Do people actually convert *to* Christianity?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I've met many, many Christians in my life. I've never met one who wasn't raised into the religion. I've met many non-Christians as well. The majority were Christians until they left. I've never met one who became a Christian.
I've met many, many Christians in my life. I've never met one who wasn't raised into the religion. I've met many non-Christians as well. The majority were Christians until they left. I've never met one who became a Christian.

Go to any Baptist Church just about any Sunday morning and you will get to meet people who accept Christ and become Christians.
Its pretty common in prison, especially just before they're coming up for parole.

And, there are the born again = two belly buttons types.
I've met many, many Christians in my life. I've never met one who wasn't raised into the religion. I've met many non-Christians as well. The majority were Christians until they left. I've never met one who became a Christian.

Go to any Baptist Church just about any Sunday morning and you will get to meet people who accept Christ and become Christians.
All of them were raised in the faith and came back.
I have known hundreds and hundreds who weren't Christians and converted. That's just me.
I have personally known hundreds. And with the growth of secularism in America, many more will convert.
I have known hundreds and hundreds who weren't Christians and converted. That's just me.

Some convert and more simply drop out of faith, then there are the christians that convert to some other religion because christianity does not hold the answers they need
I've met many, many Christians in my life. I've never met one who wasn't raised into the religion. I've met many non-Christians as well. The majority were Christians until they left. I've never met one who became a Christian.

I converted my fare share of humans to Christianity back in the day. Then I balanced the scales and led many humans away from Christianity...

Now, I lead humans towards the gods through embracing "Heaven" and "Hell" and encouraging them to gain strengths from every religion they Will...​
Gary Busey fell off his motorcycle in a bad accident, and banged up his head real bad giving him brain damage.
And that's when he converted, do the math.
Gary Busey fell off his motorcycle in a bad accident, and banged up his head real bad giving him brain damage.
And that's when he converted, do the math.

but he....
>>takes part in many different religious rites.<<
I've met many, many Christians in my life. I've never met one who wasn't raised into the religion. I've met many non-Christians as well. The majority were Christians until they left. I've never met one who became a Christian.
Then you have had very narrow exposure to Christians. Or you're lying. My mother raised us as atheists. She was raised as an atheist. I was saved and identified as a Christian before I hit puberty, and long before I found a church. My sister was saved when she was about 40 and my brother in law, also former atheist, was right there with her. I have dozens of brothers and sisters in Christ who likewise were to raised to believe...who were dramatically saved. Some of them receive condemnation from unsaved loved ones. So you're either lying, or your experience is so limited you shouldn't be developing an opinion about anything pertaining to Christianity until you educate yourself.
Gary Busey fell off his motorcycle in a bad accident, and banged up his head real bad giving him brain damage.
And that's when he converted, do the math.

Not surprising. Lots of people turn to God and find Him when they have a traumatic experience that reminds them of their mortality. Those experiences humble you and the proud don't know God.
I've met many, many Christians in my life. I've never met one who wasn't raised into the religion. I've met many non-Christians as well. The majority were Christians until they left. I've never met one who became a Christian.
I worked with a former muslim that became a christan and a man that became a jew, an athiest that became a stanist and a former pagan that was looking into budda

you should get out more, move around and talk to different people
you must be talking about jews or muslims OP. Most true Christians were raised another faith, esp. catholic.
I've met many, many Christians in my life. I've never met one who wasn't raised into the religion. I've met many non-Christians as well. The majority were Christians until they left. I've never met one who became a Christian.

Make an experiment - become one yourselve.

Not surprising. Lots of people turn to God and find Him when they have a traumatic experience that reminds them of their mortality. Those experiences humble you and the proud don't know God.

Busey described it as essentially weakening his mental "filters" and causing him to speak and act impulsively. Sound familiar?
He can no longer filter logic either, your cult is an impulse buy when sold by the snake (serpent) oil salesmen to usually weak minded people.
Sorry if that seems harsh but you need to realize what an embarassment the religion has been to our species, and what severe harm it has caused in the way we rationalize our actions.
He can no longer filter logic either, your cult is an impulse buy when sold by the snake (serpent) oil salesmen to usually weak minded people.
This is an interesting assertion. Christianity got its start among the most uneducated and oppressed of society, like slaves and non-noble women. Were they all weak minded in your view?

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