Do ‘Independents’ of today tend to ‘lean’ left / Democrat? If so, why do they?

The Border and current immigration policy.
I do not support BLM, viewing them as lying c#cksuckers, for a multilevel marketing scam, which only give a damn about black people's lives if a cop is involved, caring not, nor speaking out in protest to the violence of black on black crime and deadly violence which permeates their low income areas and spilling over into normal society, taking far more black lives than the target of their supposed fury.
I don't support boys and men (with their d#ck still attached) using girls or women's restroom under the guise of transgender equality, as it infringes the rights of girls and women, placing them in danger.

You asked for 1. I gave you 3.

Yet you vote for people who support exactly the opposite of the 3 things you mentioned, you're full of hot air. :dunno:
The Border and current immigration policy.
I do not support BLM, viewing them as lying c#cksuckers, for a multilevel marketing scam, which only give a damn about black people's lives if a cop is involved, caring not, nor speaking out in protest to the violence of black on black crime and deadly violence which permeates their low income areas and spilling over into normal society, taking far more black lives than the target of their supposed fury.
I don't support boys and men (with their d#ck still attached) using girls or women's restroom under the guise of transgender equality, as it infringes the rights of girls and women, placing them in danger.

You asked for 1. I gave you 3.
You expect me to believe that nonsense when you voted demofk? Really? naw. You're trying to con me with some nonsense that looks pretty in writing. The fact is you vote demofk, and demofks are for all those three things!!!! I get that not everyone believes 100% to everything, but those three things are probably the most anti american policies you voted on!!!!!!

You also voted for defunding police, climate change stupidity! Okay, what one thing is the reason you voted demofk?
Yet you vote for people who support exactly the opposite of the 3 things you mentioned, you're full of hot air. :dunno:
Just what I told him. What policy would be more important to americans?
Yet you vote for people who support exactly the opposite of the 3 things you mentioned, you're full of hot air. :dunno:
Probably my military background.
Yet you vote for people who support exactly the opposite of the 3 things you mentioned, you're full of hot air. :dunno:
I do think that as an Independent one would weigh the candidates that most closely align with his/her beliefs and vote that way, sometimes for a Democrat, sometimes a Republican or even a Third Party. As a Conservative, the Republican Party most closely aligns with my beliefs so I will vote for whomever wins the candidacy.
I know those here who proclaim to be moderate independents lean way fucking left but I always thought of Independents as freedom fighting liberty lovers….as people who hated marxists, authoritarians, totalitarians, fascists and everything the Left / Democrats seem to have become. What changed?

(Before someone screams “Trump”, just remember, it wasn’t Trump who colluded with a corrupt media and social media, it wasn’t Trump who made them stop pursuing happiness and quit working, Trump didn’t force them to take experimental medicine, or wear face diapers.)
I do.

Because Trump. (I didn't scream it).
Right-leaning Independent here.....Piss on carrying party water.

Of course in Virginia nobody has to register R, D, or I to vote.....Just the way it should be. ;)

It's left up to the parties to choose a closed or public (state run and paid for) primary.

If the state is paying for it then everyone gets to vote in the primary of their choice and all public primaries are held on the same day.
Wish my state was like that. I had been registered as an independent but then you don't have anyone to vote for in the primaries so I registered Republican since I lean right.
Exactly. Independents go back and forth and are generally against the party in power.
Politician are like diapers, needing frequent changing if (somewhat) cleaner diapers are available at the moment.
I queried the forum to affirm what I’m seeing in practice…Am I witnessing the current exception or the current rule? Literally everybody I know who claim to be a moderate independent speaks almost exactly like a hardcore lefty does…just like ALL the Indy’s on this site do.
What’s your thoughts?
Many on the left who claim to be independent are really progressives who don't really care about the Democratic party.
why does Bernie Sanders vote for every demofk legislation and never any republican? I'm curious how you justify that.
Try somebody else. I have never voted for Bernie and not one of his constituents.

An overwhelming majority of independents (81%) continue to “lean” toward either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.
Yeah. I'm in there on that one. I think that means most of these people, including me, don't like the extremes of the side they lean.

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