Do Conservatives know what health insurance is?

I understand I need to compensate medical professionals for their services.

Insipid bullshit

Because you're a parasite you don't care how high the tax rates go in order to allow you to waste resources.

Maybe in a different culture single payer could be kept under control, but with pieces of shit like you that believe they're entitled to shit there is no way. All anyone has to do is look at the goatfuck they created in the UK. Idiots like you lament the VA and the failure to provide car to %3 of the population. Yet you'd be just fine if medical services sucked equally for everyone.

It's a benefit I earned and I still prefer to pay out of pocket btw.

If you want the nanny state, just go live in one assholes. Why to you commie fucks have to screw up the whole fuckin world?

Oh... because marxist dogma has world conquest as part of the program. Just like that fuckin cult some pedophile asshole from Medina started 1400 years ago.

Actually, McCain was protecting the healthcare for others

Republicans were trying to take it away from 33 million people
Republicans were trying to take it away from 33 million people

Oh... it's up to 33 million this week? :rofl:


Without McCain we'd be having 47,000 people a year die due to lack of health insurance.

This according to a bullshit Harvard Study that other Harvard professors called a "stretch".

Of course that was over ten years ago and they still can't produce the bodies.

33 million.....100 million......

It really does not matter to those who worship our failed Affirmative Action President (Obama) as a semi-god.
You do spend a lot of time typing in or copying off your typical bs of attempting to confuse an issue.

I haven't done that. You're the one who is confused because you don't understand what health insurance even is. You don't understand what health insurance companies do. You don't understand how any of it relates to health care. And you refuse to learn and/or accept it. So the predictable result is that you have a muddied, confused understanding of health care that is kinda, sorta informed by your vague, general understanding of economics. Then you lash out at me when I point that out while playing the victim of your own illegitimate argument. Grow up.

Free market means you have the choice whether to buy or not buy.

LOL! So, OK, that is what you think a free market is? The freedom to have the choice whether or not to buy...what? Health insurance or health care? Because why would you choose to not get life-saving treatment? How would you even make that choice if you're unconscious and being taken to the hospital? This is what I mean when I say you haven't given this any serious thought. All this seems to be in service of your ego and vanity now. For shame.

Per vaccines, it is insanity to cram foreign matter into healthy bodies via a syringe for non life threatening diseases and illnesses.

What a fucking idiot.

I have never had a vaccine and do not plan on ever getting one at this late stage in my life.

First of all, I don't believe you. Secondly, even if you haven't been struck down by those things vaccines protect against doesn't mean others won't. This is what I mean when I say you're a sociopath. You completely lack empathy. You have an inability to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Why? Who knows? Probably because your parents did such a shitty job raising you.

People of all ages are walking around as carriers for diseases they would have never been exposed to if the pharmaceutical companies had not lobbied and propagandized society to promote their crap via vaccines in order to create a market to be able to profit off of/treat people with chemicals from cradle to grave.

That is complete and total bullshit. So there were no measles before the measles vaccine? There was no polio before the polio vaccine? You don't know anything you're talking about.
You are full of nasty shit trying to justify forcing people to put their money and health futures into racketeering programs that have done nothing to improve peoples lives while lining the pockets of a few.
On Fox 'n' Friends, Brian Kilmeade lamented that healthy people pay for sick people.

That is literally what health insurance is.

Congrats to the not-presently-on-fire for paying for firefighters.

You are an idiot. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is true.
Health insurance before corporatism took over everything, was an employee benefit mostly or wholly paid for by their employer. Nearly 80% of every American under the age of 65 was covered by these plans. So in order to get into the system - YOU HAD TO BE EMPLOYED.
I chatted with an old family friend a few days ago. The government is complicit in helping to strip every bit of wealth that they can from the people who work and have worked their whole lives to enjoy their later years. These friends have to pay almost four hundred dollars a month for medicare supplement and several hundred dollars a month for medications on top of that.

While chatting with my friend I learned that a dairyman put in an illegal sewage pond within less than a hundred feet of my friend's well. They could not get any help to have the well tested to see how much the well is now polluted and that is their only source for water where they live. To have decent water to drink and use they must buy bottled water. After explaining to my friend the damage the excess nitrates and the possible chemical pollutants in his water will cause to his and his wife's health if they continue to drink it he determined he must find a way to be able to purify his now contaminated water source. If the government truly gave a damn about the health of its people it would start by cleaning up this type crap that is destroying the health of the young and old both.

People should not have to give away their hard earned money to a corrupt commerce system that purposely allows for the people to be damaged by that same commerce system....
On Fox 'n' Friends, Brian Kilmeade lamented that healthy people pay for sick people.

That is literally what health insurance is.

Congrats to the not-presently-on-fire for paying for firefighters.

You are an idiot. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is true.
Health insurance before corporatism took over everything, was an employee benefit mostly or wholly paid for by their employer. Nearly 80% of every American under the age of 65 was covered by these plans. So in order to get into the system - YOU HAD TO BE EMPLOYED.
That policy worked for generations

Get a job with a major company or a union job and you will be taken care of. Health insurance was an afterthought when looking for a job

But then the job market became more unstable. You no longer worked for one employer your whole life. People were brought in when needed and then discharged. The cost of healthcare skyrocketed. It was no longer an inexpensive perk you could give employees

Employers want out of the healthcare market. All it does is piss off employees when they have to cut corners because of rising costs
You are full of nasty shit trying to justify forcing people to put their money and health futures into racketeering programs that have done nothing to improve peoples lives while lining the pockets of a few.

Hey - I agree that health insurance companies are scam artists. I don't think we even need them since all they do is administration and nothing more. A single payer levels the playing field for providers because they're all reimbursed at the same rate. So that means providers have to compete for your care. And how do they do that? By improving outcomes and reducing costs through innovation. So you see, I completely support "free market" principles when it comes to actual health care. What I don't support is "free market" principles when it comes to health insurance.
Contracting officer for Medicare/Medicaid innovation.

So, not involved in the administration. So, since you claim to be a part of this industry, let's see if that claim holds up. How precisely does Medicare process claims and what does Medicare do when they process claims? If the answer is anything more than administrate reimbursement, then you aren't sure what Medicare does.
Once again. Prices ON the chargemaster get updated yearly at a standard mark up...across the board ...they don't update specific line by line pricing details.

Right...and how are they determining what that markup will be? What is the modus operandi for the provider when they set a price in the chargemaster? If your answer is anything than "to make a profit", you're not grasping it and ascribing things to the chargemaster that simply isn't there. So providers increase the costs in the chargemaster in order to make themselves profitable. Nothing to do with your health needs.

Hospitals don't mark up every procedure they do yearly. So as an example

A chargemaster is marked up. And some may mark up every procedure yearly. The point is you don't know because you aren't privy to the information in the chargemaster as a patient. You only get the bill. These hospitals that give those paying cash "discounts" are costing the patients more out of pocket because an insurance company will pay a portion of the claim. But if there's no insurer, who then pays their share? The patient. So you're not getting a deal at all. In fact, you're spending more than the insurance company would. Which is why you need insurance. Otherwise you're rolling the dice hoping for benevolence.

But the patient is not charged at the mark up price because the actual price didn't increase at the hospital 2%.

The patient is charged at whatever the price is in the chargemaster only after the patient applies for relief, aid, or a "discount".
And BTW just as an aside...due to Obamacare tanking ...the contracted medical coders maintaining chargemasters are being laid off in mass. Hospitals are having to give those jobs to limited hospital staff. Which means fewer claims get processed each month...which means less money being generated.

So, here's a novel idea...instead of having to hire tons and tons of admin staff to process claims from the myriad different insurers, why not just have a single payer to simplify that, that way the provider doesn't have to spend as much on administration and can redirect those savings to relax the pricing? Why is that a no-go? You're here admitting that the private insurance industry is causing all these problems from an administrative standpoint. And I think your claim about layoffs is wrong. Last month alone, the US economy added 40,000 health care jobs.

And Obamacare isn't tanking, nor does it have anything to do with the chargemaster. All Obamacare does is establish a marketplace where people comparatively shop for a private insurance plan. Obamacare doesn't touch on the chargemaster because Obamacare isn't involved with that.

That is what I am talking about when I say you people don't seem to know what health insurance is, what insurance companies actually do, and how any of it relates to your health care.
Money is an income product to stock holders. Does this count?
What did I win?

So, you'r admitting that an insurance company doesn't produce anything, and only seeks to enrich itself at our expense. This is a good system, why? And what does that have to do with your health care?
Employers want out of the healthcare market. All it does is piss off employees when they have to cut corners because of rising costs

Exactly. A single payer system will be much relief to businesses who spend an average of $12K per employee to provide health benefits right now.

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