far as NATO goes, if Putin had relaxed and minded his own business it would have become a country club.

Now we are on the verge of War 3. Even if it is Cold War 2.0 it’s going to be bad. Expect lots of computer attacks by both countries. Disruptions in everything will become the norm at a minimum.

History shows that it is much easier for the Totalitarian Regimes to maintain power with an enemy to use to justify their actions. Putin wanted an enemy. And now he has one. Because the rest of the nations besides Belorussia are NATO members. And we have already said we will defend them.

In 1988 I joined the Army expecting to fight a war with against the Soviets. I hoped that the collapse would end that threat once and for all. It is to our sorrow that it isn’t. And we tried to extend the hand of friendship.

Putin will keep pushing. He has to. He can’t stop now. Only the evacuation of and restoration of Ukraine would be acceptable to get the sanctions lifted. He won’t do that. He can’t. It would be a huge loss of face. He has to keep pushing. And the next target, no matter where, will bring in NATO.

Nuclear War is definitely possible. And perhaps the survivors will start a society where mankind will live in peace. I doubt it. We never have before in history.

I agree with most of this, but also think there's a not-small possibility that Putin has lost his mind. He never was a good sort; he always was Soviet KGB. But now there are indications he's gone some flavor of mad. If that's true, he may not have enough of a following to invoke NATO nations into a world war from within. It's one thing to attack a nation where a good portion of the people affiliate. It's another to start WW3
Nobody is going to invade Russia. It’s too big.
Right after I read this, I realized that watching spongebob squarepants cartoon would more educational then rest of your sorry novel. :boohoo:
I understand that NATO and the United States attack only the weak, which is why they seek to make Russia weaker. Waiting for this to happen or contributing to it is a very stupid policy. Putin is known as a smart politician. And if he decided to go to war, it was only because the so-called "partners" left him no other choice. By the way, what do you think about Russian military bases in Mexico? Why not, because the United States is not in danger, cos' they are so big.
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Preposterous. Before I heap more scorn on you and your arguments. Let that first word sink in.

Nobody is going to invade Russia. It’s too big. Ukraine was never a threat to Russia. And would never be. It would be as if the city of Tijuana was denouncing us. Big fucking deal.

Let’s try something new. Let’s try being honest for a moment. Nobody got into the KGB unless they were true believers in Marxism Leninism. The people were tested often to insure they maintained the faith.

Putin wasn’t senior enough at the time of the collapse to have enough knowledge to see why the Soviet system failed. That means he was left with a belief. The same sort of scary scapegoat belief that led to War II. We were perfect and winning. They lost it for us.

One need only look to how rivals are dealt with. Assassinated or shipped off after a show trial to prison gulags.

My Father gave me life advice on many subjects. One comes to mind now. When you have to explain why you did something. You know you did the wrong thing.

Putin did not have to invade. He didn’t have any security threats. There were no threats to Russian sovereignty. There was no threat to Russian speaking peoples. There was no threat to anything. And as far as NATO goes, if Putin had relaxed and minded his own business it would have become a country club.

Now we are on the verge of War 3. Even if it is Cold War 2.0 it’s going to be bad. Expect lots of computer attacks by both countries. Disruptions in everything will become the norm at a minimum.

History shows that it is much easier for the Totalitarian Regimes to maintain power with an enemy to use to justify their actions. Putin wanted an enemy. And now he has one. Because the rest of the nations besides Belorussia are NATO members. And we have already said we will defend them.

In 1988 I joined the Army expecting to fight a war with against the Soviets. I hoped that the collapse would end that threat once and for all. It is to our sorrow that it isn’t. And we tried to extend the hand of friendship.

Putin will keep pushing. He has to. He can’t stop now. Only the evacuation of and restoration of Ukraine would be acceptable to get the sanctions lifted. He won’t do that. He can’t. It would be a huge loss of face. He has to keep pushing. And the next target, no matter where, will bring in NATO.

Nuclear War is definitely possible. And perhaps the survivors will start a society where mankind will live in peace. I doubt it. We never have before in history.

You sound nearly as nuts as Putin.

thanks for that.


Damn, you can't seem to make up your mind about me.

One day I'm a MAGA hat wearing idiotic far-right Nazi, and the next I'm a pathetic communist. :gay:

. . shit, if you didn't have insults in lieu of intelligent conversation? You wouldn't have anything at all. . .


Seems you don't know your head from your asshole buddy. ;)
Not so. I think you've been a communist all along.
You have supported the GOP and all They ever wanted was complete control without opposition and you don't call yourself a fascist/communist.
You're the one who is mixed up.
Right after I read this, I realized that watching spongebob squarepants cartoon would more educational then rest of your sorry novel. :boohoo:
I understand that NATO and the United States attack only the weak, which is why they seek to make Russia weaker. Waiting for this to happen or contributing to it is a very stupid policy. Putin is known as a smart politician. And if he decided to go to war, it was only because the so-called "partners" left him no other choice. By the way, what do you think about Russian military bases in Mexico? Why not, because the United States is not in danger, cos' they are so big.

I would explain it to you but it would require a longer post than a Tweet. And I’m certain your attention span is not that long.

You sound nearly as nuts as Putin.

thanks for that.


Ok. What was nuts? The idea that Putin invaded because he wanted to? The idea that he was a true believer to get into the CIA? The idea that Russia is too big to invade?

Perhaps it was the idea of War III? Perhaps Cold War 2.0. Or the idea that we are close to a Nuclear War? Which part was crazy to you?
I agree with most of this, but also think there's a not-small possibility that Putin has lost his mind. He never was a good sort; he always was Soviet KGB. But now there are indications he's gone some flavor of mad. If that's true, he may not have enough of a following to invoke NATO nations into a world war from within. It's one thing to attack a nation where a good portion of the people affiliate. It's another to start WW3

Putin already threatened Nukes. If any nation interferes in Ukraine Putin threatened nukes.

When he turns on the next country. A NATO ally. And he demands that we leave or he will launch nukes. What do we do? Do we refuse to leave risking the nukes? Do we abandon our ally because Putin threatened nukes?
I'm about ready to put Canadian and Ukraine flags on the front of my house. This keeps up, I'll end up looking like the UN. But with different goals
This is, in the final analysis, all about NATO. NATO was pushing to expand into Ukraine, making airbases in Ukraine, practicing exercises with the Ukrainians, preparing Ukraine for membership. The Americans and British were practicing with the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. . .:rolleyes:

Russia told the US and NATO in no uncertain terms, should offensives start again against ethnic Russians, and plans continue for NATO membership, that would be crossing the Red Line.

This is why Trump believed NATO was obsolete, he believed Putin, when Putin said don't cross red lines. When NATO did in Georgia? Russia invaded.

The US on the other hand? Just bluffs.

1. Hitler used the same argument when he "supported" the German population in the Sudetenland

Sudetenland | Facts, History, & Annexation by Hitler | Britannica​ › ... › Geographic Regions

Sudetenland, sections of northern and western Bohemia and northern Moravia (modern Czech Republic). The Sudetenland became a major source of contention ...
Munich Agreement · ‎Moravia · ‎Bohemia · ‎Konrad Henlein

2. Trump tried to strengthen NATO

Trump pushed NATO nations to pay the 2% of GDP they promised, rather than the 0.8 % they were paying, while America paid the rest.

Get your facts straight.

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