do dems believe the censoring of conservative speech by social media giants is ok ?

The scary part about this issue is that Ds and Rs agree - government should decide. And when Ds and Rs agree, bend over.
I frankly think they should ban him as they did Bannon myself.

As for my winning an argument, I'm usually pretty good at winning because you guys are so unarmed.

If you really believed that, then you wouldn't be advocating and defending censorship like the lying cowardly piece of shit that you are. You only defend cheating because you know damned well that you and your side have no chance whatsoever of winning honestly; that cheating is the only way that you ever have any hope at all of prevailing.
As if an ignorant Brit would know anything about civil rights. You represent the same degenerate ideology against which we Americans had to violently rebel in order to establish civil rights; and almost two and a half centuries later, you still have not caught up to where we were back then.
Well Bob that war the Brits offered freedom to all black folk. The land of the free didnt [sic] offer that for another century. And even then grudgingly.
Learn your history you cultist wierdo.

You offered freedom to American slaves, in exchange for fighting for your side. Your country continued to keep slaves of its own, to whom no similar offer was made. Your country and our country abolished slavery around the same time, decades after we kicked your asses our of our country.

And in the mean time, two hundred and forty years later, your degenerate shithole of a country still refuses to recognize and uphold certain basic human rights that we recognized and upheld from the beginning.
I frankly think they should ban him as they did Bannon myself.

As for my winning an argument, I'm usually pretty good at winning because you guys are so unarmed.

If you really believed that, then you wouldn't be advocating and defending censorship like the lying cowardly piece of shit that you are. You only defend cheating because you know damned well that you and your side have no chance whatsoever of winning honestly; that cheating is the only way that you ever have any hope at all of prevailing.

Well, you have 4 years to bitch about Biden winning loser boy. Enjoy your sour grapes.
I think a private company serving whoever they want is their choice. Do you agree?
...unless, of course, the company is owned by a Christian and a gay couple requests a custom cake.

I've already addressed that. I think a Christian baker should be allowed to deny a gay couple a cake if they choose to. Most of these "controversies" are only stirred up for the sake of controversy by the gay couples anyways. Go to a baker that wants your service if somebody else won't do it.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Right now the conservatives have nothing but lies and conspiracy so I don't mind.
I suppose that's easier than thinking for yourself.
Being that law and order do not comport with lies and conspiracy coups then it should be no problem.
please dont lecture about law and order after the rioting you people have been doing lately.
I wish I could riot yet that is not possible with my disability but thanks for thinking I could.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

The left wing of this nation's politics has grown up on the idea that only their viewpoints have merit and are worth fighting for even if that means unequal treatment. This is stock-in-trade progressive thinking. If you defend your viewpoint you're immoral because your viewpoint is wrong...if they cheat to advance their viewpoint that is not immoral because their viewpoint is cannot penetrate this kind of obtuseness.
I'm cool with private businesses discriminating against other people for their ignorant primitive religious beliefs.

just as long as decent and rational people can discriminate against you and your friends for the same "religious" beliefs...
so if you can discriminate against blacks or gays or atheists then we can do like wise to you....

I would never deny a piece of shit his right to behave like a piece of shit and deny service to blacks or gays

I would, instead, boycott his business and encourage others to do likewise.....

a piece of shit conservative christian working for the government can NOT use THEIR RELIGION as a basis to discriminate.

Sounds good to me. Let's do ALL that. Total freedom to serve or to deny service as anybody pleases. It would be a lot better for business. Right now all the coercion is on the side of forcing decent people to treat disgusting losers as though they are good customers, when they'd like to bar the door to them. Like the riots on Black Friday.

are you saying ALLOW discrimination against all the people YOU hate but NOBODY has a right to discriminate against YOU or your deranged friends?
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

The left wing of this nation's politics has grown up on the idea that only their viewpoints have merit and are worth fighting for even if that means unequal treatment. This is stock-in-trade progressive thinking. If you defend your viewpoint you're immoral because your viewpoint is wrong...if they cheat to advance their viewpoint that is not immoral because their viewpoint is cannot penetrate this kind of obtuseness.

" The left wing of this nation's politics has grown up on the idea that only their viewpoints have merit and are worth fighting for even if that means unequal treatment. This is stock-in-trade progressive thinking. If you defend your viewpoint you're immoral because your viewpoint is wrong...if they cheat to advance their viewpoint that is not immoral because their viewpoint is cannot penetrate this kind of obtuseness. "

you just described trump
steve bannon
the blaze
hate radio
mitch mcconnell
every evangelical in the country
the oath keepers

" The right wing of this nation's politics has grown up on the idea that only their viewpoints have merit and are worth fighting for even if that means unequal treatment. This is stock-in-trade conservative thinking. If you defend your viewpoint you're immoral because your viewpoint is wrong...if they cheat to advance their viewpoint that is not immoral because their viewpoint is cannot penetrate this kind of obtuseness. "
Sounds good to me. Let's do ALL that. Total freedom to serve or to deny service as anybody pleases. It would be a lot better for business. Right now all the coercion is on the side of forcing decent people to treat disgusting losers as though they are good customers, when they'd like to bar the door to them. Like the riots on Black Friday.

are you saying ALLOW discrimination against all the people YOU hate but NOBODY has a right to discriminate against YOU or your deranged friends?

Sure. Let's all discriminate. What I don't want is the law saying I have to let every worthless nothing maraud freely, while they can do any crime or degradation they want. I don't mind if you discriminate against me by writing this sort of ugly polemic aimed at me; after all, I can also discriminate against you, and probably will, as you don't seem to have any manners. We can discriminate against each other and stay well apart: that'll work.
I think a private company serving whoever they want is their choice. Do you agree?
I have to agree with this on principle.

There is a demand for uncensored and unapologetic right wing social media. We just need some rich people to invest in these venues and get richer.

Maybe that's how Trump will get richer than Bezos if he ends up leaving office.

I think a private company serving whoever they want is their choice. Do you agree?
I have to agree with this on principle.

There is a demand for uncensored and unapologetic right wing social media. We just need some rich people to invest in these venues and get richer.

Maybe that's how Trump will get richer than Bezos if he ends up leaving office.

If they don’t pronounce their democrat bias up front then they’re guilty of false advertising.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

The left wing of this nation's politics has grown up on the idea that only their viewpoints have merit and are worth fighting for even if that means unequal treatment. This is stock-in-trade progressive thinking. If you defend your viewpoint you're immoral because your viewpoint is wrong...if they cheat to advance their viewpoint that is not immoral because their viewpoint is cannot penetrate this kind of obtuseness.

" The left wing of this nation's politics has grown up on the idea that only their viewpoints have merit and are worth fighting for even if that means unequal treatment. This is stock-in-trade progressive thinking. If you defend your viewpoint you're immoral because your viewpoint is wrong...if they cheat to advance their viewpoint that is not immoral because their viewpoint is cannot penetrate this kind of obtuseness. "

you just described trump
steve bannon
the blaze
hate radio
mitch mcconnell
every evangelical in the country
the oath keepers

" The right wing of this nation's politics has grown up on the idea that only their viewpoints have merit and are worth fighting for even if that means unequal treatment. This is stock-in-trade conservative thinking. If you defend your viewpoint you're immoral because your viewpoint is wrong...if they cheat to advance their viewpoint that is not immoral because their viewpoint is cannot penetrate this kind of obtuseness. "

Not even close.

The differences between the right and left are cavernous and many.....Alinsky raised his political children on rationalization and justified lying..... They learned well.

To quote a leftist icon:

"What difference does it make?"

-- Hillary Clinton
Some of us aren't so casual about the truth. Clearly you are.
But I've decided the Trump/Russia collusion story is misinformation. So it is.

You know, like you do with conservative ideas.

You're a poster on a message board. Like I am.

A report by the US Senate carries a bit more heft.

But if you choose to believe an alternate version of've been doing it for five years. You probably have forgotten what truth is.
Thing is, I used to be a liberal. Never thought much about politics, just always voted Democrat.

Then I started paying attention. And the more I paid attention, the more conservative I found myself becoming.

Can you say that? Have you ever changed your beliefs?

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?

I used to hate the Electoral college. I don’t any more. I used to be firmly in Israel’s camp. Not any more.
Bill Clinton.

Now you're going to tell me I wasn't a real liberal Democrat.
To quote a leftist icon:

"What difference does it make?"

-- Hillary Clinton
Some of us aren't so casual about the truth. Clearly you are.
But I've decided the Trump/Russia collusion story is misinformation. So it is.

You know, like you do with conservative ideas.

You're a poster on a message board. Like I am.

A report by the US Senate carries a bit more heft.

But if you choose to believe an alternate version of've been doing it for five years. You probably have forgotten what truth is.
Thing is, I used to be a liberal. Never thought much about politics, just always voted Democrat.

Then I started paying attention. And the more I paid attention, the more conservative I found myself becoming.

Can you say that? Have you ever changed your beliefs?
Any documented disagreement with the blob on a major topic?
I assume you're childishly referring to President Trump. Could you, like, grow up, maybe? You'll understand if I don't hold my breath.


I'm not going through my posts to give you links.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."
you have no problem with your candidate being hidden away from the media and given softball questions to win an election ! our democracy and freedom of information has been hijacked by totalitarian forces and you love it ! wheres hunter ?

I think there should be a picture gallery for people who lost bets and are gone. It would be tombstones with the date of their first post and the date of their last post. We'll put "Where's Hunter" on yours. You're the only one who cares.

Who told you that Hunter's crimes are unimportant?

They lied to you. And you lack the wit to question it.

What crimes are those?
What has he been indicted on?
What charge is he facing?
Who's Hunter, anyway? He's never mentioned on social media.

You brought up his "crimes"....Please elaborate...
Can't. I'm not allowed to see any information about him.

So there are no crimes. Great. Makes one wonder why you alleged there were.

Oh well, another lie from a Trumper....LOL...that almost never happens <sarcasm>
And there it is, folks -- if it's not Officially Approved Leftist Social Media opinion, candycorn doesn't accept it.
I just asked you about the crimes. You’ve reported no arrests, indictments etc....
THERE it is. Womp
They're listed right next to Trump's crimes.
I was on Twitter today...plenty of blob posts had no "handle with care" shield attached. Many did.

What does "blob" mean? Binary Large OBject was the best BING could do for me.
Wow, I'm glad I left Twitter several years ago --- no WAY I'd stay on a site that is constantly putting insulting warning posts on my and other people's posts --- they are going to ruin their business model. I saw one of them here on a Trump post --- I think they are crazy to do that.
I think it’s responsible to censor the habitual disseminators of misinformation
Goodness, leftists are utterly terrified of conflicting views.

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