Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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Muslim is a religion. But there's a guy that is running against Elizabeth Warren, that is an Indian, that Islam is the second largest religion in that country. But I trusted him over a fake Indian anytime...

Quran (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.
Quran (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves" against danger, meaning that there are times when a Muslim may appear friendly to non-Muslims, even though they should not feel friendly.
Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam


Shiva Ayyadurai - Wikipedia

Real Indian vs Fake Indian - Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren Takes on V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai for a Senate Seat
Islam is much more than a religion. Allow the muzz to serve but prevent it from politicizing the religion.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
Nice projection jackass
Thanks, I got it from Republican senate nominee Roy Moore.

If you are in his state, maybe you could vote for him.
I don't care.

That's his problem and your hissyfit.

Then why did you accuse "projection"? Or did I just correctly project you as an A$$ Whole?
I am an asshole. But you are a certified pussy. Got it? Good
I guess you are what you eat.

I know what you eat. You just told us.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
-------------------------------------------------------------------- i don't think that they should be in public office , course their voters shouldn't have been allowed into the USA to vote for them Dean .
Their voters?

My Congressional District

The 5th District in Minnesota is nearly three quarters of a million people with the single biggest group being decedents from white Germans. And the second biggest group being white Norwegians.

This is why your kind is so sickening. Republicans will destroy this country. They truly are monsters.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- minnesota , buncha lefties like YOU i suppose . What cities does that 5th district contain Dean ??
You have to be spoon fed everything? Why try to teach someone when it doesn't "take"?
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
So lazy. So very lazy. Sigh. You are regressing. Not good. Well, not for you anyway.

Republicans? You must be more specific these days. Start over and try again.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
So lazy. So very lazy. Sigh. You are regressing. Not good. Well, not for you anyway.

Republicans? You must be more specific these days. Start over and try again.
Read the posts. Republican is about right.
No, it is exactly right.
As long as they adhere to the laws of the USA as outlined in the Constitution and also all state and local government laws, I don't care what the religion is of my elected official.

I don't think you understand the entire basis of the existence of the United States.

This is how I feel too. Every one is equal under the law be you christian, muslim, man, women, trans, gay, etc.

Muslims don't believe Christians, women, trans or gay are equal under the law. THAT is the problem.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
So lazy. So very lazy. Sigh. You are regressing. Not good. Well, not for you anyway.

Republicans? You must be more specific these days. Start over and try again.
Read the posts. Republican is about right.
No, it is exactly right.
Republican is about right? What the hell does that mean? I'm not going to read pages of crap. Clarify for me.
I'm a Muslim and I think that MOST republicans are racists and experience here in the US and also here and this very discussion forum.

Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
Issa, thank you for this post. It made me think about some issues in a different light. You are Muslim, correct?
Muslims should not be allowed to serve in a Judeo Christian country.

don't Muslims have enough Muslims countries to serve?
The US is not a video Christian country :)...even Trump why ran for conservatives is not religious himself.
As long as they adhere to the laws of the USA as outlined in the Constitution and also all state and local government laws, I don't care what the religion is of my elected official.

I don't think you understand the entire basis of the existence of the United States.

This is how I feel too. Every one is equal under the law be you christian, muslim, man, women, trans, gay, etc.

Muslims don't believe Christians, women, trans or gay are equal under the law. THAT is the problem.
If right wingers believe the same, what's the difference?
Republicans want to do what religious extremists do in other countries. How do I know? They tell us.
Muslims should not be allowed to serve in a Judeo Christian country.

don't Muslims have enough Muslims countries to serve?
The US is not a video Christian country :)...even Trump why ran for conservatives is not religious himself.
No, but he is a role model for right wingers.
Issa, thank you for this post. It made me think about some issues in a different light. You are Muslim, correct?
Yes I'm....before I moved to the US, there was a general belief that red states are the most hostile to Muslims, and religious Americans are the least welcoming of other cultures and religions. I made sure I move to an ultra liberal city and state, cause Racism bigotry was never part of my life and I didn't wanna go through that. I have to say since 9/11 I was never discriminated against because of my religion, and i'm so thankful for that....But some friends who live in conservative cities/states weren't as fortunate.
I think is due to ignorance.....people who are less educated, didn't travel abroad, weren't exposed to other cultures do have tendencies to be afraid of the other.

Now do i think that people in those red states can be nice and genuine? Yes I do, but the brainwashing that goes on in the media and through their churches and party affiliation...It turns them against Muslims and make them paranoid about Islam.
Muslim is a religion. But there's a guy that is running against Elizabeth Warren, that is an Indian, that Islam is the second largest religion in that country. But I trusted him over a fake Indian anytime...

Quran (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.
Quran (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves" against danger, meaning that there are times when a Muslim may appear friendly to non-Muslims, even though they should not feel friendly.
Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam


Shiva Ayyadurai - Wikipedia

Real Indian vs Fake Indian - Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren Takes on V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai for a Senate Seat

Oh man....have you ever met a Muslim? there are over 7 million of us here in the US....we are just like anybody else, we can be firefighters, police, senators, surgoens, NBA players, Boxers, thieves, gang members, assholes, nice guys, you name it. stop putting a label on us.

This is our motto as Muslims "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted."
As long as they adhere to the laws of the USA as outlined in the Constitution and also all state and local government laws, I don't care what the religion is of my elected official.

I don't think you understand the entire basis of the existence of the United States.

This is how I feel too. Every one is equal under the law be you christian, muslim, man, women, trans, gay, etc.

Muslims don't believe Christians, women, trans or gay are equal under the law. THAT is the problem.

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

I have gay friends that I respect a lot...they know first hand that I don't approve of them being gay, but I respect them for who they are and I respect their sexual orientation behind closed doors. Women are the most important pillars of a Muslim society, we respect them highly, and yes they are equal against all the general belief that they are not. Things I don't see in the US or western societies, men giving their seats to women, men helping women with heavy loads, men defending women that are being harassed, ect....I'm sorry but we value our women and we respect them. If we didn't respect the people of the book (Christians, Jews) We could've easily cleansed them out when we ruled the old world, and forced them to convert or die. Which it didn't happen, in fact when the Christians started forcing Muslims and Jews to convert or die, Lot of the Jews fled to Muslim countries seeking safe refuge.
I'm a Muslim and I think that MOST republicans are racists and experience here in the US and also here and this very discussion forum.

Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.

Then you are Democrats. That's another way of saying irrelevant. "You" are just another crackpot minority if you vote on anything other than policies. So tell me; would you vote for an Islamist ahead of a Republican?

I'm a Muslim and I think that MOST republicans are racists and experience here in the US and also here and this very discussion forum.

Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.

Then you are Democrats. That's another way of saying irrelevant. "You" are just another crackpot minority if you vote on anything other than policies. So tell me; would you vote for an Islamist ahead of a Republican?

No i'm not a Democrat. Your condescending speech confirms what I said about republicans/Conservatives when it comes to Muslims. Thank you!!!
Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
You say you have a good heart and then you say you are complete shit. Oh wow, what a good heart.

I rest my case.

Just for shits and giggles, tell me what I got wrong here. Be specific:

Many, if not a majority of Republicans believe all kinds of awful things.
Women's bodies are not theirs to control.
Muslims should be banned from public office.
Racism based on Confederate values.
Deep hatred of gays.

For every one denial, I can post hate from a dozen Republicans.

It was Cruz who went to a "kill the gays" rally while running for president.

It was Trump who said there are good people on both sides, with one side being Nazi's.

I don't get it. How can Republicans continue to deny when there are so many Republicans telling us otherwise? Why bother with the denial? It's just who the GOP is.

TO call you on ONE Of your more hateful lies, Cruz did NOT go to a "kill the gays rally". THat was a lie.
You said: TO call you on ONE Of your more hateful lies, Cruz did NOT go to a "kill the gays rally". THat was a lie.

You sure about that?

Ted Cruz spoke at Christian conference where pastor called for gays to be EXECUTED

To give Cruz the tinyest bit of credit, he did say it was a mistake to attend a "kill the gays" rally.

Cruz Campaign Quietly Admits ‘It Was A Mistake’ To Attend Radical ‘Kill-The-Gays’ Conference

My problem is how can you be so fuking ignorant about someone you support? Unless, you also share those positions. If you do, you are awful, if you don't, you're a dunce. Either one is:
just pitiful.

I was ignorant of this particular claim. I was "going out on a limb" based on my faith in liberals' inability to be honest.

THis is from the ACTUAL report in the USA TODAY, that your link misquotes.

"Cruz was also introduced onstage by Pastor Kevin Swanson, who, earlier in the conference, quoted a passage of the Bible that he claimed justified the execution of homosexuals."

And that's your justification for "kill the gays conference".

One guy saying something, earlier in the conference.

Nothing about it being on the agenda, or being supported by the conference, or that Cruz was informed of it, or really anything.

If you show up on a stage where that is being preached. And you are RIGHT THERE watching it and you don't say anything against it, then you agree with it.

Funny how you lefties use that standard with republicans, but gave Obama a pass for being in Rev Wright's church for TWENTY YEARS.

Also, nothing in the article that claims that Cruz was right there watching it. Indeed, it implies the exact opposite.

Later, when you are called out on it you can't just give a half hearted answer like "maybe being there wasn't a good idea".
And you can watch that Republican conservative pastor's entire sermon on Youtube with people clapping and cheering.
So don't pretend ignorance. This is who the GOP is. Pretending it isn't is a flat out lie.
Remember Trump, talking about good people on "both sides"? With one side being Nazi's? Republicans have become the new white supremacist Nazi Party. They hate gays, hate blacks, hate Muslims. They are the party of hate.

Actions speak louder than words.

I see that you are moving on to more lies. Does that mean that you have given up defending the lie we were discussing?

All you have is lies and personal attacks. When I say you, I am generalizing for the vast majority of liberals.

Your vile lies are noted and held against you.

You are a liar, and your words have no credibility.
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