Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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Issa, thank you for this post. It made me think about some issues in a different light. You are Muslim, correct?
Yes I'm....before I moved to the US, there was a general belief that red states are the most hostile to Muslims, and religious Americans are the least welcoming of other cultures and religions. I made sure I move to an ultra liberal city and state, cause Racism bigotry was never part of my life and I didn't wanna go through that. I have to say since 9/11 I was never discriminated against because of my religion, and i'm so thankful for that....But some friends who live in conservative cities/states weren't as fortunate.
I think is due to ignorance.....people who are less educated, didn't travel abroad, weren't exposed to other cultures do have tendencies to be afraid of the other.

Now do i think that people in those red states can be nice and genuine? Yes I do, but the brainwashing that goes on in the media and through their churches and party affiliation...It turns them against Muslims and make them paranoid about Islam.

So, you were pre-disposed to dislike conservatives before you even moved here.

Once here you are surrounded by people who are enemies of conservatives to keep feeding you the same.
So what part of we know who doesn't like us part you didn't understand?

Oh, I understand perfectly.

YOu look at people that disagree with you, or haven an political issue with you,

and you come to the conclusion there is something wrong with them.

If politically means that they show anti sentiments towards me being Muslim, well heck yes they are wrong.

Two thirds of Trump backers think that Obama is a being a Muslim is a real bad thing according to most of them. I say fuck them, GOP chose to be the party of anti minorities, gloves on!!!
What do you think ? They only want white Christian Men to be in office .

You are a race baiting asshole.
Roy Moore, in His Own Words

John Cornyn betrays himself and his party with embrace of Roy Moore | Donald Trump | Dallas News

It would never occur to me to ask that question until I read Roy Moore, GOP Senate Candidate believes gays should be imprisoned and Muslims should not be allowed to hold public office.

So don't be an ignorant swine. Learn what your party stands for dunce.

One guy says something and it changes your whole world view?>


What a load of crap.

YOu are a liar.'

Are you supporting the Race baiting asshole's post?

Making yourself a Race Baiting asshole yourself?
dean is a race baiter have seen his posts before...
You are a race baiting asshole.
Roy Moore, in His Own Words

John Cornyn betrays himself and his party with embrace of Roy Moore | Donald Trump | Dallas News

It would never occur to me to ask that question until I read Roy Moore, GOP Senate Candidate believes gays should be imprisoned and Muslims should not be allowed to hold public office.

So don't be an ignorant swine. Learn what your party stands for dunce.

One guy says something and it changes your whole world view?>


What a load of crap.

YOu are a liar.'

Are you supporting the Race baiting asshole's post?

Making yourself a Race Baiting asshole yourself?
One guy....running for Senator and may very well win.

When is the last time some Senator changed your world view?
Who gets nominated and/or elected Senator from a state reflects the views of those who voted for him.
i dont believe that,not today anyway....there are way to many people who just vote for their precious little party.....many voters today could not tell you about the one they voted for or about the propositions they voted on....lots of people today could not find the USA on a globe....
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

What do you think?
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
-------------------------------------------------------------------- i don't think that they should be in public office , course their voters shouldn't have been allowed into the USA to vote for them Dean .
Their voters?

My Congressional District

The 5th District in Minnesota is nearly three quarters of a million people with the single biggest group being decedents from white Germans. And the second biggest group being white Norwegians.

This is why your kind is so sickening. Republicans will destroy this country. They truly are monsters.
Republicans will destroy this country.
the far right yes....but you far lefties are just as are both monsters....
Muslims should not be allowed to serve in a Judeo Christian country.

don't Muslims have enough Muslims countries to serve?
What about atheists?
only if they take the oath of office...

with their hand on the Bible
if you are ok with them taking office,why would you want them to swear loyalty on a book they dont believe in?....just asking....

I was making a joke
I'm a Muslim and I think that MOST republicans are racists and experience here in the US and also here and this very discussion forum.

Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....
'islam' is a threat to YOUNGER next generation Americans and other Westerners . ---- ---
I'm a Muslim and I think that MOST republicans are racists and experience here in the US and also here and this very discussion forum.

Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....

Golly Gee, what is there to be wary of?
I'm a Muslim and I think that MOST republicans are racists and experience here in the US and also here and this very discussion forum.

Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....
Muslims should not be allowed to serve in a Judeo Christian country.

don't Muslims have enough Muslims countries to serve?
What about atheists?
only if they take the oath of office...

with their hand on the Bible
if you are ok with them taking office,why would you want them to swear loyalty on a book they dont believe in?....just asking....

I was making a joke
oh....well dont quit your day job....
Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....

Golly Gee, what is there to be wary of?
you are exactly what kind democrat im talking in public its "muslims?...whats wrong with em".....when none are around you have the same thoughts as many others....i worked for 33 years around some pretty far left lefties votto,you might fool many of your fellow lefties,but i know go golly gee with those you can fool....
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....

Golly Gee, what is there to be wary of?
you are exactly what kind democrat im talking in public its "muslims?...whats wrong with em".....when none are around you have the same thoughts as many others....i worked for 33 years around some pretty far left lefties votto,you might fool many of your fellow lefties,but i know go golly gee with those you can fool....

Well, I reckon I fooled you cuz I'm no lefty.
Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....
Muslims should not be allowed to serve in a Judeo Christian country.

don't Muslims have enough Muslims countries to serve?
What about atheists?
only if they take the oath of office...

with their hand on the Bible
if you are ok with them taking office,why would you want them to swear loyalty on a book they dont believe in?....just asking....

I was making a joke
oh....well dont quit your day job....

My day job is sitting around all day watching tv and reading message boards
1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....

Golly Gee, what is there to be wary of?
you are exactly what kind democrat im talking in public its "muslims?...whats wrong with em".....when none are around you have the same thoughts as many others....i worked for 33 years around some pretty far left lefties votto,you might fool many of your fellow lefties,but i know go golly gee with those you can fool....

Well, I reckon I fooled you cuz I'm no lefty.
well a righty would not have asked that i had to assume....sorry....
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