Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?

Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
Marx is dead and communism is on its way out.

Who will you fear after that? Oh, right. Catholics.

I fear the LORD. I do not fear Catholics. That is ridiculous, Ravi. Only people who serve the devil live in fear, Ravi. You of all people should realize that.
What you fear is death you little pussy. That's why you cling to Jesus, your free Ticket to Heaven.

We aren't afraid of death. When we die, we get to go to Heaven, and that is a wonderful thing.

Christians look forward to the hereafter.

Unlike the hysterical and hateful anti-Christians.
And once again the far left shows they do not understand any meanings outside their far left programming..

See they have their own definition of a word that usually does not fit reality..
Once again the far right pretends that they did not eagerly grasp onto the findings of Darwinism to rationalize the theory that white man was superior.

So all those southern democrats in the 60's where really far right?
Yes. Were you born yesterday?

So the far left in the 60's was really the far right?

Amazing how history has been rewritten..

No the far left has always been the far left. You are getting political parties mixed up with ideologies. I cant believe how ignorant some cons are. :laugh:

Says the far left drone that is promoting that far left is really far right..
Disagree. Capitalism is responsible for more deaths, murders, and genocides than anything in history.

Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.

If you wish to be taken seriously you do. You cannot make such a claim and not be able to back it up, Asceplias. I'm telling you that Communism is responsible for more death than either Nazism or Islam. You are claiming that Capitolism is responsible for more deaths, murders and genocide. Where is your evidence to support such a claim? Provide or retract your claim.
I just did. How many have died as a result of capitalism vs communism?

Amazing how many believe that a government controlled state will pump out so called "facts"..

How many dies in Vietnam as communism spread after the US left?
I dont know. why dont you provide the numbers? BTW you do realize Vietnam was attacked by America right? That is a capitalistic prevent the spread of communism.
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Prove it. In the meantime you will note that Marx was a rabid racist and hated the black race as is the doctrine of Communism. They hate you. Why would you continue to be used and exploited by them?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.

If you wish to be taken seriously you do. You cannot make such a claim and not be able to back it up, Asceplias. I'm telling you that Communism is responsible for more death than either Nazism or Islam. You are claiming that Capitolism is responsible for more deaths, murders and genocide. Where is your evidence to support such a claim? Provide or retract your claim.
I just did. How many have died as a result of capitalism vs communism?

? Where? Link that proves Capitolism has mass murdered people, Asceplias. I haven't see anything but a baseless claim here.
Show me your stats and I will compile mine.

So you made the accusations, now it is up to you to prove it.

Typical far left drone, posts bunk and expects others to prove them wrong!
Once again the far right pretends that they did not eagerly grasp onto the findings of Darwinism to rationalize the theory that white man was superior.

So all those southern democrats in the 60's where really far right?
Yes. Were you born yesterday?

So the far left in the 60's was really the far right?

Amazing how history has been rewritten..

No the far left has always been the far left. You are getting political parties mixed up with ideologies. I cant believe how ignorant some cons are. :laugh:

Says the far left drone that is promoting that far left is really far right..
No your are increasingly confused. Why dont you sit this one out?
Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
Marx is dead and communism is on its way out.

Who will you fear after that? Oh, right. Catholics.

I fear the LORD. I do not fear Catholics. That is ridiculous, Ravi. Only people who serve the devil live in fear, Ravi. You of all people should realize that.
What you fear is death you little pussy. That's why you cling to Jesus, your free Ticket to Heaven.

We aren't afraid of death. When we die, we get to go to Heaven, and that is a wonderful thing.

Christians look forward to the hereafter.

Unlike the hysterical and hateful anti-Christians.
Then why haven't you left yet?
I dont need to prove it. Just look up imperialism. Look up how many died in India, the Americas, Africa etc etc in the name of capitalistic endeavors.

Marx didnt invent communism. Thats how my ancestors both Native American and African dealt with life.

If you wish to be taken seriously you do. You cannot make such a claim and not be able to back it up, Asceplias. I'm telling you that Communism is responsible for more death than either Nazism or Islam. You are claiming that Capitolism is responsible for more deaths, murders and genocide. Where is your evidence to support such a claim? Provide or retract your claim.
I just did. How many have died as a result of capitalism vs communism?

? Where? Link that proves Capitolism has mass murdered people, Asceplias. I haven't see anything but a baseless claim here.
Show me your stats and I will compile mine.

So you made the accusations, now it is up to you to prove it.

Typical far left drone, posts bunk and expects others to prove them wrong!
No Jerimaiah made the claim. You are just too stupid to realize it. Sort of like how you thought Democratic always meant the same thing as left.
Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
Marx is dead and communism is on its way out.

Who will you fear after that? Oh, right. Catholics.

I fear the LORD. I do not fear Catholics. That is ridiculous, Ravi. Only people who serve the devil live in fear, Ravi. You of all people should realize that.
What you fear is death you little pussy. That's why you cling to Jesus, your free Ticket to Heaven.

We aren't afraid of death. When we die, we get to go to Heaven, and that is a wonderful thing.

Christians look forward to the hereafter.

Unlike the hysterical and hateful anti-Christians.
Then why haven't you left yet?

Our job is to help as many other people attain salvation as possible.

We do our jobs. Then we go to heaven. God's time, not ours.
Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the most feared book - Communists loathe this book - it exposes them - the greatest book ever written about Marx bar none, Ravi. Read it and learn the truth about Marx. It might even change your mind about the direction you are headed in. (wrong way )
Marx is dead and communism is on its way out.

Who will you fear after that? Oh, right. Catholics.

I fear the LORD. I do not fear Catholics. That is ridiculous, Ravi. Only people who serve the devil live in fear, Ravi. You of all people should realize that.
What you fear is death you little pussy. That's why you cling to Jesus, your free Ticket to Heaven.

We aren't afraid of death. When we die, we get to go to Heaven, and that is a wonderful thing.

Christians look forward to the hereafter.

Unlike the hysterical and hateful anti-Christians.

True. The bible says this is evidence of our salvation. Our fearlessness is a sign of our salvation whereas their fearfulness is a sign of their perdition. The Christians' fearlessness is like a neon flashing sign right in front of them that reads, "You're doomed!"
"You are Doomed"!
Stand by, I think Ravi's going to make a veiled threat any minute.

Any time I have a doubt about the rightness of my beliefs, I see what Ravi is spewing.

If I'm diametrically oppositional to her, I know that I remain an intelligent and thoughtful proponent of mankind, freedom, and individuality.

In that case, you need to stop reading Ravi and continue doubting your rightness.
Let's believe God that every single person on this board repents of their sins and calls upon Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior. That Satan loses every single worker he has on this board and slinks away in utter defeat! That is my prayer for this board! That includes PMH, Ravi, Mad Cabbie, Carla Danger, Steven_R, Capstone, GoddessAshtera, and all the rest of them.
Let's believe God that every single person on this board repents of their sins and calls upon Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior. That Satan loses every single worker he has on this board and slinks away in utter defeat! That is my prayer for this board! That includes PMH, Ravi, Mad Cabbie, Carla Danger, Steven_R, Capstone, GoddessAshtera, and all the rest of them.
Lying is a sin, you know.
The short answer here is no. Mainly because there is no such thing as social darwinism, outside of progressive fantasies about what conservatives believe. In fact no conservative ever used the term, unless referring to charges made by progressives.
Another myth blown up.

Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


The short answer here is no. Mainly because there is no such thing as social darwinism, outside of progressive fantasies about what conservatives believe. In fact no conservative ever used the term, unless referring to charges made by progressives.
Another myth blown up.

Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


The short answer here is no. Mainly because there is no such thing as social darwinism, outside of progressive fantasies about what conservatives believe. In fact no conservative ever used the term, unless referring to charges made by progressives.
Another myth blown up.

Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


The short answer here is no. Mainly because there is no such thing as social darwinism, outside of progressive fantasies about what conservatives believe. In fact no conservative ever used the term, unless referring to charges made by progressives.
Another myth blown up.

Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


No! The Bible exposes Darwin's theory to be a lie. Richard Wurmbrand's book Marx & Satan identifies Darwin as the Spiritual father of Marx. Here you go!

Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the entire Book by Wurmbrand - I had to look it up for you - here is the part that addresses Darwin as the Spiritual Father of Marx. It took me a while to read through it!

What was the specific contribution of Marx to Satan's
plan for mankind?

The Bible teaches that God created man in His own
image (Genesis 1:26). Up to the time of Marx, man
continued to be considered as "the crown of creation."
Marx was Satan's chosen tool to make man lose his
self-esteem, his conviction that he comes from high
places and is meant to return to them. Marxism is the
first systematic and detailed philosophy which drasti-
cally reduces the notion of man.

According to Marx, man is primarily a belly which
has to be filled and refilled constantly. The prevailing
interests of man are economic in nature; he produces in
order to satisfy his needs. For this purpose, he enters
into social relationships with others. This is the basis of
society, what Marx calls the infrastructure. Marriage,
love, art, science, religion, philosophy, everything other
than the needs of the belly, are all superstructure, deter-
mined in the last analysis by the state of the belly.

No wonder Marx praised Darwin's book The Descent of Man,
another masterstroke which makes men
forget their divine origin and divine purpose. Darwin
said that man springs from the animal world.

Man was dethroned by these two. Satan could not
dethrone God, so he devalued man. Man was shown to
be the progeny of animals and a mere servant to his

It is a strange coincidence that the nineteenth cen-
tury gave the world three leading personalities opposed
to Christianity, all bearing the name of Charles: Karl
(German for Charles) Marx, Charles Darwin, and the
French poet Charles Baudelaire. The latter wrote in
"Abel and Cain":

Race of Cain, ascend to heaven
And throw God to the earth.

Marx wrote to Ferdinand Lassalle on January 16,
1861, "Darwin's book is very important and serves me
as a basis in the natural sciences for the historical class

Marx's son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, in Socialism and
the Intellectuals, says,

When Darwin published his Origin of Species, he took away
from God his role as creator in the organic world, as Frank-
lin has despoiled him of his thunderbolt.

(It was not Darwin's original intent to harm religion.
He had written, "There is a grandeur in this view of
life, with its several powers, having been originally
breathed into a few forms or into one." In order to
make his position more emphatic, Darwin inserted the
phrase "by the Creator" after "breathed" in the second


edition. It remained there in all the succeeding editions
he published.)

Later Freud would complete the work of these two
giants, reducing man basically to a sex urge, sometimes
sublimated in politics, art, or religion. It was the Swiss
psychologist Carl Gustav Jung who returned to the
Biblical doctrine that the religious impulse is man's ba-
sic urge.

The age of Marx was a time of Satanist ferment in
many spheres of life. The Russian poet Sologub wrote,
"My father is the Devil." Another Russian poet, Briu-
sov, said, "I glorify equally the Lord and the Devil."

Marx was a child of the time that gave us Nietzsche
(Hitler's and Mussolini's favorite philosopher), Max
Stirner, an extreme anarchist, and Oscar Wilde, the first
theoretician of freedom for homosexuality, a vice which
today has met with acceptance even among the clergy.

Satanic forces prepared Russia for the victory of
Marxism. The time of the revolution was a period
when love, goodwill, and healthy feeling were consid-
ered mean and retrograde. Girls hid their innocence
and husbands their faithfulness. Destruction was
praised as good taste, neurasthenia as the sign of a fine
mind. This was the theme of new writers who burst on
the scene out of obscurity. Men invented vices and
perversions, and were fastidious in their avoidance of
being thought moral.

How was it that Stalin became a revolutionist after
reading Darwin? 1 As a student in an Orthodox semi-
nary, he obtained from Darwin the concept that we are
not creatures of God, but the result of an evolution in
which ruthless competition reigns. It is only the strong-

86 / MARX &> SATAN

est and most cruel who survive. He learned that moral
and religious criteria play no role in nature and that
man is as much a part of nature as a fish or an ape.
Long live ruthlessness and cruelty!

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.

Beyond the intellectual turmoil of the nineteenth
century can be traced the influence of the French Rev-
olution, which was spiritually very much akin to the
Russian cataclysm of the twentieth century.

During the upheaval in France, Anarchasis Clootz, a
leading French revolutionary and Illuminatus, declared
himself to be "the personal enemy of Jesus Christ." He
proclaimed before the Convention of November 17,
1792, "The people is the sovereign and the god of the
world. . . . Only fools believe in any other God, in a
Supreme Being." The Convention then issued a decree
proclaiming "the nullification of all religions."

For those of us who take seriously the words of the
Lord's Prayer, "Deliver us from evil," the meaning is
clear: we implore a loving God to protect us and soci-
ety around us from false doctrine, from pernicious art
that accustoms us to evil under the guise of beauty, and
from immorality in life. Then we need have no fear of
the Devil's snares.

You have a choice: Do you want to become like the
Devil, cruel and vicious, or like Jesus, the God-man of
holy love and peace?

Just an FYI, Jeri.

A good friend of Darwin was a reverend who wrote a book on capitalism expounding how corporations either adapt to changing market conditions or go out of business. Darwin acknowledged that he used this as the basis for his theory of evolution on how species must adapt to changing environments or die out.

So Evolution is just another kind of capitalism.
Stand by, I think Ravi's going to make a veiled threat any minute.


I have a funny story I heard yesterday that I immediately got a witness to. There was a man who got off a bus with a very beefy well groomed bull dog. Suddenly a little yappie dog appeared behind him as he walked beside his owner headed towards home. The little yappie dog continued to yap but the man said that the bull dog never once turned around to look at the little yappie dog. In fact, the bull dog did not even notice him at all! He just kept walking alongside his owner and paid him no mind.

The man said, LORD? Make me like that bulldog! When the world starts in with their yapping? Give me a resolve like that - that I won't be moved, distracted but will keep my eyes fixed straight ahead!

I thought that was the greatest story. Too good not to share. Have an awesome day, KG. I have to get busy with some things here at my house. Time has flown! (which happens on USMB!)
Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


No! The Bible exposes Darwin's theory to be a lie. Richard Wurmbrand's book Marx & Satan identifies Darwin as the Spiritual father of Marx. Here you go!

Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the entire Book by Wurmbrand - I had to look it up for you - here is the part that addresses Darwin as the Spiritual Father of Marx. It took me a while to read through it!

What was the specific contribution of Marx to Satan's
plan for mankind?

The Bible teaches that God created man in His own
image (Genesis 1:26). Up to the time of Marx, man
continued to be considered as "the crown of creation."
Marx was Satan's chosen tool to make man lose his
self-esteem, his conviction that he comes from high
places and is meant to return to them. Marxism is the
first systematic and detailed philosophy which drasti-
cally reduces the notion of man.

According to Marx, man is primarily a belly which
has to be filled and refilled constantly. The prevailing
interests of man are economic in nature; he produces in
order to satisfy his needs. For this purpose, he enters
into social relationships with others. This is the basis of
society, what Marx calls the infrastructure. Marriage,
love, art, science, religion, philosophy, everything other
than the needs of the belly, are all superstructure, deter-
mined in the last analysis by the state of the belly.

No wonder Marx praised Darwin's book The Descent of Man,
another masterstroke which makes men
forget their divine origin and divine purpose. Darwin
said that man springs from the animal world.

Man was dethroned by these two. Satan could not
dethrone God, so he devalued man. Man was shown to
be the progeny of animals and a mere servant to his

It is a strange coincidence that the nineteenth cen-
tury gave the world three leading personalities opposed
to Christianity, all bearing the name of Charles: Karl
(German for Charles) Marx, Charles Darwin, and the
French poet Charles Baudelaire. The latter wrote in
"Abel and Cain":

Race of Cain, ascend to heaven
And throw God to the earth.

Marx wrote to Ferdinand Lassalle on January 16,
1861, "Darwin's book is very important and serves me
as a basis in the natural sciences for the historical class

Marx's son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, in Socialism and
the Intellectuals, says,

When Darwin published his Origin of Species, he took away
from God his role as creator in the organic world, as Frank-
lin has despoiled him of his thunderbolt.

(It was not Darwin's original intent to harm religion.
He had written, "There is a grandeur in this view of
life, with its several powers, having been originally
breathed into a few forms or into one." In order to
make his position more emphatic, Darwin inserted the
phrase "by the Creator" after "breathed" in the second


edition. It remained there in all the succeeding editions
he published.)

Later Freud would complete the work of these two
giants, reducing man basically to a sex urge, sometimes
sublimated in politics, art, or religion. It was the Swiss
psychologist Carl Gustav Jung who returned to the
Biblical doctrine that the religious impulse is man's ba-
sic urge.

The age of Marx was a time of Satanist ferment in
many spheres of life. The Russian poet Sologub wrote,
"My father is the Devil." Another Russian poet, Briu-
sov, said, "I glorify equally the Lord and the Devil."

Marx was a child of the time that gave us Nietzsche
(Hitler's and Mussolini's favorite philosopher), Max
Stirner, an extreme anarchist, and Oscar Wilde, the first
theoretician of freedom for homosexuality, a vice which
today has met with acceptance even among the clergy.

Satanic forces prepared Russia for the victory of
Marxism. The time of the revolution was a period
when love, goodwill, and healthy feeling were consid-
ered mean and retrograde. Girls hid their innocence
and husbands their faithfulness. Destruction was
praised as good taste, neurasthenia as the sign of a fine
mind. This was the theme of new writers who burst on
the scene out of obscurity. Men invented vices and
perversions, and were fastidious in their avoidance of
being thought moral.

How was it that Stalin became a revolutionist after
reading Darwin? 1 As a student in an Orthodox semi-
nary, he obtained from Darwin the concept that we are
not creatures of God, but the result of an evolution in
which ruthless competition reigns. It is only the strong-

86 / MARX &> SATAN

est and most cruel who survive. He learned that moral
and religious criteria play no role in nature and that
man is as much a part of nature as a fish or an ape.
Long live ruthlessness and cruelty!

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.

Beyond the intellectual turmoil of the nineteenth
century can be traced the influence of the French Rev-
olution, which was spiritually very much akin to the
Russian cataclysm of the twentieth century.

During the upheaval in France, Anarchasis Clootz, a
leading French revolutionary and Illuminatus, declared
himself to be "the personal enemy of Jesus Christ." He
proclaimed before the Convention of November 17,
1792, "The people is the sovereign and the god of the
world. . . . Only fools believe in any other God, in a
Supreme Being." The Convention then issued a decree
proclaiming "the nullification of all religions."

For those of us who take seriously the words of the
Lord's Prayer, "Deliver us from evil," the meaning is
clear: we implore a loving God to protect us and soci-
ety around us from false doctrine, from pernicious art
that accustoms us to evil under the guise of beauty, and
from immorality in life. Then we need have no fear of
the Devil's snares.

You have a choice: Do you want to become like the
Devil, cruel and vicious, or like Jesus, the God-man of
holy love and peace?

Just an FYI, Jeri.

A good friend of Darwin was a reverend who wrote a book on capitalism expounding how corporations either adapt to changing market conditions or go out of business. Darwin acknowledged that he used this as the basis for his theory of evolution on how species must adapt to changing environments or die out.

So Evolution is just another kind of capitalism.
That was awesome. Never thought of it like that. :laugh:
Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


No! The Bible exposes Darwin's theory to be a lie. Richard Wurmbrand's book Marx & Satan identifies Darwin as the Spiritual father of Marx. Here you go!

Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the entire Book by Wurmbrand - I had to look it up for you - here is the part that addresses Darwin as the Spiritual Father of Marx. It took me a while to read through it!

What was the specific contribution of Marx to Satan's
plan for mankind?

The Bible teaches that God created man in His own
image (Genesis 1:26). Up to the time of Marx, man
continued to be considered as "the crown of creation."
Marx was Satan's chosen tool to make man lose his
self-esteem, his conviction that he comes from high
places and is meant to return to them. Marxism is the
first systematic and detailed philosophy which drasti-
cally reduces the notion of man.

According to Marx, man is primarily a belly which
has to be filled and refilled constantly. The prevailing
interests of man are economic in nature; he produces in
order to satisfy his needs. For this purpose, he enters
into social relationships with others. This is the basis of
society, what Marx calls the infrastructure. Marriage,
love, art, science, religion, philosophy, everything other
than the needs of the belly, are all superstructure, deter-
mined in the last analysis by the state of the belly.

No wonder Marx praised Darwin's book The Descent of Man,
another masterstroke which makes men
forget their divine origin and divine purpose. Darwin
said that man springs from the animal world.

Man was dethroned by these two. Satan could not
dethrone God, so he devalued man. Man was shown to
be the progeny of animals and a mere servant to his

It is a strange coincidence that the nineteenth cen-
tury gave the world three leading personalities opposed
to Christianity, all bearing the name of Charles: Karl
(German for Charles) Marx, Charles Darwin, and the
French poet Charles Baudelaire. The latter wrote in
"Abel and Cain":

Race of Cain, ascend to heaven
And throw God to the earth.

Marx wrote to Ferdinand Lassalle on January 16,
1861, "Darwin's book is very important and serves me
as a basis in the natural sciences for the historical class

Marx's son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, in Socialism and
the Intellectuals, says,

When Darwin published his Origin of Species, he took away
from God his role as creator in the organic world, as Frank-
lin has despoiled him of his thunderbolt.

(It was not Darwin's original intent to harm religion.
He had written, "There is a grandeur in this view of
life, with its several powers, having been originally
breathed into a few forms or into one." In order to
make his position more emphatic, Darwin inserted the
phrase "by the Creator" after "breathed" in the second


edition. It remained there in all the succeeding editions
he published.)

Later Freud would complete the work of these two
giants, reducing man basically to a sex urge, sometimes
sublimated in politics, art, or religion. It was the Swiss
psychologist Carl Gustav Jung who returned to the
Biblical doctrine that the religious impulse is man's ba-
sic urge.

The age of Marx was a time of Satanist ferment in
many spheres of life. The Russian poet Sologub wrote,
"My father is the Devil." Another Russian poet, Briu-
sov, said, "I glorify equally the Lord and the Devil."

Marx was a child of the time that gave us Nietzsche
(Hitler's and Mussolini's favorite philosopher), Max
Stirner, an extreme anarchist, and Oscar Wilde, the first
theoretician of freedom for homosexuality, a vice which
today has met with acceptance even among the clergy.

Satanic forces prepared Russia for the victory of
Marxism. The time of the revolution was a period
when love, goodwill, and healthy feeling were consid-
ered mean and retrograde. Girls hid their innocence
and husbands their faithfulness. Destruction was
praised as good taste, neurasthenia as the sign of a fine
mind. This was the theme of new writers who burst on
the scene out of obscurity. Men invented vices and
perversions, and were fastidious in their avoidance of
being thought moral.

How was it that Stalin became a revolutionist after
reading Darwin? 1 As a student in an Orthodox semi-
nary, he obtained from Darwin the concept that we are
not creatures of God, but the result of an evolution in
which ruthless competition reigns. It is only the strong-

86 / MARX &> SATAN

est and most cruel who survive. He learned that moral
and religious criteria play no role in nature and that
man is as much a part of nature as a fish or an ape.
Long live ruthlessness and cruelty!

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.

Beyond the intellectual turmoil of the nineteenth
century can be traced the influence of the French Rev-
olution, which was spiritually very much akin to the
Russian cataclysm of the twentieth century.

During the upheaval in France, Anarchasis Clootz, a
leading French revolutionary and Illuminatus, declared
himself to be "the personal enemy of Jesus Christ." He
proclaimed before the Convention of November 17,
1792, "The people is the sovereign and the god of the
world. . . . Only fools believe in any other God, in a
Supreme Being." The Convention then issued a decree
proclaiming "the nullification of all religions."

For those of us who take seriously the words of the
Lord's Prayer, "Deliver us from evil," the meaning is
clear: we implore a loving God to protect us and soci-
ety around us from false doctrine, from pernicious art
that accustoms us to evil under the guise of beauty, and
from immorality in life. Then we need have no fear of
the Devil's snares.

You have a choice: Do you want to become like the
Devil, cruel and vicious, or like Jesus, the God-man of
holy love and peace?

Just an FYI, Jeri.

A good friend of Darwin was a reverend who wrote a book on capitalism expounding how corporations either adapt to changing market conditions or go out of business. Darwin acknowledged that he used this as the basis for his theory of evolution on how species must adapt to changing environments or die out.

So Evolution is just another kind of capitalism.
That will make Jeri flee the thread.
Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Darwin was the spiritual father of Karl Marx. Which is why Communists love Darwin and have been determined to spread his lies as truth. What greater insult to God then to convince man he was created in the image of an ape - therein implying that God is an ape! We were made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26 - not apes. Anyone who believes that story deserves to lose their water supply to the sucker fish!


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


No! The Bible exposes Darwin's theory to be a lie. Richard Wurmbrand's book Marx & Satan identifies Darwin as the Spiritual father of Marx. Here you go!

Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the entire Book by Wurmbrand - I had to look it up for you - here is the part that addresses Darwin as the Spiritual Father of Marx. It took me a while to read through it!

What was the specific contribution of Marx to Satan's
plan for mankind?

The Bible teaches that God created man in His own
image (Genesis 1:26). Up to the time of Marx, man
continued to be considered as "the crown of creation."
Marx was Satan's chosen tool to make man lose his
self-esteem, his conviction that he comes from high
places and is meant to return to them. Marxism is the
first systematic and detailed philosophy which drasti-
cally reduces the notion of man.

According to Marx, man is primarily a belly which
has to be filled and refilled constantly. The prevailing
interests of man are economic in nature; he produces in
order to satisfy his needs. For this purpose, he enters
into social relationships with others. This is the basis of
society, what Marx calls the infrastructure. Marriage,
love, art, science, religion, philosophy, everything other
than the needs of the belly, are all superstructure, deter-
mined in the last analysis by the state of the belly.

No wonder Marx praised Darwin's book The Descent of Man,
another masterstroke which makes men
forget their divine origin and divine purpose. Darwin
said that man springs from the animal world.

Man was dethroned by these two. Satan could not
dethrone God, so he devalued man. Man was shown to
be the progeny of animals and a mere servant to his

It is a strange coincidence that the nineteenth cen-
tury gave the world three leading personalities opposed
to Christianity, all bearing the name of Charles: Karl
(German for Charles) Marx, Charles Darwin, and the
French poet Charles Baudelaire. The latter wrote in
"Abel and Cain":

Race of Cain, ascend to heaven
And throw God to the earth.

Marx wrote to Ferdinand Lassalle on January 16,
1861, "Darwin's book is very important and serves me
as a basis in the natural sciences for the historical class

Marx's son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, in Socialism and
the Intellectuals, says,

When Darwin published his Origin of Species, he took away
from God his role as creator in the organic world, as Frank-
lin has despoiled him of his thunderbolt.

(It was not Darwin's original intent to harm religion.
He had written, "There is a grandeur in this view of
life, with its several powers, having been originally
breathed into a few forms or into one." In order to
make his position more emphatic, Darwin inserted the
phrase "by the Creator" after "breathed" in the second


edition. It remained there in all the succeeding editions
he published.)

Later Freud would complete the work of these two
giants, reducing man basically to a sex urge, sometimes
sublimated in politics, art, or religion. It was the Swiss
psychologist Carl Gustav Jung who returned to the
Biblical doctrine that the religious impulse is man's ba-
sic urge.

The age of Marx was a time of Satanist ferment in
many spheres of life. The Russian poet Sologub wrote,
"My father is the Devil." Another Russian poet, Briu-
sov, said, "I glorify equally the Lord and the Devil."

Marx was a child of the time that gave us Nietzsche
(Hitler's and Mussolini's favorite philosopher), Max
Stirner, an extreme anarchist, and Oscar Wilde, the first
theoretician of freedom for homosexuality, a vice which
today has met with acceptance even among the clergy.

Satanic forces prepared Russia for the victory of
Marxism. The time of the revolution was a period
when love, goodwill, and healthy feeling were consid-
ered mean and retrograde. Girls hid their innocence
and husbands their faithfulness. Destruction was
praised as good taste, neurasthenia as the sign of a fine
mind. This was the theme of new writers who burst on
the scene out of obscurity. Men invented vices and
perversions, and were fastidious in their avoidance of
being thought moral.

How was it that Stalin became a revolutionist after
reading Darwin? 1 As a student in an Orthodox semi-
nary, he obtained from Darwin the concept that we are
not creatures of God, but the result of an evolution in
which ruthless competition reigns. It is only the strong-

86 / MARX &> SATAN

est and most cruel who survive. He learned that moral
and religious criteria play no role in nature and that
man is as much a part of nature as a fish or an ape.
Long live ruthlessness and cruelty!

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.

Beyond the intellectual turmoil of the nineteenth
century can be traced the influence of the French Rev-
olution, which was spiritually very much akin to the
Russian cataclysm of the twentieth century.

During the upheaval in France, Anarchasis Clootz, a
leading French revolutionary and Illuminatus, declared
himself to be "the personal enemy of Jesus Christ." He
proclaimed before the Convention of November 17,
1792, "The people is the sovereign and the god of the
world. . . . Only fools believe in any other God, in a
Supreme Being." The Convention then issued a decree
proclaiming "the nullification of all religions."

For those of us who take seriously the words of the
Lord's Prayer, "Deliver us from evil," the meaning is
clear: we implore a loving God to protect us and soci-
ety around us from false doctrine, from pernicious art
that accustoms us to evil under the guise of beauty, and
from immorality in life. Then we need have no fear of
the Devil's snares.

You have a choice: Do you want to become like the
Devil, cruel and vicious, or like Jesus, the God-man of
holy love and peace?

Just an FYI, Jeri.

A good friend of Darwin was a reverend who wrote a book on capitalism expounding how corporations either adapt to changing market conditions or go out of business. Darwin acknowledged that he used this as the basis for his theory of evolution on how species must adapt to changing environments or die out.

So Evolution is just another kind of capitalism.

Was that the same reverend that led him to Jesus Christ on his death bed? I'm told it was a woman evangelist who converted him - he did repent of his lie of evolution at that time.

I do not think that China and Russia would have taken to it, Derideo - had it not been proven to increase wealth. Communist methods certainly failed to produce anything but more poverty - the difference being these are communists using capitolism for their own gain - but keeping their people in bondage still - or perhaps it is part of their grand scheme of deception. Who knows.

Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


No! The Bible exposes Darwin's theory to be a lie. Richard Wurmbrand's book Marx & Satan identifies Darwin as the Spiritual father of Marx. Here you go!

Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the entire Book by Wurmbrand - I had to look it up for you - here is the part that addresses Darwin as the Spiritual Father of Marx. It took me a while to read through it!

What was the specific contribution of Marx to Satan's
plan for mankind?

The Bible teaches that God created man in His own
image (Genesis 1:26). Up to the time of Marx, man
continued to be considered as "the crown of creation."
Marx was Satan's chosen tool to make man lose his
self-esteem, his conviction that he comes from high
places and is meant to return to them. Marxism is the
first systematic and detailed philosophy which drasti-
cally reduces the notion of man.

According to Marx, man is primarily a belly which
has to be filled and refilled constantly. The prevailing
interests of man are economic in nature; he produces in
order to satisfy his needs. For this purpose, he enters
into social relationships with others. This is the basis of
society, what Marx calls the infrastructure. Marriage,
love, art, science, religion, philosophy, everything other
than the needs of the belly, are all superstructure, deter-
mined in the last analysis by the state of the belly.

No wonder Marx praised Darwin's book The Descent of Man,
another masterstroke which makes men
forget their divine origin and divine purpose. Darwin
said that man springs from the animal world.

Man was dethroned by these two. Satan could not
dethrone God, so he devalued man. Man was shown to
be the progeny of animals and a mere servant to his

It is a strange coincidence that the nineteenth cen-
tury gave the world three leading personalities opposed
to Christianity, all bearing the name of Charles: Karl
(German for Charles) Marx, Charles Darwin, and the
French poet Charles Baudelaire. The latter wrote in
"Abel and Cain":

Race of Cain, ascend to heaven
And throw God to the earth.

Marx wrote to Ferdinand Lassalle on January 16,
1861, "Darwin's book is very important and serves me
as a basis in the natural sciences for the historical class

Marx's son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, in Socialism and
the Intellectuals, says,

When Darwin published his Origin of Species, he took away
from God his role as creator in the organic world, as Frank-
lin has despoiled him of his thunderbolt.

(It was not Darwin's original intent to harm religion.
He had written, "There is a grandeur in this view of
life, with its several powers, having been originally
breathed into a few forms or into one." In order to
make his position more emphatic, Darwin inserted the
phrase "by the Creator" after "breathed" in the second


edition. It remained there in all the succeeding editions
he published.)

Later Freud would complete the work of these two
giants, reducing man basically to a sex urge, sometimes
sublimated in politics, art, or religion. It was the Swiss
psychologist Carl Gustav Jung who returned to the
Biblical doctrine that the religious impulse is man's ba-
sic urge.

The age of Marx was a time of Satanist ferment in
many spheres of life. The Russian poet Sologub wrote,
"My father is the Devil." Another Russian poet, Briu-
sov, said, "I glorify equally the Lord and the Devil."

Marx was a child of the time that gave us Nietzsche
(Hitler's and Mussolini's favorite philosopher), Max
Stirner, an extreme anarchist, and Oscar Wilde, the first
theoretician of freedom for homosexuality, a vice which
today has met with acceptance even among the clergy.

Satanic forces prepared Russia for the victory of
Marxism. The time of the revolution was a period
when love, goodwill, and healthy feeling were consid-
ered mean and retrograde. Girls hid their innocence
and husbands their faithfulness. Destruction was
praised as good taste, neurasthenia as the sign of a fine
mind. This was the theme of new writers who burst on
the scene out of obscurity. Men invented vices and
perversions, and were fastidious in their avoidance of
being thought moral.

How was it that Stalin became a revolutionist after
reading Darwin? 1 As a student in an Orthodox semi-
nary, he obtained from Darwin the concept that we are
not creatures of God, but the result of an evolution in
which ruthless competition reigns. It is only the strong-

86 / MARX &> SATAN

est and most cruel who survive. He learned that moral
and religious criteria play no role in nature and that
man is as much a part of nature as a fish or an ape.
Long live ruthlessness and cruelty!

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.

Beyond the intellectual turmoil of the nineteenth
century can be traced the influence of the French Rev-
olution, which was spiritually very much akin to the
Russian cataclysm of the twentieth century.

During the upheaval in France, Anarchasis Clootz, a
leading French revolutionary and Illuminatus, declared
himself to be "the personal enemy of Jesus Christ." He
proclaimed before the Convention of November 17,
1792, "The people is the sovereign and the god of the
world. . . . Only fools believe in any other God, in a
Supreme Being." The Convention then issued a decree
proclaiming "the nullification of all religions."

For those of us who take seriously the words of the
Lord's Prayer, "Deliver us from evil," the meaning is
clear: we implore a loving God to protect us and soci-
ety around us from false doctrine, from pernicious art
that accustoms us to evil under the guise of beauty, and
from immorality in life. Then we need have no fear of
the Devil's snares.

You have a choice: Do you want to become like the
Devil, cruel and vicious, or like Jesus, the God-man of
holy love and peace?

Just an FYI, Jeri.

A good friend of Darwin was a reverend who wrote a book on capitalism expounding how corporations either adapt to changing market conditions or go out of business. Darwin acknowledged that he used this as the basis for his theory of evolution on how species must adapt to changing environments or die out.

So Evolution is just another kind of capitalism.
That will make Jeri flee the thread.

I just answered it. But I do have work to do today. Do you want to take my place and I'll sit here and continue to write? On that note - I have to go now. I'll look for any further replies from De later on - God willing.
Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


Thomas Nelson Bibles

I prefer the KJV but take your pick. Look up Genesis 1:26.

The Bible tells you that in specific, Darwin is the spiritual father of Karl Marx?


No! The Bible exposes Darwin's theory to be a lie. Richard Wurmbrand's book Marx & Satan identifies Darwin as the Spiritual father of Marx. Here you go!

Full text of Marx And Satan

This is the entire Book by Wurmbrand - I had to look it up for you - here is the part that addresses Darwin as the Spiritual Father of Marx. It took me a while to read through it!

What was the specific contribution of Marx to Satan's
plan for mankind?

The Bible teaches that God created man in His own
image (Genesis 1:26). Up to the time of Marx, man
continued to be considered as "the crown of creation."
Marx was Satan's chosen tool to make man lose his
self-esteem, his conviction that he comes from high
places and is meant to return to them. Marxism is the
first systematic and detailed philosophy which drasti-
cally reduces the notion of man.

According to Marx, man is primarily a belly which
has to be filled and refilled constantly. The prevailing
interests of man are economic in nature; he produces in
order to satisfy his needs. For this purpose, he enters
into social relationships with others. This is the basis of
society, what Marx calls the infrastructure. Marriage,
love, art, science, religion, philosophy, everything other
than the needs of the belly, are all superstructure, deter-
mined in the last analysis by the state of the belly.

No wonder Marx praised Darwin's book The Descent of Man,
another masterstroke which makes men
forget their divine origin and divine purpose. Darwin
said that man springs from the animal world.

Man was dethroned by these two. Satan could not
dethrone God, so he devalued man. Man was shown to
be the progeny of animals and a mere servant to his

It is a strange coincidence that the nineteenth cen-
tury gave the world three leading personalities opposed
to Christianity, all bearing the name of Charles: Karl
(German for Charles) Marx, Charles Darwin, and the
French poet Charles Baudelaire. The latter wrote in
"Abel and Cain":

Race of Cain, ascend to heaven
And throw God to the earth.

Marx wrote to Ferdinand Lassalle on January 16,
1861, "Darwin's book is very important and serves me
as a basis in the natural sciences for the historical class

Marx's son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, in Socialism and
the Intellectuals, says,

When Darwin published his Origin of Species, he took away
from God his role as creator in the organic world, as Frank-
lin has despoiled him of his thunderbolt.

(It was not Darwin's original intent to harm religion.
He had written, "There is a grandeur in this view of
life, with its several powers, having been originally
breathed into a few forms or into one." In order to
make his position more emphatic, Darwin inserted the
phrase "by the Creator" after "breathed" in the second


edition. It remained there in all the succeeding editions
he published.)

Later Freud would complete the work of these two
giants, reducing man basically to a sex urge, sometimes
sublimated in politics, art, or religion. It was the Swiss
psychologist Carl Gustav Jung who returned to the
Biblical doctrine that the religious impulse is man's ba-
sic urge.

The age of Marx was a time of Satanist ferment in
many spheres of life. The Russian poet Sologub wrote,
"My father is the Devil." Another Russian poet, Briu-
sov, said, "I glorify equally the Lord and the Devil."

Marx was a child of the time that gave us Nietzsche
(Hitler's and Mussolini's favorite philosopher), Max
Stirner, an extreme anarchist, and Oscar Wilde, the first
theoretician of freedom for homosexuality, a vice which
today has met with acceptance even among the clergy.

Satanic forces prepared Russia for the victory of
Marxism. The time of the revolution was a period
when love, goodwill, and healthy feeling were consid-
ered mean and retrograde. Girls hid their innocence
and husbands their faithfulness. Destruction was
praised as good taste, neurasthenia as the sign of a fine
mind. This was the theme of new writers who burst on
the scene out of obscurity. Men invented vices and
perversions, and were fastidious in their avoidance of
being thought moral.

How was it that Stalin became a revolutionist after
reading Darwin? 1 As a student in an Orthodox semi-
nary, he obtained from Darwin the concept that we are
not creatures of God, but the result of an evolution in
which ruthless competition reigns. It is only the strong-

86 / MARX &> SATAN

est and most cruel who survive. He learned that moral
and religious criteria play no role in nature and that
man is as much a part of nature as a fish or an ape.
Long live ruthlessness and cruelty!

Darwin had written a scientific book setting forth
his theory of origins. It had no economic or political
implications. But though many might go so far as to
concede that God created the world through a long
process of evolution, the end result of Darwin's theory
has been the killing of tens of millions of innocents. He
therefore became the spiritual father of the greatest
mass-murderer in history.

Beyond the intellectual turmoil of the nineteenth
century can be traced the influence of the French Rev-
olution, which was spiritually very much akin to the
Russian cataclysm of the twentieth century.

During the upheaval in France, Anarchasis Clootz, a
leading French revolutionary and Illuminatus, declared
himself to be "the personal enemy of Jesus Christ." He
proclaimed before the Convention of November 17,
1792, "The people is the sovereign and the god of the
world. . . . Only fools believe in any other God, in a
Supreme Being." The Convention then issued a decree
proclaiming "the nullification of all religions."

For those of us who take seriously the words of the
Lord's Prayer, "Deliver us from evil," the meaning is
clear: we implore a loving God to protect us and soci-
ety around us from false doctrine, from pernicious art
that accustoms us to evil under the guise of beauty, and
from immorality in life. Then we need have no fear of
the Devil's snares.

You have a choice: Do you want to become like the
Devil, cruel and vicious, or like Jesus, the God-man of
holy love and peace?

Just an FYI, Jeri.

A good friend of Darwin was a reverend who wrote a book on capitalism expounding how corporations either adapt to changing market conditions or go out of business. Darwin acknowledged that he used this as the basis for his theory of evolution on how species must adapt to changing environments or die out.

So Evolution is just another kind of capitalism.
That will make Jeri flee the thread.

I just answered it. But I do have work to do today. Do you want to take my place and I'll sit here and continue to write? On that note - I have to go now. I'll look for any further replies from De later on - God willing.
Thanks for the offer but no, I have no interest in hanging out on the street and bitching at people that believe differently than I believe.

Enjoy yourself.

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