Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

I am selfish for wanting to protect those who have an actual, documented issue with mask wearing? I am selfish for not protecting YOU when it is YOU who should bear that burden?
If you can't swim, don't go into the diving pool.
If you can't wear a mask, stay inside.
If you can't survive a pandemic, stay inside.

Who is at risk here?

It's not my job to save your ass.
Spare me your macho shaming tactics. You don't know shit about me.

83% of the population must bow to 16%?

You are such a fucking tyrant.
As the title of the op mentions the ADA.

All the handicapped parking, building access ramps, special bathroom stalls, a whole host of things that the 83% pay for, to accommodate the 16%

O.K. 19%

About 56.7 million people — 19 percent of the population — had a disability in 2010,
Straight up, if you have a true medical exemption, it would be financially prudent to exacerbate any confrontation into police involvement. Do not hand over docs to employees. Walk on in. Hippa protections are so highly regarded they literally prevent mental health checks around gun sales in this country, and allow children to be handed into custody of unstable parents. Nobody can legally demand proof of either a physical or mental condition that exempts you, it is strictly privileged information.

If you manage to get arrested, jackpot. Should be able to find plenty of thirsty lawyers with all the court closures.
Healthcare providers are so concerned about violating Hippa, parents of teen often have problems getting vital information they need to care for their kids. If you care for someone with mental illness, your major responsibility is keeping the person on their meds and making sure they keep their appointments with mental health providers which becomes almost impossible unless you are appointed their legal guardian. Becoming the legal guardian often means you'll become alienated from person you're caring for. IMHO, HIPPA is a major obstacle to the treatment of mental illness.
Here is the deal, you want all us old people to stay home until the magic happens & it all go's away. mean while you can go out & play do what ever you want. never considering any one else. if I wear a mask so I can at least go out & do my own shopping is it too much to ask those who can to wear a mask for the whole 30 min or more it takes you to shop? & if you cant wear a mask is it to much to ask that you keep the asked distance away from me, note the way the isles are set up so we are all going in the same direction & not coming face to face? a little common kindness. but no 80% of the non mask wearers cant even manage that small politeness. because you know more than the majority of the public health officials. GIVE ME A BREAK, your just selfish.
It's your life on the line. Not mine. Who should bear the burden? It is much easier for you (16.5% of the population) to quarantine than for us, the other 83.5% of the population, which makes up the entire working population, to accommodate you.
Its funny that you’re on here festering and perpetuating your frustrations with masks acting all tough and then when you need to go get groceries and you put on that mask, which I know you do, it’s gotta just kill ya a little inside. You’re doing that to yourself. Don’t blame others, that’s on you.
Spare me your macho shaming tactics. You don't know shit about me.

83% of the population must bow to 16%?

You are such a fucking tyrant.
I know enough to say you wear your mask when your in the supermarket or most other private businesses. Workers are just trying to make a living and do their jobs and it takes a special kind if asshole, whom I’ll call “Karen”, to walk in there too stubborn to comply
Spare me your macho shaming tactics. You don't know shit about me.

83% of the population must bow to 16%?

You are such a fucking tyrant.
As the title of the op mentions the ADA.

All the handicapped parking, building access ramps, special bathroom stalls, a whole host of things that the 83% pay for, to accommodate the 16%

O.K. 19%

About 56.7 million people — 19 percent of the population — had a disability in 2010,
Nothing about the ADA mandates my clothing, and nothing about it requires some to give way to others on such a highly personal level.

But, if you insist on pointing to precedent, I insist on repealing the ADA. You tyrant just can't help yourselves. You will never learn.
You think it's any different at the grocery store? You pick up items other people have touched. They touch their faces and their masks. They don't wash their hands. They spread their infection all over EVERYTHING, but OH SHIT. WE BETTER MASK EVERYBODY because it might spread.

Actually that behavior is minimal. As Dr Fauci said, avoid touching your face. BTW this was the subject of people driving alone wearing a mask, so they didn't have to touch their mask repeatedly to put it on and take it off.

BTW: Take the same infected person with a mask touching his mask and then the produce, vs that same person breathing directly on the produce. Rubbing his runny nose or wiping his eyes, and even if wearing gloves then touching the produced. Which would transmit more virus?
What about the law against spitting on the sidewalk.
What communist utopia do you live in? I have never heard of that law, and even if it does exist, I have never heard it being enforced, so....:dunno:

§ 18.2-322. Expectorating in public places - Virginia Law › title18.2 › chapter7 › section18

No person shall spit, expectorate, or deposit any sputum, saliva, mucus, or any ... or upon the floor of any part of any public conveyance, or upon any sidewalk ...
It's your life on the line. Not mine. Who should bear the burden? It is much easier for you (16.5% of the population) to quarantine than for us, the other 83.5% of the population, which makes up the entire working population, to accommodate you.
You have it wrong. Nobody lives in a vacuum. If they order groceries, and the person who picked out their fruits and vegetables was infected (remember all those hepatitis outbreaks traced to food workers). They would need to protect themselves like a doctor or nurse on the front line, with n95 mask, face shield, full body covering, and gloves.

Or they can achieve the same effectiveness against catching it by having everybody they contact directly or indirectly wear a mask.
You LITERALLY have no idea how viruses are spread, do you?

You think it's any different at the grocery store? You pick up items other people have touched. They touch their faces and their masks. They don't wash their hands. They spread their infection all over EVERYTHING, but OH SHIT. WE BETTER MASK EVERYBODY because it might spread.

You cannot stop the spread of a virus. It is IMPOSSIBLE!!! It's a goddamn LIE!!!
I’ve asked you half a dozen times if you know how the virus spreads and you’ve avoided the answer every time. Don’t even try to use that on somebody else. Why don’t you tell us how this virus is spreading. Give it your best shot.
I know enough to say you wear your mask when your in the supermarket or most other private businesses.
Really? How do you know? Are you stalking me or something?

Workers are just trying to make a living and do their jobs and it takes a special kind if asshole, whom I’ll call “Karen”, to walk in there too stubborn to comply
There is no way to stop the spread of a disease that moves asymptomatically. NONE.

We do not live in an operating room.

You think the items at the grocery store are sterile because people wear masks?

You think a mask replaces sterile hygiene? (which is fucking impossible unless you're in an OR)

You think this shit does not spread by people having it all over their hands?
What about the law against spitting on the sidewalk.
What communist utopia do you live in? I have never heard of that law, and even if it does exist, I have never heard it being enforced, so....:dunno:

§ 18.2-322. Expectorating in public places - Virginia Law › title18.2 › chapter7 › section18

No person shall spit, expectorate, or deposit any sputum, saliva, mucus, or any ... or upon the floor of any part of any public conveyance, or upon any sidewalk ...
Virginia ain't Texas.

How many times has that been enforced in the last 30 years?
There is no way to stop the spread of a disease that moves asymptomatically. NONE.

We do not live in an operating room.

Actually you contradict your own point. Surgeons wear masks to prevent the asymptomatic spread of disease they are carrying. Surgeons don't walk into an operating room showing symptoms. And decades of medical trials has shown the effectiveness of masks preventing the wearer from spreading harmful viruses and bacteria to their patients.
I know enough to say you wear your mask when your in the supermarket or most other private businesses.
Really? How do you know? Are you stalking me or something?

Workers are just trying to make a living and do their jobs and it takes a special kind if asshole, whom I’ll call “Karen”, to walk in there too stubborn to comply
There is no way to stop the spread of a disease that moves asymptomatically. NONE.

We do not live in an operating room.

You think the items at the grocery store are sterile because people wear masks?

You think a mask replaces sterile hygiene? (which is fucking impossible unless you're in an OR)

You think this shit does not spread by people having it all over their hands?
Well since you don’t think I know anything please enlighten me and tell me how this virus is being spread
§ 18.2-322. Expectorating in public places - Virginia Law › title18.2 › chapter7 › section18

No person shall spit, expectorate, or deposit any sputum, saliva, mucus, or any ... or upon the floor of any part of any public conveyance, or upon any sidewalk ...
Virginia ain't Texas.

How many times has that been enforced in the last 30 years?

Sec. 21-10. - Spitting in public places.

The spitting upon sidewalks, crosswalks, the floors of churches, public halls, theaters, motor buses or other similar public places is hereby declared a nuisance and unlawful; provided, spitting in and upon the streets is not hereby included in the words "other public places."
(Code 1950, § 41-22; Code 1959, § 26-24)
Maskers are members of a mask cult and they will not have their faith challenged. They believe.

They remind me of something...

View attachment 357851
Sounds like your mask position is based on religious prejudice.
Or I am a REAL liberal and I don't believe government should force people to wear a fucking mask.
They are not forcing you to wear a mask mr Drama Queen. You can go home or out to a golf course or take a kayak out on the lake all mask free. But if you are going to be around other people. Put on a fucking mask. Just like you have to wear clothes or you get busted for Public lewdness
I found the perfect sign.

Maskers are members of a mask cult and they will not have their faith challenged. They believe.

They remind me of something...

View attachment 357851
Sounds like your mask position is based on religious prejudice.
Or I am a REAL liberal and I don't believe government should force people to wear a fucking mask.
They are not forcing you to wear a mask mr Drama Queen. You can go home or out to a golf course or take a kayak out on the lake all mask free. But if you are going to be around other people. Put on a fucking mask. Just like you have to wear clothes or you get busted for Public lewdness
I found the perfect sign.

View attachment 357902

(I should have mentioned that I am a closet nudist)
Maskers are members of a mask cult and they will not have their faith challenged. They believe.

They remind me of something...

View attachment 357851
Sounds like your mask position is based on religious prejudice.
Or I am a REAL liberal and I don't believe government should force people to wear a fucking mask.
They are not forcing you to wear a mask mr Drama Queen. You can go home or out to a golf course or take a kayak out on the lake all mask free. But if you are going to be around other people. Put on a fucking mask. Just like you have to wear clothes or you get busted for Public lewdness
I found the perfect sign.

View attachment 357902

(I should have mentioned that I am a closet nudist)
Oh I need to dig up bail for you or something? :omg:
Maskers are members of a mask cult and they will not have their faith challenged. They believe.

They remind me of something...

View attachment 357851
Sounds like your mask position is based on religious prejudice.
Or I am a REAL liberal and I don't believe government should force people to wear a fucking mask.
They are not forcing you to wear a mask mr Drama Queen. You can go home or out to a golf course or take a kayak out on the lake all mask free. But if you are going to be around other people. Put on a fucking mask. Just like you have to wear clothes or you get busted for Public lewdness
I found the perfect sign.

View attachment 357902

(I should have mentioned that I am a closet nudist)
Oh I need to dig up bail for you or something? :omg:
They invited my naked ass in.
Act like a real American. It's in the constitution for the government to "promote the general welfare"
Ah, yes. The old "general welfare" clause means you can do whatever the fuck you want, right?

In this case, it means controlling a pandemic by having people wear masks.
What other excuses can we use to control the population and kill all notions of liberty?

This has NEVER been tried before, has it?
Actually yes, it has been tried during the 1928 flu epidemic.

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