Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
So you're pissed because you have to so something for your wife for a little while?
thats what narcissists who only think about themselves do.
No. It's what real people who are not virtue signaling do.

Again, you ignore the REAL reason for society. That's probably why you vote for commies.

Humans discovered that they had a much better chance of survival if they didn't try to kill each other and the main reason for trying to kill each other was theft.

I owe you no duty but to not try to kill you, steal your resources, or otherwise fuck with you. THAT'S IT!!! All laws have some tie to meeting that end.

If you insist on forcing me to wear an article of clothing JUST FOR EXISTING in a public place, you are adding to that duty in an unprecedented way. But, I can make this more clear with one question:

What will happen if I refuse to wear your fucking mask?
Great argument... so if the only thing you owe me by admission is to not try and kill me then put on a fucking mask while we are in the middle of this pandemic. It’s not complicated!
Refusing to wear a mask is no more trying to kill you than breathing air that you also may need to breathe.

When I am trying to kill you, it will be obvious.

What will my government do to me if I refuse to wear a mask?
They won’t do anything because you won’t refuse to wear a mask. Away from the keyboard I know you’re an insecure little man who does wear a mask when he goes to the store. You’re pissed about it so now you’re here acting like a tough guy. You’re not fooling anybody bucko.
My body, my choice...bucko
No shit it’s your choice and I know what your choosing. The cowards way. Conform in person, lie and act tough online. Grow up.
Grown-ups make their own choices. They don't follow a bunch of horseshit from their party masters to stop the opposition from holding rallies.

My body my choice.

Go fuck yourself.
Grown ups can see the world beyond their own egos. Seriously think about it for a second. Do you think I enjoy wearing a mask all the time? Do you think I enjoyed loosing thousands of dollars during the shut down? Or not seeing any of my friends and family? Do you think I do it because I want some government that I’m not even a part of to seize more power over us?? the answer is Fuck no. But I’m a grown up. I wear a mask out of respect for others and to protect friends and family and even strangers from possibly getting sick.

If everybody had listened and just done their part then we would be beyond this. But no, we have people like you who can’t see past their own childish emotions out there doing everything they can to fight the man!!! Except for I know you’re a little pussy who does wear a mask... you’re a wannabe doing a subpar job of acting tough.
My body, my choice.

Accept that.
What about MY choice? What if you infect me because of your asinine refusal to wear a mask? And then maybe I infect someone else, who dies from it? Is that your choice? Do something for your fellow human beings, instead of being a selfish prick.

You still have a choice - WEAR YOUR OWN FUCKING MASK. How are you not understanding this? Are you brain damaged?
You apparently are the one whose brain isnt working. Trying to defend dangerous actions... you know the rest of the world has gotten the disease under control while we are one of the few countries seeing it resurge. All these months of shutting down are now going to waste because idiots like you can’t practice safe socializing. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

For at least the 3rd time: YOUR health is not MY responsibility. You are free to wear a mask when out and about, limit your public excursions, or stay at home hiding under your bed. I will not live in fear, nor will I surrender my liberties, over a virus that has a 99.8% survivability rate.

MY life.
MY body.
MY choice.
Deal with it.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
So you're pissed because you have to so something for your wife for a little while?
thats what narcissists who only think about themselves do.
No. It's what real people who are not virtue signaling do.

Again, you ignore the REAL reason for society. That's probably why you vote for commies.

Humans discovered that they had a much better chance of survival if they didn't try to kill each other and the main reason for trying to kill each other was theft.

I owe you no duty but to not try to kill you, steal your resources, or otherwise fuck with you. THAT'S IT!!! All laws have some tie to meeting that end.

If you insist on forcing me to wear an article of clothing JUST FOR EXISTING in a public place, you are adding to that duty in an unprecedented way. But, I can make this more clear with one question:

What will happen if I refuse to wear your fucking mask?
Great argument... so if the only thing you owe me by admission is to not try and kill me then put on a fucking mask while we are in the middle of this pandemic. It’s not complicated!
Refusing to wear a mask is no more trying to kill you than breathing air that you also may need to breathe.

When I am trying to kill you, it will be obvious.

What will my government do to me if I refuse to wear a mask?
They won’t do anything because you won’t refuse to wear a mask. Away from the keyboard I know you’re an insecure little man who does wear a mask when he goes to the store. You’re pissed about it so now you’re here acting like a tough guy. You’re not fooling anybody bucko.
My body, my choice...bucko
No shit it’s your choice and I know what your choosing. The cowards way. Conform in person, lie and act tough online. Grow up.
Grown-ups make their own choices. They don't follow a bunch of horseshit from their party masters to stop the opposition from holding rallies.

My body my choice.

Go fuck yourself.
Grown ups can see the world beyond their own egos. Seriously think about it for a second. Do you think I enjoy wearing a mask all the time? Do you think I enjoyed loosing thousands of dollars during the shut down? Or not seeing any of my friends and family? Do you think I do it because I want some government that I’m not even a part of to seize more power over us?? the answer is Fuck no. But I’m a grown up. I wear a mask out of respect for others and to protect friends and family and even strangers from possibly getting sick.

If everybody had listened and just done their part then we would be beyond this. But no, we have people like you who can’t see past their own childish emotions out there doing everything they can to fight the man!!! Except for I know you’re a little pussy who does wear a mask... you’re a wannabe doing a subpar job of acting tough.
My body, my choice.

Accept that.
What about MY choice? What if you infect me because of your asinine refusal to wear a mask? And then maybe I infect someone else, who dies from it? Is that your choice? Do something for your fellow human beings, instead of being a selfish prick.

You still have a choice - WEAR YOUR OWN FUCKING MASK. How are you not understanding this? Are you brain damaged?
You apparently are the one whose brain isnt working. Trying to defend dangerous actions... you know the rest of the world has gotten the disease under control while we are one of the few countries seeing it resurge. All these months of shutting down are now going to waste because idiots like you can’t practice safe socializing. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

For at least the 3rd time: YOUR health is not MY responsibility. You are free to wear a mask when out and about, limit your public excursions, or stay at home hiding under your bed. I will not live in fear, nor will I surrender my liberties, over a virus that has a 99.8% survivability rate.

MY life.
MY body.
MY choice.
Deal with it.
Yes, my health is your responsibility if you are going to spread a disease in public spaces. You can do whatever you want on your own property
Yes, my health is your responsibility
Fuck that shit.

It is NOT my responsibility.

Everyone is responsible for his or her own health.

Do you not see the angle you are willfully providing to tyrants for totalitarian dominance? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Please never vote and get the fuck out.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
So you're pissed because you have to so something for your wife for a little while?
thats what narcissists who only think about themselves do.
No. It's what real people who are not virtue signaling do.

Again, you ignore the REAL reason for society. That's probably why you vote for commies.

Humans discovered that they had a much better chance of survival if they didn't try to kill each other and the main reason for trying to kill each other was theft.

I owe you no duty but to not try to kill you, steal your resources, or otherwise fuck with you. THAT'S IT!!! All laws have some tie to meeting that end.

If you insist on forcing me to wear an article of clothing JUST FOR EXISTING in a public place, you are adding to that duty in an unprecedented way. But, I can make this more clear with one question:

What will happen if I refuse to wear your fucking mask?
Great argument... so if the only thing you owe me by admission is to not try and kill me then put on a fucking mask while we are in the middle of this pandemic. It’s not complicated!
Refusing to wear a mask is no more trying to kill you than breathing air that you also may need to breathe.

When I am trying to kill you, it will be obvious.

What will my government do to me if I refuse to wear a mask?
They won’t do anything because you won’t refuse to wear a mask. Away from the keyboard I know you’re an insecure little man who does wear a mask when he goes to the store. You’re pissed about it so now you’re here acting like a tough guy. You’re not fooling anybody bucko.
My body, my choice...bucko
No shit it’s your choice and I know what your choosing. The cowards way. Conform in person, lie and act tough online. Grow up.
Grown-ups make their own choices. They don't follow a bunch of horseshit from their party masters to stop the opposition from holding rallies.

My body my choice.

Go fuck yourself.
Grown ups can see the world beyond their own egos. Seriously think about it for a second. Do you think I enjoy wearing a mask all the time? Do you think I enjoyed loosing thousands of dollars during the shut down? Or not seeing any of my friends and family? Do you think I do it because I want some government that I’m not even a part of to seize more power over us?? the answer is Fuck no. But I’m a grown up. I wear a mask out of respect for others and to protect friends and family and even strangers from possibly getting sick.

If everybody had listened and just done their part then we would be beyond this. But no, we have people like you who can’t see past their own childish emotions out there doing everything they can to fight the man!!! Except for I know you’re a little pussy who does wear a mask... you’re a wannabe doing a subpar job of acting tough.
My body, my choice.

Accept that.
What about MY choice? What if you infect me because of your asinine refusal to wear a mask? And then maybe I infect someone else, who dies from it? Is that your choice? Do something for your fellow human beings, instead of being a selfish prick.

You still have a choice - WEAR YOUR OWN FUCKING MASK. How are you not understanding this? Are you brain damaged?
You apparently are the one whose brain isnt working. Trying to defend dangerous actions... you know the rest of the world has gotten the disease under control while we are one of the few countries seeing it resurge. All these months of shutting down are now going to waste because idiots like you can’t practice safe socializing. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

For at least the 3rd time: YOUR health is not MY responsibility. You are free to wear a mask when out and about, limit your public excursions, or stay at home hiding under your bed. I will not live in fear, nor will I surrender my liberties, over a virus that has a 99.8% survivability rate.

MY life.
MY body.
MY choice.
Deal with it.
Yes, my health is your responsibility if you are going to spread a disease in public spaces. You can do whatever you want on your own property
No it isn't. Just my not killing your stupid arrogant ass and allowing your kind to survive and paying my share of taxes is social responsibility enough.
Oh FFS, if you can't wear a mask, stay in your fucking house, and have someone else shop for you, it's really not that complicated.
Oh for fucks sake, if you're susceptible to the disease why don't YOU stay in YOUR house and have somebody else go get the stuff for you.




What the fuck does that even mean? Someone is wearing a mask to protect YOU. You are wearing a mask to protect THEM. If you have a legitimate medical reason to not wear a mask, which is a fucking stretch no matter your previous life history, then that sucks and you can't go shopping, so you have someone else do your shopping, we are in the middle of a pandemic and cases of this disease are now INCREASING because stupid fuckers are neither social distancing nor wearing masks.

The only people getting really sick or dying of this stupid ass disease is people who have prior serious lung conditions or old people.

Many of us could walk around maskless and not even know we contracted the virus.

Very healthy people physically, like my wife, are going to be forced to wear a fucking mask for somebody else's shitty ass? Fuck the condition my wife has. We have to take care of the other fucking assholes who we don't give a shit about.

Fuck this shit!!!!

You are very poorly informed. Thousands had died without existing conditions.
You are saying those thousands that died has lung and old? You are very wrong.
Yes, my health is your responsibility
Fuck that shit.

It is NOT my responsibility.

Everyone is responsible for his or her own health.

Do you not see the angle you are willfully providing to tyrants for totalitarian dominance? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Please never vote and get the fuck out.
Yes dumbass we are all responsible for our own health unless we do things to endanger the public. Which is why companies with toxic waste can’t dump in rivers... why you can be prosecuted for having sex if you know you have HIV and don’t tell your partner... and why during a pandemic you can be required to take proper safety measures to slow the spread of the disease. How is this not registering? You have to get it and just be a troll, it’s the only explanation left
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
So you're pissed because you have to so something for your wife for a little while?
thats what narcissists who only think about themselves do.
No. It's what real people who are not virtue signaling do.

Again, you ignore the REAL reason for society. That's probably why you vote for commies.

Humans discovered that they had a much better chance of survival if they didn't try to kill each other and the main reason for trying to kill each other was theft.

I owe you no duty but to not try to kill you, steal your resources, or otherwise fuck with you. THAT'S IT!!! All laws have some tie to meeting that end.

If you insist on forcing me to wear an article of clothing JUST FOR EXISTING in a public place, you are adding to that duty in an unprecedented way. But, I can make this more clear with one question:

What will happen if I refuse to wear your fucking mask?
Great argument... so if the only thing you owe me by admission is to not try and kill me then put on a fucking mask while we are in the middle of this pandemic. It’s not complicated!
Refusing to wear a mask is no more trying to kill you than breathing air that you also may need to breathe.

When I am trying to kill you, it will be obvious.

What will my government do to me if I refuse to wear a mask?
They won’t do anything because you won’t refuse to wear a mask. Away from the keyboard I know you’re an insecure little man who does wear a mask when he goes to the store. You’re pissed about it so now you’re here acting like a tough guy. You’re not fooling anybody bucko.
My body, my choice...bucko
No shit it’s your choice and I know what your choosing. The cowards way. Conform in person, lie and act tough online. Grow up.
Grown-ups make their own choices. They don't follow a bunch of horseshit from their party masters to stop the opposition from holding rallies.

My body my choice.

Go fuck yourself.
Grown ups can see the world beyond their own egos. Seriously think about it for a second. Do you think I enjoy wearing a mask all the time? Do you think I enjoyed loosing thousands of dollars during the shut down? Or not seeing any of my friends and family? Do you think I do it because I want some government that I’m not even a part of to seize more power over us?? the answer is Fuck no. But I’m a grown up. I wear a mask out of respect for others and to protect friends and family and even strangers from possibly getting sick.

If everybody had listened and just done their part then we would be beyond this. But no, we have people like you who can’t see past their own childish emotions out there doing everything they can to fight the man!!! Except for I know you’re a little pussy who does wear a mask... you’re a wannabe doing a subpar job of acting tough.
My body, my choice.

Accept that.
What about MY choice? What if you infect me because of your asinine refusal to wear a mask? And then maybe I infect someone else, who dies from it? Is that your choice? Do something for your fellow human beings, instead of being a selfish prick.

You still have a choice - WEAR YOUR OWN FUCKING MASK. How are you not understanding this? Are you brain damaged?
You apparently are the one whose brain isnt working. Trying to defend dangerous actions... you know the rest of the world has gotten the disease under control while we are one of the few countries seeing it resurge. All these months of shutting down are now going to waste because idiots like you can’t practice safe socializing. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

For at least the 3rd time: YOUR health is not MY responsibility. You are free to wear a mask when out and about, limit your public excursions, or stay at home hiding under your bed. I will not live in fear, nor will I surrender my liberties, over a virus that has a 99.8% survivability rate.

MY life.
MY body.
MY choice.
Deal with it.
Yes, my health is your responsibility if you are going to spread a disease in public spaces. You can do whatever you want on your own property
No it isn't. Just my not killing your stupid arrogant ass and allowing your kind to survive and paying my share of taxes is social responsibility enough.
Right... because selfish pricks like yourself are such a value add to our society. Thanks for sharing your thoughts though, they are super interesting.

That’s strange. My cousin and her 2 adult daughters has all asthma. All 3 works at Mount Sinai hospital in NY as an RN. They wear N95 mask 5 days a week and don’t have any problems. N95 mask has tighter or smaller microns than the non surgical yellow or blue mask.

Restaurants and other venues are only asking the non surgical mask yellow and blue. Two of my friends has COPD and they wear non surgical mask even before this Pandemic when we go to casinos.

That’s strange. My cousin and her 2 adult daughters has all asthma. All 3 works at Mount Sinai hospital in NY as an RN. They wear N95 mask 5 days a week and don’t have any problems. N95 mask has tighter or smaller microns than the non surgical yellow or blue mask.

Restaurants and other venues are only asking the non surgical mask yellow and blue. Two of my friends has COPD and they wear non surgical mask even before this Pandemic when we go to casinos.
Some people like Bootney are just not as tough as your people. He’s going to bitch and complain instead of sucking it up and doing what’s right.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
So you're pissed because you have to so something for your wife for a little while?
thats what narcissists who only think about themselves do.
No. It's what real people who are not virtue signaling do.

Again, you ignore the REAL reason for society. That's probably why you vote for commies.

Humans discovered that they had a much better chance of survival if they didn't try to kill each other and the main reason for trying to kill each other was theft.

I owe you no duty but to not try to kill you, steal your resources, or otherwise fuck with you. THAT'S IT!!! All laws have some tie to meeting that end.

If you insist on forcing me to wear an article of clothing JUST FOR EXISTING in a public place, you are adding to that duty in an unprecedented way. But, I can make this more clear with one question:

What will happen if I refuse to wear your fucking mask?
Great argument... so if the only thing you owe me by admission is to not try and kill me then put on a fucking mask while we are in the middle of this pandemic. It’s not complicated!
Refusing to wear a mask is no more trying to kill you than breathing air that you also may need to breathe.

When I am trying to kill you, it will be obvious.

What will my government do to me if I refuse to wear a mask?
They won’t do anything because you won’t refuse to wear a mask. Away from the keyboard I know you’re an insecure little man who does wear a mask when he goes to the store. You’re pissed about it so now you’re here acting like a tough guy. You’re not fooling anybody bucko.
My body, my choice...bucko
No shit it’s your choice and I know what your choosing. The cowards way. Conform in person, lie and act tough online. Grow up.
Grown-ups make their own choices. They don't follow a bunch of horseshit from their party masters to stop the opposition from holding rallies.

My body my choice.

Go fuck yourself.
Grown ups can see the world beyond their own egos. Seriously think about it for a second. Do you think I enjoy wearing a mask all the time? Do you think I enjoyed loosing thousands of dollars during the shut down? Or not seeing any of my friends and family? Do you think I do it because I want some government that I’m not even a part of to seize more power over us?? the answer is Fuck no. But I’m a grown up. I wear a mask out of respect for others and to protect friends and family and even strangers from possibly getting sick.

If everybody had listened and just done their part then we would be beyond this. But no, we have people like you who can’t see past their own childish emotions out there doing everything they can to fight the man!!! Except for I know you’re a little pussy who does wear a mask... you’re a wannabe doing a subpar job of acting tough.
My body, my choice.

Accept that.
What about MY choice? What if you infect me because of your asinine refusal to wear a mask? And then maybe I infect someone else, who dies from it? Is that your choice? Do something for your fellow human beings, instead of being a selfish prick.

You still have a choice - WEAR YOUR OWN FUCKING MASK. How are you not understanding this? Are you brain damaged?
You apparently are the one whose brain isnt working. Trying to defend dangerous actions... you know the rest of the world has gotten the disease under control while we are one of the few countries seeing it resurge. All these months of shutting down are now going to waste because idiots like you can’t practice safe socializing. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

For at least the 3rd time: YOUR health is not MY responsibility. You are free to wear a mask when out and about, limit your public excursions, or stay at home hiding under your bed. I will not live in fear, nor will I surrender my liberties, over a virus that has a 99.8% survivability rate.

MY life.
MY body.
MY choice.
Deal with it.
Yes, my health is your responsibility if you are going to spread a disease in public spaces. You can do whatever you want on your own property

No it's not, and no amount of your infantile foot stomping will make it so.

And you keep missing the point - if YOU are wearing a mask, what the fuck do you care if I am?
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
So you're pissed because you have to so something for your wife for a little while?
thats what narcissists who only think about themselves do.
No. It's what real people who are not virtue signaling do.

Again, you ignore the REAL reason for society. That's probably why you vote for commies.

Humans discovered that they had a much better chance of survival if they didn't try to kill each other and the main reason for trying to kill each other was theft.

I owe you no duty but to not try to kill you, steal your resources, or otherwise fuck with you. THAT'S IT!!! All laws have some tie to meeting that end.

If you insist on forcing me to wear an article of clothing JUST FOR EXISTING in a public place, you are adding to that duty in an unprecedented way. But, I can make this more clear with one question:

What will happen if I refuse to wear your fucking mask?
Great argument... so if the only thing you owe me by admission is to not try and kill me then put on a fucking mask while we are in the middle of this pandemic. It’s not complicated!
Refusing to wear a mask is no more trying to kill you than breathing air that you also may need to breathe.

When I am trying to kill you, it will be obvious.

What will my government do to me if I refuse to wear a mask?
They won’t do anything because you won’t refuse to wear a mask. Away from the keyboard I know you’re an insecure little man who does wear a mask when he goes to the store. You’re pissed about it so now you’re here acting like a tough guy. You’re not fooling anybody bucko.
My body, my choice...bucko
No shit it’s your choice and I know what your choosing. The cowards way. Conform in person, lie and act tough online. Grow up.
Grown-ups make their own choices. They don't follow a bunch of horseshit from their party masters to stop the opposition from holding rallies.

My body my choice.

Go fuck yourself.
Grown ups can see the world beyond their own egos. Seriously think about it for a second. Do you think I enjoy wearing a mask all the time? Do you think I enjoyed loosing thousands of dollars during the shut down? Or not seeing any of my friends and family? Do you think I do it because I want some government that I’m not even a part of to seize more power over us?? the answer is Fuck no. But I’m a grown up. I wear a mask out of respect for others and to protect friends and family and even strangers from possibly getting sick.

If everybody had listened and just done their part then we would be beyond this. But no, we have people like you who can’t see past their own childish emotions out there doing everything they can to fight the man!!! Except for I know you’re a little pussy who does wear a mask... you’re a wannabe doing a subpar job of acting tough.
My body, my choice.

Accept that.
What about MY choice? What if you infect me because of your asinine refusal to wear a mask? And then maybe I infect someone else, who dies from it? Is that your choice? Do something for your fellow human beings, instead of being a selfish prick.

You still have a choice - WEAR YOUR OWN FUCKING MASK. How are you not understanding this? Are you brain damaged?
You apparently are the one whose brain isnt working. Trying to defend dangerous actions... you know the rest of the world has gotten the disease under control while we are one of the few countries seeing it resurge. All these months of shutting down are now going to waste because idiots like you can’t practice safe socializing. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

For at least the 3rd time: YOUR health is not MY responsibility. You are free to wear a mask when out and about, limit your public excursions, or stay at home hiding under your bed. I will not live in fear, nor will I surrender my liberties, over a virus that has a 99.8% survivability rate.

MY life.
MY body.
MY choice.
Deal with it.
Yes, my health is your responsibility if you are going to spread a disease in public spaces. You can do whatever you want on your own property

No it's not, and no amount of your infantile foot stomping will make it so.

And you keep missing the point - if YOU are wearing a mask, what the fuck do you care if I am?
Because I don’t want you coughing all over door handles and stair rails and counter tops that I’m going to be touching. I don’t want you infecting others. I want this disease to shrink and die. Why do you think it’s not doing that? Why do you think cases are growing after the reopening?! Because people are not being safe and they are spreading it. Wake the fuck up
Are there no alternatives that are less restrictive than a mask for her to wear that still protect from projecting fluids?
People who are at risk from getting seriously ill from this virus can stay the fuck home. That's a much better alternative.
Because they are helping themselves.

My wife wearing a mask does not help her. She would be doing it to her own detriment, solely for the benefit of someone else she does not know or give a rat fuck about.

And fuck that shit.

Like I said, when it comes to protecting my wife, I'm about to go on a murderous rampage on my way to Valhalla.

Blee Dat!!!

Since you are violent. Stay home don’t go out. You are a danger to the society but you don’t blame and curse people and play like victim just because you don’t want to wear mask.
You keep saying....... Fuck this and fuck that...... Are you having a meltdown?

We will never get out or done from this crisis till ignorant people like you do not cooperate and comply. Or the economy will never recover...... Look at the graph or trends around the world are going down. They are getting better. Except US is getting worse because of ignorant idiot people like you. Look at Arizona, Texas, Florida and here in California and other states like Colorado closings of bars, restaurants, beaches and other venues AGAIN. Arizona hospitals ICU are near capacity and they didn’t have that problems in April and May.

You have 2 options ...... do it your way or the Covid-19 will do it for you.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
So you're pissed because you have to so something for your wife for a little while?
thats what narcissists who only think about themselves do.
No. It's what real people who are not virtue signaling do.

Again, you ignore the REAL reason for society. That's probably why you vote for commies.

Humans discovered that they had a much better chance of survival if they didn't try to kill each other and the main reason for trying to kill each other was theft.

I owe you no duty but to not try to kill you, steal your resources, or otherwise fuck with you. THAT'S IT!!! All laws have some tie to meeting that end.

If you insist on forcing me to wear an article of clothing JUST FOR EXISTING in a public place, you are adding to that duty in an unprecedented way. But, I can make this more clear with one question:

What will happen if I refuse to wear your fucking mask?
Great argument... so if the only thing you owe me by admission is to not try and kill me then put on a fucking mask while we are in the middle of this pandemic. It’s not complicated!
Refusing to wear a mask is no more trying to kill you than breathing air that you also may need to breathe.

When I am trying to kill you, it will be obvious.

What will my government do to me if I refuse to wear a mask?
They won’t do anything because you won’t refuse to wear a mask. Away from the keyboard I know you’re an insecure little man who does wear a mask when he goes to the store. You’re pissed about it so now you’re here acting like a tough guy. You’re not fooling anybody bucko.
My body, my choice...bucko
No shit it’s your choice and I know what your choosing. The cowards way. Conform in person, lie and act tough online. Grow up.
Grown-ups make their own choices. They don't follow a bunch of horseshit from their party masters to stop the opposition from holding rallies.

My body my choice.

Go fuck yourself.
Grown ups can see the world beyond their own egos. Seriously think about it for a second. Do you think I enjoy wearing a mask all the time? Do you think I enjoyed loosing thousands of dollars during the shut down? Or not seeing any of my friends and family? Do you think I do it because I want some government that I’m not even a part of to seize more power over us?? the answer is Fuck no. But I’m a grown up. I wear a mask out of respect for others and to protect friends and family and even strangers from possibly getting sick.

If everybody had listened and just done their part then we would be beyond this. But no, we have people like you who can’t see past their own childish emotions out there doing everything they can to fight the man!!! Except for I know you’re a little pussy who does wear a mask... you’re a wannabe doing a subpar job of acting tough.
My body, my choice.

Accept that.
What about MY choice? What if you infect me because of your asinine refusal to wear a mask? And then maybe I infect someone else, who dies from it? Is that your choice? Do something for your fellow human beings, instead of being a selfish prick.

You still have a choice - WEAR YOUR OWN FUCKING MASK. How are you not understanding this? Are you brain damaged?
You apparently are the one whose brain isnt working. Trying to defend dangerous actions... you know the rest of the world has gotten the disease under control while we are one of the few countries seeing it resurge. All these months of shutting down are now going to waste because idiots like you can’t practice safe socializing. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

For at least the 3rd time: YOUR health is not MY responsibility. You are free to wear a mask when out and about, limit your public excursions, or stay at home hiding under your bed. I will not live in fear, nor will I surrender my liberties, over a virus that has a 99.8% survivability rate.

MY life.
MY body.
MY choice.
Deal with it.
Yes, my health is your responsibility if you are going to spread a disease in public spaces. You can do whatever you want on your own property

No it's not, and no amount of your infantile foot stomping will make it so.

And you keep missing the point - if YOU are wearing a mask, what the fuck do you care if I am?
Because I don’t want you coughing all over door handles and stair rails and counter tops that I’m going to be touching. I don’t want you infecting others. I want this disease to shrink and die. Why do you think it’s not doing that? Why do you think cases are growing after the reopening?! Because people are not being safe and they are spreading it. Wake the fuck up

So wear gloves. YOUR body, YOUR choice. See how this works?
Our freedoms died when were we were not allowed to smoke in public, and really it goes back to seat belts. There's really nothing left but to drown ourselves to show the tyrannical maj what we thing of them!!!!
Are there no alternatives that are less restrictive than a mask for her to wear that still protect from projecting fluids?
People who are at risk from getting seriously ill from this virus can stay the fuck home. That's a much better alternative.
Because they are helping themselves.

My wife wearing a mask does not help her. She would be doing it to her own detriment, solely for the benefit of someone else she does not know or give a rat fuck about.

And fuck that shit.

Like I said, when it comes to protecting my wife, I'm about to go on a murderous rampage on my way to Valhalla.

Blee Dat!!!

Since you are violent. Stay home don’t go out. You are a danger to the society but you don’t blame and curse people and play like victim just because you don’t want to wear mask.
You keep saying....... Fuck this and fuck that...... Are you having a meltdown?

We will never get out or done from this crisis till ignorant people like you do not cooperate and comply. Or the economy will never recover...... Look at the graph or trends around the world are going down. They are getting better. Except US is getting worse because of ignorant idiot people like you. Look at Arizona, Texas, Florida and here in California and other states like Colorado closings of bars, restaurants, beaches and other venues AGAIN. Arizona hospitals ICU are near capacity and they didn’t have that problems in April and May.

You have 2 options ...... do it your way or the Covid-19 will do it for you.

The virus is here and it's never going away. The ONLY way to "beat it" is herd immunity which can't happen with everyone acting like this is fucking ebola. It's not.
Are there no alternatives that are less restrictive than a mask for her to wear that still protect from projecting fluids?
People who are at risk from getting seriously ill from this virus can stay the fuck home. That's a much better alternative.
Because they are helping themselves.

My wife wearing a mask does not help her. She would be doing it to her own detriment, solely for the benefit of someone else she does not know or give a rat fuck about.

And fuck that shit.

Like I said, when it comes to protecting my wife, I'm about to go on a murderous rampage on my way to Valhalla.

Blee Dat!!!

Since you are violent. Stay home don’t go out. You are a danger to the society but you don’t blame and curse people and play like victim just because you don’t want to wear mask.
You keep saying....... Fuck this and fuck that...... Are you having a meltdown?

We will never get out or done from this crisis till ignorant people like you do not cooperate and comply. Or the economy will never recover...... Look at the graph or trends around the world are going down. They are getting better. Except US is getting worse because of ignorant idiot people like you. Look at Arizona, Texas, Florida and here in California and other states like Colorado closings of bars, restaurants, beaches and other venues AGAIN. Arizona hospitals ICU are near capacity and they didn’t have that problems in April and May.

You have 2 options ...... do it your way or the Covid-19 will do it for you.

The virus is here and it's never going away. The ONLY way to "beat it" is herd immunity which can't happen with everyone acting like this is fucking ebola. It's not.
Are you seriously still talking about heard immunity?! WTF! Research Sweden and how thats working. Educate yourself
Are there no alternatives that are less restrictive than a mask for her to wear that still protect from projecting fluids?
People who are at risk from getting seriously ill from this virus can stay the fuck home. That's a much better alternative.
Because they are helping themselves.

My wife wearing a mask does not help her. She would be doing it to her own detriment, solely for the benefit of someone else she does not know or give a rat fuck about.

And fuck that shit.

Like I said, when it comes to protecting my wife, I'm about to go on a murderous rampage on my way to Valhalla.

Blee Dat!!!

Since you are violent. Stay home don’t go out. You are a danger to the society but you don’t blame and curse people and play like victim just because you don’t want to wear mask.
You keep saying....... Fuck this and fuck that...... Are you having a meltdown?

We will never get out or done from this crisis till ignorant people like you do not cooperate and comply. Or the economy will never recover...... Look at the graph or trends around the world are going down. They are getting better. Except US is getting worse because of ignorant idiot people like you. Look at Arizona, Texas, Florida and here in California and other states like Colorado closings of bars, restaurants, beaches and other venues AGAIN. Arizona hospitals ICU are near capacity and they didn’t have that problems in April and May.

You have 2 options ...... do it your way or the Covid-19 will do it for you.

The virus is here and it's never going away. The ONLY way to "beat it" is herd immunity which can't happen with everyone acting like this is fucking ebola. It's not.
Are you seriously still talking about heard immunity?! WTF! Research Sweden and how thats working. Educate yourself

No, herd immunity.

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