Do minimum wage disproportionately harm black employment?

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No, because blacks ain't interested in employment
That's unjustified racism. It's simply wrong. Many blacks are interested in employment. They actually like minimum wage jobs even more than whites due to their typically lower income.

Moreover, many criminals and drug dealers earn less than minimum wage job. Why don't they work? Because minimum wage keeps them out of job.

Instead of minimum wage and welfare program governments could just pay all adult citizen equally and tax children. Any people that don't have children and keep trying can use the money as start up capital to build the next microsoft or google.

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Well, ugh, what about if I want to ask a question are already discussed at other places? Should I copy the whole questions or put a link?
Some racism is justified. I wouldn't bother trying to get into NBA if I were a pygmy. I wouldn't bother winning gold medal in olympic if I weren't a kenyan. And yea with lower average IQ than say east asian, black people are better off starting a small biz rather than trying to go through college. Still your race is just one minor factor, among many other factor you should take into account when you choose to do something or choose to get others to do something.

I am a businessman because I am good at coding and math. The fact that I am chinese means little.
Some racism is justified.

No racism is justified. Racism by definition entails holding one or several beliefs and basing those beliefs on a person's/group's race or ethnicity and there being no causal basis for those beliefs. Discrimination is the means by which racism is made manifest.
The problem is it's overly complex definition. You said that something is racist based on "no causal basis for those beliefs". Who decide whether causal basis exist or not? The fact is that race does correlate with achievements in various action. Somehow your liberal government insist that it should be mitigated with big government interference.

If more black guys are in NBA rather than getting nobel price, and the other way around works for jews, well, may be we should just let things be. It's obviously stupid to teach physics to somebody just because he's jewish. I would seriously take into account that as a factor you know.

Racism is racism. That is you expect things to be different because of someone race. If I said that black people have darker skin I am a justified racist. If I start beating people up because they are black then I should go to jail. If I run away if I see black people in an otherwise deserted street, I am racist. Why? Because I know black people are more likely to be racist than white and they probably beat me up because I am asian.

That's just statistic.

Obviously race plays very little role on how I judge people. To be frank, the most people I have had problems with are fellow chinese. I happen to have great biz relationship with a few whites. Really it's how they treat me rather than what their race is decide how I respect them.

The white guys that defraud me are vermin. The white guys that treat me fairly are well, very good people.

Any guys that treat me well are "superior" in a sense till they messed that up and be vermin. You got the point.
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You know the problem with feminism? They insist that women must have equal pay with men in what's obviously "men's job". There are jobs where women are paid more than men. However feminist insist that all those jobs should be illegal.

Here is one of them Wanted, £45-an-hour cleaners - must work naked (and only women may apply)

And how do I know if a job is a men's job than a woman's job? I just look at the pay. If men earns more money than women, it's a man's job. If women earns more money than men, it's a woman's job. If it's about equal I wouldn't worry whose job is it.

Now what are women's job?

massage therapists
porn star

Does that mean that men shouldn't be a porn star? No. They're welcome to try. I mean I would like to try that my self if I have the talent. I wish I have that talent. Being good at Math is nice. But having an eternally hard cock and chiseled body may be even better. God must have put more talent points there.

Should women be engineers? Well, they're welcome to ugh try... Cute... So cute....
Under slavery, everyone had a job. Jobs alone aren't the issue. We need jobs that pay a living wage available for everyone who can work. If the richest nation on the planet cannot provide such jobs for its citizens, there is something wrong with our economic system, our government, or both.
Under slavery, everyone had a job. Jobs alone aren't the issue. We need jobs that pay a living wage available for everyone who can work. If the richest nation on the planet cannot provide such jobs for its citizens, there is something wrong with our economic system, our government, or both.

There is no shortage of jobs. There is a shortage of people who have the skills to perform them. In 2014, 35% of 38,000 employers reported difficulty filling jobs due to lack of available talent; in the U.S., 39% of employers did. But the idea of a “skills gap” as identified in this and other surveys has been widely criticized.
Under slavery, everyone had a job. Jobs alone aren't the issue. We need jobs that pay a living wage available for everyone who can work. If the richest nation on the planet cannot provide such jobs for its citizens, there is something wrong with our economic system, our government, or both.

There is no shortage of jobs. There is a shortage of people who have the skills to perform them. In 2014, 35% of 38,000 employers reported difficulty filling jobs due to lack of available talent; in the U.S., 39% of employers did. But the idea of a “skills gap” as identified in this and other surveys has been widely criticized.

We've got two, interrelated jobs problems. The first one is the one you describe. Productivity technology, automation, robots etc. are taking away more and more unskilled and semi-skilled jobs. For every 10 workers needed to produce a ton of coal or a ton of steel in 1970, only one worker is needed today. The jobs that are left and the jobs that are being created require more and more skills, education and training. Our vocational training efforts are wholly inadequate.

The second problem is that job displacement is accelerating in the fields of mid-skill and upper-skill jobs in a way never seen in the earlier phases of the Industrial Revolution. Computers have wiped out huge numbers of white collar jobs in fields like banking and accounting. Now, more sophisticated software is displacing lawyers and para-legals at an astonishing rate. Toll gates and the trucks that drive through them will soon be manned by robots. This is a process that isn't going to stop.

Since mankind first discovered agriculture, jobs have been tied to wealth production and profit. More production meant more profit and more jobs. That connection is becoming obsolete. A new kind of techno-slavery is taking over the labor market: don't hire a human, buy a robot.

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