Do any of you that think the USA border wall is bad... wait till you see Egypt's!!!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

are you really this blind?

American business do this all the time, and those coming over the border know it. And when a business gets caught, they get a slap on the wrist and a week later are doing it again.
American business does not lure shoeless migrants to America to serve as slave labor and displace American wokers

The flood of migrants overwhelms business

If even a few competitors hire illegals then everyone in the market is forced to do the same or go bankrupt
American business does not lure shoeless migrants to America to serve as slave labor and displace American wokers

The flood of migrants overwhelms business

If even a few competitors hire illegals then everyone in the market is forced to do the same or go bankrupt
I doubt if harpy ever ran a business

If he had he would understand how difficult it is to hire Americans and charge for than his rivals who hire cheap migrants
I doubt if harpy ever ran a business

If he had he would understand how difficult it is to hire Americans and charge for than his rivals who hire cheap migrants

Strong laws stopping the hiring of illegals.

But no........people think empty rhetoric will deal with the issue.
American business does not lure shoeless migrants to America to serve as slave labor and displace American wokers

Correct, they hire them to fill the jobs that American workers do not.

They lure them by giving the ones that come jobs.
I doubt if harpy ever ran a business

If he had he would understand how difficult it is to hire Americans and charge for than his rivals who hire cheap migrants

I have not you are correct.

That does not remove the fact that our companies hire the illegals, that is why they keep coming.

And our laws do nothing to those companies but a slap on the wrist .

I think that wall is in your head.

The Dems and Republicans were not so far apart in the past (Clinton, Bush), but the Democrat party has moved far Left, and propels a false narrative that believing that gender is determined by chromosomes, enforcing our border is a national security issue, cheap and abundant energy benefits humanity, or that law enforcement is essential, are far Right extremist viewpoints.

It's the Democrats who have erected the wall on American soil, and they are going to pay for it in one month.
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I thin that wall is in your head.

The Dems and Republicans were not so far apart in the past (Clinton, Bush), but the Democrat party has moved far Left, and propels a false narrative that believing that gender is determined by chromosomes, enforcing our border is a national security issue, cheap and abundant energy benefits humanity, or that law enforcement is essential, are far Right extremist viewpoints.

It's the Democrats who have erected the wall on American soil, and they are going to pay for it in one month.
damn----I am forced to agree with jimmy the harpy ----I am
a registered democrat, it's been a few years since I have so voted
the bleach thing has to do with Trump's disjointed way of speaking. He was talking about ultraviolet light, how to kills the virus in the air and surfaces, then apparently pondering on shining that inside the body. And they also talking about disinfectants, and then apparently suggesting somehow using that inside the body as well? the answer is no, but this is a result of Trump's verbal pondering.

but this whole thing missing the point. On the subject of the wall, the relevant subject is Trump's decisive speech. Mass deportations and other racist dog whistling.
RACIST??? Asking people to OBEY THE LAWS of America...i.e. illegal border crossings!
This is NOT a racist statement but YOU are making a racist statement!
I've had black cousins since the early 50s in a Midwest state that had less than 3% blacks and I've had black bosses that were very effective! So when you call me a part American Indian "racist"... I am truly offended by a racist identified person like YOU!
Of course they are "dog whistles" that the BIASED MSM has produced that idiots and truly dumb racists like you interpret. Just like you interpret what the reporter wrote..
Jim: (34:05)
The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?

Trump never used the word "bleach" but the reporter was the first one to write so and as a result over 1,550,000 google results of
"Trump said drink bleach"! HE NEVER EVER SAID IT.... the reporter did! Classic example of failure to do the 5 "Ws" that I learned in journalism classes before the MSM was as biased as it is now!
Idiots like you make up a smaller and smaller % of people that believe the biased MSM!
FACT which you've never used facts to substantiate your personal subjective opinions that mean ZERO!

Americans' Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low​

At 34%, Americans' trust in the mass media to report the news "fully, accurately and fairly" is essentially unchanged from last year and just two points higher than the lowest that Gallup has recorded, in 2016 during the presidential campaign.
Just 7% of Americans have "a great deal" of trust and confidence in the media, and 27% have "a fair amount." Meanwhile, 28% of U.S. adults say they do not have very much confidence and 38% have none at all in newspapers, TV and radio. Notably, this is the first time that the percentage of Americans with no trust at all in the media is higher than the percentage with a great deal or a fair amount combined.

Don't you feel stupid knowing that over just 7% of idiots "Trust in the mass media"!
RACIST??? Asking people to OBEY THE LAWS of America...i.e. illegal border crossings!
This is NOT a racist statement but YOU are making a racist statement!
I've had black cousins since the early 50s in a Midwest state that had less than 3% blacks and I've had black bosses that were very effective! So when you call me a part American Indian "racist"... I am truly offended by a racist identified person like YOU!
Of course they are "dog whistles" that the BIASED MSM has produced that idiots and truly dumb racists like you interpret. Just like you interpret what the reporter wrote..
Jim: (34:05)
The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?

Trump never used the word "bleach" but the reporter was the first one to write so and as a result over 1,550,000 google results of
"Trump said drink bleach"! HE NEVER EVER SAID IT.... the reporter did! Classic example of failure to do the 5 "Ws" that I learned in journalism classes before the MSM was as biased as it is now!
Idiots like you make up a smaller and smaller % of people that believe the biased MSM!
FACT which you've never used facts to substantiate your personal subjective opinions that mean ZERO!

Americans' Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low​

At 34%, Americans' trust in the mass media to report the news "fully, accurately and fairly" is essentially unchanged from last year and just two points higher than the lowest that Gallup has recorded, in 2016 during the presidential campaign.
Just 7% of Americans have "a great deal" of trust and confidence in the media, and 27% have "a fair amount." Meanwhile, 28% of U.S. adults say they do not have very much confidence and 38% have none at all in newspapers, TV and radio. Notably, this is the first time that the percentage of Americans with no trust at all in the media is higher than the percentage with a great deal or a fair amount combined.

Don't you feel stupid knowing that over just 7% of idiots "Trust in the mass media"!

The law states that you can come and then seek asylum.
Strong laws stopping the hiring of illegals.

But no........people think empty rhetoric will deal with the issue.
Typically libs want to put Americans in jail instead of stoping illegals from entering the country
The law states that you can come and then seek asylum.
FACTS not guesses dummy!
Asylum is a form of protection granted to individuals who can demonstrate that they are unable or unwilling to return to their country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of:

  • race,
  • religion,
  • nationality,
  • membership in a particular social group,
  • or political opinion.
The right to seek asylum was incorporated into international law following the atrocities of World War II. Congress adopted key provisions of the Refugee Convention (including the international definition of a refugee) into U.S. immigration law when it passed the Refugee Act of 1980.

FACTS...not your guesses!​

Most illegal immigrants do not qualify for US asylum

By Andrew R. Arthur on August 16, 2022

New York Post, August 16, 2022
The arrival of busloads of migrants into New York City has raised questions about the administration’s border policies. Here are the facts about our increasingly dysfunctional immigration system:

24% were lawful permanent residents. 4% were legal temporary residents. 23% were unauthorized immigrants. From 1990 to 2007,

Correct, they hire them to fill the jobs that American workers do not.

They lure them by giving the ones that come jobs.
Thats a consequence of our bleeding heart wipe-every-nose lib welfare system

There are plenty of able bodied people lounging around getting paid for doing nothing

Put them to work and we could make up the difference with a controlled guest worker program
I have not you are correct.

That does not remove the fact that our companies hire the illegals, that is why they keep coming.

And our laws do nothing to those companies but a slap on the wrist .
They are forced to by the fact that so many poor migrants are in the country begging for work

Try being a roofing contractor without hiring illegals

You will soon go out of business
Thats a consequence of our bleeding heart wipe-every-nose lib welfare system

There are plenty of able bodied people lounging around getting paid for doing nothing

Put them to work and we could make up the difference with a controlled guest worker program

There are not near enough. There are more open jobs than people that are unemployed.

That does not even take into account all the jobs already held by illegals

Yes, controlled guest worker program is what we need. But neither party will make it happen when they are in power. But you will keep voting for them anyhow.
They are forced to by the fact that so many poor migrants are in the country begging for work

Try being a roofing contractor without hiring illegals

You will soon go out of business

And yet you keep telling me they are not hiring illegals.

Seems they are not even trying to hide it.

The name of the company that does our HOA lawn care is LawnMex.
There are not near enough. There are more open jobs than people that are unemployed.

That does not even take into account all the jobs already held by illegals

Yes, controlled guest worker program is what we need. But neither party will make it happen when they are in power. But you will keep voting for them anyhow.
I support a controlled guest worker program but only for actual workers

Not family members and no pathway to citizenship

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