Do Liberals Want to Increase the Chances of More Terrorist Attacks in the U.S.?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Recent history should inform any rational person that the more Muslims you have in a non-Muslim country, the greater chances you have that terrorist attacks will occur in that nation. This fact would seem to be so self-evidently true and absolutely proven that no sane person would dispute it.

Yet, now we have Obama asking if Republicans are afraid of "widows and orphans" because they oppose allowing thousands of Syrian refugees to enter America. Given this shameful demagoguery and other jaw-dropping rhetoric coming from the left on this issue, many are left to wonder if American liberals really don't care if they increase the chances of another terrorist attack on American soil.

By the way, some Muslim "widows and orphans" have committed terrorist attacks. Even liberal activist and TV talk-show star Bill Maher recently admitted that a sizable percentage of "mainstream Muslims" agree with radical Islam on some issues. Some of the terrorists who attacked the Charlie Hebdo magazine's HQ were Muslims who had lived in France for several years and who, according to witnesses, spoke "perfect French." Yesterday, thousands of Muslims at a soccer match in Turkey could be heard booing and shouting "Allah hu Akbar" during a moment of silence intended to honor the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks. Sickening, but revealing.

Guess which major non-Muslim country has had zero Muslim terrorist attacks? Japan. Why is that? Because Japan is virtually closed to Muslim immigration and has only a few thousand Muslims within its borders.

Do liberals just have no idea what Muslim immigrants have done in Europe, and also here in America? Here are some articles and videos on the topic:

French Islamist mini-states grow into problem out of government control (Liberal news outlets have sought to "debunk" the reports about virtual Islamic mini-states in France and England and other European nations, but read this article and the ones below, and also the videos below, for the facts on the matter.)

France’s ethnic apartheid: 'Separate Islamic societies' breed discontent, radicalism - Washington Times

Sharia law in the West (This page, authored by a liberal, pro-Israeli Irishman, includes dozens of news links on cases of Muslims seeking to impose, or imposing, Sharia law in Europe.)

The shocking reality of 'no-go' zones: France has no control over Muslim-populated neighborhoods - Europe - International - News - Catholic Online

The Islamization of Belgium and the Netherlands in 2013

Europe's Mujahideen: Where Mass Immigration Meets Global Terrorism

Muslim woman fighting Sharia law in Europe

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread

UK's First Female Sharia Judge: 'We Can't Ask Muslims Not to Have More than One Wife' - Breitbart

Boris Johnson: 'Sharia law in the UK is absolutely unacceptable'

Is Shariah Law coming to America? If this video doesn't WAKE YOU UP, nothing will!!

Muslim Cleric Says, "The Flag Of Islam Will One Day Fly Over The White House!"

David Horowitz Chilling Exchange With Muslim Student
What about our homegrown Christian terrorists?
Recent history should inform any rational person that the more Muslims you have in a non-Muslim country, the greater chances you have that terrorist attacks will occur in that nation. This fact would seem to be so self-evidently true and absolutely proven that no sane person would dispute it.

Yet, now we have Obama asking if Republicans are afraid of "widows and orphans" because they oppose allowing thousands of Syrian refugees to enter America. Given this shameful demagoguery and other jaw-dropping rhetoric coming from the left on this issue, many are left to wonder if American liberals really don't care if they increase the chances of another terrorist attack on American soil.

By the way, some Muslim "widows and orphans" have committed terrorist attacks. Even liberal activist and TV talk-show star Bill Maher recently admitted that a sizable percentage of "mainstream Muslims" agree with radical Islam on some issues. Some of the terrorists who attacked the Charlie Hebdo magazine's HQ were Muslims who had lived in France for several years and who, according to witnesses, spoke "perfect French." Yesterday, thousands of Muslims at a soccer match in Turkey could be heard booing and shouting "Allah hu Akbar" during a moment of silence intended to honor the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks. Sickening, but revealing.

Guess which major non-Muslim country has had zero Muslim terrorist attacks? Japan. Why is that? Because Japan is virtually closed to Muslim immigration and has only a few thousand Muslims within its borders.

Do liberals just have no idea what Muslim immigrants have done in Europe, and also here in America? Here are some articles and videos on the topic:

French Islamist mini-states grow into problem out of government control (Liberal news outlets have sought to "debunk" the reports about virtual Islamic mini-states in France and England and other European nations, but read this article and the ones below, and also the videos below, for the facts on the matter.)

France’s ethnic apartheid: 'Separate Islamic societies' breed discontent, radicalism - Washington Times

Sharia law in the West (This page, authored by a liberal, pro-Israeli Irishman, includes dozens of news links on cases of Muslims seeking to impose, or imposing, Sharia law in Europe.)

The shocking reality of 'no-go' zones: France has no control over Muslim-populated neighborhoods - Europe - International - News - Catholic Online

The Islamization of Belgium and the Netherlands in 2013

Europe's Mujahideen: Where Mass Immigration Meets Global Terrorism

Muslim woman fighting Sharia law in Europe

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread

UK's First Female Sharia Judge: 'We Can't Ask Muslims Not to Have More than One Wife' - Breitbart

Boris Johnson: 'Sharia law in the UK is absolutely unacceptable'

Is Shariah Law coming to America? If this video doesn't WAKE YOU UP, nothing will!!

Muslim Cleric Says, "The Flag Of Islam Will One Day Fly Over The White House!"

David Horowitz Chilling Exchange With Muslim Student

1. no sharia laws is not coming to this country.
2. no one wants terrorist attacks, troll. although I think you wingers want them so you can say they happened on this president's watch. (fear tends to work for rightwingnuts).
Recent history should inform any rational person that the more Muslims you have in a non-Muslim country, the greater chances you have that terrorist attacks will occur in that nation. This fact would seem to be so self-evidently true and absolutely proven that no sane person would dispute it.

Yet, now we have Obama asking if Republicans are afraid of "widows and orphans" because they oppose allowing thousands of Syrian refugees to enter America. Given this shameful demagoguery and other jaw-dropping rhetoric coming from the left on this issue, many are left to wonder if American liberals really don't care if they increase the chances of another terrorist attack on American soil.

By the way, some Muslim "widows and orphans" have committed terrorist attacks. Even liberal activist and TV talk-show star Bill Maher recently admitted that a sizable percentage of "mainstream Muslims" agree with radical Islam on some issues. Some of the terrorists who attacked the Charlie Hebdo magazine's HQ were Muslims who had lived in France for several years and who, according to witnesses, spoke "perfect French." Yesterday, thousands of Muslims at a soccer match in Turkey could be heard booing and shouting "Allah hu Akbar" during a moment of silence intended to honor the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks. Sickening, but revealing.

Guess which major non-Muslim country has had zero Muslim terrorist attacks? Japan. Why is that? Because Japan is virtually closed to Muslim immigration and has only a few thousand Muslims within its borders.

Do liberals just have no idea what Muslim immigrants have done in Europe, and also here in America? Here are some articles and videos on the topic:

French Islamist mini-states grow into problem out of government control (Liberal news outlets have sought to "debunk" the reports about virtual Islamic mini-states in France and England and other European nations, but read this article and the ones below, and also the videos below, for the facts on the matter.)

France’s ethnic apartheid: 'Separate Islamic societies' breed discontent, radicalism - Washington Times

Sharia law in the West (This page, authored by a liberal, pro-Israeli Irishman, includes dozens of news links on cases of Muslims seeking to impose, or imposing, Sharia law in Europe.)

The shocking reality of 'no-go' zones: France has no control over Muslim-populated neighborhoods - Europe - International - News - Catholic Online

The Islamization of Belgium and the Netherlands in 2013

Europe's Mujahideen: Where Mass Immigration Meets Global Terrorism

Muslim woman fighting Sharia law in Europe

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread

UK's First Female Sharia Judge: 'We Can't Ask Muslims Not to Have More than One Wife' - Breitbart

Boris Johnson: 'Sharia law in the UK is absolutely unacceptable'

Is Shariah Law coming to America? If this video doesn't WAKE YOU UP, nothing will!!

Muslim Cleric Says, "The Flag Of Islam Will One Day Fly Over The White House!"

David Horowitz Chilling Exchange With Muslim Student

What about our homegrown Christian terrorists?

Ignore this liberal tomahawk chopper, his talking points are weaker than his medicine mans mojo. To extrapolate his debate point, would be akin to allowing more known cannibals in the country, because we already had Jeffery Dahmer.

In any case conservatives need to start reading threads like yours and posting in them. They also need stop posting in obvious lefty "gaslight" threads. We are winning, and we need to push the agenda instead of defending. The big questions this time around, the lefties are on the wrong side of almost every one of them. That is all anyone needs to know besides, ignore the lefties, and make them as unimportant as they will soon be-)
What about our homegrown Christian terrorists?

This is truly laughable wing-nut material. To compare the handful of tiny, inconsequential so-called "Christian terrorist groups" to ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc., is beyond ridiculous and shameful. It is downright sick and warped, and an abject evasion of the reality of what is going on.

And, tell me, have Christian immigrants to America or Europe demanded anything resembling Muslim Sharia law? Have they attacked police and firemen who have come into their areas to enforce the law or put out fires? Have they booed during moments of silence intended to honor the victims of terrorist attacks? Have they argued that women should not be able to go to school or uncover their heads, etc.?

What a nutty, bizarre reply.
Liberals are doing their best to promote Muzzie Terrorism in hopes of "forcing" Our Kenyan Emperor to cancel the 2016 elections for our own safety.

Hey, we should be thankful that they can do SOMETHING effectively.

Shouldn't we?
Nothing trumps liberal ideology. Not the deaths of Americans, not the risk of terrorists attacks, not jobs for the middle class, whenever there is a choice between something and their liberal ideology their ideology always wins out. So you can make rational arguments until you turn blue in the face, they are not going to budge. Its very rare.
You want to stop terrorism against the US, you stop meddling in ME affairs, period.

If you can't do that, then terrorism against the US is inevitable, no matter what your strategies might be.
What about our homegrown Christian terrorists?

This is truly laughable wing-nut material. To compare the handful of tiny, inconsequential so-called "Christian terrorist groups" to ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc., is beyond ridiculous and shameful. It is downright sick and warped, and an abject evasion of the reality of what is going on.

And, tell me, have Christian immigrants to America or Europe demanded anything resembling Muslim Sharia law? Have they attacked police and firemen who have come into their areas to enforce the law or put out fires? Have they booed during moments of silence intended to honor the victims of terrorist attacks? Have they argued that women should not be able to go to school or uncover their heads, etc.?

What a nutty, bizarre reply.

I agree.

I haven't heard about any so called Christian terrorist chopping of heads on Al Jazera or burning a prisoner alive or putting toddlers in suicide vests so they can blow folks up.

Comparing any Christian acts with ISIS is foolish to the extreme.

But then its Shittingbull. Can you expect anything less??

He/She/It is a fool.
I don't believe liberals "want" to increase the odds of another attack.
I do think however they want to see our western culture further eroded, and because of that will always want to see more Muslims as well as other non-western cultures come here.
Remember, they are multiculturalists who believe homogeneous societies are evil because they become too strong, and that's just not fair.
You want to stop terrorism against the US, you stop meddling in ME affairs, period.

If you can't do that, then terrorism against the US is inevitable, no matter what your strategies might be.

I would love to be able to completely turn our backs on that region of the world. It's nothing more than a 6th century hell hole.
Wish you libs would stop trying to halt all further domestic exploration and production of fossil fuels.
I don't believe liberals "want" to increase the odds of another attack.
I do think however they want to see our western culture further eroded, and because of that will always want to see more Muslims as well as other non-western cultures come here.
Remember, they are multiculturalists who believe homogeneous societies are evil because they become too strong, and that's just not fair.

It's my opinion that DumBama will take whatever action necessary to take steps towards making whites a minority in this country. If these were white Christians, you would see how fast he'd put a stop to this.
You want to stop terrorism against the US, you stop meddling in ME affairs, period.

If you can't do that, then terrorism against the US is inevitable, no matter what your strategies might be.

I would love to be able to completely turn our backs on that region of the world. It's nothing more than a 6th century hell hole.
Wish you libs would stop trying to halt all further domestic exploration and production of fossil fuels.

North Dakota rig count near six-year low
We should know Obama and his nasty party does. It's all part of the PLAN. and they believe it will help them when it comes time for elections.

If you don't see by now how all this is planned and being coordinated , then stay in dark it's safer

all of a sudden they have this MASSIVE migration of so called, Refugees who is being hauled over in large skips supplied with life vest. now we also have another wave of so called, children rushing our boarders. the BLM is out in force disrupting our college campuses. and the beat just goes on and on.

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