Do Progressives really want to improve the lives of African Americans?

Democrats claim "more Democrats than Republicans" voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (that passed after the others were defeated by Democrats) but Republicans claim a GREATER PERCENTAGE (the reason they were outnumbered was there were more Democrats to begin with, so if you look at PERCENTAGES then MORE Republicans voted YES proportionally!)

This phony comparison using political parties as blocs in a comparison is a blatant False Dichotomy. It presumes every member of each group (party) is identical, which is ludicrous. There is no significant political comparator in CRA '64. What there is is a regional comparator. Congresscritters from the "South" (former Confederacy) voted overwhelmingly against it (regardless of party) and those from outside the South voted overwhelmingly for it, again regardless of party.

This particular False Dichotomy gets trotted out on pages like this over and over and over and continually gets shot down for the bullshit it is, yet the turdflingers continue to toss the same turd against the same wall hoping it will stick. It's dishonest and fallacious argument whose only purpose is tribaliswt bullshit propaganda.

What's hard to fathom about this mythology is not so much that gullibles believe it, but more that they keep on trotting it out here after it's shot down in flames for the fallacy it is, as if running a busted play again and again and again will somehow make it work. Kind of like that user-generated Googly Image above in post 50 where the poster seems to believe that by generating his own fake 'facts' he can literally invent reality.

* Democrats also claim the "racist Southern whites" FLED the Democratic Party when Black leaders and interests became more prominent, and ended up joining the REPUBLICANS and CONSERVATIVES

They were already conservatives. That's why they voted against it. See point one about assuming all members of a party are identical. That's a fatally flawed assumption. Always was, always will be.

Yes and No Pogo
I'm basically saying IF you are going to use party distinction, then if you look at the history
this can be interpreted both ways, and come out pretty even.

I totally agree with you that people are diverse even within parties.
There are Prolife Democrats who don't get counted or represented.
There are GAY Republicans who may or may not believe in same sex marriage through the govt,
some of the Conservative ones do NOT believe in implement or endorsing marriage at all, but argue to keep it separate from govt.
There are Black Republicans who believe in Reparations
and there are Black Democrats who don't. Etc. Etc.

However Pogo if we are going to organize people by political beliefs so each faction can represent themselves
under some form of organized collective govt (by district, state and national policy)
it makes sense to me to go with WHATEVER AFFILIATION people AGREE to take responsibility for.

So even if they believe in conflicting points or reforms against their current party platform,
if they AGREE to identify with that group, and take responsibility for corrections, reforms and even restitution for past abuses,
that's one way to organize people. And let THAT group, with all its "self proclaimed members" decide
how to resolve their OWN DIFFERENCES WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTY. that becomes the responsibility
of members WITHIN THAT GROUP (similar to letting people of a State work out their policy issues and disputes
to come out with a Statewide policy that represents all members of that STATE).

Of course there is going to be DIVERSITY within a State, and within a Party.
But as long as those members AGREE to participate in the local democratic process
and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for ensuring that State or Party platform represents THEM as well
as other people of that State/Party, why not use that structure to organize people?

If we can organize 50 States under one cohesive union and work out issues of "diversity,"
SURELY we can organize 5-20 PARTIES under one system and allow for DIVERSITY within the PARTIES.
I am sure there are some Progressives that want to improve the condition of Blacks, however, it is often to make THEMSELVES feel better. They also are condescending in that they think Blacks need their help and can't do t on their own. Democrat politicians just want to use the Black community for votes.
I'm a conservative and I don't give a damn the condition of Blacks. If they want a better life they can get a job and do it themselves. No handouts by me.

Dear Slyhunter you say you don't care,
but if you saw a nonprofit group that was mentoring people in a "poor Black district" to uplift themselves out of poverty by creating their own campus cooperatives for education and health care for sustainable jobs, wouldn't you support that nonprofit program, or its business mentors?

If someone asked you to mentor a program intern in your field of work, so they could obtain and keep a job, wouldn't you respond with support? (even if you couldn't participate directly, wouldn't you show support by recommending someone else, so the program still succeeded instead of failed for lack of mentors to help)
negroes won't vote for the Republicans who so clearly HATE them.

When all else fails...

play the Race Card.
Says the guy who started a topic about African Americans. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!


Too bad the narrative you wanted didn't work out for you. :lol:

I just read through the thread. Looks like the OP took a refrigerator out to a runway and then wonders why it won't fly.

If you are going to compare the OP to a refrigerator.
I'd say everyone opened up the refrigerator and discovered
a lot more contents packed inside than meets the eye.

There is enough for a whole buffet inside that one refrigerator
that is more like a Trojan Horse!

Not what was originally intended, but getting a lot of mileage anyway...
Of course not, they want Crybaby-Americans utterly dependent on the government, to be a permanent Democratic voting block, per LBJ's "Great Society" (I rank the SECOND WORST president after Obamaggot). He told his own cabinet that with his plan, "I'll have the n*ggers voting Democractic for the next 200 years." And he was right, since Crybaby-Americans clearly don't have the intelligence to know when they're being used by liberals.
I am sure there are some Progressives that want to improve the condition of Blacks, however, it is often to make THEMSELVES feel better. They also are condescending in that they think Blacks need their help and can't do t on their own. Democrat politicians just want to use the Black community for votes.
I'm a conservative and I don't give a damn the condition of Blacks. If they want a better life they can get a job and do it themselves. No handouts by me.

Dear Slyhunter you say you don't care,
but if you saw a nonprofit group that was mentoring people in a "poor Black district" to uplift themselves out of poverty by creating their own campus cooperatives for education and health care for sustainable jobs, wouldn't you support that nonprofit program, or its business mentors?

If someone asked you to mentor a program intern in your field of work, so they could obtain and keep a job, wouldn't you respond with support? (even if you couldn't participate directly, wouldn't you show support by recommending someone else, so the program still succeeded instead of failed for lack of mentors to help)
I'm too busy trying to figure out how to uplift my family out of poverty to worry about someone else's.
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
Kill their auto votes and destroy the grievance INDUSTRY?


Those people are too dense to get it. Along with any and all groups that allow themselves to be patronized and playing the victim.

Few things more pathetic than people playing the victim.

Waaaa waaaa waaaa

Fucking morons and their pathetic self pity.
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
congratulations you have blocked everything they've tried to for 50 years dumbass except for Obamacare and the stimulus. They need 60 votes to reform. And they want to help all poor people and middle class. Congratulations on keeping the minimum wage at $7, no Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college or training good vacations and infrastructure. Keep voting against yourself stupid.

National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

upload_2019-5-24_20-22-55.pngWashington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?

Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

upload_2019-5-24_20-22-55.pngThe New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
Kill their auto votes and destroy the grievance INDUSTRY?


Those people are too dense to get it. Along with any and all groups that allow themselves to be patronized and playing the victim.

Few things more pathetic than people playing the victim.

Waaaa waaaa waaaa

Fucking morons and their pathetic self pity.
congratulations you have blocked everything they've tried to for 50 years dumbass except for Obamacare and the stimulus. They need 60 votes to reform. And they want to help all poor people and middle class. Congratulations on keeping the minimum wage at $7, no Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college or training good vacations and infrastructure. Keep voting against yourself stupid.Democrats care about their fellow citizens and would like an intelligent healthy economy. You people are great Patriots who hate everyone who lives here LOL- totally misinformed by hate propaganda.
There are too many people who would rather not see race relations improve. They're definitely getting their way.
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
Yes, blacks get to vote now without getting lynched or having their churches burned to the ground.

They are allowed to live wherever they wish, instead of being redlined into ghettos.

They get to eat at any lunch counter and sit wherever they like on a bus.

Need more examples, kid?

All of this in spite of the best efforts of the Dixiecrats. Need I remind you who they were? I will remind you that I grew up in the south and witnessed it all first hand as it happened.
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
congratulations you have blocked everything they've tried to for 50 years dumbass except for Obamacare and the stimulus. They need 60 votes to reform. And they want to help all poor people and middle class. Congratulations on keeping the minimum wage at $7, no Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college or training good vacations and infrastructure. Keep voting against yourself stupid.

National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262287Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262288The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

Trying again to appear intelligent? Do you prefer a higher minimum wage to higher employment? And opposition to a National ID card registry came from liberals (remember them?) as well as conservatives.
So what have Progressives accomplished since then?


BO is not a progressive. He is a corporatist.
Here's why it's so difficult for me to take the black, grievance-victim disease seriously: if you go far enough back in world history, pretty much every ethnic group on the planet has suffered a lot of shit; human history in general has usually been brutal and extremely unpleasant. So ONE DOESN'T GET special privileges because their distant ancestors suffered - fuck that, EVERYONE's ancestors have suffered in one way or another.

Fuck the black crybabies, my very WHITE Irish ancestors were brutalized/starved/slaughtered/oppressed by the English for no less than 800 years, does anyone really expect me to give a fuck about carpet-headed sniveling when this white-majority society legally bends over backwards for this race of drooling retards???
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
congratulations you have blocked everything they've tried to for 50 years dumbass except for Obamacare and the stimulus. They need 60 votes to reform. And they want to help all poor people and middle class. Congratulations on keeping the minimum wage at $7, no Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college or training good vacations and infrastructure. Keep voting against yourself stupid.

National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262287Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262288The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

Trying again to appear intelligent? Do you prefer a higher minimum wage to higher employment? And opposition to a National ID card registry came from liberals (remember them?) as well as conservatives.
Of course Democrats got caught up in the anti-communist fervor. All the Democrats conservatives will have to bring it up. But they don't want a solution they want a wedge issue along with abortion. Who cares if it's totally divisive and stupid, all they care about is their party so they can cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Only propaganda makes it possible, super dupe.
Here's why it's so difficult for me to take the black, grievance-victim disease seriously: if you go far enough back in world history, pretty much every ethnic group on the planet has suffered a lot of shit; human history in general has usually been brutal and extremely unpleasant. So ONE DOESN'T GET special privileges because their distant ancestors suffered - fuck that, EVERYONE's ancestors have suffered in one way or another.

Fuck the black crybabies, my very WHITE Irish ancestors were brutalized/starved/slaughtered/oppressed by the English for no less than 800 years, does anyone really expect me to give a fuck about carpet-headed sniveling when this white-majority society legally bends over backwards for this race of drooling retards???
Racism against blacks is huge in America. Bends over backward my butt....
Here's why it's so difficult for me to take the black, grievance-victim disease seriously: if you go far enough back in world history, pretty much every ethnic group on the planet has suffered a lot of shit; human history in general has usually been brutal and extremely unpleasant. So ONE DOESN'T GET special privileges because their distant ancestors suffered - fuck that, EVERYONE's ancestors have suffered in one way or another.

Fuck the black crybabies, my very WHITE Irish ancestors were brutalized/starved/slaughtered/oppressed by the English for no less than 800 years, does anyone really expect me to give a fuck about carpet-headed sniveling when this white-majority society legally bends over backwards for this race of drooling retards???
Racism against blacks is huge in America. Bends over backward my butt....
no, most people just concentrate on bettering their own lives and don't think about such things as race.
...Congratulations on keeping the minimum wage at $7...
WOAH! Are people still ignorant to why this is? I honestly thought everyone was educated on why the federal minimum wage was not raised beyond $7.00. Dude, the change would devastate the poorer states in the USA.
Here's why it's so difficult for me to take the black, grievance-victim disease seriously: if you go far enough back in world history, pretty much every ethnic group on the planet has suffered a lot of shit; human history in general has usually been brutal and extremely unpleasant. So ONE DOESN'T GET special privileges because their distant ancestors suffered - fuck that, EVERYONE's ancestors have suffered in one way or another.

Fuck the black crybabies, my very WHITE Irish ancestors were brutalized/starved/slaughtered/oppressed by the English for no less than 800 years, does anyone really expect me to give a fuck about carpet-headed sniveling when this white-majority society legally bends over backwards for this race of drooling retards???
Racism against blacks is huge in America. Bends over backward my butt....
Yea, man. I totally agree. I mean, America is so fucking racist against black citizens, even when we get black mayors for cities like Detroit and Baltimore, they still won't help them. Heck, even our black president didn't help black citizens. Racism against blacks is just EVERYWHERE!
...Congratulations on keeping the minimum wage at $7...
WOAH! Are people still ignorant to why this is? I honestly thought everyone was educated on why the federal minimum wage was not raised beyond $7.00. Dude, the change would devastate the poorer states in the USA.
Here's why it's so difficult for me to take the black, grievance-victim disease seriously: if you go far enough back in world history, pretty much every ethnic group on the planet has suffered a lot of shit; human history in general has usually been brutal and extremely unpleasant. So ONE DOESN'T GET special privileges because their distant ancestors suffered - fuck that, EVERYONE's ancestors have suffered in one way or another.

Fuck the black crybabies, my very WHITE Irish ancestors were brutalized/starved/slaughtered/oppressed by the English for no less than 800 years, does anyone really expect me to give a fuck about carpet-headed sniveling when this white-majority society legally bends over backwards for this race of drooling retards???
Racism against blacks is huge in America. Bends over backward my butt....
Yea, man. I totally agree. I mean, America is so fucking racist against black citizens, even when we get black mayors for cities like Detroit and Baltimore, they still won't help them. Heck, even our black president didn't help black citizens. Racism against blacks is just EVERYWHERE!
Help yourself. The government isn't there to help every day citizens, white or black.
...Congratulations on keeping the minimum wage at $7...
WOAH! Are people still ignorant to why this is? I honestly thought everyone was educated on why the federal minimum wage was not raised beyond $7.00. Dude, the change would devastate the poorer states in the USA.
Here's why it's so difficult for me to take the black, grievance-victim disease seriously: if you go far enough back in world history, pretty much every ethnic group on the planet has suffered a lot of shit; human history in general has usually been brutal and extremely unpleasant. So ONE DOESN'T GET special privileges because their distant ancestors suffered - fuck that, EVERYONE's ancestors have suffered in one way or another.

Fuck the black crybabies, my very WHITE Irish ancestors were brutalized/starved/slaughtered/oppressed by the English for no less than 800 years, does anyone really expect me to give a fuck about carpet-headed sniveling when this white-majority society legally bends over backwards for this race of drooling retards???
Racism against blacks is huge in America. Bends over backward my butt....
Yea, man. I totally agree. I mean, America is so fucking racist against black citizens, even when we get black mayors for cities like Detroit and Baltimore, they still won't help them. Heck, even our black president didn't help black citizens. Racism against blacks is just EVERYWHERE!
cutting services for the poor is the GOP way and of course discriminated against blacks do the worst. Sorry about reality. And the GOP is blocked everything Democrats want to do for 50 years now. All they do is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. That's why the middle class and the country are going to hell. Only the rich are doing well.

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