Do Progressives really want to improve the lives of African Americans?

In 1969 most African-Americans were struggling to emerge from 100 years of jim crow laws and a new republic party that was trying to put the brakes in the 1964 Civil Rights Law.

Are they doing better now?
No they don't care. Most liberals think of blacks as pets, they need the white liberals to help them get along. I saw this first hand and it made me sick. Maybe if they thought of them as Americans instead of blacks...
Blacks almost became Official property of democrats if trump didn’t win in 2016
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?

The most RACIST people I have ever met were leftie Tards…..
Today's Republican party has nothing in common with the GOP of 1964

So what have Progressives accomplished since then?

Dear jwoodie
The biggest movement I've seen Progressives push is
bringing LGBT issues into public policy and govt.

What is interesting to note about this movement
1. Obama's administration seems to have done more for the LGBT minority voices
than for Blacks. I don't think he could have gotten away with passing any pro-Black
legislation as he did promoting pro-LGBT legislation under his administration.
That's who seems to have benefited the most from Obama's presidency in
putting more media and political focus on minority interests otherwise not as visible or vocal.

2. The push to include LGBT (less than 4% of the population) and especially
Transgender ( about .3% of the population) opens the door for OTHER
minority groups and other "faith based beliefs" to argue for inclusion
(not just Christian beliefs, but also Constitutionalist beliefs that
are a minority political belief as well)

3. With the argument to include Christian beliefs and practices,
if LGBT beliefs and practices are going to be included in public policy,
then this opens the door to including Spiritual Healing as a practice
instead of banning variations of this as "reparative therapy."

We aren't done with the Civil Rights movement. The movement for LGBT
inclusion set a precedent for changing policies to recognize equal rights even if it means only a tiny
fraction of a percent of the population inconveniencing the majority.

That's where I believe the Christian beliefs, prolife and other beliefs previously
removed from schools and public institutions can use this as a GREEN LIGHT
to demand equal inclusion of their beliefs if LGBT beliefs are going to be endorsed and enforced by Govt.
As we can see above, most of the votes which passed the Civil Rights Act were Democrats. And this was done at the urging of a Democratic President who spent a lot of face time and telephone time pushing this legislation through.

So you can just imagine how loud I laugh every time some willfully stupid tard parrots the propaganda bullshit that civil rights "had nothing to do with Democrats...yep."

Didn't Al Gore Sr. Filibuster that bill?
Along with Robert Byrd. The one Grand fucking something of the KKK who actually got the first black president to come to his funeral and lay on the praise, suck his dead dick and pretty much chicken George for him.

That was pathetic. Not only did Byrd get a black person to sing his praises he actually got that worthless fuck to fly down there on AF1 to do it!
negroes won't vote for the Republicans who so clearly HATE them.

When all else fails...

play the Race Card.
Says the guy who started a topic about African Americans. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!


Too bad the narrative you wanted didn't work out for you. :lol:

I just read through the thread. Looks like the OP took a refrigerator out to a runway and then wonders why it won't fly.
So what have Progressives accomplished since then?


A black politician that didn't improve the lives of black citizens. What a fucking accomplishment! :thup:
Yes, blacks get to vote now without getting lynched or having their churches burned to the ground.

They are allowed to live wherever they wish, instead of being redlined into ghettos.

Need more examples, kid?

Is that the best you can do? How about examples not sponsored by Republicans?
Moving the goalposts now, eh?

You asked about "Progressives".

It was progressive Democrats and Republicans who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

153 Democrats and 136 Republicans in the House.

46 Democrats and 27 Republicans in the Senate.

All at the behest of Democratic president LBJ.


Dear jwoodie and g5000

If we look at the broader history, it looks pretty even
* claim credit for Lincoln's Emancipation of the slaves
(and now it looks like credit for MLK Jr being a registered Republican)
* and blame Southern Dixiecrats or Democrats for enforcing Jim Crow laws
and blocking Civil Rights and Voting Rights by refusing to give up poll taxes and segregation
(and the PREVIOUS Civil Rights acts got BLOCKED and filibustered by Democrats)

Setting the Record Straight on Jim Crow | National Review

Democrats claim
* "more Democrats than Republicans" voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964
(that passed after the others were defeated by Democrats)
but Republicans claim a GREATER PERCENTAGE
(the reason they were outnumbered was there were more Democrats to begin with,
so if you look at PERCENTAGES then MORE Republicans voted YES proportionally!)
* Democrats also claim the "racist Southern whites" FLED the Democratic
Party when Black leaders and interests became more prominent, and
ended up joining the REPUBLICANS and CONSERVATIVES

So maybe IM2 is right that this is more about WHITE POLITICS
causing racial discrimination. I still find the LIBERAL DEPENDENCE on GOVT
to make this problem WORSE, and the Conservative focus on INDEPENDENCE
from GOVT more liberating to people of any minority group. I understand the
Black communities need more mentorship and investment support in order
to take advantage of the "same privileges and opportunities" but this has
been THWARTED by Democrat dependence on party and govt. The groups
that have been pushing for economic equality, empowerment and liberation
are found among the INDEPENDENT progressives, Greens, and conservatives
that focus on worker cooperatives, business ownership and development,
and local community nonprofits taking charge and ownership of their own programs.
Sorry, but I don't see Democrats pushing that independence.
I'm told I'm a rare exception as a Democrat who has supported such solutions.

But when I reach out to fellow Democrats, all I get is people worrying about
elections and donating to candidates instead of investing in their own programs!
That's why the Greens and progressives I know pushing REAL solutions for
grassroots democracy and workers rights have all but given up on Democrats.
If so, what have they done which has actually accomplished this? Are African Americans any better off, relative to the population as a whole, than they were 50 years ago? Or are Progressives more concerned with feeling good about themselves?
No. If they actually improved the lives of African Americans they couldn’t use them as a political tool.
Well the left has had 60 years to get the job done and Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit are their success stories.
No they don't care. Most liberals think of blacks as pets, they need the white liberals to help them get along. I saw this first hand and it made me sick. Maybe if they thought of them as Americans instead of blacks...
Read a copy of the white privilege test one of the colleges was giving out as extra credit and tell me liberals don’t think African Americans are stupid.
There is only one thing the so-called progressives want and that is to say the exact same thing as the other so-called progressives.

By doing so, they earn all the positive feedback that arises from not having a mind of their own.
Democrats claim "more Democrats than Republicans" voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (that passed after the others were defeated by Democrats) but Republicans claim a GREATER PERCENTAGE (the reason they were outnumbered was there were more Democrats to begin with, so if you look at PERCENTAGES then MORE Republicans voted YES proportionally!)

This phony comparison using political parties as blocs in a comparison is a blatant False Dichotomy. It presumes every member of each group (party) is identical, which is ludicrous. There is no significant political comparator in CRA '64. What there is is a regional comparator. Congresscritters from the "South" (former Confederacy) voted overwhelmingly against it (regardless of party) and those from outside the South voted overwhelmingly for it, again regardless of party.

This particular False Dichotomy gets trotted out on pages like this over and over and over and continually gets shot down for the bullshit it is, yet the turdflingers continue to toss the same turd against the same wall hoping it will stick. It's dishonest and fallacious argument whose only purpose is tribaliswt bullshit propaganda.

What's hard to fathom about this mythology is not so much that gullibles believe it, but more that they keep on trotting it out here after it's shot down in flames for the fallacy it is, as if running a busted play again and again and again will somehow make it work. Kind of like that user-generated Googly Image above in post 50 where the poster seems to believe that by generating his own fake 'facts' he can literally invent reality.

* Democrats also claim the "racist Southern whites" FLED the Democratic Party when Black leaders and interests became more prominent, and ended up joining the REPUBLICANS and CONSERVATIVES

They were already conservatives. That's why they voted against it. See point one about assuming all members of a party are identical. That's a fatally flawed assumption. Always was, always will be.
I am sure there are some Progressives that want to improve the condition of Blacks, however, it is often to make THEMSELVES feel better. They also are condescending in that they think Blacks need their help and can't do t on their own. Democrat politicians just want to use the Black community for votes.
I am sure there are some Progressives that want to improve the condition of Blacks, however, it is often to make THEMSELVES feel better. They also are condescending in that they think Blacks need their help and can't do t on their own. Democrat politicians just want to use the Black community for votes.
I'm a conservative and I don't give a damn the condition of Blacks. If they want a better life they can get a job and do it themselves. No handouts by me.
This phony comparison using political parties as blocs in a comparison is a blatant False Dichotomy. It presumes every member of each group (party) is identical, which is ludicrous. There is no significant political comparator in CRA '64. What there is is a regional comparator. Congresscritters from the "South" (former Confederacy) voted overwhelmingly against it (regardless of party) and those from outside the South voted overwhelmingly for it, again regardless of party.

This particular False Dichotomy gets trotted out on pages like this over and over and over and continually gets shot down for the bullshit it is, yet the turdflingers continue to toss the same turd against the same wall hoping it will stick. It's dishonest and fallacious argument whose only purpose is tribaliswt bullshit propaganda.

What's hard to fathom about this mythology is not so much that gullibles believe it, but more that they keep on trotting it out here after it's shot down in flames for the fallacy it is, as if running a busted play again and again and again will somehow make it work. Kind of like that user-generated Googly Image above in post 50 where the poster seems to believe that by generating his own fake 'facts' he can literally invent reality.

* Democrats also claim the "racist Southern whites" FLED the Democratic Party when Black leaders and interests became more prominent, and ended up joining the REPUBLICANS and CONSERVATIVES

They were already conservatives. That's why they voted against it. See point one about assuming all members of a party are identical. That's a fatally flawed assumption. Always was, always will be.


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