Do Progressives really want to improve the lives of African Americans?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
the only ones responsible for thier improvement is them,,,

and progressives only care about themselves
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
Yes, blacks get to vote now without getting lynched or having their churches burned to the ground.

They are allowed to live wherever they wish, instead of being redlined into ghettos.

They get to eat at any lunch counter and sit wherever they like on a bus.

Need more examples, kid?
This is another one of those topics where pseudocons ponder why the lazy knockout game welfare negroes won't vote for the Republicans who so clearly HATE them.

Always entertaining. :lol:
This is another one of those topics where pseudocons ponder why the lazy knockout game welfare negroes won't vote for the Republicans who so clearly HATE them.

Always entertaining. :lol:

C'mom knockout with me ;)
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
Yes, blacks get to vote now without getting lynched or having their churches burned to the ground.

They are allowed to live wherever they wish, instead of being redlined into ghettos.

They get to eat at any lunch counter and sit wherever they like on a bus.

Need more examples, kid?
No thanks to the D Party.
The politicians: no.
The average progressive folk: yes.

The thing is: average progressives think differently about conservatives when it comes to helping. Progressives think giving more stuff will help. Conservatives think giving them the means for self-sufficiency is helping.

Average politicians don't want to help the black man because, once their difficulties are over, they won't respond to the liberal promises of "The whites are oppressing you! Vote for me and I will help stop it!" Politicians will never fix the black communities, because if they do, they lose votes.
Progs fear blacks bettering themselves and fleeing the progtard plantation.

When it happens the screams Uncle Tom!! begin.
Yes, blacks get to vote now without getting lynched or having their churches burned to the ground.

They are allowed to live wherever they wish, instead of being redlined into ghettos.

Need more examples, kid?

Is that the best you can do? How about examples not sponsored by Republicans?
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
Fifty years ago we donated football equipment to the black kids so we could play football with them, today that doesn't happen...They have what they need.
Yes, blacks get to vote now without getting lynched or having their churches burned to the ground.

They are allowed to live wherever they wish, instead of being redlined into ghettos.

Need more examples, kid?

Is that the best you can do? How about examples not sponsored by Republicans?
Moving the goalposts now, eh?

You asked about "Progressives".

It was progressive Democrats and Republicans who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

153 Democrats and 136 Republicans in the House.

46 Democrats and 27 Republicans in the Senate.

All at the behest of Democratic president LBJ.

A black guy can run for President, and win.

You sure as shit would not have seen that 50 years ago.

And he ran as a Democrat. Because no black person has ever had a chance in hell in the GOP.
It's amusing how the ignorant fools think Democrats had nothing to do with civil rights!

Hoooooooleeeeeee SHIT! How do people get that ignorant?!? Seriously.
A black guy can run for President, and win.

You sure as shit would not have seen that 50 years ago.

And he ran as a Democrat. Because no black person has ever had a chance in hell in the GOP.
Collin Powell had a chance before he turned Rhino.
Conservatives opposed civil rights. Tooth and nail. Liberals fought for civil rights. Both Democrats and Republicans, but liberal Democrats led the cause.

I was going to say, "Everyone knows that", but clearly there are some stunningly ignorant people who don't.

No wonder they ask massively stupid question like how are blacks better off than 50 years ago. :lol:

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