Do Americans Know Enough About Russia/Ukraine to Support US Involvement ?

Putin has already said that to US and NATО. And he received mocking taunts in response.
The borders of NATO should be returned to the borders of 1997.
The states on the border with Russia should become neutral states.

To live next to a military bloc that has moved close to the borders of Russia in 30 years after the collapse of the USSR and is not going to stop, a bloc, that has started a bunch of wars in 30 years and plunged entire regions of the world into war, destruction and mass death of the population, to live next to such a bloc, who openly declared Russia his enemy and pretend that everything is in order, would be irresponsible.
Especially when NATO is increasing its military presence and supplying weapons to the fascist regime, which, in its impunity for reprisals against the civilian population of its country (Donbass), even dared to talk about mastering nuclear weapons!
This is not a fake test tube of Powell at the UN, this is an open statement by the head of Ukraine.

By the way, that is why Russian troops occupied the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant today. But you would probably be happy to know that a crazy fascist state with an atomic bomb appeared in the middle of Europe?
The fact that Chernobyl melt down happened when Russia was in charge may have effected how Ukraine people felt about Russia????
This infestation of Russkies! I hate it! I wish there were traps we could use!
Why traps? You can use rulers to measure skulls to determine inferior races, as professionals used to do..
This is photo for you, filth, you can use this photo to replace your avatar.
Actually, it's over 100 billion, according to new sources taken from the ass.

I was talking about the death toll of those that Communists slaughtered in nations they controlled.


Places like Cambodia.




And of course Ukraine.


And your statement shows just how much of a fantasy world you live in. 100 billion? There are only a little over 7 billion people on the entire planet. In fact, the entire population of Homo Sapiens since the species first evolved some 150kya roughly is around 117 Billion. Total, starting when they were naked spear chuckers in Africa.

You are so funny, and live in a complete denial of reality.

But tell me this. If Communism is so awesome and incredible, why does it always come about at the point of a gun? Why does it only follow an invasion of revolution where huge numbers who oppose it die? You would think that if it was so awesome, countries would be falling all over themselves to become Communist. And of all the countries in Eastern Europe that were under it for decades, they would want to remain that way even after the Soviet Union dissolved.

Or why are people in Russia being arrested by the thousands protesting the war going on? That is something you do not see in most of the "Civilized World". We had protests all over the US over Iraq (twice), Afghanistan, Panama, Vietnam, etc, etc, etc. But so long as the protests were peaceful, they were allowed to hold their marches and rallies without fear of arrest. But in Russia, any protests must be met with club wielding police and mass arrests.

Prominent Russians shocked by the invasion of Ukraine have gone public with their opposition to the war, despite the professional and personal risks that come with dissent on such a sensitive issue in Russia.

More than 1,800 people were arrested at rallies across the country on Thursday night as prominent Russians from the worlds of entertainment, business and journalism have risked their livelihoods in order to speak out.

Marxism, just a fancy word for "Nation sized concentration camp".
The fact that Chernobyl melt down happened when Russia was in charge may have effected how Ukraine people felt about Russia????

Not just Ukraine, although I think the memory of the Holomodor factors more into that then Chernobyl.

As well as Poland, what was once East Germany, and most of the rest of the former Warsaw Pact. Once the USSR dissolved most fled away from them as fast as they could.
Patriots don't praise Putin or Americans who do.

Where exactly did she do that?

Now I will admit I am not a huge fan of her partisan politics, but I have not seen her praise him. In fact, she earlier compared him to Hitler and indeed their actions are similar.

Sorry, but you fail, big time. But please, prove me wrong and show exactly when she praised Putin invading Ukraine.
Why traps? You can use rulers to measure skulls to determine inferior races, as professionals used to do..
This is photo for you, filth, you can use this photo to replace your avatar.
Traps, like we use with other rats. Nice postcard: it says "Russians must die so we can live." 2/10/41, a few years ago.

Okay, you took care of that problem, with a lot of help from us and Britain, so quitchabellyaching.

I am appalled how bad you-all's English is in this current lot of Putin Pets! He is NOT getting value for money, assuming he's paying you. What in the world is wrong with the Russian education system?? Couldn't you all just find a nice European forum and go propagandize each other in there in your broken English and leave the Americans alone?
and leave the Americans alone?
Ooo, poor baby... It's pretty hard to "leave you alone" when 800 American military bases are located around the world in 160 (or something like that) countries. The question can be put in another way: When will you leave the rest of the world alone?
Ooo, poor baby... It's pretty hard to "leave you alone" when 800 American military bases are located around the world in 160 (or something like that) countries. The question can be put in another way: When will you leave the rest of the world alone?
You say this on Day Two of your violent invasion of Ukraine? Darn ---- your timing is as bad as your English. We aren't bothering you.

You'd do well to see that you don't cause that to change.
You say this on Day Two of your violent invasion of Ukraine?
Oh, sorry, I forgot that in the last few months the US has not attacked other countries... My mistake. I've gotten so used to it over the last 30 years... even the names of the countries, that have been subjected to american aggression are confused in my head... Although, the US army units illegally occupying Syria are still, even today, protecting convoys with illegally extracted Syrian oil.
P.S. What is happening in Ukraine today would not have happened if American politicians had not supported the Nazi coup in Kiev in 2014 (just like they did with the German Nazis in the 1930s). So it's on you.
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Oh, sorry, I forgot that in the last few months the US has not attacked other countries... My mistake. I've gotten so used to it over the last 30 years... even the names of the countries, that have been subjected to american aggression are confused in my head... Although, the US army units illegally occupying Syria are still, even today, protecting convoys with illegally extracted Syrian oil.
P.S. What is happening in Ukraine today would not have happened if American politicians had not supported the Nazi coup in Kiev in 2014 (just like they did with the German Nazis in the 1930s). So it's on you.
Uhhh nope. Syria exports no oil. They have very little and it's poorest quality. They don't even have enough for domestic consumption.
Can you explain what this post has to do with the 1994 agreement to maintain Ukrains security and sovereignty?

Not whether you agree with same.....but what the connection is.

Can you???
No, I can't

I went to that link in your article to actually READ the agreement? And the link was dead.

Then? I went to the WAYBACK machine. . . and someone purposely went in, and scrubbed all the links, we are talking hundreds of captures.

That leads me to believe, there are some caveats to this agreement, that this piece of propaganda IS NOT telling us about. Now? If you want to provide for me a link to that agreement that I can actually read? Sure, we'll talk.

It is said. . . “When war is declared, Truth is the first casualty.”
I don't understand this whole thing and neither do you. Its once again pick a side time in America. Political party membership being once again more important than finding solutions or saving human lives.
I certainly don't understand this whole thing, which is exactly why I am NOT picking sides. Hopefully, when it simmers down, and peace is restored the Ukranians at least will come out of it better off economically.
Every one does not know. As you seem to know please explain it to those of us interested in having the information.
Give us a break. You havent heard about Hunter and Burisma ? And Joe openly threatening the Ukranians if they didnt fire a prosecutor he didnt like ? Sheesh!


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