Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?

Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
Marx is dead and communism is on its way out.

Who will you fear after that? Oh, right. Catholics.
Actually these are Wurmbrands words -

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.Full text of Marx And Satan

Wurmbrand called Darwin the spiritual father to the greatest mass murderer in history - he is of course referring to Marx and the founding of Communism. I had to correct myself here as I was going from memory when stating how Wurmbrand put it. Is Communism entitled to the title greatest mass murderer in history? Most definitely. Communism has been responsible for more death than Hitler, than Mohammad. And quite possibly even the combining of the two would not add up to the mass murder caused by Communism since its inception.
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
The truth about Marx? Of that statement that are two things you don't have a fucking clue about: the truths (not truth), and Marx.
Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
Marx is dead and communism is on its way out.

Who will you fear after that? Oh, right. Catholics.

I fear the LORD. I do not fear Catholics. That is ridiculous, Ravi. Only people who serve the devil live in fear, Ravi. You of all people should realize that.
Actually these are Wurmbrands words -

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.Full text of Marx And Satan

Wurmbrand called Darwin the spiritual father to the greatest mass murderer in history - he is of course referring to Marx and the founding of Communism. I had to correct myself here as I was going from memory when stating how Wurmbrand put it. Is Communism entitled to the title greatest mass murderer in history? Most definitely. Communism has been responsible for more death than Hitler, than Mohammad. And quite possibly even the combining of the two would not add up to the mass murder caused by Communism since its inception.
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.
Any time I have a doubt about the rightness of my beliefs, I see what Ravi is spewing.

If I'm diametrically oppositional to her, I know that I remain an intelligent and thoughtful proponent of mankind, freedom, and individuality.
Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
The truth about Marx? Of that statement that are two things you don't have a fucking clue about: the truths (not truth), and Marx.

Once again, PMH, you comment without reading the text. You know, this probably qualifies you for a seat in the Senate or Congress. They do not read anything before approving or rejecting either. Amazing.

Do you always condemn the evidence before examining it? Is that your secret for having stayed in such ignorance? You know Hitler used to pull the shades down traveling through a wartorn area he had destroyed - as not to lose his resolve to continue... perhaps you and he have more in common than you think?
Actually these are Wurmbrands words -

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.Full text of Marx And Satan

Wurmbrand called Darwin the spiritual father to the greatest mass murderer in history - he is of course referring to Marx and the founding of Communism. I had to correct myself here as I was going from memory when stating how Wurmbrand put it. Is Communism entitled to the title greatest mass murderer in history? Most definitely. Communism has been responsible for more death than Hitler, than Mohammad. And quite possibly even the combining of the two would not add up to the mass murder caused by Communism since its inception.
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
Who the fuck cares what he thought about race? The Founding Fathers fucked their *******. Shall we reject everything they wrote about because of that? God you little fuckers are dumb. I don't care if the guy who cures cancer beats his kids and thinks the Jews control the world. What I care about it does his cure work, that's all!

The only thing you need to care about Marx is was he right, is his work valid, and he was right in a big-ass way which is why we are still talking about him even today you little dumbshit.
Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
Marx is dead and communism is on its way out.

Who will you fear after that? Oh, right. Catholics.

Jeri already thinks the Pope is the anti-Christ. LOL!
Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
Marx is dead and communism is on its way out.

Who will you fear after that? Oh, right. Catholics.

I fear the LORD. I do not fear Catholics. That is ridiculous, Ravi. Only people who serve the devil live in fear, Ravi. You of all people should realize that.
What you fear is death you little pussy. That's why you cling to Jesus, your free Ticket to Heaven.
Actually these are Wurmbrands words -

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.Full text of Marx And Satan

Wurmbrand called Darwin the spiritual father to the greatest mass murderer in history - he is of course referring to Marx and the founding of Communism. I had to correct myself here as I was going from memory when stating how Wurmbrand put it. Is Communism entitled to the title greatest mass murderer in history? Most definitely. Communism has been responsible for more death than Hitler, than Mohammad. And quite possibly even the combining of the two would not add up to the mass murder caused by Communism since its inception.
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.

If you wish to be taken seriously you do. You cannot make such a claim and not be able to back it up, Asceplias. I'm telling you that Communism is responsible for more death than either Nazism or Islam. You are claiming that Capitolism is responsible for more deaths, murders and genocide. Where is your evidence to support such a claim? Provide or retract your claim.
Actually these are Wurmbrands words -

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.Full text of Marx And Satan

Wurmbrand called Darwin the spiritual father to the greatest mass murderer in history - he is of course referring to Marx and the founding of Communism. I had to correct myself here as I was going from memory when stating how Wurmbrand put it. Is Communism entitled to the title greatest mass murderer in history? Most definitely. Communism has been responsible for more death than Hitler, than Mohammad. And quite possibly even the combining of the two would not add up to the mass murder caused by Communism since its inception.
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.
They don't count as they weren't white.
Actually these are Wurmbrands words -

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.Full text of Marx And Satan

Wurmbrand called Darwin the spiritual father to the greatest mass murderer in history - he is of course referring to Marx and the founding of Communism. I had to correct myself here as I was going from memory when stating how Wurmbrand put it. Is Communism entitled to the title greatest mass murderer in history? Most definitely. Communism has been responsible for more death than Hitler, than Mohammad. And quite possibly even the combining of the two would not add up to the mass murder caused by Communism since its inception.
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.

If you wish to be taken seriously you do. You cannot make such a claim and not be able to back it up, Asceplias. I'm telling you that Communism is responsible for more death than either Nazism or Islam. You are claiming that Capitolism is responsible for more deaths, murders and genocide. Where is your evidence to support such a claim? Provide or retract your claim.
I just did. How many have died as a result of capitalism vs communism?
the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. Now largely discredited, social Darwinism was advocated by Herbert Spencer and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and reform.

Sounds pretty darned Conservative to me!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

And once again the far left shows they do not understand any meanings outside their far left programming..

See they have their own definition of a word that usually does not fit reality..
Once again the far right pretends that they did not eagerly grasp onto the findings of Darwinism to rationalize the theory that white man was superior.

So all those southern democrats in the 60's where really far right?
Yes. Were you born yesterday?

So the far left in the 60's was really the far right?

Amazing how history has been rewritten..
Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
Marx is dead and communism is on its way out.

Who will you fear after that? Oh, right. Catholics.

I fear the LORD. I do not fear Catholics. That is ridiculous, Ravi. Only people who serve the devil live in fear, Ravi. You of all people should realize that.
What you fear is death you little pussy. That's why you cling to Jesus, your free Ticket to Heaven.

So you fear death? That is your biggest fear, PMH? I can't blame you. If I were living without Jesus Christ I would fear death too.

There is a solution to that, you know. You can repent of your sins and call upon Jesus Christ to save you.
Actually these are Wurmbrands words -

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.Full text of Marx And Satan

Wurmbrand called Darwin the spiritual father to the greatest mass murderer in history - he is of course referring to Marx and the founding of Communism. I had to correct myself here as I was going from memory when stating how Wurmbrand put it. Is Communism entitled to the title greatest mass murderer in history? Most definitely. Communism has been responsible for more death than Hitler, than Mohammad. And quite possibly even the combining of the two would not add up to the mass murder caused by Communism since its inception.
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.
They don't count as they weren't white.
I forgot. My bad.
Sounds pretty darned Conservative to me!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

And once again the far left shows they do not understand any meanings outside their far left programming..

See they have their own definition of a word that usually does not fit reality..
Once again the far right pretends that they did not eagerly grasp onto the findings of Darwinism to rationalize the theory that white man was superior.

So all those southern democrats in the 60's where really far right?
Yes. Were you born yesterday?

So the far left in the 60's was really the far right?

Amazing how history has been rewritten..

No the far left has always been the far left. You are getting political parties mixed up with ideologies. I cant believe how ignorant some cons are. :laugh:
Actually these are Wurmbrands words -

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.Full text of Marx And Satan

Wurmbrand called Darwin the spiritual father to the greatest mass murderer in history - he is of course referring to Marx and the founding of Communism. I had to correct myself here as I was going from memory when stating how Wurmbrand put it. Is Communism entitled to the title greatest mass murderer in history? Most definitely. Communism has been responsible for more death than Hitler, than Mohammad. And quite possibly even the combining of the two would not add up to the mass murder caused by Communism since its inception.
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.

If you wish to be taken seriously you do. You cannot make such a claim and not be able to back it up, Asceplias. I'm telling you that Communism is responsible for more death than either Nazism or Islam. You are claiming that Capitolism is responsible for more deaths, murders and genocide. Where is your evidence to support such a claim? Provide or retract your claim.
I just did. How many have died as a result of capitalism vs communism?

? Where? Link that proves Capitolism has mass murdered people, Asceplias. I haven't see anything but a baseless claim here.
Actually these are Wurmbrands words -

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.Full text of Marx And Satan

Wurmbrand called Darwin the spiritual father to the greatest mass murderer in history - he is of course referring to Marx and the founding of Communism. I had to correct myself here as I was going from memory when stating how Wurmbrand put it. Is Communism entitled to the title greatest mass murderer in history? Most definitely. Communism has been responsible for more death than Hitler, than Mohammad. And quite possibly even the combining of the two would not add up to the mass murder caused by Communism since its inception.
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.

If you wish to be taken seriously you do. You cannot make such a claim and not be able to back it up, Asceplias. I'm telling you that Communism is responsible for more death than either Nazism or Islam. You are claiming that Capitolism is responsible for more deaths, murders and genocide. Where is your evidence to support such a claim? Provide or retract your claim.
I just did. How many have died as a result of capitalism vs communism?

Amazing how many believe that a government controlled state will pump out so called "facts"..

How many dies in Vietnam as communism spread after the US left?
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.

If you wish to be taken seriously you do. You cannot make such a claim and not be able to back it up, Asceplias. I'm telling you that Communism is responsible for more death than either Nazism or Islam. You are claiming that Capitolism is responsible for more deaths, murders and genocide. Where is your evidence to support such a claim? Provide or retract your claim.
I just did. How many have died as a result of capitalism vs communism?

? Where? Link that proves Capitolism has mass murdered people, Asceplias. I haven't see anything but a baseless claim here.
Show me your stats and I will compile mine.

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