Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....
Of course....but conservatives are a lot worse , it's everywhere in the world the right is the least tolerant to other cultures and religions. That's why most minorities vote for the left although those very same minorities are in general conservative.
the far left is just as intolerant to other cultures and religions as the far right is...
Not true. Far right chose it's path to racism and anti minorities , immigrants, Muslims, Jews, ect...i don't even know why you arguing about this. In this very forum the conservatives confirms my point on daily basis.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....
Of course....but conservatives are a lot worse , it's everywhere in the world the right is the least tolerant to other cultures and religions. That's why most minorities vote for the left although those very same minorities are in general conservative.
the far left is just as intolerant to other cultures and religions as the far right is...
Baseless Bovine Excrement.
the far left and right? bet they are....
You want to see what intolerance looks like??......

Gordon Klingenschmitt: Christians Must Run For Office So The Church Can ‘Take Over The Government’ | Right Wing Watch

In 2014, Religious Right activist Gordon Klingenschmitt was elected to a seat in the Colorado House of Representatives, despite his long history of extremist views and outrageous statements. Even though his term in office was repeatedly marked by controversy, Klingenschmitt decided to run for a seat in the state senate in 2016, only to lose the Republican primary, bringing his short political career to an end.

Despite his rather ignominious record, Klingenschmitt has now written a book entitled “How To Liberate The World in 30 Days: A Step-by-Step Guide to Take Back Your Country,” which he claims will teach conservative Christian how to get more involved in politics in order to save America.

So, your poster boy for Christian intolerance is a guy who managed to hold a seat in a State House for one term.

That's the worst/best example you can come up with?

That does not sound like a strong political force.
1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....
Of course....but conservatives are a lot worse , it's everywhere in the world the right is the least tolerant to other cultures and religions. That's why most minorities vote for the left although those very same minorities are in general conservative.
the far left is just as intolerant to other cultures and religions as the far right is...
Not true. Far right chose it's path to racism and anti minorities , immigrants, Muslims, Jews, ect...i don't even know why you arguing about this. In this very forum the conservatives confirms my point on daily basis. this very forum the far lefties confirm my point on a daily just dont want to see it because you have bias against anything on the right and you eat up the shit the left feeds you....unlike you i can see the intolerance on both sides.....the people on both sides more towards the middle can actually get along and actually work together,the people on the far left and right hate or dislike ANYONE who doesnt like what they like or agree with their bullshit....
1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....
Of course....but conservatives are a lot worse , it's everywhere in the world the right is the least tolerant to other cultures and religions. That's why most minorities vote for the left although those very same minorities are in general conservative.
the far left is just as intolerant to other cultures and religions as the far right is...
Not true. Far right chose it's path to racism and anti minorities , immigrants, Muslims, Jews, ect...i don't even know why you arguing about this. In this very forum the conservatives confirms my point on daily basis.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- no one minds Jews or Israelis , they are pretty much normal people compared to you muslims Issa .
And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.
then you are being naive if you dont think a lot of democrats are wary of muslims too...oh sure they will tell you to your face they are with you,its when you are not there that the real feelings come out....
Of course....but conservatives are a lot worse , it's everywhere in the world the right is the least tolerant to other cultures and religions. That's why most minorities vote for the left although those very same minorities are in general conservative.
the far left is just as intolerant to other cultures and religions as the far right is...
Not true. Far right chose it's path to racism and anti minorities , immigrants, Muslims, Jews, ect...i don't even know why you arguing about this. In this very forum the conservatives confirms my point on daily basis.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- no one minds Jews or Israelis , they are pretty much normal people compared to you muslims Issa .
you just gave him an example of what he was saying....
And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
unintentional but hey , its my opinion Harry , Jews and Israelis are normal people compared to muslims . See what Jews and Israelis built with their own hands in Israel and 'arab' muslims' best not mess with them . Minorities also mentioned by Issa so i say that third world minorities add no value and bring lots of problems to the USA and the West but add no value Harry .
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And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
Muslims slammed planes into the twin towers. Republicans aren't saint's. True. But republicans don't legitimize putting C-4 vests and harming innocent people as a hedge to get into heaven, either. Muslims? republicans never did that, Muslims, do it all the time.
and like i say in one of my earlier posts . Foreign or inferior peoples in the USA and the West is pretty much a problem for younger millenial , genx their kids , grandkids and themselves . I say that they will get what they deserve Harry .
and maybe third world doktors are needed to administer inferior third world 'obamacare' , I have heard that highly paid excellent 'first world' Doctors are retiring because of obamacare or other government managed healthcare . I assume that first world Doctors won't work for peanuts like third world doktors will Harry .
And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
------------------------------------------------------- yeah , its ok with me if Issa knows that i don't like him or his people because of 'islam' , shariah law and its vicious violent ways . Plus hey , good doktor or not these muslims don't hold Western or American values Harry .--- ---
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And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
---------------------------------------------------------- if he is so good then why isn't he working out of an office in his third world country . Ya know , there were reasons that before the dems redid immigration in , think it was 1965 or 66 that old wise normal American Legislators kept third worlders from being imported into the USA Harry .
And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
------------------------------------------------- one of the BEST in the country , feck him and lets grow some of our own Harry .
do muslims even acknowledge and go by the Western idea of the Hippocratic Oath ??
And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
------------------------------------------------------- yeah , its ok with me if Issa knows that i don't like him or his people because of 'islam' , shariah law and its vicious violent ways . Plus hey , good doktor or not these muslims don't hold Western or American values Harry .--- ---

you were talking about minorities and third worlders.....not muslims,make up your mind....
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