Do not crucify the whistle blower

We will see. The shit stain on US history, that is Trump and his supporters, will end sooner than later. It will forever be an embarrassment, much like McCarthyism. The rats, who are Trump supporters, will scurry back into their holes where they were before Trump emboldened them.
You consider yourself a serious poster with nonsense like that? Try presenting a good argument instead of your Christmas wish list.
I use euphemisms to make my point. To understand you need top be a critical thinker, which you are not. A sense of humor, does not hurt.
My posts are above you. I cannot help you.
yep, your posts are definitely out there, we can all agree with you there.
We will see. The shit stain on US history, that is Trump and his supporters, will end sooner than later. It will forever be an embarrassment, much like McCarthyism. The rats, who are Trump supporters, will scurry back into their holes where they were before Trump emboldened them.
You consider yourself a serious poster with nonsense like that? Try presenting a good argument instead of your Christmas wish list.
I use euphemisms to make my point. To understand you need top be a critical thinker, which you are not. A sense of humor, does not hurt.
My posts are above you. I cannot help you.
Your help I don't need, and you are not as smart as you think you are.
Maybe not my help, but you are definitely in need of help.
I have help, I use the internet and other sources for material to compete against fake fks like you daily. dude, self procalmate all you want, I really give two shits, but everyone should really know who you are.
If someone like you thinks positively of me, I know I need to change what I am doing. The fact you are bugged by me, makes me feel I am meeting my goals.
We will see. The shit stain on US history, that is Trump and his supporters, will end sooner than later. It will forever be an embarrassment, much like McCarthyism. The rats, who are Trump supporters, will scurry back into their holes where they were before Trump emboldened them.
You consider yourself a serious poster with nonsense like that? Try presenting a good argument instead of your Christmas wish list.
Trump supporters post their Christmas wish list, why shouldn't I. One of us will get our Christmas list.
we had our christmas in November of 2016 and your coal has burned your ass ever since.
You are correct but the anti-Trumpers time will come. I guarantee it. He who laughs last, laughs the longest. We have been crying for 3 years, we deserve a good laugh. The US has provided a good laugh to the whole world. Our current politics are a joke. Who is winning the most is Putin. No matter what way the Ukraine scandal breaks, Putin is the big winner.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Take your “hope and change” and shove it up your fucking ass.
Karma is a bitch
Obama scared the hell out of entitled whites including white nationalists. White males were losing their privilege to very qualified minorities.
They needed someone to bring back white privilege. Trump is trying to make white males great again, tromping over the Constitution and minority rights.
There is going to be a bigger reaction to Trump than there was with Obama by the electorate bringing back the separation of powers and rights for all, not just white males.
The least qualified white males are Trump's biggest supporters.
Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic
Guillotine is easier and we get to see the idiot try to say f you

You consider yourself a serious poster with nonsense like that? Try presenting a good argument instead of your Christmas wish list.
Trump supporters post their Christmas wish list, why shouldn't I. One of us will get our Christmas list.
we had our christmas in November of 2016 and your coal has burned your ass ever since.
You are correct but the anti-Trumpers time will come. I guarantee it. He who laughs last, laughs the longest. We have been crying for 3 years, we deserve a good laugh. The US has provided a good laugh to the whole world. Our current politics are a joke. Who is winning the most is Putin. No matter what way the Ukraine scandal breaks, Putin is the big winner.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Take your “hope and change” and shove it up your fucking ass.
Karma is a bitch
Obama scared the hell out of entitled whites including white nationalists. White males were losing their privilege to very qualified minorities.
They needed someone to bring back white privilege. Trump is trying to make white males great again, tromping over the Constitution and minority rights.
There is going to be a bigger reaction to Trump than there was with Obama by the electorate bringing back the separation of powers and rights for all, not just white males.
The least qualified white males are Trump's biggest supporters.
Obama made life a living hell for conservatives all across the country… End of story
I’m a minority and a conservative… I have nothing in common with Obama
Trump supporters post their Christmas wish list, why shouldn't I. One of us will get our Christmas list.
we had our christmas in November of 2016 and your coal has burned your ass ever since.
You are correct but the anti-Trumpers time will come. I guarantee it. He who laughs last, laughs the longest. We have been crying for 3 years, we deserve a good laugh. The US has provided a good laugh to the whole world. Our current politics are a joke. Who is winning the most is Putin. No matter what way the Ukraine scandal breaks, Putin is the big winner.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Take your “hope and change” and shove it up your fucking ass.
Karma is a bitch
Obama scared the hell out of entitled whites including white nationalists. White males were losing their privilege to very qualified minorities.
They needed someone to bring back white privilege. Trump is trying to make white males great again, tromping over the Constitution and minority rights.
There is going to be a bigger reaction to Trump than there was with Obama by the electorate bringing back the separation of powers and rights for all, not just white males.
The least qualified white males are Trump's biggest supporters.
Obama made life a living hell for conservatives all across the country… End of story
I’m a minority and a conservative… I have nothing in common with Obama
At the end of the day we should not blame all of our problems on whoever is President.. What country would you rather have lived in than the USA when Obama was President. As much as find Trump the worst President ever, living in the USA under President Trump is better than living in any other country.
I believe in personal accountability and personal empowerment.
we had our christmas in November of 2016 and your coal has burned your ass ever since.
You are correct but the anti-Trumpers time will come. I guarantee it. He who laughs last, laughs the longest. We have been crying for 3 years, we deserve a good laugh. The US has provided a good laugh to the whole world. Our current politics are a joke. Who is winning the most is Putin. No matter what way the Ukraine scandal breaks, Putin is the big winner.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Take your “hope and change” and shove it up your fucking ass.
Karma is a bitch
Obama scared the hell out of entitled whites including white nationalists. White males were losing their privilege to very qualified minorities.
They needed someone to bring back white privilege. Trump is trying to make white males great again, tromping over the Constitution and minority rights.
There is going to be a bigger reaction to Trump than there was with Obama by the electorate bringing back the separation of powers and rights for all, not just white males.
The least qualified white males are Trump's biggest supporters.
Obama made life a living hell for conservatives all across the country… End of story
I’m a minority and a conservative… I have nothing in common with Obama
At the end of the day we should not blame all of our problems on whoever is President.. What country would you rather have lived in than the USA when Obama was President. As much as find Trump the worst President ever, living in the USA under President Trump is better than living in any other country.
I believe in personal accountability and personal empowerment.
why do you wish our country to be venezuala then?
You consider yourself a serious poster with nonsense like that? Try presenting a good argument instead of your Christmas wish list.
I use euphemisms to make my point. To understand you need top be a critical thinker, which you are not. A sense of humor, does not hurt.
My posts are above you. I cannot help you.
yep, your posts are definitely out there, we can all agree with you there.
You consider yourself a serious poster with nonsense like that? Try presenting a good argument instead of your Christmas wish list.
I use euphemisms to make my point. To understand you need top be a critical thinker, which you are not. A sense of humor, does not hurt.
My posts are above you. I cannot help you.
Your help I don't need, and you are not as smart as you think you are.
Maybe not my help, but you are definitely in need of help.
I have help, I use the internet and other sources for material to compete against fake fks like you daily. dude, self procalmate all you want, I really give two shits, but everyone should really know who you are.
If someone like you thinks positively of me, I know I need to change what I am doing. The fact you are bugged by me, makes me feel I am meeting my goals.
we had our christmas in November of 2016 and your coal has burned your ass ever since.
You are correct but the anti-Trumpers time will come. I guarantee it. He who laughs last, laughs the longest. We have been crying for 3 years, we deserve a good laugh. The US has provided a good laugh to the whole world. Our current politics are a joke. Who is winning the most is Putin. No matter what way the Ukraine scandal breaks, Putin is the big winner.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Take your “hope and change” and shove it up your fucking ass.
Karma is a bitch
Obama scared the hell out of entitled whites including white nationalists. White males were losing their privilege to very qualified minorities.
They needed someone to bring back white privilege. Trump is trying to make white males great again, tromping over the Constitution and minority rights.
There is going to be a bigger reaction to Trump than there was with Obama by the electorate bringing back the separation of powers and rights for all, not just white males.
The least qualified white males are Trump's biggest supporters.
Obama made life a living hell for conservatives all across the country… End of story
I’m a minority and a conservative… I have nothing in common with Obama
At the end of the day we should not blame all of our problems on whoever is President.. What country would you rather have lived in than the USA when Obama was President. As much as find Trump the worst President ever, living in the USA under President Trump is better than living in any other country.
I believe in personal accountability and personal empowerment.
And you trust career politicians? Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day... lol
You are correct but the anti-Trumpers time will come. I guarantee it. He who laughs last, laughs the longest. We have been crying for 3 years, we deserve a good laugh. The US has provided a good laugh to the whole world. Our current politics are a joke. Who is winning the most is Putin. No matter what way the Ukraine scandal breaks, Putin is the big winner.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Take your “hope and change” and shove it up your fucking ass.
Karma is a bitch
Obama scared the hell out of entitled whites including white nationalists. White males were losing their privilege to very qualified minorities.
They needed someone to bring back white privilege. Trump is trying to make white males great again, tromping over the Constitution and minority rights.
There is going to be a bigger reaction to Trump than there was with Obama by the electorate bringing back the separation of powers and rights for all, not just white males.
The least qualified white males are Trump's biggest supporters.
Obama made life a living hell for conservatives all across the country… End of story
I’m a minority and a conservative… I have nothing in common with Obama
At the end of the day we should not blame all of our problems on whoever is President.. What country would you rather have lived in than the USA when Obama was President. As much as find Trump the worst President ever, living in the USA under President Trump is better than living in any other country.
I believe in personal accountability and personal empowerment.
And you trust career politicians? Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day... lol
then really shows his ignorance.
You are correct but the anti-Trumpers time will come. I guarantee it. He who laughs last, laughs the longest. We have been crying for 3 years, we deserve a good laugh. The US has provided a good laugh to the whole world. Our current politics are a joke. Who is winning the most is Putin. No matter what way the Ukraine scandal breaks, Putin is the big winner.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Take your “hope and change” and shove it up your fucking ass.
Karma is a bitch
Obama scared the hell out of entitled whites including white nationalists. White males were losing their privilege to very qualified minorities.
They needed someone to bring back white privilege. Trump is trying to make white males great again, tromping over the Constitution and minority rights.
There is going to be a bigger reaction to Trump than there was with Obama by the electorate bringing back the separation of powers and rights for all, not just white males.
The least qualified white males are Trump's biggest supporters.
Obama made life a living hell for conservatives all across the country… End of story
I’m a minority and a conservative… I have nothing in common with Obama
At the end of the day we should not blame all of our problems on whoever is President.. What country would you rather have lived in than the USA when Obama was President. As much as find Trump the worst President ever, living in the USA under President Trump is better than living in any other country.
I believe in personal accountability and personal empowerment.
And you trust career politicians? Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day... lol
Some politicians are good and some are bad.
But I take responsibility, myself, to make my life as good as possible no matter who is President.
Do not rely on government to make you happy in your life.
YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. I thought you are a conservative. You are not a conservative if you rely so much on government.
Whining that Obama made your life miserable is a cop out of not taking responsibility for your life.
Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic
I agree no crucifying. Firing squad will be fine.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Take your “hope and change” and shove it up your fucking ass.
Karma is a bitch
Obama scared the hell out of entitled whites including white nationalists. White males were losing their privilege to very qualified minorities.
They needed someone to bring back white privilege. Trump is trying to make white males great again, tromping over the Constitution and minority rights.
There is going to be a bigger reaction to Trump than there was with Obama by the electorate bringing back the separation of powers and rights for all, not just white males.
The least qualified white males are Trump's biggest supporters.
Obama made life a living hell for conservatives all across the country… End of story
I’m a minority and a conservative… I have nothing in common with Obama
At the end of the day we should not blame all of our problems on whoever is President.. What country would you rather have lived in than the USA when Obama was President. As much as find Trump the worst President ever, living in the USA under President Trump is better than living in any other country.
I believe in personal accountability and personal empowerment.
And you trust career politicians? Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day... lol
Some politicians are good and some are bad.
But I take responsibility, myself, to make my life as good as possible no matter who is President.
Do not rely on government to make you happy in your life.
YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. I thought you are a conservative. You are not a conservative if you rely so much on government.
Whining that Obama made your life miserable is a cop out of not taking responsibility for your life.
he interfered into my health insurance, he went outside the boundaries of his position.
Does anyone have more information for why Brennan flew to the Ukraine with a phony passport?....
Obama scared the hell out of entitled whites including white nationalists. White males were losing their privilege to very qualified minorities.
They needed someone to bring back white privilege. Trump is trying to make white males great again, tromping over the Constitution and minority rights.
There is going to be a bigger reaction to Trump than there was with Obama by the electorate bringing back the separation of powers and rights for all, not just white males.
The least qualified white males are Trump's biggest supporters.
Obama made life a living hell for conservatives all across the country… End of story
I’m a minority and a conservative… I have nothing in common with Obama
At the end of the day we should not blame all of our problems on whoever is President.. What country would you rather have lived in than the USA when Obama was President. As much as find Trump the worst President ever, living in the USA under President Trump is better than living in any other country.
I believe in personal accountability and personal empowerment.
And you trust career politicians? Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day... lol
Some politicians are good and some are bad.
But I take responsibility, myself, to make my life as good as possible no matter who is President.
Do not rely on government to make you happy in your life.
YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. I thought you are a conservative. You are not a conservative if you rely so much on government.
Whining that Obama made your life miserable is a cop out of not taking responsibility for your life.
he interfered into my health insurance, he went outside the boundaries of his position.
You are a fricking whiner. You are one who did not like the mandate but expect if you do not have insurance someone will take care of you.
Fricking whiner.
Obama made life a living hell for conservatives all across the country… End of story
I’m a minority and a conservative… I have nothing in common with Obama
At the end of the day we should not blame all of our problems on whoever is President.. What country would you rather have lived in than the USA when Obama was President. As much as find Trump the worst President ever, living in the USA under President Trump is better than living in any other country.
I believe in personal accountability and personal empowerment.
And you trust career politicians? Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day... lol
Some politicians are good and some are bad.
But I take responsibility, myself, to make my life as good as possible no matter who is President.
Do not rely on government to make you happy in your life.
YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. I thought you are a conservative. You are not a conservative if you rely so much on government.
Whining that Obama made your life miserable is a cop out of not taking responsibility for your life.
he interfered into my health insurance, he went outside the boundaries of his position.
You are a fricking whiner. You are one who did not like the mandate but expect if you do not have insurance someone will take care of you.
Fricking whiner.
I enjoy hitting fking nerves on leftists fks. What an enjoyable moment, and you have nothing to come back with, not one fking thing, weak ass fk.
At the end of the day we should not blame all of our problems on whoever is President.. What country would you rather have lived in than the USA when Obama was President. As much as find Trump the worst President ever, living in the USA under President Trump is better than living in any other country.
I believe in personal accountability and personal empowerment.
And you trust career politicians? Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day... lol
Some politicians are good and some are bad.
But I take responsibility, myself, to make my life as good as possible no matter who is President.
Do not rely on government to make you happy in your life.
YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. I thought you are a conservative. You are not a conservative if you rely so much on government.
Whining that Obama made your life miserable is a cop out of not taking responsibility for your life.
he interfered into my health insurance, he went outside the boundaries of his position.
You are a fricking whiner. You are one who did not like the mandate but expect if you do not have insurance someone will take care of you.
Fricking whiner.
I enjoy hitting fking nerves on leftists fks. What an enjoyable moment, and you have nothing to come back with, not one fking thing, weak ass fk.
Whiner do hit a nerve with me. Be a man and deal with the tough parts of life without blaming someone else.
Fricking panty ass whiner looking for government to make your life easier. Trump supporters do not have conservative values. They are a bunch of whiners.
And you trust career politicians? Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day... lol
Some politicians are good and some are bad.
But I take responsibility, myself, to make my life as good as possible no matter who is President.
Do not rely on government to make you happy in your life.
YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. I thought you are a conservative. You are not a conservative if you rely so much on government.
Whining that Obama made your life miserable is a cop out of not taking responsibility for your life.
he interfered into my health insurance, he went outside the boundaries of his position.
You are a fricking whiner. You are one who did not like the mandate but expect if you do not have insurance someone will take care of you.
Fricking whiner.
I enjoy hitting fking nerves on leftists fks. What an enjoyable moment, and you have nothing to come back with, not one fking thing, weak ass fk.
Whiner do hit a nerve with me. Be a man and deal with the tough parts of life without blaming someone else.
Fricking panty ass whiner looking for government to make your life easier. Trump supporters do not have conservative values. They are a bunch of whiners.
you should take your own advice, I didn't cry about obammy being a traitor, just not a citizen of this country, and to this day a valid birth certificate hasn't been produced. but fk, I dealt with his traitorous ass and muslim beliefs. Trump is president, time for you to stop whinning about him, k?
Some politicians are good and some are bad.
But I take responsibility, myself, to make my life as good as possible no matter who is President.
Do not rely on government to make you happy in your life.
YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. I thought you are a conservative. You are not a conservative if you rely so much on government.
Whining that Obama made your life miserable is a cop out of not taking responsibility for your life.
he interfered into my health insurance, he went outside the boundaries of his position.
You are a fricking whiner. You are one who did not like the mandate but expect if you do not have insurance someone will take care of you.
Fricking whiner.
I enjoy hitting fking nerves on leftists fks. What an enjoyable moment, and you have nothing to come back with, not one fking thing, weak ass fk.
Whiner do hit a nerve with me. Be a man and deal with the tough parts of life without blaming someone else.
Fricking panty ass whiner looking for government to make your life easier. Trump supporters do not have conservative values. They are a bunch of whiners.
you should take your own advice, I didn't cry about obammy being a traitor, just not a citizen of this country, and to this day a valid birth certificate hasn't been produced. but fk, I dealt with his traitorous ass and muslim beliefs. Trump is president, time for you to stop whinning about him, k?
I do not like Trump because he is unethical, immoral and narcissistic. His policies reflect those characteristics.I am fortunate enough to being in an economic situation that Trump's policies have helped me financially in the short term. The added wealth is not worth the lack of morality of a Trump Presidency.
But he no way has he made my life a living hell like you and other Trump supporters say Obama did.
I always move forward making the best of what we have
Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic
There is a huge difference in 'crucifying' the whistle blower and 'giving them a fee pass'.

The FACT is the Democrats who seek to Impeach the President, who have dedicated the last 3+ years of their life to doing so, are going to try to dictate to everyone (Republicans) what can and can not be asked and the definition of 'crucify'.

The FACT is this individual has been identified as a little-known, politically-partisan, Democratic Party 2016 Presidential candidate-supporting CIA Agent (- a former trusted agent of proven criminal, Obama failed coup conspirator and former CIA Director John Brennan), who just happened to be a specialist in European / Ukraine Geo-Political issues and Ops, and who just happened to be temporarily assigned to the WH, long enough to file a second-hand account and other politically-partisan based sources whistle blower complaint against the President.

Almost any one of those would get the complaint thrown out in an actual law suit or criminal case...and therefore is 'fair game' for questioning.

The fact that the 'whistle blower' has ZERO 1st-hand knowledge of the conversation / phone call about which they filed a complaint.

Considering the last 3+ years, the desperate mission to Impeach the President during that time, the un-paralleled level of hatred from the Left against the current President, and the proven role of former CIA Director Brennan and his CIA - which this individual was part of, the fact that the 'whistle blower' is politically partisan and supports one of the President's opposition party candidates should almost be enough to get the complaint thrown out immediately.
- The fact that the transcript proves there was no 'quid pro quo' and the Ukraine PM - who was the one the President was talking to - stated the accusation launched in the complaint never happened should 'kill' any SECOND-HAND ACCOUNT-based accusation, one also based on 'other politically partisan sources'.

'A politically partisan, Democratic arty Presidential candidate-supporting whistle blower would not lie? Bwuhahahaha! D-Rep Schiff proved that an elected Democratic Party federal government Representative would lie their ass off to take down Trump.

D-Rep Schiff, himself, was caught lying by CNN, trying to claim the President said things he never said to attempt to substantiate the false narrative (Link provided in separate recent thread about Schiff) - CNN stated in the Fact Check of Schiff's claims that his comments were a 'parody', that he added things in his claim that the President Trump never said.

The NY Times recently got busted for printing a full-blown Leftist Extremist, anti-Trump 'counter-intelligence' fictional story, in which they intentionally left out the part that destroyed their own false claim.

The Left is CONSUMED with removing one of the most successful Presidents in decades from office and will literally stop at NOTHING to do it....even if it means lying, launching false accusations, demanding the US AG break laws and punishing him when he refuses to do so, or a President of the United States and his Agency Directors attempt a political coup against a newly elected President.

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