Do Democrats know...

Ummm...Does Europe ring a bell. They call it austerity measures. But I am too ignorant to realize that means slashing all those socialist programs that can no longer be afforded.

That's not a criticism of socialism any more than a private company reducing costs during a recession is a criticism of free enterprise. At least European--especially German--politicians have the fortitude to make these tough cuts, putting solvency and stability ahead of re-election. Everyone is just making it up as they go, and politicians with spines will make the necessary adjustments along the way. Unfortunately, this country is in short supply of politicians with spines right now.
Actually, I was right on both. Your dancing, obfuscating and goalpost moving was a bit transparent.

SS will be gone unless something changes.
Union members, for the most part, do not have the option to opt out of a union and still retain their job.

You have yet to refute either point. You've just been throwing bullshit up against the wall to see what sticks.

It's hard to make something "stick" against a continously moving target. You've changed your position on both SS and Unions when you realized that you were wrong. But then you turned around and say that's what you "meant" all along!!! :banghead:

Nice try.

My position has been the same all along.

So the question is, are you a liar, or just stupid?

It's your story, so I guess you can tell it anyway you want. :eusa_whistle: Besides, you can always change it. :lol:
Ummm...Does Europe ring a bell. They call it austerity measures. But I am too ignorant to realize that means slashing all those socialist programs that can no longer be afforded.

That's not a criticism of socialism any more than a private company reducing costs during a recession is a criticism of free enterprise. At least European--especially German--politicians have the fortitude to make these tough cuts, putting solvency and stability ahead of re-election. Everyone is just making it up as they go, and politicians with spines will make the necessary adjustments along the way. Unfortunately, this country is in short supply of politicians with spines right now.

My point all along.
It's hard to make something "stick" against a continously moving target. You've changed your position on both SS and Unions when you realized that you were wrong. But then you turned around and say that's what you "meant" all along!!! :banghead:

Nice try.

My position has been the same all along.

So the question is, are you a liar, or just stupid?

It's your story, so I guess you can tell it anyway you want. :eusa_whistle: Besides, you can always change it. :lol:

Like I said, you chose both options. Good jerb :thup:

whos we, you got a mouse in your pocket?

Quit your caviling.

The American people are not with you cons

Also DaGoose...How does it feel to be in a union that sucks the blood out of the very industry that supports it? Perhaps abetter question is, how does it feel to "get yours" on the backs of future electricians simply because YOU wanted more and more?
Do today's democrats know their own history? Do they know that our current president is running the same political playbook as Woodrow Wilson and FDR? I am going to throw some bait out there and ask...What are some of the good things Dems have done in the last 100 years? Do they balance out the bad things?

Actually, it makes more sense if you ask, "What are some of the good things liberals and progressives have done in the last 100 years?

The reason is because of "white flight", there has been dramatic changes in the two parties. A particular party that was once more left, became more right.

And look at what the last 100 years have led to? One party that is 90% white and mostly Christian. And the other party of "everyone else". With such an extreme change, it only makes sense that one party would be "extreme". And the Republican Party has become very extreme.

But considering that in the average red state, for every dollar they pay in federal taxes, they get back $1.20 and only six percent of scientist are Republican, it's obvious that almost every contributions of any real value have come from liberals. These days, that means "Democrats".

Building nuclear power plants? Designing an electric car? Being a brain surgeon? For right wingers to do any of these things, they would have to believe in "science". How likely is that?

The belief that people were "shimmered" fully formed out of "dirt" can't be taken seriously.
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If Blue States want to give everything to the Federal government and get nothing in return, nobody should stand in the way of that idiocy.

They can't help it. It's not their fault. Republicans can suck money out of a piece of cheese.

Do today's democrats know their own history? Do they know that our current president is running the same political playbook as Woodrow Wilson and FDR? I am going to throw some bait out there and ask...What are some of the good things Dems have done in the last 100 years? Do they balance out the bad things?

Do you know any history at all? If you'd like to change your lack of knowledge may I suggest: [ame=] The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972 (9780553345896): William Manchester: Books[/ame] An unbiased narrative history, long but worth the knowledge you may gain.

Has anyone ever seen a thread that consisted of conservative accomplishments? There are none. Why? Because when all you do is oppose change there isn't a heck of a lot one can accomplish.

Liberals today are supposedly not like liberals in the 17th and 18th century, and that is true as times change, but they are still liberals because they still believe in a world in which freedom, fairness, and justice for all is possible.

So I give back to you from Reagan to Bush Jr conservative accomplishments: debt, war, increased poverty, stagnant wages, a proliferation of hostile nations, no energy policy, environmental spoilage, outsourcing of our jobs and our knowledge, and almost total economic collapse, and I ask again, what aside from criticizing liberals can they point to? Nada. A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

Republican accomplishments since Reagan

Voodoo economics
Invaded Granada
Invaded Panama
Lowered taxes for wealthy, raised taxes, raised taxes, raised taxes
Removed worker rights legislation, fired workers
Made government the bad guy
Banking deregulation
Bailed out S&L after real estate bubble burst
Brought down Russia by giving speeches and spending money
Spent gazillions on star wars which failed first second and last time tested.
Presented great ad campaign Contract for America, nothing changed
Gave speeches and spent money, Axis of evil, didn't work this time
Failed to read, understand, or act on information about some guy and an attack
Created Homeland security and read your email
Stacked the SCOTUS with fascists who think corporations are really people
Kept Americans safe after Beirut and after 911 after
Watched the destruction of New Orleans
Gave medals to complete failures
Figured since they couldn't get Bin Laden they'd get Saddam
Showed 8 by 10 glossies of wmds in Iraq at UN
Invaded Iraq
Uncovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq daily
Decided democracy was the reason for Iraq invasion
Reduced taxes for wealthy
Increased poverty
Trickle-down economics that works better up
Demonized and pilloried Hillary Clinton
Introduced the world to a great intellectual Sarah Palin
Bailed out Banks again after real estate bubble burst
Failed so utterly the seemingly impossible happened in 2008
Asked Michael Steele to lead them
Secretly led by Rush Limbaugh and Fox
Made corporations people
Demonized and pilloried Nancy Pelosi
Helped make journalism at Fox pure propaganda
Claimed they were not witches
Did nothing but complain, repeat nothing, nothing
Didn't know the Constitution separated church and state
Claim they have changed
Really claimed they have changed by doing another contract on America
And so it goes....
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Do today's democrats know their own history? Do they know that our current president is running the same political playbook as Woodrow Wilson and FDR? I am going to throw some bait out there and ask...What are some of the good things Dems have done in the last 100 years? Do they balance out the bad things?

Do you know any history at all? If you'd like to change your lack of knowledge may I suggest: [ame=] The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972 (9780553345896): William Manchester: Books[/ame] An unbiased narrative history, long but worth the knowledge you may gain.

Has anyone ever seen a thread that consisted of conservative accomplishments? There are none. Why? Because when all you do is oppose change there isn't a heck of a lot one can accomplish.

Liberals today are supposedly not like liberals in the 17th and 18th century, and that is true as times change, but they are still liberals because they still believe in a world in which freedom, fairness, and justice for all is possible.

So I give back to you from Reagan to Bush Jr conservative accomplishments: debt, war, increased poverty, stagnant wages, a proliferation of hostile nations, no energy policy, environmental spoilage, outsourcing of our jobs and our knowledge, and almost total economic collapse, and I ask again, what aside from criticizing liberals can they point to? Nada. A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

Republican accomplishments since Reagan

Voodoo economics
Invaded Granada
Invaded Panama
Lowered taxes for wealthy, raised taxes, raised taxes, raised taxes
Removed worker rights legislation, fired workers
Made government the bad guy
Banking deregulation
Bailed out S&L after real estate bubble burst
Brought down Russia by giving speeches and spending money
Spent gazillions on star wars which failed first second and last time tested.
Presented great ad campaign Contract for America, nothing changed
Gave speeches and spent money, Axis of evil, didn't work this time
Failed to read, understand, or act on information about some guy and an attack
Created Homeland security and read your email
Stacked the SCOTUS with fascists who think corporations are really people
Kept Americans safe after Beirut and after 911 after
Watched the destruction of New Orleans
Gave medals to complete failures
Figured since they couldn't get Bin Laden they'd get Saddam
Showed 8 by 10 glossies of wmds in Iraq at UN
Invaded Iraq
Uncovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq daily
Decided democracy was the reason for Iraq invasion
Reduced taxes for wealthy
Increased poverty
Trickle-down economics that works better up
Demonized and pilloried Hillary Clinton
Introduced the world to a great intellectual Sarah Palin
Bailed out Banks again after real estate bubble burst
Failed so utterly the seemingly impossible happened in 2008
Asked Michael Steele to lead them
Secretly led by Rush Limbaugh and Fox
Made corporations people
Demonized and pilloried Nancy Pelosi
Helped make journalism at Fox pure propaganda
Claimed they were not witches
Did nothing but complain, repeat nothing, nothing
Didn't know the Constitution separated church and state
Claim they have changed
Really claimed they have changed by doing another contract on America
And so it goes....

That's what happens when you have a party that's 90% white who have chased out their intellectuals and educated. What you end up with is the current Republican party.
Do today's democrats know their own history? Do they know that our current president is running the same political playbook as Woodrow Wilson and FDR? I am going to throw some bait out there and ask...What are some of the good things Dems have done in the last 100 years? Do they balance out the bad things?

"What are some of the good things Dems have done in the last 100 years?"

public works projects in the 1930's helped millions of people survive the depression

democrats have been quite successful (over the past 30 years) in helping women, blacks, gays achieve greater equality in society

about 15 years ago shannon faulkner became the first female to enter the citadel;...

republicans (conservatives) all over the country made her life a living hell (including death threats)
democrats and liberals supported her...

and today....women are in all of the military institutions and serving in military capacities and NOBODY blinks an eye!

thanks to democrats and liberals

today...gays are out and about everywhere...
on tv, in business, in politics

and nobody cares....

thanks to liberals and democrats
That's what happens when you have a party that's 90% white who have chased out their intellectuals and educated. What you end up with is the current Republican party.

The new face of the GOP.......................


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Do today's democrats know their own history? Do they know that our current president is running the same political playbook as Woodrow Wilson and FDR? I am going to throw some bait out there and ask...What are some of the good things Dems have done in the last 100 years? Do they balance out the bad things?
Some of the good things Republicans have done is help, and extend, Democratic programs, particularly FDR's New Deal programs. As for knowing their history, most historians are accused of being liberal and therefore communists because they rate FDR so high.
Democrats aren't even aware of basic history. All they know is inane cliches that pass for historic analysis and skewed junk furnished by the liberal media or left wing blog sites that never saw a democrat they didn't like. Lefties whine about the Iraq war but they aren't aware that Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea on an (illegal?) executive order and bungled the mission so badly in a three year quagmire that we lost about 50,000 Troops and ended up where we started. The area is still unstable sixty years later. The drooling sycophantic liberal media thanked Truman with a tickertape parade but Americans knew better. Truman didn't have enough support in his own party to run for a 2nd full term and dropped out of politics.

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