Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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Keith Ellison Andre Carson both Muslin serving in Congress no one tried to ban them or prevent them from taking office.
At least not yet.
The saddest part about your response is that it is not the least bit surprising.
No, the saddest part is that Republicans want to put Roy Moore into office.

The Muted GOP Response to Roy Moore's Anti-Muslim Prejudice
No the saddest part is you thinking your ignorance and stupidity is intelligent thinking. You put up a moronic premiss about a Muslim being allowed to serve in a public office if elected seemingly unaware that there are Muslims serving in Congress right now when that is pointed out you proceed to double and triple down on the stupid, It seems likely you will take the stupid to yet another level but as my point has been made I'm going to ignore it and watch the third period of the Stars/Oilers game.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
-------------------------------------------------------------------- i don't think that they should be in public office , course their voters shouldn't have been allowed into the USA to vote for them Dean .
Their voters?

My Congressional District

The 5th District in Minnesota is nearly three quarters of a million people with the single biggest group being decedents from white Germans. And the second biggest group being white Norwegians.

This is why your kind is so sickening. Republicans will destroy this country. They truly are monsters.
Muslims should not be allowed to serve in a Judeo Christian country.

don't Muslims have enough Muslims countries to serve?
Ummm "racist " doesn't make the top ten you sally .

And I said it because it's true !

You said it to insult good people who just disagree with you.

Lying to justify your incredible rudeness is not making you look better.

No. I said it cause they are racist .

Sure, not EVERY conservative is racist . But if you are going to be the generalization police you might as well leave this forum and never come back .

Your bullshit justifications for your cowardly insults is noted and dismissed.

THe next time you meet a someone who disagrees with you on an issue in person, try calling him a racist and then explaining way that's not a personal insult.

Let me know how that works out for you, if you can still type afterwards.

You hypocrite . You generalized all liberals in this very thread .

And Yes , im a happy go lucky person . But I could fuck up a douchebag if I had too .

My complaint is not about generalization, but about false accusations of racism.

YOu are only rude online, and not in person. THat's not "happy go lucky".

Guess again what type of person who likes to be really really rude online, but is nice to people's faces?

Where is my false accusation of racism ?
Keith Ellison Andre Carson both Muslin serving in Congress no one tried to ban them or prevent them from taking office.
At least not yet.
The saddest part about your response is that it is not the least bit surprising.
No, the saddest part is that Republicans want to put Roy Moore into office.

The Muted GOP Response to Roy Moore's Anti-Muslim Prejudice
No the saddest part is you thinking your ignorance and stupidity is intelligent thinking. You put up a moronic premiss about a Muslim being allowed to serve in a public office if elected seemingly unaware that there are Muslims serving in Congress right now when that is pointed out you proceed to double and triple down on the stupid, It seems likely you will take the stupid to yet another level but as my point has been made I'm going to ignore it and watch the third period of the Stars/Oilers game.
I have no idea what you are talking about since Ellison was the very first. Or are you just pulling something out yer butt?

Muslim congressmen speak on hate in era of Donald Trump
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
Nice projection jackass
Thanks, I got it from Republican senate nominee Roy Moore.

If you are in his state, maybe you could vote for him.
I don't care.

That's his problem and your hissyfit.

Then why did you accuse "projection"? Or did I just correctly project you as an A$$ Whole?
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
Nice projection jackass
Thanks, I got it from Republican senate nominee Roy Moore.

If you are in his state, maybe you could vote for him.
I don't care.

That's his problem and your hissyfit.

Then why did you accuse "projection"? Or did I just correctly project you as an A$$ Whole?
I am an asshole. But you are a certified pussy. Got it? Good
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
-------------------------------------------------------------------- i don't think that they should be in public office , course their voters shouldn't have been allowed into the USA to vote for them Dean .
Their voters?

My Congressional District

The 5th District in Minnesota is nearly three quarters of a million people with the single biggest group being decedents from white Germans. And the second biggest group being white Norwegians.

This is why your kind is so sickening. Republicans will destroy this country. They truly are monsters.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- minnesota , buncha lefties like YOU i suppose . What cities does that 5th district contain Dean ??
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