Zone1 Do most Jews believe they killed Jesus?

Herod Antipas was tricked into killing John the Baptist by Salome and her mother.

I don't know which Herod built the fortress retreat at Masada.
ROFLMAO @ tricked herod antipas-----Herod hated John and Jesus-----two rough and tough
Galileans who would happily spit in his roman shill face. The winter palace was near there anyway
ROFLMAO @ tricked herod antipas-----Herod hated John and Jesus-----two rough and tough
Galileans who would happily spit in his roman shill face. The winter palace was near there anyway

Nope . John the Baptist insulted the wife of Herod Antipas. Don't you know the story of Salome and the dance of the 7 veils?
The Sanhedrin was gunning for Jesus... I think ever since he raised Lazarus from the Dead, but don't quote me on that (sic)

good idea------no one should quote that court
record. The court stenographer was high on
The Sanhedrin was gunning for Jesus... I think ever since he raised Lazarus from the Dead, but don't quote me on that (sic)

good idea------no one should quote that court
record. The court stenographer was high on

Evidently Jesus really offended the Sanhedrin. He challenged their authority and didn't keep sabbath properly among other things.

Details here:

Nope . John the Baptist insulted the wife of Herod Antipas. Don't you know the story of Salome and the dance of the 7 veils?
of course-----couldn't miss it-----it's an anglican
FAVE.. The story behind the Hollywood version.
John was disgusted by the romanesque debauchery
of the roman shill and his household sluts. The boys
of the Galil tended toward pharasaic puritanism with
a touch of calvinism
Evidently Jesus really offended the Sanhedrin. He challenged their authority and didn't keep sabbath properly among other things.

Details here:

no decent person trusted a tax collector of that
time-----they were prime romanesque shills. Very
corrupt. Jesus was very meticulous in Sabbath
observance. Matthew was groping into the
sludge-----consistent with his personality. The
defenses that Jesus presented were ENTIRELY
ACCEPTABLE by the school of Hillel
Oh gee ------wattaya know----the court records
got lost and Matthew had to wing it
no decent person trusted a tax collector of that
time-----they were prime romanesque shills. Very
corrupt. Jesus was very meticulous in Sabbath
observance. Matthew was groping into the
sludge-----consistent with his personality. The
defenses that Jesus presented were ENTIRELY
ACCEPTABLE by the school of Hillel

Is that what the Torah says?
Crucifixion was the nomal Roman punishment for
sedition against Rome. You are confusing yourself.
No, wrong. Crucifixion was a normal, regularly used execution against all sorts of crimes. They didn't have prisons, after all. They liked the making-an-example show to cow the public, too. The Romans were a tough people that we can hardly even believe in, as your post shows.

We should stop with prisons too and use a variation of the Roman method: not crucifixion (!), but a quicker and less public execution for any serious crime. It would solve the problem we have of out-of-control crime and overpopulation. Prisons are the problem, not the solution, and the whole idea of prisons are only a couple centuries old.
No, wrong. Crucifixion was a normal, regularly used execution against all sorts of crimes. They didn't have prisons, after all. They liked the making-an-example show to cow the public, too. The Romans were a tough people that we can hardly even believe in, as your post shows.

We should stop with prisons too and use a variation of the Roman method: not crucifixion (!), but a quicker and less public execution for any serious crime. It would solve the problem we have of out-of-control crime and overpopulation. Prisons are the problem, not the solution, and the whole idea of prisons are only a couple centuries old.

The US has a huge prison population compared to other countries... I'm talking per Capita. So whatever we're doing isn't very effective.
Evidently Jesus really offended the Sanhedrin. He challenged their authority and didn't keep sabbath properly among other things.

Details here:

Your citation is one of the most idiotic of christian
commentaries I have ever encountered. A simple
question----if the WHOLE SANHEDRIN had it "IN" for Jesus ----what was stopping them from killing him. (hint----go ahead with the standard idiot response---
"the romans would not let them" or the other one----"they were afraid of THE PEOPLE" ----Now I will make it even easier-----cite one time that a person was EXECUTED for the reasons you and
MATTHEW INVENTED) More for you----despite the
ROMAN RULES----the fact is that people were OFFED
in Jerusalem----without much difficulty----no one had to ASK THE ROMANS TO DO IT
No, wrong. Crucifixion was a normal, regularly used execution against all sorts of crimes. They didn't have prisons, after all. They liked the making-an-example show to cow the public, too. The Romans were a tough people that we can hardly even believe in, as your post shows.

We should stop with prisons too and use a variation of the Roman method: not crucifixion (!), but a quicker and less public execution for any serious crime. It would solve the problem we have of out-of-control crime and overpopulation. Prisons are the problem, not the solution, and the whole idea of prisons are only a couple centuries old.
utterly incorrect IN ROMAN OCCUPIED JUDEA---the only reason for crucifixion was SEDITION AGAINST ROME. If a jew killed a jew----the romans
yawned. If a jew attacked a roman soldier----the jew would be crucified. Simple theft was a YAWN----from the romans----adjudicated locally and NEVER
CAPITAL unless the theft involved ROMAN PROPERTY.
in all of the history of the Sanhedrin---no one was
EXECUTED for simple violation of the sabbath and
CERTAINLY NOT CURE OF ILLNESS------of course suradie agree with your idiot reconstruction
suradie got the giggles again------like a good little
No, wrong. Crucifixion was a normal, regularly used execution against all sorts of crimes. They didn't have prisons, after all. They liked the making-an-example show to cow the public, too. The Romans were a tough people that we can hardly even believe in, as your pos
we were talking about a jewish court in roman
occupied Judea. Crucifixion was never a penalty
in any jewish court-----EVER ---nor were people
executed for violation of the Sabbath by an individual
or for CURING SICK PEOPLE. Your sunday school
teacher and that of Suradie LIED. People were
excluded from society---sorta like be jailed or fined
in courts----they were not executed left and right no
matter what your jelly bean lady told you. Crucifixion is Greek and Roman
My simple question; Don’t “ Christians “ believe that GOD sent his only son down to die for our sins?? IF that’s what “ Christians “ believe why all the HATE, TORTURE, KILLINGS for over 2000 years? The Jews didn’t do it but what if they did?
Why blame Jews today for what Catholic’s LIE about in their teaching over 2000 years ago? 🤮🇮🇱
Read the Gospels. Jesus got into trouble by declaring, Sins are forgiven.
It appears the politically minded Jews asserted that Jesus had no authority to announce the forgiveness of sins. Jesus claimed God gave him the authority.

The Romans had apparently arrested a man known as Barabbas for causing an insurrection. Annas and Caiaphas, Temple leaders at the time, convinced the Romans they had the wrong man, that the true troublemaker was this man Jesus who also called himself Barabbas (Son of the Father), insisting God was his Father. And, to Annas and Caiaphas, Jesus was indeed a troublemaker, but they had no authority to put him to death.

Why blame Jews today for what Catholic’s LIE about in their teaching over 2000 years ago?
Catholic teaching is that Jesus willingly laid down his life over his announcement that sins of the world are forgiven. He shed his blood as the sign of this New Covenant/Testament of God. He was raised from the dead. His authority to declare sins are forgiven and the sign given to those who demanded such.

That all Jews were blamed for the actions of those men who were attempting to protect the Temple--hence the Jewish way of life--happened a few generations later.

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