Zone1 Do I Understand These Biblical Stories Correctly?

Those myths may indeed describe the events and intrigues that happened within the spirit world, the time between the rebellion and the restoration of Genesis One. Some myths might have been created (demon inspired) to mock what was going to happen in the future.

You believe in demons? Muhammad believed in Jinns. They were the children of Adam and Lilith.
That is so true. They simply can't help themselves and attempt to portray themselves as Biblical scholars while simultaneously claiming to believe none of it. I can see them now, spending years in seminary school, desperately making notes on things said by other people who have studied the Scriptures exhaustively, just waiting for the opportunity to spout off what they have learned without discerning any of the Spirit behind it all.

Kind of reminds me of a "scoffer" at a dinner party who, upon hearing someone say a piece of music is very meaningful to them, immediately begins complaining about its tempo, key and instrumentation, though never having heard it performed by the artist who wrote it and never allowing themselves to hear the power of music itself.
To me that is the very heart of being a fool. No one cares what a non-believer thinks, not even other non-believers. It is the apogee of being a fool

I see what you're talking about.

The Importance of Virginity in Ancient Legends
In that vein, it is important that Mary conceives her son without losing her virginity, whereas the Greek and Roman myths are not concerned with intact hymens. But, like those who acknowledge the sacredness of the conception of Jesus by a virgin, the Greeks and Romans are also concerned with divine insemination of a pure body.

Therefore, for a hero such as Perseus or founding fathers such as Romulus and Remus, their very worth and significance are intrinsically linked to the purity of their earthly mothers, as well as the divinity of their celestial fathers.
Those myths may indeed describe the events and intrigues that happened within the spirit world, the time between the rebellion and the restoration of Genesis One. Some myths might have been created (demon inspired) to mock what was going to happen in the future.
From the scripture, Book of Woodznutz?
Not sure that Hercules was a type of Christ. I think Jupiter and Zeus are types of God, although pretty extreme.
You need to bone up on your mythology. Jupiter is the Roman name of the Greek god Zeus. Nothing extreme about them.
Ezekiel was writing about the return after the Babylonian exile.

The book of Abraham is the creation of Joseph Smith.
You don’t know a thing about what prophets were writing about. No one is agreeing with you. I’ll ask again, where’s the book of Joseph? If it was about being in exile 2500 years ago then where’s the book of Joseph? We have the book of Judah, the Bible. Where’s your book of Joseph? You are just looking like a ridiculous flat earth person looks.
You don’t know a thing about what prophets were writing about. No one is agreeing with you. I’ll ask again, where’s the book of Joseph? If it was about being in exile 2500 years ago then where’s the book of Joseph? We have the book of Judah, the Bible. Where’s your book of Joseph? You are just looking like a ridiculous flat earth person looks.

The story of Joseph, the son of Jacob who was called Israel, is a vivid representation of the great truth that 'all things work together for good to [those] who loved God. ' (See Rom. 8:28.) Joseph always seemed to do the right thing; but still, more importantly, he did it for the right reason.

The story of Joseph, the son of Jacob who was called Israel, is a vivid representation of the great truth that 'all things work together for good to [those] who loved God. ' (See Rom. 8:28.) Joseph always seemed to do the right thing; but still, more importantly, he did it for the right reason.
Dodged again. You look really pathetic to all in here. Where is the book of Joseph? I know. Our Church knows. The rest of the people in here now know too. We are the only ones with the answer. The Book of Mormon. And, your rants of anti-Mormon rhetoric just make you small and weak. Just like the learned persons Isaiah saw when asked to read the writings in the plate. Professor Anton also threw an anti-Mormon fit because his learning was obliterated too. Now go hide under a rock.
Couldn’t God have snapped His fingers and smited all the sinners and saved His only son a lot of trouble?
It was part of the grand plan of salvation and exaltation. Jehovah knew what he came down from heaven to do. At twelve he knew he was there to do His Father’s work and fulfill the plan. He atoned for our sins and bled from every pour. Much worse than the crucifixion. Then, to complete the necessary work from death to resurrection, he died by the hands of the Roman’s methods at the time. He did all that for you and you attack him for it. Ungrateful and prideful.

The story of Joseph, the son of Jacob who was called Israel, is a vivid representation of the great truth that 'all things work together for good to [those] who loved God. ' (See Rom. 8:28.) Joseph always seemed to do the right thing; but still, more importantly, he did it for the right reason.
See, you do what Biden does and the rest of the Democrats and haters. Biden, do you think your plans have allowed terrorists in to do another 9/11?
Biden: Trump is the most dangerous man alive. Trump, Trump, Trump.
Biden, how will you restore low inflation?
Biden: Trump is the most dangerous man alive. Trump, Trump, Trump.
Biden, do you think men should be able to beat women in women’s sports?
Biden: Trump is the most dangerous man alive. Trump, Trump, Trump.

Surada, do you have the book of Joseph?
Surada: That Joseph Smith had more than one wife, Smith, Smith, Smith…

Jesus was baptized because He was trying to set an example for His followers and He was virgin born because that's the only way that He could escape being a sinner like the rest of us? Just curious because that's what I have been told, but those are a couple of biblical accounts that I'm not sure if I understand or not.
He was baptized because He was a Jew and John was calling Jews back
He was Human and Divine so He would have a human mother and be as the Creed says
Conceived of the Holy Spirit.

I don't see the problem.
Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
He was baptized because He was a Jew and John was calling Jews back
He was Human and Divine so He would have a human mother and be as the Creed says
Conceived of the Holy Spirit.

I don't see the problem.
Conceived by the Holy Ghost. Simple in vitro fertilization. Don’t know why all the problem with understanding this can be so.

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