Do Americans Know Enough About Russia/Ukraine to Support US Involvement ?

In the mid-1960s, then US President Lyndon Johnson sent massive numbers of US troops to Vietnam. At the time, most Americans, without having much information, blindly supported this action. A few years later, after Americans became more informed (and thousands of dead troops were returning in wooden crates), millions of Americans became fiercely opposed to that military endeavor, and Johnson himself refused to run for re-election in 1968.

I don't know too much about the Russia/Ukraine scenario, but I do know that Ukraine has been part of Russia for hundreds of years. Ukraine is rich in natural resources, while the Ukranian people (with 99.8% literacy) are among the poorest in the world.

Would the Ukranians, now tolerating a corrupt government, be worse off, the same, or better off if that corrupt government disappeared, and Russia (or just about anybody else) were to talk over in Ukraine ? Is Russia going to be fighting the Ukranian PEOPLE, or just a Ukrainan GOVERNMENT, that represents not much more than a wealthy plutocracy of a small number of Ukrainians ?

In any case, Russia is currently going into Ukraine (a non-NATO country), so what business is it of Joe Biden or the US government to be involved in this, with sanctions, troops, or in whatever way ? Do we really understand this whole thing ?
We don’t need to get involved in every conflict on earth.
Really, that's how life works now?

"Work a day and I'll pay you."

**no pay.**

"No really, this time I mean it."

**no pay.**

"Past issues have nothing to do with any promises I make. Come to work and I'll pay you."

So really? 'Past issues' mean nothing? Gimme a break and plug in to the real world.
Past issues have nothing to do with the OP. It’s a simple matter condemning obviously wrong behavior or not
Past issues have nothing to do with the OP. It’s a simple matter condemning obviously wrong behavior or not
In order for you to make the claim that the invasion into Ukraine is "obviously wrong behavior", you would have to know all the facts involved in this whole scenario.
Do you think you do ?

Before answering that, read Post # 155.
In order for you to make the claim that the invasion into Ukraine is "obviously wrong behavior", you would have to know all the facts involved in this whole scenario.
Do you think you do ?

Before answering that, read Post # 155.
I know I dont know all the facts but I know enough to know Putin is in the wrong.

"Are the US and the UK bound to intervene in Ukraine?

As they visit Kiev this week, British Foreign Secretary William Hague and US Secretary of State John Kerry are being reminded that their countries signed a 1994 treaty guaranteeing Ukraine’s "independence and sovereignty".

Comments from US and British officials on Ukraine are under particular scrutiny as both countries signed the Budapest Memorandum with Ukraine and Russia in 1994, affirming “their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine”.
Hillary Clinton? Is that you?

The fact that you ASK where the genocide is, shows you are unsure.

I am not unsure about anything, it is obvious bullshit.

The simple fact is that there is none. We have heard about genocides all over, yet somehow this is one that has miraculously never been mentioned until just now? Why did Russia never bring this up before the UN or the UNSC? Truth of the matter is that the majority of deaths were caused by the pro-Russian separatists themselves. They have been targeting civilians for almost a decade.

Simple fact, that was intended for the people of Russia, who have a press that is as tightly controlled as when the Soviets were in charge. Nobody believes it but the fools that are Russian Cheerleaders and simply want to see them in charge again.

So tell me, why did Russia never bring this up before? They have been lying for months, claiming they were not going to invade, that they were only doing an exercise and were already leaving.
It was right after WW 2, when the US defended China from the Japs.


A treaty to defend China from Japan, after the war was over? What nonsense is this?

Do you not even know that the US was already operating in China against the Japanese before the US even got into the war? The first US forces were involved in training and supplying the Chinese Air Force in April 1941.
Ukraine is a NATO partner nation.

I think it’s all very very simple.

No they're not.

This is, in the final analysis, all about NATO. NATO was pushing to expand into Ukraine, making airbases in Ukraine, practicing exercises with the Ukrainians, preparing Ukraine for membership. The Americans and British were practicing with the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. . . :rolleyes:

Russia told the US and NATO in no uncertain terms, should offensives start again against ethnic Russians, and plans continue for NATO membership, that would be crossing the Red Line.

This is why Trump believed NATO was obsolete, he believed Putin, when Putin said don't cross red lines. When NATO did in Georgia? Russia invaded.

The US on the other hand? Just bluffs.
Japan was crushed in every way possible

Of course, that is why it was an "unconditional surrender".

One thing about the Japanese, they are almost fanatical about following orders without question. There were no "stay behind" units to attack once the war was over, once the Emperor surrendered it was accepted and all laid down their arms and turned themselves in.

The few exceptions like Sake Oba and his men who were already cut off, and either did not know about the surrender or thought it was an Allied trick. And in all cases, it was done by a low ranking officer or NCO who was away from their base on patrol or cut off during the battle. And in almost all cases, they simply brought in a senior Japanese Officer, who ordered them to surrender and they did without issue.
no one knew if the Japs could regroup and threaten the Chinese.

Yes, they did know. In fact, by late summer 1945 Japan was already pulling its forces out of Asia, and moving them as fast as they could to Japan to defend the home islands. If they were going to go on a murder rampage they would have done it then.

Certainly not after they had been ordered to surrender. I can't think of a single instance where Japanese forces ever surrendered during the entire war. And after the war they surrendered without question.
We recognize Ukraine as an independent country. Ukraine is now being invaded by the Russian military. Why people can’t admit that as a horrible and wrong act is bewildering to me.
Because you are too short sighted to think, that the invasion is completely unprovoked.

It is like saying, the US bombed Libya for absolutely no reason, or invaded Iraq for absolutely no cause, or went into Afghanistan for absolutely no reason. Or funded Syrian terrorists/separatists for absolutely no cause.


I have a hard time believing you are this completely uninformed and so completely biased and brainwashed. It is. . . nearly unbelievable that you live in such an echo chamber. . .

. . . nearly.
Russia told the US and NATO in no uncertain terms, should offensives start again against ethnic Russians, and plans continue for NATO membership, that would be crossing the Red Line.

Wait a minute, are you actually using a show produced by Russia Today, to prove that Ukraine is run by Nazis? He is not a journalist of any kind, he is literally a stand-up comedian that is actually paid by the Russian Government to do a show on their own TV network.

Wow, talk about a fact fail! That is like trusting the Chinese Government to be honest about what has been going on in Hong Kong.
This is, in the final analysis, all about NATO. NATO was pushing to expand into Ukraine, making airbases in Ukraine, practicing exercises with the Ukrainians, preparing Ukraine for membership. The Americans and British were practicing with the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. . . :rolleyes:

Russia told the US and NATO in no uncertain terms, should offensives start again against ethnic Russians, and plans continue for NATO membership, that would be crossing the Red Line.

This is why Trump believed NATO was obsolete, he believed Putin, when Putin said don't cross red lines. When NATO did in Georgia? Russia invaded.

The US on the other hand? Just bluffs.

I guess we should probably just do anything Russia wants so they don’t get mad and invade
Because you are too short sighted to think, that the invasion is completely unprovoked.

It is like saying, the US bombed Libya for absolutely no reason, or invaded Iraq for absolutely no cause, or went into Afghanistan for absolutely no reason. Or funded Syrian terrorists/separatists for absolutely no cause.


I have a hard time believing you are this completely uninformed and so completely biased and brainwashed. It is. . . nearly unbelievable that you live in such an echo chamber. . .

. . . nearly.
Haha. So you’re obviously justifying Putins attack. What provocation do you think justifies the invasion

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