Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

I tell you what. All those afraid of the virus should turn themselves in to a SUPERMAX for solitary confinement until there is a cure for this virus (no virus has ever been cured).
In most cases, hepatitis C is now considered curable, so it's important to seek treatment early if you think you may have the virus. Current antiviral drugs that help cure hepatitis C may also help prevent the health complications of chronic liver damage
Good point. Anybody outside without a mask, gets an ankle monitor and released on home confinement.

Violate home confinement, and then they throw you in real jail.
Thanks for revealing your authoritarian agenda, commie.


If you are afraid, YOU go to jail.
Actually an authoritarian would send them straight to jail for violation one.

I believe in giving people a second chance.
Are there no alternatives that are less restrictive than a mask for her to wear that still protect from projecting fluids?
People who are at risk from getting seriously ill from this virus can stay the fuck home. That's a much better alternative.
Because they are helping themselves.

My wife wearing a mask does not help her. She would be doing it to her own detriment, solely for the benefit of someone else she does not know or give a rat fuck about.

And fuck that shit.

Like I said, when it comes to protecting my wife, I'm about to go on a murderous rampage on my way to Valhalla.

Blee Dat!!!

Since you are violent. Stay home don’t go out. You are a danger to the society but you don’t blame and curse people and play like victim just because you don’t want to wear mask.
You keep saying....... Fuck this and fuck that...... Are you having a meltdown?

We will never get out or done from this crisis till ignorant people like you do not cooperate and comply. Or the economy will never recover...... Look at the graph or trends around the world are going down. They are getting better. Except US is getting worse because of ignorant idiot people like you. Look at Arizona, Texas, Florida and here in California and other states like Colorado closings of bars, restaurants, beaches and other venues AGAIN. Arizona hospitals ICU are near capacity and they didn’t have that problems in April and May.

You have 2 options ...... do it your way or the Covid-19 will do it for you.

The virus is here and it's never going away. The ONLY way to "beat it" is herd immunity which can't happen with everyone acting like this is fucking ebola. It's not.
This is worse than Ebola and was contained early.
It’s as simple as do not spread the virus is the only way to beat the virus. Like I already mentioned CV-19 around the world area getting better but US is getting worse.... Even Hannity, Pence and several GOPs are telling you to wear mask.
I tell you what. All those afraid of the virus should turn themselves in to a SUPERMAX for solitary confinement until there is a cure for this virus (no virus has ever been cured).
In most cases, hepatitis C is now considered curable, so it's important to seek treatment early if you think you may have the virus. Current antiviral drugs that help cure hepatitis C may also help prevent the health complications of chronic liver damage
You don't know how viruses work.
Are there no alternatives that are less restrictive than a mask for her to wear that still protect from projecting fluids?
People who are at risk from getting seriously ill from this virus can stay the fuck home. That's a much better alternative.
Because they are helping themselves.

My wife wearing a mask does not help her. She would be doing it to her own detriment, solely for the benefit of someone else she does not know or give a rat fuck about.

And fuck that shit.

Like I said, when it comes to protecting my wife, I'm about to go on a murderous rampage on my way to Valhalla.

Blee Dat!!!

Since you are violent. Stay home don’t go out. You are a danger to the society but you don’t blame and curse people and play like victim just because you don’t want to wear mask.
You keep saying....... Fuck this and fuck that...... Are you having a meltdown?

We will never get out or done from this crisis till ignorant people like you do not cooperate and comply. Or the economy will never recover...... Look at the graph or trends around the world are going down. They are getting better. Except US is getting worse because of ignorant idiot people like you. Look at Arizona, Texas, Florida and here in California and other states like Colorado closings of bars, restaurants, beaches and other venues AGAIN. Arizona hospitals ICU are near capacity and they didn’t have that problems in April and May.

You have 2 options ...... do it your way or the Covid-19 will do it for you.

The virus is here and it's never going away. The ONLY way to "beat it" is herd immunity which can't happen with everyone acting like this is fucking ebola. It's not.
This is worse than Ebola and was contained early.
It’s as simple as do not spread the virus is the only way to beat the virus. Like I already mentioned CV-19 around the world area getting better but US is getting worse.... Even Hannity, Pence and several GOPs are telling you to wear mask.
Too bad I don't give a fuck what Hannity, Pence, or any body else says.

Make me wear it.
Or I am a REAL liberal and I don't believe government should force people to wear a fucking mask.
Act like a real American. It's in the constitution for the government to "promote the general welfare"

In this case, it means controlling a pandemic by having people wear masks.
Like I already mentioned CV-19 around the world area getting better but US is getting worse.... Even Hannity, Pence and several GOPs are telling you to wear mask.
They used to be against masks, but realize if the pandemic continues to spread uncontrolled, there will be no way that the economy can start to recover by election day.
Act like a real American. It's in the constitution for the government to "promote the general welfare"
Ah, yes. The old "general welfare" clause means you can do whatever the fuck you want, right?

In this case, it means controlling a pandemic by having people wear masks.
What other excuses can we use to control the population and kill all notions of liberty?

This has NEVER been tried before, has it?
Like I already mentioned CV-19 around the world area getting better but US is getting worse.... Even Hannity, Pence and several GOPs are telling you to wear mask.
They used to be against masks, but realize if the pandemic continues to spread uncontrolled, there will be no way that the economy can start to recover by election day.
How do you know it’s spreading? Someone told you? You’d get in that boxcar wouldn’t you?
Like I already mentioned CV-19 around the world area getting better but US is getting worse.... Even Hannity, Pence and several GOPs are telling you to wear mask.
They used to be against masks, but realize if the pandemic continues to spread uncontrolled, there will be no way that the economy can start to recover by election day.
So, if that's true, isn't the inverse also true? Democrats want to shit on that economy so it will be shitty on election day?

Thanks for demonstrating my point. This is ALL 100% political on ALL SIDES!!!

Or I am a REAL liberal and I don't believe government should force people to wear a fucking mask.
Act like a real American. It's in the constitution for the government to "promote the general welfare"

In this case, it means controlling a pandemic by having people wear masks.
Still waiting on that study
....but, Fauci said....after he said not to wear masks.....but then said he was just kidding...then said he was lying so we wouldn't cause a run on masks...then.....


And, I thought the climate change lie was bad. JESUS!!!!
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189

Why did she need to go shopping...

My Mother didn't leave the house for three months...
Are there no alternatives that are less restrictive than a mask for her to wear that still protect from projecting fluids?
People who are at risk from getting seriously ill from this virus can stay the fuck home. That's a much better alternative.
Why don’t you just answer the question Mr Defensive? Are you not looking for solutions or is just your way or the highway?

Not everybody has the option to stay home. Some people have to work and pay rent and feed their families.

Here’s an option, not that you seem to care:

She tried it. Doesn't work.

Seriously, those who are susceptible to the severe effects of the disease should, no matter what, never go into public. The mask is mostly ineffective.

You want to force my wife, who is healthy and has no disease, to put on something that is seriously damaging to her mental well-being, SOLELY because some other ass fuck who IS susceptible to the disease refuses to take their own extreme precautions, and therefore MIGHT get it.




I will fucking go on a murderous rampage, die with a machine gun in my hand to go on and fight, feast, and fuck in Valhalla forever before I let that imposing bullshit happen.

Dead mask nazis or Valhalla, motherfuckers!!!

Sorry dude but if you or your wife can’t act responsibly during a pandemic then you all can be the ones to stay home. We are already seeing this thing spike because douchebags aren’t being responsible. I feel for your wife, and I hope she can find a solution to make her feel at ease. It doesn’t sound like you’re interested in that though. You just want to do away with masks and endanger the lives of the public. Don’t be a douche

Sorry dude, but you can go fuck yourself and try to make me.

Like I said, the only thing preventing me from going on a murderous rampage/rebellion of genocide and insurrection is that the state of Texas has not mandated public mask wearing..... yet.

You may not hear from me soon.

The state of Texas is about to mandate it. Idiots like yourself had to go around playing fast and loose with the reopening and now look what’s happening with cases and hospitalizations. Houston has major problems right now. And your short sited little pea brain doesn’t seem to understand that those at risk could be staying home but maybe they have a kid who is working at a store. Then captain douche bag comes in mask free and infects him. Kid takes it home and infects mom and dad. This isn’t hard to understand and idiots like yourself are why this shit is propagating. Grow the fuck up

Bullshit, that would be political suicide for the state of Texas to mandate mask wearing.

I don't know anyone, anywhere, who has contracted the virus, and got seriously ill from it.

Furthermore, my mother, who was a nurse for 50 fucking years and has lots of experience in these masks, has indicated to me, and shown me proof via medical documents, that masks only have a very minor impact on the spread of disease.

Very minor impact.

Have you seen what a PTSD claustrophobia panic attack looks like, motherfucker?

I swear to God, I'm about to say something that's going to get me banned motherfucker.

So US best epidemiologists are wrong because your mother told you so...

Get fucking real, My mother told me I look like Tom Cruise when I was 16...
Maskers are members of a mask cult and they will not have their faith challenged. They believe.

They remind me of something...

View attachment 357851
Sounds like your mask position is based on religious prejudice.
Or I am a REAL liberal and I don't believe government should force people to wear a fucking mask.
They are not forcing you to wear a mask mr Drama Queen. You can go home or out to a golf course or take a kayak out on the lake all mask free. But if you are going to be around other people. Put on a fucking mask. Just like you have to wear clothes or you get busted for Public lewdness

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