Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

Maskers are members of a mask cult and they will not have their faith challenged. They believe.

They remind me of something...

View attachment 357851
Sounds like your mask position is based on religious prejudice.
Or I am a REAL liberal and I don't believe government should force people to wear a fucking mask.
They are not forcing you to wear a mask mr Drama Queen. You can go home or out to a golf course or take a kayak out on the lake all mask free. But if you are going to be around other people. Put on a fucking mask. Just like you have to wear clothes or you get busted for Public lewdness
Lewdness in public? So, the mask is clothing worn for decency purposes?

Like this?


It sure looks that way.
Act like a real American. It's in the constitution for the government to "promote the general welfare"
Ah, yes. The old "general welfare" clause means you can do whatever the fuck you want, right?
NOPE. Do what you want, is like when chemical plants wanted to dump their pollutants in the nearest river. When power plants wanted to spew their raw pollutants in the air.

Promoting the welfare was to stop those sources of pollution from their freedom to do whatever they wanted to do.
Act like a real American. It's in the constitution for the government to "promote the general welfare"
Ah, yes. The old "general welfare" clause means you can do whatever the fuck you want, right?
NOPE. Do what you want, is like when chemical plants wanted to dump their pollutants in the nearest river. When power plants wanted to spew their raw pollutants in the air.

Promoting the welfare was to stop those sources of pollution from their freedom to do whatever they wanted to do.
So, now we are polluters if we don't follow American Sharia and wear the burqa you demand?
Here is the deal, you want all us old people to stay home until the magic happens & it all go's away. mean while you can go out & play do what ever you want. never considering any one else. if I wear a mask so I can at least go out & do my own shopping is it too much to ask those who can to wear a mask for the whole 30 min or more it takes you to shop? & if you cant wear a mask is it to much to ask that you keep the asked distance away from me, note the way the isles are set up so we are all going in the same direction & not coming face to face? a little common kindness. but no 80% of the non mask wearers cant even manage that small politeness. because you know more than the majority of the public health officials. GIVE ME A BREAK, your just selfish.
Since you are violent. Stay home don’t go out.
Fuck you.

Since I am "violent" maybe YOU better stay home and not go out.
We will never get out or done from this crisis till ignorant people like you do not cooperate and comply.
We will never get through this until politicians quit trying to control the population and let the virus run its fucking course. JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER FUCKING VIRUS IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY!!!

Look at Arizona, Texas, Florida and here in California and other states like Colorado closings of bars, restaurants, beaches and other venues AGAIN. Arizona hospitals ICU are near capacity and they didn’t have that problems in April and May.
I don't care.

Natural Selection.

It's not my problem, but continuing to ATTEMPT to make it my problem is going to make a different, serious problem.

But, what about this?

You are totally hopeless.
Like I already mentioned. Look at the evidence all over US the damages that people like you has done.

You don’t care? Look at the economy it’s not going to get better either.

People like me care..... for the sake of my fellow Americans and kids future.

Do you have kids or grandkids that you need to protect their future?
AND... do you know you can get it again, do you know that a percentage of the people who recover will have some minor or worse long term damage. so when the next virus hits you may not have to be that old to be put in the stay at home group. do you know that with every opening more people die. how much death is ok with you?
Promoting the welfare was to stop those sources of pollution from their freedom to do whatever they wanted to do.
So, now we are polluters if we don't follow American Sharia and wear the burqa you demand?

Actually there is a long history of control of bodily fluids. It's against the law to urinate in public. It's against the law to spit on the sidewalk.

This is just another law just like those, with the purpose of preventing people from spreading disease in public
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Here is the deal, you want all us old people to stay home until the magic happens & it all go's away. mean while you can go out & play do what ever you want. never considering any one else. if I wear a mask so I can at least go out & do my own shopping is it too much to ask those who can to wear a mask for the whole 30 min or more it takes you to shop? & if you cant wear a mask is it to much to ask that you keep the asked distance away from me, note the way the isles are set up so we are all going in the same direction & not coming face to face? a little common kindness. but no 80% of the non mask wearers cant even manage that small politeness. because you know more than the majority of the public health officials. GIVE ME A BREAK, your just selfish.
It's your life on the line. Not mine. Who should bear the burden? It is much easier for you (16.5% of the population) to quarantine than for us, the other 83.5% of the population, which makes up the entire working population, to accommodate you.
Maskers are members of a mask cult and they will not have their faith challenged. They believe.

They remind me of something...

View attachment 357851
Sounds like your mask position is based on religious prejudice.
Or I am a REAL liberal and I don't believe government should force people to wear a fucking mask.
They are not forcing you to wear a mask mr Drama Queen. You can go home or out to a golf course or take a kayak out on the lake all mask free. But if you are going to be around other people. Put on a fucking mask. Just like you have to wear clothes or you get busted for Public lewdness
Lewdness in public? So, the mask is clothing worn for decency purposes?

Like this?


It sure looks that way.
Are you really that stupid that you didn’t understand my point? Do you really think I was saying they are the same exact law? #dumbass
a little common kindness. but no 80% of the non mask wearers cant even manage that small politeness. because you know more than the majority of the public health officials. GIVE ME A BREAK, your just selfish.
It's beyond just selfish. They are purposefully doing, promoting, and glorifying refusal to wear a mask. I'm wondering if in the middle of the AIDS crisis, they were against wearing condoms.
Promoting the welfare was to stop those sources of pollution from their freedom to do whatever they wanted to do.
So, now we are polluters if we don't follow American Sharia and wear the burqa you demand?
Actually there is a long history of control of bodily fluids. It's against the law to urinate in public. It's against the law to spit on the sidewalk.

This is just another law just like those, with the purpose of preventing people from spreading disease in public.
I don't know what happened to the formatting but I assume this is directed at me.

Actually there is a long history of control of bodily fluids. It's against the law to urinate in public. It's against the law to spit on the sidewalk.

This is just another law just like those, with the purpose of preventing people from spreading disease in public.

This is just another authoritarian attempt to control the masses.

Same song, different verse.
Here is the deal, you want all us old people to stay home until the magic happens & it all go's away. mean while you can go out & play do what ever you want. never considering any one else. if I wear a mask so I can at least go out & do my own shopping is it too much to ask those who can to wear a mask for the whole 30 min or more it takes you to shop? & if you cant wear a mask is it to much to ask that you keep the asked distance away from me, note the way the isles are set up so we are all going in the same direction & not coming face to face? a little common kindness. but no 80% of the non mask wearers cant even manage that small politeness. because you know more than the majority of the public health officials. GIVE ME A BREAK, your just selfish.
It's your life on the line. Not mine. Who should bear the burden? It is much easier for you (16.5% of the population) to quarantine than for us, the other 83.5% of the population, which makes up the entire working population, to accommodate you.
Its funny that you’re on here festering and perpetuating your frustrations with masks acting all tough and then when you need to go get groceries and you put on that mask, which I know you do, it’s gotta just kill ya a little inside. You’re doing that to yourself. Don’t blame others, that’s on you.
a little common kindness. but no 80% of the non mask wearers cant even manage that small politeness. because you know more than the majority of the public health officials. GIVE ME A BREAK, your just selfish.
It's beyond just selfish. They are purposefully doing, promoting, and glorifying refusal to wear a mask. I'm wondering if in the middle of the AIDS crisis, they were against wearing condoms.
I am selfish for wanting to protect those who have an actual, documented issue with mask wearing? I am selfish for not protecting YOU when it is YOU who should bear that burden?

Would you like me to rub your feet for you? Can I get you some coffee? Do you need me to buy dinner? Take you to raise? Pay your living?

Who is selfish?
Here is the deal, you want all us old people to stay home until the magic happens & it all go's away. mean while you can go out & play do what ever you want. never considering any one else. if I wear a mask so I can at least go out & do my own shopping is it too much to ask those who can to wear a mask for the whole 30 min or more it takes you to shop? & if you cant wear a mask is it to much to ask that you keep the asked distance away from me, note the way the isles are set up so we are all going in the same direction & not coming face to face? a little common kindness. but no 80% of the non mask wearers cant even manage that small politeness. because you know more than the majority of the public health officials. GIVE ME A BREAK, your just selfish.
It's your life on the line. Not mine. Who should bear the burden? It is much easier for you (16.5% of the population) to quarantine than for us, the other 83.5% of the population, which makes up the entire working population, to accommodate you.
Its funny that you’re on here festering and perpetuating your frustrations with masks acting all tough and then when you need to go get groceries and you put on that mask, which I know you do, it’s gotta just kill ya a little inside. You’re doing that to yourself. Don’t blame others, that’s on you.
Spare me your macho shaming tactics. You don't know shit about me.

83% of the population must bow to 16%?

You are such a fucking tyrant.
It's your life on the line. Not mine. Who should bear the burden? It is much easier for you (16.5% of the population) to quarantine than for us, the other 83.5% of the population, which makes up the entire working population, to accommodate you.
You have it wrong. Nobody lives in a vacuum. If they order groceries, and the person who picked out their fruits and vegetables was infected (remember all those hepatitis outbreaks traced to food workers). They would need to protect themselves like a doctor or nurse on the front line, with n95 mask, face shield, full body covering, and gloves.

Or they can achieve the same effectiveness against catching it by having everybody they contact directly or indirectly wear a mask.
It's your life on the line. Not mine. Who should bear the burden? It is much easier for you (16.5% of the population) to quarantine than for us, the other 83.5% of the population, which makes up the entire working population, to accommodate you.
You have it wrong. Nobody lives in a vacuum. If they order groceries, and the person who picked out their fruits and vegetables was infected (remember all those hepatitis outbreaks traced to food workers). They would need to protect themselves like a doctor or nurse on the front line, with n95 mask, face shield, full body covering, and gloves.

Or they can achieve the same effectiveness against catching it by having everybody they contact directly or indirectly wear a mask.
You LITERALLY have no idea how viruses are spread, do you?

You think it's any different at the grocery store? You pick up items other people have touched. They touch their faces and their masks. They don't wash their hands. They spread their infection all over EVERYTHING, but OH SHIT. WE BETTER MASK EVERYBODY because it might spread.

You cannot stop the spread of a virus. It is IMPOSSIBLE!!! It's a goddamn LIE!!!

This is just another authoritarian attempt to control the masses.

Same song, different verse.
What about the law against spitting on the sidewalk.

Address why they enacted that law. And why you have no objection to that expectoration of bodily fluids.

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