Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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Better to reserve all that stuff for the lesser races.

Nothing in my post justified your vile implication, you race baiting piece of ****.

It did but you just don't know it. Too busy playing the victim.

The other races have been dealing with this shit for centuries and here you are crying like a bitch.

So, instead of explaining what in my post supported your race baiting assholeness, you simply posted some more race baiting assholeness.

My point stands, as you have been too much a pussy to even try to refute it.

When you vile lefties falsely accuse people of being racist, you are tearing this nation apart.

You are pissing off more and more whites all the time.

And the poor minorities who believe your shit, are told over and over again that their fellow citizens are their enemies and that they need to be ready to fight them.

You don't get it even when it's explained to you. Unification requires an effort at understanding. You are obviously so entrenched in your opinions that it will never be possible. You are always the victim of race baiters.

I stated that false accusation of racism were pissing off more and more whites.

YOur response was to strongly imply that I was racist. That was you being as ass.

That's pure division. Talking about whites as a group does not justify an accusation of racism.

Entrenched in my position?

You aren't even discussing my position. All you are doing it talking shit.
YOur response was to strongly imply that I was racist. That was you being as ass.

No, I suggested your own entrenched attitudes cause you to feel divided.
I don't understand these USMB Republicans.

Either they are outright lying.


They honestly are stupid as a rock.

Which is it?

I suspect lying. But who knows?

Damaged either way.

Says the ass that called me a racist because I referred to whites as a group.

Says the ass that called me a racist because I referred to whites as a group.

This is exactly your problem right here. I at no time called you a racist. Your need to constantly be a victim drives your attitudes and perceptions.
HOw do you know?

If liberals stopped encouraging it, maybe other forces would have a chance to bring people together?

Not that we will ever find out. Cause liberals will never stop.

HOw do you know?

Tell us about the rise of BLM and the issues they bring to light.

Maybe if you liberals had not spent the last couple of generations falsely accusing your enemies of racism, whites in general would be more open to listening.

If you feel divided by black NFL players silently kneeling, that's your own disfunction.
You could stop playing the white victim anytime and instead work to understand other people's struggles so as to better unite.

When a man refuses to be part of an unifying ritual and verbally clarifies that he is doing it because he has a negative opinion of the group, that man is the one dividing the group,

not the member of the group that takes him seriously about his actions and his words.

He choose to divide, not me. He wants understanding?

He should have thought of that, before he disrespected this nation and it's citizens.

Your race baiting on this issue is noted and held against you. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

I'm not race baiting at all. It's you choosing to remain divided in your attitudes. You just explained that your victimization is more important to you than any effort at understanding. You alone choose to feel divided.

I'm discussing the refusal of professional American athletes to show the slightest sign of respect or loyalty to this nation and their fellow citizens.

They are the ones being divisive.

They are purposefully disrupting an unity ritual.

That's THEM being divisive. I and my fellow patriots are pressuring them to join US. That is the OPPOSITE of division.

YOu are personally attacking me based on your self serving assumption that my problem with the kneelers is based on their skin color.

That's race baiting.

"Put effort into understanding"?

You want understanding? Don't open with disrespect and an insult.
I'm discussing the refusal of professional American athletes to show the slightest sign of respect or loyalty to this nation and their fellow citizens

I'm discussing your refusal to show the slightest sign of respect for these protesters by simply trying to understand their position. Instead, you prefer the warmth and security of your outraged victim blanket.

YOu are personally attacking me based on your self serving assumption that my problem with the kneelers is based on their skin color.

I'm not personally attacking you, Mr. Victim. I'm pointing to your own attitudes that cause your problems.

1. I understand their position. It has been extensively discussed on this site way before I ever heard of Kaerpernick.

2. You repeatedly called me a racist. That's you personally attacking me, with a very serious insult. YOur denial of this is just you being a liar.
Tell us about the rise of BLM and the issues they bring to light.

Maybe if you liberals had not spent the last couple of generations falsely accusing your enemies of racism, whites in general would be more open to listening.

If you feel divided by black NFL players silently kneeling, that's your own disfunction.
You could stop playing the white victim anytime and instead work to understand other people's struggles so as to better unite.

When a man refuses to be part of an unifying ritual and verbally clarifies that he is doing it because he has a negative opinion of the group, that man is the one dividing the group,

not the member of the group that takes him seriously about his actions and his words.

He choose to divide, not me. He wants understanding?

He should have thought of that, before he disrespected this nation and it's citizens.

Your race baiting on this issue is noted and held against you. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

I'm not race baiting at all. It's you choosing to remain divided in your attitudes. You just explained that your victimization is more important to you than any effort at understanding. You alone choose to feel divided.

I'm discussing the refusal of professional American athletes to show the slightest sign of respect or loyalty to this nation and their fellow citizens.

They are the ones being divisive.

They are purposefully disrupting an unity ritual.

That's THEM being divisive. I and my fellow patriots are pressuring them to join US. That is the OPPOSITE of division.

YOu are personally attacking me based on your self serving assumption that my problem with the kneelers is based on their skin color.

That's race baiting.

"Put effort into understanding"?

You want understanding? Don't open with disrespect and an insult.
I'm discussing the refusal of professional American athletes to show the slightest sign of respect or loyalty to this nation and their fellow citizens

I'm discussing your refusal to show the slightest sign of respect for these protesters by simply trying to understand their position. Instead, you prefer the warmth and security of your outraged victim blanket.

YOu are personally attacking me based on your self serving assumption that my problem with the kneelers is based on their skin color.

I'm not personally attacking you, Mr. Victim. I'm pointing to your own attitudes that cause your problems.

1. I understand their position. It has been extensively discussed on this site way before I ever heard of Kaerpernick.

2. You repeatedly called me a racist. That's you personally attacking me, with a very serious insult. YOur denial of this is just you being a liar.
You repeatedly called me a racist

I didn't you freak.
Nothing in my post justified your vile implication, you race baiting piece of ****.

It did but you just don't know it. Too busy playing the victim.

The other races have been dealing with this shit for centuries and here you are crying like a bitch.

So, instead of explaining what in my post supported your race baiting assholeness, you simply posted some more race baiting assholeness.

My point stands, as you have been too much a pussy to even try to refute it.

When you vile lefties falsely accuse people of being racist, you are tearing this nation apart.

You are pissing off more and more whites all the time.

And the poor minorities who believe your shit, are told over and over again that their fellow citizens are their enemies and that they need to be ready to fight them.

You don't get it even when it's explained to you. Unification requires an effort at understanding. You are obviously so entrenched in your opinions that it will never be possible. You are always the victim of race baiters.

I stated that false accusation of racism were pissing off more and more whites.

YOur response was to strongly imply that I was racist. That was you being as ass.

That's pure division. Talking about whites as a group does not justify an accusation of racism.

Entrenched in my position?

You aren't even discussing my position. All you are doing it talking shit.
YOur response was to strongly imply that I was racist. That was you being as ass.

No, I suggested your own entrenched attitudes cause you to feel divided.

In your response you referred to non -whites as "lesser races".

In context, I assumed that you were implying that that was MY view.

If, at this point, you want claim that as YOUR OWN VIEW, then I will admit that I was wrong.

Otherwise, you did indeed call me a racist without cause, demonstrating yourself to be a race baiting piece of shit.
What do you think ? They only want white Christian Men to be in office .
A quick internet search would prove what a fucking stupid comment that is. I won't waste my time posting the many people who proves you wrong but I will point out an obvious one. Mia Love won her district which is almost 84% white. In conclusion you are full of shit.
I don't understand these USMB Republicans.

Either they are outright lying.


They honestly are stupid as a rock.

Which is it?

I suspect lying. But who knows?

Damaged either way.

Says the ass that called me a racist because I referred to whites as a group.

Says the ass that called me a racist because I referred to whites as a group.

This is exactly your problem right here. I at no time called you a racist. Your need to constantly be a victim drives your attitudes and perceptions.

I referenced whites as a group, and you responded by implying that I viewed non-whites as "lesser races".

Unless you were actually sharing your own view?

Otherwise, you called me a racist without any justification.
Why do lefties insist on classifying everyone by their ethnicity? Notice the post doesn't include the word "citizen".
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

The tenets of Islam make it incapable to coexist, respect and assimilate into western society. Islam demands the Koran above all other doctrines and Sharia Law is the law of the land. Both are fundamentally opposite of a free, open, tolerate, civilize Democratic society.

Look how they are tearing apart Europe. Of course short-sighted liberals want the same over here.

I don’t think Muslims should be able to even live in this country. Send them all back.

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If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

The tenets of Islam make it incapable to coexist, respect and assimilate into western society. Islam demands the Koran above all other doctrines and Sharia Law is the law of the land. Both are fundamentally opposite of a free, open, tolerate, civilize Democratic society.

Look how they are tearing apart Europe. Of course short-sighted liberals want the same over here.

I don’t think Muslims should be able to even live in this country. Send them all back.

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Muslims hold key to fighting terror | Toronto Star

Muslim – Christian Cooperation and Unity | WELCOME TO CAREFRONTING – NIGERIA

Christian Muslim Council - Scriptures in Dialogue
Who gets nominated and/or elected Senator from a state reflects the views of those who voted for him.
Not necessarily. Most people do not get involved in the selection of who will be ran as Senate candidates. Generally it is a few in whichever Party making those decisions.
Issa, thank you for this post. It made me think about some issues in a different light. You are Muslim, correct?
Yes I'm....before I moved to the US, there was a general belief that red states are the most hostile to Muslims, and religious Americans are the least welcoming of other cultures and religions. I made sure I move to an ultra liberal city and state, cause Racism bigotry was never part of my life and I didn't wanna go through that. I have to say since 9/11 I was never discriminated against because of my religion, and i'm so thankful for that....But some friends who live in conservative cities/states weren't as fortunate.
I think is due to ignorance.....people who are less educated, didn't travel abroad, weren't exposed to other cultures do have tendencies to be afraid of the other.

Now do i think that people in those red states can be nice and genuine? Yes I do, but the brainwashing that goes on in the media and through their churches and party affiliation...It turns them against Muslims and make them paranoid about Islam.

So, you were pre-disposed to dislike conservatives before you even moved here.

Once here you are surrounded by people who are enemies of conservatives to keep feeding you the same.
So what part of we know who doesn't like us part you didn't understand?
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

The tenets of Islam make it incapable to coexist, respect and assimilate into western society. Islam demands the Koran above all other doctrines and Sharia Law is the law of the land. Both are fundamentally opposite of a free, open, tolerate, civilize Democratic society.

Look how they are tearing apart Europe. Of course short-sighted liberals want the same over here.

I don’t think Muslims should be able to even live in this country. Send them all back.

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All monotheistic, authoritarian religions harbor those who think that their holy book should take precedent over civil law. By you logic, no Christians should be in government either because there are some who believe that the bible should be the supreme law of the land and- unlike Muslims -are in fact working to make this a theocracy

Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government
Issa, thank you for this post. It made me think about some issues in a different light. You are Muslim, correct?
Yes I'm....before I moved to the US, there was a general belief that red states are the most hostile to Muslims, and religious Americans are the least welcoming of other cultures and religions. I made sure I move to an ultra liberal city and state, cause Racism bigotry was never part of my life and I didn't wanna go through that. I have to say since 9/11 I was never discriminated against because of my religion, and i'm so thankful for that....But some friends who live in conservative cities/states weren't as fortunate.
I think is due to ignorance.....people who are less educated, didn't travel abroad, weren't exposed to other cultures do have tendencies to be afraid of the other.

Now do i think that people in those red states can be nice and genuine? Yes I do, but the brainwashing that goes on in the media and through their churches and party affiliation...It turns them against Muslims and make them paranoid about Islam.

So, you were pre-disposed to dislike conservatives before you even moved here.

Once here you are surrounded by people who are enemies of conservatives to keep feeding you the same.
So what part of we know who doesn't like us part you didn't understand?

Oh, I understand perfectly.

YOu look at people that disagree with you, or haven an political issue with you,

and you come to the conclusion there is something wrong with them.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

The tenets of Islam make it incapable to coexist, respect and assimilate into western society. Islam demands the Koran above all other doctrines and Sharia Law is the law of the land. Both are fundamentally opposite of a free, open, tolerate, civilize Democratic society.

Look how they are tearing apart Europe. Of course short-sighted liberals want the same over here.

I don’t think Muslims should be able to even live in this country. Send them all back.

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All monotheistic, authoritarian religions harbor those who think that their holy book should take precedent over civil law. By you logic, no Christians should be in government either because there are some who believe that the bible should be the supreme law of the land and- unlike Muslims -are in fact working to make this a theocracy

Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government
I see someone thinks that this is funny! Real fucking funny!! Let's see you prove that this is not real.
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