Do majority of Republicans think Theory of Evolution is a fact ?

We just had a asteroid come at us from another solar system (the scientist speculate) how did it escape it's suns gravity? Was aliens targeting us because they got sick of watching to I love lucy?


Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System

Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System

Original release issued Oct. 26, 2017

A small, recently discovered asteroid -- or perhaps a comet -- appears to have originated from outside the solar system, coming from somewhere else in our galaxy. If so, it would be the first "interstellar object" to be observed and confirmed by astronomers.

This unusual object – for now designated A/2017 U1 – is less than a quarter-mile (400 meters) in diameter and is moving remarkably fast. Astronomers are urgently working to point telescopes around the world and in space at this notable object. Once these data are obtained and analyzed, astronomers may know more about the origin and possibly composition of the object.
The problem for anyone not believing in Evolution is that the alternative to evolution is that the living creatures on earth simply appeared here, for their very first time,

fully formed as whatever species they are (or were, for the extinct ones).

That is about as implausible a scenario as anyone can imagine.
Like what! Explain that gibberish
I believe the book of Genesis is factual. Read the ending of the book of Revelation. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. It is difficult for me to imagine that the original earth was different than the new one. And how is that new earth described? It will have no mountains or oceans. Doesn't that give anyone a clue to how this "original" earth once looked?

I firmly believe that the FLOOD revamped the earth of Adam and Eve. It is this reality that many scientists fail to consider or realize. What we presently observe likely has little relationship to the earth Adam viewed. It was a far different planet. This planet has faced bombardment by asteroids and meteors and perhaps even comets. The surface of the earth split apart with geysers and volcanic eruptions totally unknown to Adam.

If some scientists are going to disregard GOD, they are missing the most important piece of data available. And this will cause them both confusion and misunderstanding of the data they do possess. A secular hole is no different than a religious blanket. They both can bring about blindness to reality.
You’re at liberty to believe whatever myths and fairytales you so desire.

But neither the Earth nor man were created by a deity.

There was no ‘flood,’ no Adam and Eve, no garden of Eden.

The bible is the creation of man, written by men, ‘inspired’ by no deity – the bible merely propagates ancient myths, folklores, and legends.

The flood myth, for example, was appropriated from Mesopotamian mythology – the Epic of Gilgamesh – which predates the bible, where the annual flooding of rivers was the most powerful force known to the civilizations of the Fertile Crescent.
We just had a asteroid come at us from another solar system (the scientist speculate) how did it escape it's suns gravity? Was aliens targeting us because they got sick of watching to I love lucy?


Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System

Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System

Original release issued Oct. 26, 2017

A small, recently discovered asteroid -- or perhaps a comet -- appears to have originated from outside the solar system, coming from somewhere else in our galaxy. If so, it would be the first "interstellar object" to be observed and confirmed by astronomers.

This unusual object – for now designated A/2017 U1 – is less than a quarter-mile (400 meters) in diameter and is moving remarkably fast. Astronomers are urgently working to point telescopes around the world and in space at this notable object. Once these data are obtained and analyzed, astronomers may know more about the origin and possibly composition of the object.

is moving remarkably fast

How did it escape it's solar system and came at us like a bolt of lightning?

It sure wasn't because of our tiny suns gravity that caused this..
I believe the book of Genesis is factual. Read the ending of the book of Revelation. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. It is difficult for me to imagine that the original earth was different than the new one. And how is that new earth described? It will have no mountains or oceans. Doesn't that give anyone a clue to how this "original" earth once looked?

I firmly believe that the FLOOD revamped the earth of Adam and Eve. It is this reality that many scientists fail to consider or realize. What we presently observe likely has little relationship to the earth Adam viewed. It was a far different planet. This planet has faced bombardment by asteroids and meteors and perhaps even comets. The surface of the earth split apart with geysers and volcanic eruptions totally unknown to Adam.

If some scientists are going to disregard GOD, they are missing the most important piece of data available. And this will cause them both confusion and misunderstanding of the data they do possess. A secular hole is no different than a religious blanket. They both can bring about blindness to reality.
You’re at liberty to believe whatever myths and fairytales you so desire.

But neither the Earth nor man were created by a deity.

There was no ‘flood,’ no Adam and Eve, no garden of Eden.

The bible is the creation of man, written by men, ‘inspired’ by no deity – the bible merely propagates ancient myths, folklores, and legends.

The flood myth, for example, was appropriated from Mesopotamian mythology – the Epic of Gilgamesh – which predates the bible, where the annual flooding of rivers was the most powerful force known to the civilizations of the Fertile Crescent.


The proof is that God created you numb nuts

God just did it for a joke
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I believe the book of Genesis is factual. Read the ending of the book of Revelation. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. It is difficult for me to imagine that the original earth was different than the new one. And how is that new earth described? It will have no mountains or oceans. Doesn't that give anyone a clue to how this "original" earth once looked?

I firmly believe that the FLOOD revamped the earth of Adam and Eve. It is this reality that many scientists fail to consider or realize. What we presently observe likely has little relationship to the earth Adam viewed. It was a far different planet. This planet has faced bombardment by asteroids and meteors and perhaps even comets. The surface of the earth split apart with geysers and volcanic eruptions totally unknown to Adam.

If some scientists are going to disregard GOD, they are missing the most important piece of data available. And this will cause them both confusion and misunderstanding of the data they do possess. A secular hole is no different than a religious blanket. They both can bring about blindness to reality.
You’re at liberty to believe whatever myths and fairytales you so desire.

But neither the Earth nor man were created by a deity.

There was no ‘flood,’ no Adam and Eve, no garden of Eden.

The bible is the creation of man, written by men, ‘inspired’ by no deity – the bible merely propagates ancient myths, folklores, and legends.

The flood myth, for example, was appropriated from Mesopotamian mythology – the Epic of Gilgamesh – which predates the bible, where the annual flooding of rivers was the most powerful force known to the civilizations of the Fertile Crescent.
But neither the Earth nor man were created by a deity.

What’s your evidence?
I don't see a scientist among you, so you are wasting the time of people here.

Liberals will be destroyed, God wills it and by that I mean nature has selected liberals for extinction.
You are in for a big surprize

God is a liberal Democrat

He also loves science
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Anyone who notices Jake Starkey is pro-Israel, Jewish, and 100% anti-Trump needs mental help.... according to Jake Starkey...
Of course an anti-semite pro-Trump nut case would think like you, LaDexter.
Maybe you could explain your question. The definition of theory is:
Definition of theory

1 : a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena
  • the wave theory of light
The definition of fact is: a thing that is indisputably the case

Definition of plausible: (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable

So using those definitions, your question then becomes an Oxymoron: definition: a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g., faith unfaithful kept him falsely true).

As can be seen the theory of evolution is not fact, but could be fact.

So EVERYONE would need to answer your question, "accept the theory of evolution as fact?" with the answer no. Your real question should be, do Republicans accept the theory of evolution as the most plausible explanation for the rise of man, or variety of the animals?

Plausible thus becomes the sticking point but to be honest to substitute fact for plausible seems to me to be a mistake. Or, it is not a mistake, it is a way that people word things to make their point seem more valid. I get from you question, you are actually asking, do Republicans accept the FACT of evolution, or are they a bunch of dumbasses? Again the oxymoron of accepting theory as actual fact.

Then we can get started on micro and macro evolution. It is pretty easy to see micro evolution. But in fact, micro evolution is merely adaptation, survival of the fittest. If the environment changes the animal usually dies, or adapts trait that allows the animal to live, but they stay the same animal with different traits. Those animals that can't adapt die as we have seen from the fossil record.

Macro evolution, where one animal turns into another completely different animal is harder to find the facts to support. Could be just a case of plausibility. In my opinion the fossil record does not support macro evolution. I am far from an expert but I do not see evidence of animals with 1/2 a developed eye. Or do I fully understand why an Ape, or whatever was the common ancestor to man, would move out of the habitat and develop into man. Usually migration of animals is based on pressure from things like availability of food. That would not seem to be the case in the migration of man out of Africa. Or maybe it is like spilling paint and man just grew out of Africa.

Which now gets us into the problem of evolution, did it stop? If man evolved from earlier man in Africa does that mean those in Africa are less evolved? (Africa used as a general term for the origin of man wherever that actually may have occurred.)

The polar bears, global warming isn't happening fast it is happening rather slowly over a period of time. So why have the polar bears not evolved to live in the changing habitat? If evolution theory is accepted as fact, wrongly, then it is the natural course of events for the polar bear to go extinct if it can not adapt or evolve. Who are we, as mere men, to get in the way of nature?

For me the plausibility of the rise of life from non life is not explained by the theory of evolution. There is absolutely no evidence of life starting from non-life. Considering the complexity of the human body it is more plausible to me that life didn't start by a remarkable set of chances all occurring when there was no reason for them to occur. i.e. a single cell evolving into two cells. Let alone DNA happening by chance, adaptation or random selection. Too complicated to believe we happened by chance.

So there really is only one plausible answer to the rise of man, one that since the dawn of man, has been believed.

Ever notice how Creationists never defend creationism, they can only attempt to attack evolution. 100% of the time, creation cannot meet the high standards they impose on evolution.

Evolution and creation are not mutually exclusive. What makes you think things weren't created to adapt to changing environments?

That very trait, adaptation, is perhaps the greatest evidence of a Creator God.
Step off a 5 stroy building and see if gravity takes over. Just before you hit the pavement you'll understand the law of gravity.


It's not the law it's the proof it's a fact and not a theory ..

Step off a 5 story that will be built on mars some day , will you hit the pavement and go splat?

View attachment 162822

Yep, just not quite as hard.


Oh yea why didn't earth's gravity pull Sandra in , instead it tossed her out?

View attachment 162825

Maybe she had the velocity to maintain orbit, it's a damn movie, they are by definition fictional.


Why don't you go out there in space and try it Do a test for us to prove gravity is not a theory ?

What you want us to believe is your belief that gravity is universal...prove it.

You see the law of gravity every time a spacecraft loses it's ability to maintain it's velocity to maintain orbit. The orbit deteriorates and they come down. Too much velocity, they leave orbit, that fact is demonstrated throughout the universe. If you can't understand that, we're done.

I don't see a scientist among you, so you are wasting the time of people here.

Liberals will be destroyed, God wills it and by that I mean nature has selected liberals for extinction.
You are in for a big surprize

God is a liberal Democrat

He also loves science
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.
It's not the law it's the proof it's a fact and not a theory ..

Step off a 5 story that will be built on mars some day , will you hit the pavement and go splat?

View attachment 162822

Yep, just not quite as hard.


Oh yea why didn't earth's gravity pull Sandra in , instead it tossed her out?

View attachment 162825

Maybe she had the velocity to maintain orbit, it's a damn movie, they are by definition fictional.


Why don't you go out there in space and try it Do a test for us to prove gravity is not a theory ?

What you want us to believe is your belief that gravity is universal...prove it.

You see the law of gravity every time a spacecraft loses it's ability to maintain it's velocity to maintain orbit. The orbit deteriorates and they come down. Too much velocity, they leave orbit, that fact is demonstrated throughout the universe. If you can't understand that, we're done.


that fact is demonstrated throughout the universe

Prove it the fuck can you say something like that you ignorant fool?

Prove to me it's demonstrated throughout the universe you condescending anti science prick...
Kinda funny seeing phrases like "prove it" in a conversation about evolution and religion.

Nobody can prove any of this stuff, gang, it's all theory and faith.

We know that, right?

Exactly we are to young of a species ...
Kinda funny seeing phrases like "prove it" in a conversation about evolution and religion. Nobody can prove any of this stuff, gang, it's all theory and faith. We know that, right?
Exactly we are to young of a species ...
Yep. I can certainly understand the craving to know where we came from and why we're here, but at this time it's simply unknowable. It will probably remain unknowable through our lifetimes, just as it has for everyone else on this planet. It's just mental masturbation.
It's not the law it's the proof it's a fact and not a theory ..

Step off a 5 story that will be built on mars some day , will you hit the pavement and go splat?

View attachment 162822

Yep, just not quite as hard.


Oh yea why didn't earth's gravity pull Sandra in , instead it tossed her out?

View attachment 162825

Maybe she had the velocity to maintain orbit, it's a damn movie, they are by definition fictional.


Why don't you go out there in space and try it Do a test for us to prove gravity is not a theory ?

What you want us to believe is your belief that gravity is universal...prove it.

You see the law of gravity every time a spacecraft loses it's ability to maintain it's velocity to maintain orbit. The orbit deteriorates and they come down. Too much velocity, they leave orbit, that fact is demonstrated throughout the universe. If you can't understand that, we're done.


What's next you going to tell us , the only life is carbon based?
Kinda funny seeing phrases like "prove it" in a conversation about evolution and religion. Nobody can prove any of this stuff, gang, it's all theory and faith. We know that, right?
Exactly we are to young of a species ...
Yep. I can certainly understand the craving to know where we came from and why we're here, but at this time it's simply unknowable. It will probably remain unknowable through our lifetimes, just as it has for everyone else on this planet. It's just mental masturbation.

At least I saw the Chicago cubs win the world series I am good if we don't find everything...
I don't see a scientist among you, so you are wasting the time of people here.

Liberals will be destroyed, God wills it and by that I mean nature has selected liberals for extinction.
You are in for a big surprize

God is a liberal Democrat

He also loves science
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT.


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