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Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Do Deep State Elements Operate Within the Protest Movement?

Does anyone believe the nationwide riots and looting are a spontaneous reaction to the killing of George Floyd?

Itā€™s all too coordinated, too widespread, and too much in-sync with the media narrative that applauds the ā€œmainly peaceful protestsā€ while ignoring the vast destruction to cities across the country. Whatā€™s that all about? Do the instigators of these demonstrations want to see our cities reduced to urban wastelands where street gangs and Antifa thugs impose their own harsh justice? Thatā€™s where this is headed, isnā€™t it?

Of course there are millions of protesters who honestly believe theyā€™re fighting racial injustice and police brutality. And more power to them. But that certainly doesnā€™t mean there arenā€™t hidden agendas driving these outbursts. Quite the contrary. It seems to me that the protest movement is actually the perfect vehicle for affecting dramatic social changes that only serve the interests of elites. For example, who benefits from defunding the police? Not African Americans, thatā€™s for sure. Black neighborhoods need more security not less. And yet, the New York Times lead editorial on Saturday proudly announces, ā€œYes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Policeā€“Because reform wonā€™t happen.ā€ Check it out:

Deep State has been beat to death the same way racist has been beat to death. Over used. Over exposed.
Open and blatant selling of fear can't be reduced to simple terminology- of course, the ignorant, Publicly Educated, sound bite erudite acolytes prefer false flag incidents to validate their ignorance, led by the pseudo intellectuals in the presstitute corps of presstitutes accompanied by talking heads- talking heads (celebrity wanna be's) are script readers. Keep that, script readers, in mind.



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